The Internet of Things (IoT) is being used to Control the
Implementation of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WaSH) Practices
during the COVID-19 Era in Indonesia
Faculty of Public Health,
Halu Oleo University,
Jl.H.E.Mokodompit Anduonohu,
Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi Province,
*Corresponding Author
Abstract: - This research aims to identify the relationship between duration, content type, perception, and
interest in the use of social media platforms Instagram and YouTube by millennials regarding WaSH practices
during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. This study adopts a
quantitative approach using a cross-sectional research method. The sampling method is probability sampling
with a proportional stratified random sampling technique. The population in this study consisted of 936.963
individuals, and a sample size of 384 individuals was taken. The research findings indicate a significant
relationship between duration, content type, perception, and interest in the use of social media platforms
Instagram and YouTube towards WaSH practices, with respective p-values of 0.000 < 0.05 for each variable.
The utilization of Instagram and YouTube by millennials is a compelling effort that can be utilized as an
educational means to enhance information regarding WaSH practices. The wise attitude and millennials'
awareness of filtering beneficial content from social media and implementing WaSH practices daily are crucial
steps in preventing COVID-19.
Key-Words: - Internet of Things, COVID-19, Social Media, Humans, Indonesia
Received: September 13, 2022. Revised: August 5, 2023. Accepted: September 7, 2023. Published: September 25, 2023.
1 Introduction
In the era of COVID-19, Internet of Things (IoT)
research has revealed a connection between social
media usage and the implementation of Water,
Sanitation, and Hygiene (WaSH) practices, [1], [2].
Through IoT, information related to WaSH can be
rapidly disseminated through social media platforms
such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. This
enables social media users to obtain up-to-date
information about the WaSH practices necessary to
combat the spread of the COVID-19 virus, [3], [4],
[5]. Furthermore, IoT also enables real-time data
collection related to monitoring and managing
water, sanitation, and hygiene systems, [6], [7].
With IoT, connected sensor devices can gather
information such as water quality, sanitation
cleanliness levels, and compliance with hygiene
practices. This data can be analyzed and used to
enhance understanding of effective WaSH practices
and identify areas that require improvement.
The use of social media can also influence
individuals' behavior regarding WaSH practices.
Social media can serve as a platform for campaigns
and health surveys, [8]. Through educational
campaigns and awareness initiatives conducted via
social media platforms, information about the
importance of handwashing, maintaining sanitation,
cleanliness, and preserving environmental hygiene
can reach a larger audience. This can encourage the
public to consistently implement WaSH practices,
safeguard their health, and prevent the spread of
The importance of clean water and sanitation
has become a significant concern, particularly for
the United Nations International Children's Fund
(UNICEF). UNICEF's efforts to address sanitation
issues worldwide are focused on the Water,
Sanitation, Hygiene (WASH) program. WASH is a
program initiated by various international
institutions in response to environmental conditions
and public health. One of the pressing challenges
today is the lack of access to clean water, sanitation,
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2023.11.34
Ramadhan Tosepu,
Sitti Zahra Aulia Nazar, Nani Yuniar
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 11, 2023
and hygiene, [9], [10], [11]. The implementation of
the WASH program is based on the 6th point of the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are
clean water and sanitation, [12]. In the latest
records, it is a fact that 2.5 billion people lack
adequate access to sanitation, 748 million people
lack sufficient access to safe drinking water sources,
1 billion people still practice open defecation, and
approximately 34% of primary schools, and 25% of
rural health centers lack proper sanitation facilities.
Furthermore, many countries need to report
adequate sanitation access in schools, public
facilities, or healthcare facilities, [9], [13], [14],
Hand hygiene is one of the crucial components
in WaSH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) practices
during the COVID-19 pandemic. The necessary
steps include practicing proper cough and sneeze
etiquette, maintaining physical distancing, and
wearing masks. These efforts are essential in
preventing the spread of COVID-19, especially
amid the current pandemic. Proper implementation
of WaSH practices plays a crucial role in breaking
the chain of transmission of infectious diseases,
including COVID-19. Conversely, if WaSH
practices are not carried out correctly, the risk of
spreading contagious diseases can increase and have
severe consequences, [16], [17], [18].
