The company's size moderates the effect of CSR
on ROA
Firm Size (SIZE) has a significant moderating effect
on the impact of CSR on ROA. Based on the
information in Table 3, the moderating variable SIZE
has a P-value of 0.086 < 0.10, suggesting that it
meets the requirement for significance using an alpha
value of 10%. The findings of previous studies,
which suggest that disclosure of CSR influences
financial output with company size as the control
variable, are supported by the findings of the current
study, [3], [7], [8]. It will be challenging for banks
with greater assets to sustain their rise in profitability,
but they may be more flexible in selecting the budget
for money while engaging in CSR activities.
The company's age moderates the effect of CSR
on ROA
The influence of CSR on ROA can be moderated by
the company's age (AGE). The AGE variable, which
is the second moderating variable in this study, has a
P-value of 0.013 < 0.05, indicating that it fulfills the
significance requirement using a 5% alpha value.
Based on Table 3, it can be seen that company
age will lessen the impact of CSR on ROA. The
research conducted is supported by the study's
findings which concludes that firm age is capable of
moderating corporate social responsibility towards
ROA, [3], [7], [8].
5 Conclusion
The Bank's CSR programs have a substantial effect
on profitability as determined by ROA. Banks that
carry out CSR will increase public trust in the
business of the company, which will eventually
increase the business of the bank. The CSR activities
carried out by banks can be substantially reduced by
firm size and firm age. Banks that are getting bigger
and older may affect the CSR activities of
companies. Banks that are growing and have a
lengthy operational lifetime will be more
acknowledged by the public as having a positive
impact on their profitability through CSR.
The study's analysis has several limitations due
to the sample selection, being limited to Islamic
banks in Indonesia, and the limited research period,
which ran from 2016 to 2018. It is recommended that
further researchers use a sample of Islamic finance
companies and use different research variables such
as Net Interest Margin and Non-Performing loan.
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DOI: 10.37394/232018.2023.11.26
Zaenal Abidin, R. Mahelan Prabantarikso,
Edian Fahmy, Amabel Nabila, Alvin Eka Staria