Mapping a Set of Tools to Ensure Cloud and Distributed Computing,
Virtualization Tools and Data Storage Systems in the Work of the
Transport and Logistics Center
Basic Department of Digital Economy,
Higher School of Cyber Technologies, Mathematics and Statistics,
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics,
Abstract: - The existing "gaps" in approaches to the deployment of transport and logistics centers (TLC) within
the edges of the backbone network lead to errors in the implementation of the spatial development strategy.
Information support solutions for the implementation of terminal, transportation, and warehousing technologies
are the least elaborated. As a result, errors have to be corrected in the process of operating the information
architecture. There is a need to complement the existing TLC deployment management system with new tools
that enhance the validity of TLC location assessment and eliminate the randomness factor in the choice of
information architecture for TLC backbone network objects. This research aims to develop a flexible solution
for network architecture design using cloud, fog, and edge layers. The main requirement for a flexible solution
is that it can be rapidly deployed when the technology architecture changes. The proposed tool visualizes the
structure of the network architecture and allows the analysis of information flows by capturing data on the
movement of material cargo within the center and between TLC network facilities. The mapping tool considers
the network computational load evaluation factor for the cloud, fog, and edge layers. The scientific novelty of
the research results is achieved by the principle of system management of the components of complex systems.
The practical significance of the results of the study lies in the possibility of using the mapping tool in the
process of information architecture design at the stage of making decisions about the deployment of TLC
network objects.
Key-Words: - transport and logistics center, backbone network, information architecture, cloud and distributed
computing, visualization tools, storage system, cloud, fog, and edge layers.
Received: July 29, 2022. Revised: June 16, 2023. Accepted: July 24, 2023. Published: September 7, 2023.
1 Introduction
The issue of construction and effective functioning
of transport and logistics centers (TLC) is a priority
of strategic development on a national scale. The
difficulties of solving this issue are not only related
to the size of the state territory and the level of
transport infrastructure development, although these
factors also largely determine the choice of tools for
the deployment of TLC in the backbone network.
The variability in the decisions made is also due to
the level of integration of the off-the-shelf
distributed infrastructure into the TLC information
support system.
At the same time, even the process of deploying
a single TLC based on a distributed algorithm to
build an information architecture is complex. After
all, it must take into account the allowable limits of
TLC parameters, such as computing power of
nodes, peak power consumption and workload of
CPUs (processors) and storage (memory) during
operations, information network bandwidth, etc, [1].
The deployment process, which must consider the
parameters of TLC in the backbone network,
becomes a task that requires a unique solution for
each project. There are, however, general
approaches to this, which aim to reduce and
distribute the computational load on the network.
Thus, there is a need to take into account the
parameters of TLC location in the backbone
network TLC equipment, TLC cargo handling
capacity, etc, [2].
A factor that increases entropy in the decision-
making process for information architecture TLC is
that within the backbone network, individual TLCs
are scalable, and the structure of the network
architecture differs. A set of cloud and distributed
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2023.11.22
Nikita Shagov, Natalia Mamedova, Arkadiy Urintsov
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 11, 2023
computing provisioning is also not a standard
solution. Scaling limits are determined by modeling
(mapping) the structure of network components and
analyzing their behavior to select the best solution,
The hypothesis of this study was to test the thesis
that the characteristics of the information
architecture of TLC within the backbone network
create risks of achieving deployment performance
This study seeks to improve the validity of the
decision to deploy TLC within a backbone network
by visualizing the set of enablers of cloud and
distributed computing. The mapping of the set of
facilities will be in demand for network architecture
simulation design and for subsequent calculation of
the cost of the TLC deployment project. The
proposed method of visualizing a set of network
architecture facilities by mapping eliminates the
entropy factor when selecting TLC deployment
parameters within a backbone network.
2 Problem Formulation
The growing need to use network resources and
servers that process and store information at the
edge of the network has shown the limits of the
cloud computing paradigm and provoked the active
development of the fog and edge computing
paradigm, [4]. As a result, we can operate intelligent
devices whose parameters in terms of storage
capacity, computing power, and query processing
time allow us to significantly reduce the response
time of the generated processes, [5]. This is a major
advantage of distributed computing paradigms in
storing and processing end-user information in
distributed nodes.
The design of the distributed infrastructure for
TLC within a backbone network can be performed
according to different scenarios, the variability of
which is determined by the multiplicity of devices
and connections involved. In addition, the nodes of
the TLC backbone network differ from each other
they have different logistical constraints, different
freight flow, and multimodal transport
characteristics. At the same time, they are
synchronized into one backbone network.