The COVID-19 cases in Indonesia started on
March 6, 2020, when the Indonesian government
confirmed positive COVID-19 cases among
Indonesian citizens. The incident began when a
Japanese citizen, who had traveled from Malaysia,
visited Indonesia and participated in a dance event
at Paloma Club on February 14, 2020, along with
Indonesian citizens. Upon learning about this, the
Indonesian government immediately took action by
isolating the citizens involved in the event. This was
followed by the implementation of new policies
during the pandemic, such as Large-Scale Social
Restrictions (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar,
PSBB) and Work From Home (WFH)
arrangements, [19], [20], [21].
There has been a significant increase in internet
usage during the pandemic, with an increase of up to
40%. This phenomenon is evident in several internet
service providers such as Indihome, Biznet, and
mobile network operators like Telkomsel, Indosat,
Smartfren, and others. As a result, internet usage has
a noticeable difference compared to previous years,
[22]. According to data from the Association of
Indonesian Internet Service Providers in 2019,
internet users in Indonesia in 2018 reached
approximately 64.8% of the total population, around
171.17 million people. The estimated population of
Indonesia at that time was approximately 264.16
million people. The percentage of internet usage in
specific regions was as follows: 21.6% in Sumatra,
55.7% in Java, 6.6% in Kalimantan, 5.2% in Bali,
and Nusa Tenggara, and 10.9% in Sulawesi,
Maluku, and Papua. There was an increase of
approximately 10.12% in internet users in 2017,
[22]. Based on the data the Association of
Indonesian Internet Service Providers revealed in
2018, the number of Internet users in Indonesia
reached 171.17 million. Most of these users are
millennials, young individuals between 19 and 34.
Within this age range, the student population is the
largest. The millennial generation consists of
individuals born in the early 2000s, [23].
Young age groups, including millennials, are
also affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Although
all age groups have an equal risk of contracting
COVID-19, young age groups tend to be more
likely to be exposed to the virus with mild or
asymptomatic symptoms. This is because of the
relatively more robust immune systems within this
demographic. Indeed, it is essential to note that
millennials make up a significant portion of the
population and often maintain high levels of
mobility, even during the pandemic. This can
increase the risk of spreading the SARS-CoV-2
coronavirus. In the era of COVID-19, humans
cannot carry out activities freely. With government
policies that limit human activity, there has been an
increase in the use of social media. This is an
excellent opportunity to provide health education to
the public, especially regarding Water, Sanitation,
and Hygiene. Therefore, millennials must continue
adhering to health protocols, such as wearing masks,
practicing physical distancing, regular handwashing,
and reducing unnecessary social interactions, to
minimize the virus's spread, [24]. The study aimed
to analyze the correlation between The Internet of
Things (IoT) being used to control the
implementation of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene
(WaSH) practices during the COVID-19 era in
2 Methodology
This study employed a quantitative research design
with a cross-sectional approach conducted in the
Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The sample
size in this study was 384 individuals selected from
17 regencies/cities in the Southeast Sulawesi
Province. The determination of the sample size used
the Lemeshow method. The selection was made
using probability sampling with a proportional
stratified random sampling technique. The inclusion
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2023.11.34
Ramadhan Tosepu,
Sitti Zahra Aulia Nazar, Nani Yuniar
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 11, 2023
criteria for respondents were as follows: being a
resident of Southeast Sulawesi with an address
matching their ID card, born between 1980-2000,
and having Instagram and YouTube social media
accounts. The exclusion criteria were as follows: not
a resident of Southeast Sulawesi, unwilling to
participate as a respondent, birth year outside the
range of 1980-2000, and not having Instagram and
YouTube social media accounts.
The independent variables in this study were
duration, content type, perception, and interest in
using Instagram and YouTube social media
platforms. The dependent variable was the
implementation of WaSH (Water, Sanitation,
Hygiene) practices. The questionnaire for this
research was distributed to respondents online using
the Google Form application. The obtained data
were processed using a laptop and presented in
frequency distribution tables accompanied by
narratives. Data analysis was conducted using the
chi-square test with a confidence level of 95%. The
testing criterion used was if the p-value ≥ 0.05.
