A Deep Learning Approach to detect the spoiled fruits.
1Research Scholar, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
AMC Engineering College, Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University,
Bangalore – 560083, INDIA
2Professor and Head, Department of AI and ML,
New Horizon College of Engineering,
Bangalore – 560103, INDIA
Abstract: - Fruits are one of the vital sources of nutrients for the mankind and their life span is very less. The
fruit spoilage may occur at various stages such as, at the harvest time, during transportation, during storage etc.
Freshness is a parameter used for accessing the quality of the fruit. About 20% of the harvested fruits are spoiled
due to many factors, before consumption by humans. The spoilage of one fruit has a direct impact on the
neighboring fruits. It is also a one of the indicators that gives an estimation of number of days that a fruit can be
preserved. Early identification of the spoilage helps in taking the appropriate measures for the removal of spoiled
fruits from the whole lot. So that it helps in preventing the spread of spoilage to its adjacent fruits. Deep learning
based technological advancements helps in automatically identifying the spoiled fruits. In this work, internal
quality attributes of the fruit are not taken into consideration for spoilage detection, only the external attributes
are considered. The supervised learning technique is employed for the freshness analysis of two different types
of fruits, Apple and Banana. As the 2 varieties are involved, it is a multiclass classification model with 4 classes.
One shot detection technique is employed to accurately classify among the good fruit and spoiled fruit. Few
images in the dataset are obtained from the kaggle.com and the rest are self - captured images. The dataset is
balanced to avoid the biasness in the model. The model is implemented using Yolov4 and tiny Yolov4 frame
works. These are one shot detection techniques, can be used for real time deployment. The inferences were
obtained on the real time images and video. Confusion matrix is tabulated the performance metrics such as
accuracy, F1 Score and recall are discussed with respect to these two techniques.
Key-Words: - Deep Learning, Fruit Spoilage Detection, Artificial Intelligence, Augmentation, one shot detection
Received: March 27, 2021. Revised: April 15, 2022. Accepted: May 15, 2022. Published: July 8, 2022.
1 Introduction
Fruits are one of the natural sources of food resource
that is derived from plants. Everywhere around the
world fruits are considered to be healthy food. Fruit
consumption by humans gives them a balanced diet.
Due to huge demand, farmers are looking towards
cultivating the fruit crops by employing the internet
of things in agriculture to improve the yield and
productivity [1]. The industries making beverages are
highly dependent on fruits as their major ingredient
[2]. Each variety of fruit has its own lifetime. They
can be degraded quickly if not stored in a proper
manner. With the technological advancements,
application of internet of things in agriculture,
various sensors are used to automate the various
applications in agriculture[3]. The adapted
agricultural practices during the pre-harvest, harvest
and the post-harvest stages also have a great impact
on the productivity of the fruits [4]. Crop
maintenance at each of these stages plays a
predominant role. During the pre-harvest stage the
major influential factors are pesticide or fertilizer
application and weed control. In the harvest stage,
maturity of the fruit and firmness are the key
parameters to be considered. In the post-harvest
stage, storage facilities have a great impact on the life
span of the fruit. Improper maintenance of the crop
under these stages will result in huge loss. Amongst
these factors, pests and diseases are main causes of
low yield [5]. After harvest fruits will continue to
have the respiratory process thereby, they will still
appear fresh for few days. As the days passes fruits
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.10
Priyanka Kanupuru, N. V. Uma Reddy
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
will lose its freshness and gradually decay. Apart
from these, poor storage and transportation facilities
contributes to fruit spoilage [6]. Also, there are
chances that the secretions coming out of one spoiled
fruit may damage the entire lot, by spreading through
the neighboring fruits.
At present, Computer vision has its enormous
applications in the field of agriculture, automotive,
education, health care etc. Agri-based computer
vision applications include, identification of plants
and weeds, disease detection in fruit and plant, flower
classification, counting of fruits in a tree for yield,
sensor data analysis related to agricultural parameters
such as temperature, humidity, pH, soil moisture [7].