When deploying TLC, the development of its
information architecture is based on a project-based
approach, [6]. The functional requirements side of
the project includes such factors as multi-platform
interfaces, as well as the ability to flexibly configure
business intelligence, scenario modeling, and
planning of transport and logistics processes. The
implementation of the project involves taking into
account the interests of the owners of business
processes, which constitutes the subjective side of
the project implementation, [7]. The distributed
infrastructure must take into account the human
factor and offers settings for the work of a wide
range of users TLC, [8] which include cargo
owners, freight customers and their representatives,
logistics companies, freight forwarders, first- and
last-mile carriers, owners of containers, railcars, and
vehicles, as well as logistics infrastructure,
controlling organizations, TLC operators, and
system integrators. This approach is aimed at
spreading the practice of considering human factors
in the design of production and logistics systems,
which is opposed to the current approaches to
engineering design. In general, researchers point out
that today's transportation logistics problems require
solutions based on intelligent transportation systems
that take advantage of artificial intelligence, [9],
Mapping of a set of cloud and distributed
computing facilities, virtualization facilities, and
storage systems is performed to visualize the
designed distributed infrastructure. The
infrastructure at the stage of operation should
provide the implementation of a set of services that
form the main volume of operations that load the
distributed infrastructure, which includes
transportation and logistics services proper and
related information and technological services for
TLC users.
Variability in the design of TLC deployment
scenarios involves the use of simulators to conduct
preliminary studies and build fundamentally feasible
scenarios for the implementation of distributed
infrastructure. Simulators allow for diagnosing the
deployment environment, building device and
application integration scenarios based on input
parameters for CPU and storage (memory) usage,
communication channels, and bandwidth.
Separate studies focus on demonstrating the
capabilities or comparing simulators for configuring
components and configuring cloud, fog, or edge
environments, [11], [12]. Given the diversity of
distributed infrastructure topology, it is believed that
there is no simulator capable of covering all aspects
of each experiment, [1].
It has been observed that design teams
experience the greatest difficulty in developing
simulation scenarios for mobile sensors or mobile
devices. While for TLC deployments, as the node
element of a backbone network, scenarios with
integration of mobile devices are of particular
interest. TLCs of different capacities form the
backbone network, which is made up of the
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2023.11.22
Nikita Shagov, Natalia Mamedova, Arkadiy Urintsov
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 11, 2023
necessary and sufficient number of synchronized
TLCs to be commissioned. Accordingly, the
integration of mobile sensors and mobile devices
into the distributed infrastructure will ensure the
efficient organization of freight intermodal routes
and scheduled freight speeds.
Another challenge, in addition to building TLC
deployment scenarios based on the advantages of
mobile devices and sensors, is determining the
scalability boundaries of the distributed architecture.
Designing TLC within the edges of a backbone
network assumes a simulator capable of handling
scenarios with hundreds or thousands of
components without sacrificing computational
resources. Regardless of the functional
characteristics of the various simulators, their use
involves parameter loading. And it is logical to
assume that simply enumerating their combinations
is not the best option. The optimal solution is to load
a mapped network architecture configuration in
emulation mode. This practice is widely used to
evaluate critical components of the software and
application architecture, [13].
Application of the simulator, however, does not
solve the separate problem to take into account the
factor of assessing the location of logistics
infrastructure, [14], because we are talking about a
chain of TLC nodes within the backbone network.
The complexity of the task lies in the uneven
density of nodes and varying lengths of backbone
networks. Therefore, the deployment of a new TLC
node includes such a parameter as the demand for
processing freight flow data not provided by the
existing nodes or resulting from errors in the design
and operation of the information architecture.
Calculation of the demand should be based on the
volume of operations that load the distributed TLC
infrastructure of each node and section of the
backbone network.
Another factor to be considered in the design of
the distributed infrastructure for TLC within the
backbone network is the rational use of the potential
of the cloud, fog, and edge layers. The potential of
the layers is a topic of discussion at the intersection
of the three concepts of edge technologies: edge
devices, edge computing, and edge analytics, [15].
The range of possible solutions is correspondingly
narrowed when the TLC design involves all three or
at least two frontier technologies, [16]. For example,
peripheral devices cannot execute advanced
analytical algorithms due to various constraints such
as limited power supply, small memory capacity,
limited resources, etc. And yet, using the potential
of the cloud, fog, and edge layers to design a TLC
information architecture within the backbone
network is the most promising solution, [17].
