quickly understand the results of research in a given
area in a simple, sophisticated visualization way.
For this reason, we are using new visualization
methods through scientific gateways.
Access to analysis
After all, access to analyses is very important for
evaluating scientific results in a given area.
2 New Modern Scientific Gateway
We start with Virtual Reality Scientific Gateway,
and later in parallel with the development of 3D
imaging, we changed our approach and created the
Augmented Reality Scientific Gateway.
Now it is becoming increasingly apparent that
along with the development of these technologies, it
is necessary to simultaneously develop modern 3D
visualization tools as well as their integration into
the structure of a concrete SG. Modern SG
contributes to the education of scientists, students,
and anyone interested in the field. As part of our
scientific research, SGs are an important article for
the presentation of our research results.
The choice of a new imaging techno purpose
depends on what purpose it is used for. For
example, Microsoft has taken the approach of a new
modern visualization technology such as Mixed
Reality (MR) for use with HoloLens. I.e.
overlapping interactive holograms with the real
world as well as with their background.
Applications using MR have proven themselves in
the professional field, especially in various
healthcare sectors. It greatly assists surgeons with
non-invasive surgeries, or in the business sector,
where it helps with machine maintenance on site.
Such a method also provides hands-free assistance
in real-time.
However, for the scientific gateway, which is an
education technologies table choice of new modern
3D visualization technologies’ differences and
advantages virtual reality and augmented reality?
Virtual reality (VR) was invented in the 60s and
developed in the 70s. Virtual reality was developed
along with flight simulators developed by military
aviation. Progress in research into CoR educational
applications has been uneven, with empirical studies
being scarce (Jacobson, 2008, pp. 62-75). MR is
very effective in learning, which requires a sequence
of steps, that is, procedural tasks, and also for tasks
that required movement in a 3-dimensional space. In
the early 2000s, multi-user virtual environments
(MUVE) use modern visualization technology such
as Augmented Reality (AR). The affordability of
these new technologies was also a great advantage.
It took almost 25 years when the need arose for
these new technologies to be fully introduced into
the educational process and scientific gateways as
essential educational tools.
Our research aims to create new scientific gates
and especially to grayscale already existing
scientific gates with new technologies such as
augmented reality AR, and mixed reality MR. With
new trends starting a lot of researchers are interested
in SG and portals, [3], [4]. We try to enrich this
creation with the possibility of call sing with
modern new modern 3D visualization technologies
and tools. The results of research in the field of
astronomy, the field of science, natural disasters,
and also in the field of education have been
incorporated into the relevant scientific gates.
Widely known as the Water HUB is a scientific
gateway for research and education in the field of
water, it is a global communication and research
platform for research, education, knowledge
sharing, and global outreach.
The Water HUB, which is based on hub zero's
cyberinfrastructure for scientific collaboration,
develops and makes available data modeling and
sharing tools used in water-related research and
education activities, [5]. Its tools also include the
online SWAT Share application, which allows users
to run and calibrate their SWAT models and
supports model sharing and visualization of output
data through web browsers. In addition, the Water
HUB will also benefit from other national efforts,
such as the web services of the Hydrological
Information System (HIS) of the Consortium of
Universities for the Development of Hydrological
3 Some Examples
New modern 3D visualization technologies are
composed of the digital world with our real world,
making it the best educational platform for research
and education. The required audiovisual elements,
overlaid in the real world, make up the perfect
development tool. With the correct implementation
of physical activities, new modern 3D visualization
technologies can become an entry platform for
scientific gateway and portals, [5].
The entry platform for science and education
brings several benefits. Mobile application to enable
researchers and students to account for all the new
modern 3D visualization technologies and research
results. New modern 3D visualization technologies
are virtually speaking head and text-to-speech and
speech-to-text services. Web-based authoring tools
and mobile applications for Android and IOS affect
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2023.11.5
Eva Pajorova, Ladislav Hluchý