Machine vision models are the better decision
makers, which has become alternatives to human
beings [8]. In the case of the human being the
decision-making capabilities are dependent on their
naked eye vision. Farmers should have a priori
knowledge of the diseases to classify them based on
their symptoms. Classification can be between the
fruit of same type and the classification between
different species of fruits [9]. The computer vision
techniques extract the features that show the clear
indication of the symptoms to predict the fruit
diseases. These methods rely on the visual features
that appear on the fruit such as shape, color, and
texture [10]. Deep learning framework imitates the
human brain by using the neural networks for data
processing. It requires huge data for training. It gives
an improved performance with different types of
data. The convolution concept was used to determine
the patterns from the image [11]. The deep learning-
based object detection and recognition helps in
building an efficient classification model for
identifying the spoiled fruits from healthy ones.
With this motivation, in this study an automatic
classification of diseased fruits from the healthy ones
was taken into consideration. Banana is a common
man fruit, low cost, multi vitamin rich food [12] and
is available in all seasons. It has rich soluble and
insoluble fiber content, that helps in easy digestion. It
also contains the rich source of nutrients and this fruit
is highly recommended for the people suffering from
anemia. An apple consumption every day, keeps the
doctor away, as per the famous saying, apple and
banana fruits were considered in this paper for
spoilage detection. The traditional transfer learning
approaches classifies only for mutually exclusive
dataset. To classify for the non- mutually exclusive
dataset one shot detection-based frame works are
employed. This paper is organized into six sections.
Second section describes the related work. The model
architecture of the convolutional neural network
(CNN) is explained in third section. The results and
discussions were explained in the fourth section. The
conclusion is given in the fifth section.
2 Related work
Please, Researchers have developed several machine
learning algorithms for object classification using
images. This in turn paved the way for the next
generation artificial neural networks with deep neural
network architectures showing an improved
performance when compared to the traditional state
of art methods.
Mohd Azlan Abu et. al [13] studied the flower
classification using the deep neural network frame on
tensor flow. The dataset consisting of 3670 flower
images were collected from ImageNet website. The
dataset consisting of the five categories comprising
of Daisy, Dandelion, Roses, Sunflower, Tulips were
trained on MobileNet model with an input resolution
of 224x224 RGB images. The trained accuracy
obtained with MobileNet 0.50 was greater than that
of MobileNet 1.00. The model accuracy was 90%.
J.J. Zhuang et.al [14] had developed a machine vision
model to identify the citrus fruits in citrus trees. The
machine vision model consists of illumination
enhancement, foreground region segmentation,
region extraction and recognition. The model was
trained on the self captured images. The bounding
boxes with the minimum enclosure are drawn over
the detected fruits in the test data. The model was
trained with 100 images. The F1 score obtained was
0.91. David Ireri et. al[15] had proposed a computer
vision model to detect the defects in tomatoes and
also to perform tomato grading. 200 tomatoes of
varying composition of defects were chosen and they
were transformed into L, A, B colour space. From
each of these mean, range and standard deviation was
considered to analyse the colour features, further
shape features and text features were analysed.
Support vector machine based were used for
recognition. For the testing purpose the images are
captured with the hikivision camera, connected to
computer with Ethernet cable. The model acuuracy
was 0.95, root mean square error was 33.5.
Kyamelia Roy et. al [16] developed a frame work
to classify the healthy apple and rotten apple. The
dataset was obtained from kaggle.com. data pre-
processing was performed to generate the binary
masks. The enhance UNet was built using the U-Net
frame to improve the accuracy. The model was
trained with GPU Tesla K80 in google colab. The
UNet model achieved 95.36 % validation accuracy,
where with the enhanced UNet model the validation
accuracy is 97.54. Shiv Ram Dubey et. al [17]
developed an apple disease classification model to
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.10
Priyanka Kanupuru, N. V. Uma Reddy
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
predict the Apple Blotch, Apple scab, , Apple rot and
Normal Apple. In the initial stage, extraction of the
region of interest was performed, followed by feature
map generation. In the next step distinctive features
were extracted. Multi class support vector machine
was used for classification. The model achieved an
accuracy of 95.94%. Yunong Tian et. al [18]
developed a multi class classification model to
categorize between the defected and the healthy
leaves and fruit. Out of the 11 classes, three of them
belong to healthy leaves and fruit categories and the
rest of them belong to the diseased leaves and fruit
categories. Cycle-GAN was used for augmentation of
images. The dataset is trained over Multi-scale Dense
Inception-V4, obtained accuracy wad 94.31 % and
Multi-scale Dense Inception-ResNet-V2 algorithms
with an accuracy of 94.74%. Poonam Dhiman et. al
[19], identified the disease severity level in citrus
fruits at four levels being low, medium, high and
healthy by applying the transfer learning on the
VGGnet, giving an accuracy of 99% with severity
level low, 98% with high severity level, 97% with
medium and 96% with healthy fruit. Benjamin
Doh,et.al [20] used svm and ANN to identify the
citrus fruit disease based on its characteristics such as
color, holes, texture and morphology. The average
accuracy of ANN was 89% and 87% with SVM.