The study obtained ethical approval from the
Research Ethics Committee of the Indonesian Public
Health Association (IPHA) under approval number
118/KEPK-IAKMI/V/2020. Before gathering data,
the researchers explained the study's objectives and
procedures to the participants. It was emphasized
that participation in the study was voluntary,
allowing participants to withdraw without facing
any consequences. The researchers ensured that
informed consent was obtained from each
participant. Additionally, the researchers assured the
participants that their data would be treated
confidentially and published anonymously.
3 Results
In this study, the respondents included millennials
(born between 1980-2000) in the Southeast
Sulawesi Province, with 384 individuals. The
questionnaire was distributed using Google Forms.
Out of this total, there were 154 respondents
(40.1%) who were male, and 230 respondents
(59.9%) who were female. Most respondents were
in the age range of 20-24 years, comprising 345
respondents (89.84%). Meanwhile, a significant
portion of the respondents had completed their
education at the high school level, with 296
respondents (77.08%), Table 1.
Table 1. Characteristics of the Millennial
Generation in Southeast Sulawesi Province. n=345
Age (years)
Elementary school
Junior high school
Senior high school
Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
Doctoral Degree
Based on Table 2, there were 384 respondents
included in the study. Most of them, 369 individuals
(96.1%), were categorized as having exemplary
implementation of WaSH practices. Regarding the
duration of accessing WaSH-related information
through Instagram and YouTube platforms, most
respondents (284 individuals or 74.0%) had short
access durations. Furthermore, a significant number
of respondents (179 individuals or 46.6%) chose to
access audiovisual content to obtain information
about WaSH through Instagram and YouTube.
Regarding the respondents' perceptions and
interests, the majority (345 individuals or 89.8%)
showed a high level of interest, and 360 individuals
(93.8%) expressed a high level of interest in WaSH
Table 2. Analysis of Research Variables, n=345
Based on Table 3, the results of the Chi-square
statistical test indicate a significant relationship
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2023.11.34
Ramadhan Tosepu,
Sitti Zahra Aulia Nazar, Nani Yuniar
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 11, 2023
between the implementation of WaSH practices and
the variables of duration (p-value = 0.000), content
type (p-value = 0.000), perception (p-value =
0.000), and interest (p-value = 0.000). These results
indicate that these variables significantly influence
the implementation of WaSH practices.
Table 3. Analysis of the correlation between
research variables, n=345
WaSH Practices
n (%)
P value
Duration of Time
Long duration
Short duration
34 (8.9)
281 (73.2)
54 (14.1)
1 (0.3)
3 (0.8)
11 (2.9)
Type of Content
177 (46.1)
169 (44.0)
23 (6.0)
2 (0.5)
3 (0.8)
10 (2.6)
342 (89.1)
27 (7.0)
3 (0.8)
12 (3.1)
High interest
Low interest
353 (91.9)
16 (4.2)
7 (1.8)
8 (2.1)
The results of the analysis show that there is a
significant relationship between the implementation
of WaSH practices and the duration variable. The P-
value obtained is 0.000, indicating that this
relationship cannot occur by chance. These results
suggest a real impact of the implementation of
WaSH practices on the observed duration variable.
These findings have important implications for
public health and sustainable development. Better
adoption of WaSH practices can contribute to
increases in relevant durations, such as the duration
of exposure to conditions associated with poor water
and sanitation. These implications can also lead to a
reduction in the risk of water and sanitation-related
diseases and an increase in the overall quality of
In data analysis, the p-value was used to
measure the statistical significance of the
relationship between the independent variable (type
of content) and the dependent variable
(implementation of WaSH practices). A very low p-
value (p-value = 0.000) indicates strong evidence to
reject the null hypothesis, which means a significant
relationship between the two variables. In this
context, a very low p-value suggests that the chance
of the observed relationship occurring by chance is
minimal, and the results are more likely to reflect an
actual pattern in the population. These results have
important implications for developing WaSH
programs in various environments. Knowing that
the type of content significantly influences the
adoption of WaSH practices can help practitioners
and policymakers design more effective and
relevant communication strategies. A better
understanding of the types of best content can
increase community participation in WaSH
practices, which in turn will positively impact the
health and well-being of society as a whole.
