ISSA-SSVM model converged earlier and required
only 82 iterations, which was 23 and 53 times less
than the Stacking model and GA-XGBoost model,
respectively; its error value was 0.14, which was
0.12 and 0.15 lower than the Stacking model and
GA-XGBoost model, respectively; its loss value was
0.20, which was higher than the Stacking model and
GA-XGBoost model, respectively; the F1 value was
0. 957, 0.005 and 0.009 higher than the Stacking
model and GA-XGBoost model respectively; the
Recall value was 0.965, 0.005 and the MAE value
was 8.52, which was 1.34 and 2.56 lower than the
Stacking model and GA-XGBoost model
respectively; the Goodness of Fit value reached
0.992, which was 0.006 and 0.014 higher than the
Stacking model and GA-XGBoost model
respectively. The prediction accuracy reached
97.92%, which is 1 higher than the stacking model
and GA. The AUC value is 0.995, which is 0.12 and
0.17 higher than the stacking model and
GA-XGBoost model respectively. User repetitive
purchase behavior prediction, thus providing data
support for the formulation of accurate marketing
strategies of e-commerce enterprises, which has
positive significance for the improvement of their
economic benefits. Because the experiment only
employed user behavior data from one e-commerce
company, there may have been some randomness in
the results, which could have caused differences
between the experimental results and the actual
results. Therefore, it is required to increase the
sample size of experimental data included in the
subsequent study to increase the veracity of the
actual results.
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