This study uses the quantitative approach to
test the impact of creative accounting practices on
the credibility of financial reports in Jordanian
commercial banks. This is due to their exceptional
benefits for the descriptive designs, which need no
tests and aim to characterize reality and test the
thesis. Research from, [70], clarifies that the
quantitative approach is an investigation procedure
of comprehension that depends on the method of
inquiry tradition, which investigates problems,
allows composite building, overall picture, word
analyzing, announcing detailed informants'
opinions, and managing the research in natural
Among the parts of the quantitative approach is
a survey, which is applied to start incidents or
spreading of a specific situation. Also, the survey
method is often used to gather behavior and attitude
data. According to, [71], states that a classical
experimental design questionnaire is the perfect
choice for some issues whose participants are
randomly distributed to a group of dominant or a
group of intervention.
At first, the researchers should be sure that the
information will be gathered in a standard form by
making a questionnaire that carefully gives directed
and planned questions, [72], that include short and
obvious questions. This chapter is followed by a
survey which was managed to be distributed as a
survey. The pattern of the survey is as follows: the
1st part contained the form to be filled with the
demographic data of participants (age, gender,
experience, specialization, and degree). The other
parts contained scale questions that aimed to seize
the variables, dependent variable, and independent
variables of every subdivision of the survey
creative accounting practices in the statement of
financial position, creative accounting practices in
the statement of income, creative accounting
practices in the statement of cash flow, and
credibility of financial reports.
The survey designed the questions to make sure
the participants understand the statements. In
addition, the survey confirms the easy
comprehension and obviousness of all parts of the
survey. The survey was also previously tested by
the academic's supervisor and was improved
depending on the supervisor's recommendations.
The survey questions were improved
depending on the available measurements and
scales from the present literature. The 5-Likert
scale was utilized to seize the items with a range of
five points: 5= strongly agree, 4- agree, 3= neutral,
2= disagree & 1= strongly disagree. This scale
assists the respondents in choosing particular
answers. The research structure presented contains
four variables, where the first variable creative
accounting practices in the statement of financial
position is from 5 questions formulated by relying
on the following studies, [1], [10], [67], [69],
whereas the second variable [creative accounting
practices in the statement of income] contained,
[5], questions that were formulated based on the
following studies, [1], [8], [10], [68], as for the
third variable [creative accounting practices in the
statement of cash flow], it contains, [5], questions
that were formulated based on the following
studies, [1], [3], [7], [44], finally, as the credibility
of financial reports, it contains, [5] questions that
were formulated by drawing on the following
studies, [8], [10], [69].
According to, [73], the research quality is
highly affected by the method of selecting the
sampling method. The selected sample in this study
is the random sample to fulfill the schedule that
acknowledged the impact of creative accounting
practices on the credibility of financial reports, and
this subject was not studied before, mainly in
Jordanian commercial banks. So, the study sample
included senior and mid-managers and employees
in commercial banks in Jordan, males and females
with various academic and educational levels
[doctorate, master, Bachelor, and diploma].
According to, [71], says that deciding the study
sample size is a crucial step in characterizing any
statistical study. Also, [73], say that the size of the
sample selected should represent the targeted
people. The significance of the size of the study
sample and determining it was negotiated by, [71],
by stating that the size of the sample is a critical
element that affects the error margin.
The researchers got experimental information
from the sample respondents by testing the tool of
the study sample. Research from, [74], attempted to
evaluate the rate of the population; the sample
containing 100 participants gave an error margin of
less than 10%. The sample, which includes 500
participants, gives an error margin of less than
4.5%. The sample, which includes 1000
participants, gives an error margin of less than 3%.
The sample size should be more than three times
the total number of questions; if the survey has 20
questions, it should be distributed to senior and
mid-managers and employees in commercial banks
in Jordan. The survey included 80 participants,
retrieved 56 questionnaires by the participants in
the survey, while, 5 were disregarded since they
were answered carelessly, and, 51 questionnaires of
them were correctly filled. The procedure of
gathering information started on 13/04/2020 and
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2023.11.36
Abeer Al-Khoury, Husni Al- Shattarat,
Rasha Alghazzawi, Hossam Haddad