The results of the analysis show that there is a
significant relationship between the implementation
of WaSH practices and the perception variable. This
can be interpreted that the better the performance of
WaSH practices, the more positive the individual's
perception of the importance of WaSH practices.
This relationship remained significant even after
considering other factors such as age, education, and
socioeconomic background. The p-value of 0.000
indicates that the probability of this result occurring
by chance is very small, so the result is reliable.
This has important implications for efforts to
increase the adoption of WaSH practices. A focus
on growing individual perceptions of WaSH
practices can be an effective strategy to encourage
active participation in implementing WaSH
practices. The more individuals feel that WaSH
practices are essential to their health and quality of
life, the more likely they are to carry out those
practices consistently.
The data collected was analyzed using
regression analysis to determine the relationship
between adopting WaSH practices and interest. The
analysis results show a significant relationship
between the variables of implementing WaSH
practices and the interest variable, with a p-value of
0.000. This very low P-value indicates that this
relationship did not occur by chance and has
statistically solid power. That suggests that the
higher the level of implementation of WaSH
practices, the higher the individual's interest in
aspects related to WaSH. In other words, individuals
more diligent in implementing WaSH practices tend
to be more interested in issues such as access to
clean water, sanitation, and personal hygiene
4 Discussion
The work-from-home policy during the pandemic
has led people to conduct all their activities at home,
including an increase in internet usage, including on
social media platforms such as Instagram and
YouTube, during the COVID-19 pandemic, [22].
Based on the research findings, a significant
relationship was found between the duration of
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2023.11.34
Ramadhan Tosepu,
Sitti Zahra Aulia Nazar, Nani Yuniar
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 11, 2023
using social media platforms Instagram and
YouTube and the implementation of WaSH (Water,
Sanitation, and Hygiene) practices during the
COVID-19 pandemic among millennials in the
Southeast Sulawesi Province in 2020. The addictive
effects of social media usage and the ease of access
to information through Instagram and YouTube
often lead users, particularly millennials, to lose
track of time. Consequently, they end up spending
hours consuming social media content. Enjoyable,
meaningful, and relevant WaSH content tailored to
social media users' needs tends to encourage users to
imitate and adopt those practices daily as a
preventive measure against COVID-19.
This is consistent with the research conducted
by Luviani and Delliani (2020), which demonstrated
a correlation between exposure to the Nussa Official
animated episode titled "Cuci Tangan Yuk" (Let's
Wash Hands) in terms of duration, frequency, and
intensity, and the imitative behavior of 4-5-year-old
children in North Bekasi City, [25]. These findings
align with the social learning theory, suggesting that
humans tend to imitate observed behaviors. In this
context, the longer children are exposed to content
that provides information about handwashing, the
more likely their handwashing behavior will
increase among 4-5-year-olds in East Bekasi, [25].
Indeed, those findings align with previous research
conducted by Sutriyawan et al. (2022). The study
showed a correlation between information sources
from print media, electronic media, healthcare
providers, and formal education with the public's
level of knowledge, [26]. The assumption in that
study was that the public has more accessible access
to electronic media such as television, radio, and the
internet, leading to a higher intensity of exposure to
informative broadcasts than other sources of
information. This has the potential to influence the
actions taken by the public themselves.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the
government has utilized social media platforms,
including Instagram and YouTube, to disseminate
information, socialize preventive measures, and
provide guidance related to COVID-19, including
WaSH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene), [27].