Based on the fact that the project of building an
information architecture involves the
implementation of an information support system
for each of the nodes within the backbone network,
it should be said that the volume of processed
information is so large that the project involves data
processing centers with specifications close to cloud
nodes. However, if we talk about deploying TLC,
which is a group of specialized terminals for the
implementation of intermodal transportation, such
distributed infrastructure does not require large
computing power. A rational solution, then, is to use
fog and edge layer nodes to assemble a
configuration of devices located at the edge of the
network with wireless connectivity capabilities and
allow the use of mobile applications.
It is possible to reconcile such diverse distributed
infrastructure requirements by applying a universal
approach to mapping deployable TLC based on a
model that combines all three layers in the
architecture, [18].
A generalization of the results on the research
topic, [3], [12], [14], [17], showed the insufficiency
of empirical (applied) solutions for modeling the
structure of network components. We faced the task
of effectively utilizing the hardware and software of
the fog and edge layers of the architecture. With all
the variety of hardware choices for distributed
infrastructure design in the given studies, [6], [7],
[9], [16], no solution adequate to the task was found
that could be deployed within the framework of
TLC architecture development.
3 Problem Solution
To begin with, lets highlight the main structural
blocks the departments that make up the pilot
transportation and logistics center. These are the
TLC security service, input and output cargo
terminals for rail and automotive transport, transport
fleet, cargo distribution center, warehouse complex,
customer service department, economic department,
and customs and logistics department, as well as
technical and IT departments as auxiliary services.
The structure and the order of interaction between
the elements of the structure are shown in Figure 1
The following is a description of the entities
shown in Figure 1 (Appendix) and the links between
them. In the diagram, solid lines show the routes of
incoming and outgoing traffic and cargo, and dashed
lines show the information communication within
the complex. The flows of arriving traffic equipped
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2023.11.22
Nikita Shagov, Natalia Mamedova, Arkadiy Urintsov
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 11, 2023
with passes arrive through the entry checkpoint. The
specific checkpoint is determined depending on the
type of cargo traffic (automotive or rail) to the
appropriate type of terminal. Next, unloading,
handling, labeling, and registration of incoming
cargo takes place on the territory of the terminal.
Data on the incoming cargo enters the terminal
database, as well as the economic and customs-
logistics department databases. Then the transport is
sent and placed in the parking lot or in the depot of
the transport fleet, where, if necessary, it is
additionally repaired and serviced. After being in
the transport park, the vehicle can be loaded with
new cargo as part of the outbound freight process
through an outbound terminal of the appropriate
type. Information about this is also recorded in the
databases of terminals, economic and customs, and
logistics departments. The end of the logistics
process within the TLC is the departure of the cargo
after verification of the compliance of the exported
cargo with the travel documents at the exit
The logistics process in terms of a business
process can be considered more broadly, but in
conjunction with the hardware and architecture of
the TLC network, the event the departure of the
cargo is considered the final event. The processes
represented on the map are terminated by the event,
as the current study considers the logistics processes
of the internal telematics contour. The outer
telematics contour might also be an object for
mapping, however, this is beyond the scope of this
As for the cargo, once it has been registered, it
goes through the cargo distribution center to the exit
terminal or, depending on the type and dimensions,
to the appropriate sector of the warehouse complex.
Information about this is recorded in the database of
the cargo distribution center. After arrival,
verification of marking, and placement of cargo in
the appropriate sector of the warehouse complex,
the information is also recorded in the database of
the complex.
Interaction with customers is carried out through
the customer service department, and records are
made and added to the departments database at
each stage of the logistics process. The entire
document flow for the transport of goods and
additional services provided by the TLC, the
customer data is supplemented by the corresponding
entries in the databases of the economic and
customs and logistics departments and is associated
with the cargo stored and already available in the
database of the TLC warehouse complex.
The presented TLC transport and information
flow diagram (Figure 1, Appendix) shows the links
of information and transport flows of the enterprise
and is the departure point for the subsequent
Mapping of a set of facilities of the distributed
architecture of the TLC is carried out in the system
in terms of the cloud-fog-edge-user model of the
device, [19], [20]. The following presents the
proposed mapping of computing and networking
devices that are part of the warehouse complex
architecture. As an example, the working diagram of
mapping for the warehouse complex is shown, since
it is for this building block of the TLC architecture
that most of the distributed infrastructure devices
are required.