Based on the research findings, a significant
relationship was found between the type of content
on social media platforms Instagram and YouTube
and the implementation of WaSH (Water,
Sanitation, and Hygiene) practices during the
COVID-19 pandemic among millennials in
Southeast Sulawesi Province in 2020. With the
dissemination of COVID-19 prevention content
from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, many
people created content related to COVID-19,
including preventive practices such as WaSH
practices like handwashing, mask usage, social
distancing, and practicing proper coughing and
sneezing etiquette. During the pandemic, they also
created simple personal protective equipment (PPE)
items, such as tutorials for making hand sanitizers,
cloth masks, and others.
Audiovisuals such as videos, animations, and
infographics can be used as practical educational
tools to convey information about sanitation and
hygiene practices required during the COVID-19
pandemic, [28], [29]. Audiovisual materials can
visualize steps, such as washing hands properly,
cleaning frequently touched surfaces, and
maintaining physical distance, [30], [31]. This helps
raise public awareness about the importance of these
Audiovisuals can be used as visual reminders of
following sanitation and hygiene practices, [32]. For
example, digital billboards or video ads in public
places can constantly remind people to wash their
hands or wear masks. These visual reminders help
keep WaSH practices in people's minds daily. In the
digital era, audiovisuals can be easily accessed
through various online platforms, including social
media, websites, and mobile applications, [33], [34].
This allows information on sanitation and hygiene
practices to be disseminated more widely and reach
different levels of society.
So audiovisual has an essential role in
increasing the understanding and adoption of
sanitation and hygiene (WASH) practices in the
COVID-19 era, [35], [36]. By combining visual
elements, education, emotional motivation, and easy
access, messages about WaSH can be conveyed and
applied more effectively by the public to control the
spread of the virus.
The presence of such content on social media
platforms like Instagram and YouTube contributes
to increasing public awareness and knowledge
regarding WaSH practices and COVID-19
prevention measures. These platforms play a crucial
role in disseminating information to a broad
audience and have the potential to reach and educate
a large number of people. By providing informative
and engaging content related to WaSH practices and
COVID-19 prevention, social media platforms raise
awareness, promote knowledge, and encourage
individuals to adopt these practices in their daily
lives. In this study, most respondents preferred
audiovisual content, such as video podcasts, as a
source of new knowledge regarding COVID-19
prevention and control. This preference impacts the
implementation of WaSH practices by the
respondents themselves. These findings are based
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2023.11.34
Ramadhan Tosepu,
Sitti Zahra Aulia Nazar, Nani Yuniar
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 11, 2023
on questionnaires filled out by the respondents. The
results are consistent with the research conducted by
David et al. (2017), which demonstrated a
relationship between Vlog content on YouTube and
the formation of attitudes among Communication
Science students at the Faculty of Social and
Political Sciences, Sam Ratulangi University. The
proliferation of Vlogs on social media has become a
regular source of entertainment for the younger
generation. Therefore, this habit can influence the
responses and actions taken by young people in
dealing with a situation, [37]. It is a fact that there
are still many people in society who hold divergent
perspectives on COVID-19, indicating a need for
more awareness among the public in taking
preventive measures against the virus. However,
once perceptions are formed and deeply ingrained in
society, they can be challenging to change, leading
to different thinking patterns. In such cases, the role
of the government becomes crucial in helping to
correct the existing perceptions related to COVID-
19 within the community. The government is vital
in providing accurate and reliable information,
implementing effective communication strategies,
and promoting public awareness campaigns. By
disseminating evidence-based information,
addressing misconceptions, and emphasizing the
importance of preventive measures, the government
can actively work to correct and align public
perceptions about COVID-19. This can help bridge
the gap between divergent perspectives and foster a
collective understanding of the virus, ultimately
leading to increased adherence to preventive actions
within the community, [38].
The research results indicate a significant
relationship between the perception of using social
media platforms such as Instagram and YouTube
and the implementation of WaSH practices (Water,
Sanitation, and Hygiene) during the COVID-19
pandemic among millennials in the Southeast
Sulawesi Province. Respondents chose to have a
perception that is interested in COVID-19
prevention, leading to the emergence of stigma cues
to action. These cues direct the respondents to take
action according to the information they consider
trustworthy and position themselves as individuals
who are potentially susceptible to COVID-19. This
motivates them to seek COVID-19 prevention
content on social media platforms like Instagram
and YouTube to be applied daily.