According to the CFEU model, [18], for each of
the computational vertices it is necessary to specify
a set of parameters of the form:
1 1 1 1 1
41 41 41 41 4 1
, , ,
oe e e enteiu
V c w tc tc
where for the vertice
with the number
the level
vertice internal storage volume
computing power of the vertice
in n
vertice input capacity
out n
vertice output capacity
, and for each of
the edges by parameters of the form:
mn mn
where its weight
between these vertices.
To mark the vertices on the map we introduce
indices of the form
where w, W is the first letter of the name of the TLC
architecture layer to which the specified vertice
belongs, X is the vertice hierarchy level in the layer,
Y is the ordinal number of the vertice, Z is the
number of the vertice group to which the vertice
belongs at the current hierarchy level.
Thus, an entry of the form
1 1 1 1 1
31 31 31 31 3 1
, , ,
oe e e enteiu
V c w tc tc
will mean "computational vertice, level 3, at layer E
(edge) with computational power
, storage
, input throughput capacity
, and
output throughput capacity
», and a notation of
the form
1 1 1 1
31 , 11 31 , 11
EU e
e u u
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2023.11.22
Nikita Shagov, Natalia Mamedova, Arkadiy Urintsov
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 11, 2023
will mean "a channel between vertices at layer E
(edge) level 3 and layer U (user) level 1 with
throughput capacity
For the user layer vertices (sensors, command
interpreters, and users), since they are the source of
computational tasks and data, having only the output
bandwidth, the set of parameters is valid:
00 , ,0,
tun ou un
V tc
For command interpreters in the same layer,
converting verbal and physical units of employee
interaction into commands for computers and
mobile devices of the edge layer, it is true
0 , , ,0
U U U tun in un ou un
V tc tc
The basic part of the devices that relate directly
to the edge and user layer of the warehouse complex
is shown in Figure 2 (Appendix).
The edge layer contains the main processing
units of automatic forklifts and AGV carts (ALD),
warehouse drones (Dr), zonal RFID scanners (ZRF),
employee personal computers (PC), etc. The
compute units are connected via zonal routers
(Rout) and hubs (Hubs) into a single network and
transmit data via a local multiport switch (Sw. L) to
the local warehouse server (Srv. L) as well as higher
in the hierarchy. The local warehouse server stores
and processes the main databases about the contents
of the warehouse sectors. The lower, user layer
contains the sets of sensors (S) associated with the
warehouse machinery, the employee-users of the PC
(U) as sources of tasks, and the interpreters (Intp) of
the commands they enter into the PC. In addition,
since there are RFID-tagged cargoes within the
warehouse complex, the layer contains the tags of
this cargo (RFt). Note also that the position of the
cargo tag is periodically fixed by remote RF
communication with the scanner, in the range of
which such a tag.
So, having presented the hierarchy of the main
means of the distributed infrastructure of the
warehouse complex, it makes sense to complement
the level of data representation. Next, let us describe
the infrastructure elements that are located within
the warehouse complex, but are not directly related
to this structural unit, but are part of another
structural unit - the TLC security service (Figure 3,
Figure 3 (Appendix) shows that the edge layer of
the architecture contains the RFID scanners of the
pass system (PRF), the camera electronics (VSC),
and the firefighting and alarm system (FEW),
physically connected to the security servers via the
network via hubs or routers. The user layer contains
the camera sensors and the public address and fire
suppression systems, as well as the radio frequency
zone passes (RFp) carried by employees and
The order of interaction between the cloud, fog,
and upper part of the edge layer of the TLC
warehouse complex architecture is shown in Figure
4 (Appendix).
As shown in Figure 4 (Appendix), the local switch
of the warehouse complex (Sw. L) is the link to the
main warehouse server (Srv. WH) for the above-
described automated and electronic warehouse
equipment. The main warehouse server is located in
the fog layer of the architecture. It stores data on the
contents of the warehouse, past movements, and the
location of the cargo in the warehouse and
distributes them to the warehouse sectors. In
addition, preliminary calculations of routes for
automated warehouse equipment are performed on
the warehouse server. At the same time, this switch
makes it possible to establish a connection with the
servers of other TLC departments to transfer some
of the warehouse data corresponding to their
content. For example, the server of the customs and
logistics department (Srv. CLD) receives data on
customs documents issued for the cargo, and the
server of the economic department (Srv. ED)
receives data on financial operations related to the
cargo in the warehouse.
Servers in this layer have sufficient performance
to cope with the tasks of cargo information storage
and routing. In addition, communication with a
large cloud server (Srv. Cloud) TLC is provided
through the backbone network equipment (Sw.D) to
perform more complex calculation operations and
backup data storage. Backing up local data with its
duplication in several storages is necessary in case
of failure of server equipment or network equipment
along the data route. Data storages are the most
unstable components of computer and server
systems because they are subjected to constant high
load and work in servers continuously for long
periods, [21]. The same reasoning holds for server
hardware along the data path.
As the main solution for the implementation of
storage, processing, and routing of data streams it is
proposed to use servers, storage, and network
equipment of the Open Compute Project standard,
[22]. We believe that the use of this standard will
allow us to avoid the risks associated with changes
in corporate policy regarding the distribution of
licensed products. In particular, the manifestation of
this risk is the inaccessibility of direct delivery of
hardware from European and American vendors to
the Russian Federation due to the complicated
geopolitical situation.
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2023.11.22
Nikita Shagov, Natalia Mamedova, Arkadiy Urintsov
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 11, 2023
As a basic solution for implementing the storage,
processing, and routing of data streams, it is
proposed to use servers, storage, and networking
equipment of the Open Compute Project standard
due to the unavailability of direct shipping to the
Russian Federation products of European and
American vendors due to the difficult geopolitical
situation, [23].
Thanks to the openness of the specifications and
the availability of full technical documentation for
the devices, such equipment is already being
produced domestically from local and Asian
electronic components available in Russia to meet
the growing demand for them from companies and
organizations, [24].
In this way, the proposed variant of mapping
provides an opportunity to construct the
configuration of devices at all levels of the four-
layer structure of the network architecture based on
the results of the operation with the map. The
mapping tool allows decomposing a set of devices
of different functional purposes, located on the
territory of one structural unit.
The study provides an example of the
decomposition of security and warehouse task
devices functioning together on a common territory
of the warehouse department. The used mapping
approach demonstrates the flexibility property stated
as the main requirement for the developed solution.
This property can be useful in terms of unplanned
changes in the technology stack and allows for
enhanced technological autonomy.
The proposed mapping option increases the
validity of network architecture design decisions
and accelerates and simplifies the process of
visualizing device configuration changes across
network architecture layers. And these very benefits
set the proposed results apart from other solutions
that do not have such a deep level of detail, and
therefore are quite complex in practical application.
4 Conclusion
The following results have been obtained as part of
this study. The task of visualizing the structure of a
transport and logistics center by mapping the
infrastructure elements and the connections between
them was set and justified at the beginning of the
study. As part of this justification, the aim was to
reduce entropy in decision-making processes in the
construction of the architecture of the TLC, taking
the design approach as a basis. The objectives were
the need to ensure the implementation of a set of
transport and logistics services and the need to
define scalability limits for such an architecture
within the departments and the complex as a whole,
with physical parameter limits and the specific
purpose of the devices in the different layers of the
infrastructure of the center as constraints.
In the course of the mapping, the main structural
units of the system and the relationships between
them were first identified and then, based on one of
these structural units, a system of notations was
described within a cloud-fog-edge-user model and a
map of interaction between technical devices and
automated solutions in their communication with
each other through network and switching devices,
and the information processes occurring in the
system were described.
Mapping a set of network architecture tools can
be applied in emulation mode on various device-
and-network cloud, fog, and edge infrastructure
simulators such as Simgrid, Yet Another Fog
Simulator (YAFS), iFogSim 2, etc., [12]. This will
reduce the number of approaches to the simulator to
diagnose the deployment environment and build
scenarios for device and application integration.
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DOI: 10.37394/232018.2023.11.22
Nikita Shagov, Natalia Mamedova, Arkadiy Urintsov
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 11, 2023
Fig. 1: Scheme of transport and information flows of the transport and logistics complex.
Fig. 2: Map of the information infrastructure of the lower levels of the warehouse complex on the
CFEU model.
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2023.11.22
Nikita Shagov, Natalia Mamedova, Arkadiy Urintsov
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 11, 2023
Fig. 3: Map of the added information infrastructure of the security service at the lower levels of the warehouse
complex on the CFEU model.
Fig. 4: Map of the information infrastructure of the upper levels of the warehouse complex on the CFEU model.
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2023.11.22
Nikita Shagov, Natalia Mamedova, Arkadiy Urintsov
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 11, 2023
Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
Nikita Shagov performed formal analysis and
Natalia Mamedova conducted data curation and
formed a methodology.
Arkadiy Urintsov was responsible for acquiring
funding, administering the project.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
This study was financed by a grant from the
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2023.11.22
Nikita Shagov, Natalia Mamedova, Arkadiy Urintsov
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 11, 2023