These findings are consistent with a study by
Wartinigsih et al. (2020), which demonstrates a
relationship between mothers' perceptions of clean
and healthy lifestyle behaviors based on the Health
Belief Model in Surabaya, [39]. The researchers'
assumption in this context is that cues to action in
the study influence perceptions of barriers. In the
context of this research, mothers' perceptions
generate motivation to take action, such as seeking
help for toddlers affected by diarrhea, [39].
COVID-19 became a relatively new topic for
Indonesian society in early 2020. Therefore, it's
unsurprising that there was an increased interest in
obtaining information about COVID-19. Although
local TV stations have provided information about
COVID-19, their reach is less extensive than social
media. Social media has become a platform where
information about COVID-19 is disseminated,
shared, discussed, and uploaded in videos and so on
from worldwide, including directly from the Wuhan
community. One example of a viral hashtag and
trending topic related to COVID-19 on Instagram in
March 2020 was #corona, with a total of 12 million
posts, [40].
The use of social media platforms like
Instagram and YouTube by millennials in the
Southeast Sulawesi Province has influenced the
implementation of WaSH (Water, Sanitation, and
Hygiene) practices during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The interest of individuals in taking positive action
leads to positive actions being carried out as well. In
WASH practice, individual interest is vital in
encouraging positive action. Awareness, education,
information, and the impact on health are all factors
that influence an individual's motivation, [41], [42].
By understanding that one individual's positive steps
can positively affect the community as a whole, we
can drive broader changes in WASH practices and
ultimately improve people's health and quality of
life. In this context, the mentioned positive interest
refers to maintaining personal hygiene, practicing
regular handwashing, wearing masks correctly,
practicing social distancing, and following
recommended COVID-19 prevention guidelines.
People with a strong interest in acting positively
tend to incorporate these WaSH practices into their
daily lives. Social media platforms like Instagram
and YouTube can serve as sources of information
and motivation for positive action. Through these
platforms, millennials can access educational
content, prevention tips, personal experiences, and
inspiration from others who practice WaSH
effectively. This can stimulate their motivation and
awareness to adopt positive actions related to
COVID-19 prevention.
5 Conclusion
Based on the findings of this research, it can be
concluded that there is a significant relationship
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2023.11.34
Ramadhan Tosepu,
Sitti Zahra Aulia Nazar, Nani Yuniar
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 11, 2023
between the duration of Instagram and YouTube
usage and the implementation of WaSH practices
during the COVID-19 pandemic among millennials
in Southeast Sulawesi Province. Additionally, there
is a significant relationship between the type of
content on Instagram and YouTube and the
implementation of WaSH practices during the
COVID-19 pandemic among millennials in
Southeast Sulawesi Province. Furthermore, there is
a significant relationship between the perception of
information on Instagram and YouTube and the
implementation of WaSH practices during the
COVID-19 pandemic among millennials in
Southeast Sulawesi Province. Additionally, there is
a significant relationship between the interest in
using Instagram and YouTube and the
implementation of WaSH practices during the
COVID-19 pandemic among millennials in
Southeast Sulawesi Province. In this context, social
media, particularly Instagram and YouTube, play an
essential role during the COVID-19 pandemic to
promote health to a broad audience. Besides being
entertainment media, social media can be utilized to
provide information regarding WaSH practices,
including handwashing habits, maintaining physical
distance, and proper mask usage. Thus, social media
has become an effective tool in delivering health
messages and increasing awareness and
implementation of WaSH practices among
millennials in Southeast Sulawesi Province.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
The authors collaborated equally throughout the
entirety of the current research project, actively
participating in every stage, including problem
formulation, the discovery of final findings, and the
development of a solution.
Sources of Funding
No funding was received for conducting this study.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare
that are relevant to the content of this article.
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(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2023.11.34
Ramadhan Tosepu,
Sitti Zahra Aulia Nazar, Nani Yuniar
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 11, 2023