Inkyu Sa et. al [21], developed a model with
transfer learning on Faster Region-based CNN to
detect the presence of fruits in a farm. The
multimodal information comprising of Near Infra red
and RGB, with 4 channels was given as an input to
the network. The bounding box annotation was
performed on the images. The model was trained on
NVIDIA GPU. The F1 score obtained was 0.83.
Heena Shaikh et. al [23], used a six class classifier to
classify among apple, pear and bear healthy ones and
diseased fruits. In the first step images were
annotated using LabelImg in pascal voc format to
generate an XML file. 344 images were trained on
the faster R- CNN model. The average accuracy was
85. Jamil Ahmad et. al [20], plum images was
captured using mobiles phones are fed to the fine
tuned CNN to train the model for predicting 5 classes,
one class belong to healthy and the other classes
belong the defected classes. The overall performance
of the model is 88.42%. Ganeshan Mudaliar et. al
[24] developed a model to study the classification of
ripen tomato and rotten tomato. The data set was
taken from kaggle and trained over 500 images with
the mobile net. The image output size from pre-
processing stage is 32x32, which is then fed to the
mobile net. The accuracy of this model is 98.74.
Guichao Lin et. al [25], presented a shape matching
model based on sub fragment detection and
aggregation. Aggregation was done by eliminating
the false positives through SVM classifier. The
experimental results achieved precision in the range
0.783 – 0.919 for 6 classes.
From the related work it is understood that as the
size of the network increases, the training time
increases, but the model will produce an improved
accuracy when compared to the lighter model. Deep
learning models requires enormous data when
compared to computer vision techniques, but greater
performance can be achieved. One shot YOLO object
detection has CNN as backbone, used for real time
deployment for object detection.
3 Model Architecture
Convolutional neural network, being a deep learning
algorithm in which, based on the objects in the input
image, the learning weights are modified. With the
help of the filters, CNN can easily obtain the spatial
and temporal dependencies.
Convolution, ReLu, Pooling and fully connected
layers forms the building blocks of CNN. During this
process the dominant features are extracted. Noise
suppression is done in the max pooling layer. In the
fully connected layer, the nonlinear combination of
the dominant features are represented at the output.
The basic CNN architecture block diagrams are
shown in the following figure 1[8]. LeNet, AlexNet,
VGG Net, ResNet, architectures were built using the
basic blocks of CNN.
In the convolution layer output is given
mathematically as the formulation is defined by (1).
where k is the CONV layer, the output feature vector
for layer k was denoted by Xnew.
 (1)
and represents the elements of the filter and
bias respectively, denotes the activation function.
Rectified Linear unit activation function was applied
to increase the nonlinear properties of the network.
During this stage, the negative input values are
replaced by zero. In the pooling layer, based on the
chosen stride value and the window size the max
pooling or the average pooling is performed. The
feature map obtained from this form the input to the
subsequent layers. The above steps are repeated for
all the layers.
The flattened input is given to the fully connected
layer, to which softmax activation is applied to
produce the output in terms of probabilistic value for
the each of the classes. This model is implemented in
python with tensorflow and keras libraries.
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.10
Priyanka Kanupuru, N. V. Uma Reddy
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
Fig.1: Basic Convolutional Neural Network Architecture
Fig. 2 : Block diagram of an object detector.
3.1 Object detector
In general an object detector consists of the following
input, backbone neck and head. The objector detector
takes the input as image, patch, image pyramid. Back
bone generally contains an architecture built on CNN
model. The neck contains the path aggregation
blocks. It forms the feature pyramid network from the
backbone Head contains dense prediction of one
stage and sparse prediction consisting of two stages.
Generally used detectors for one stage are single shot
detector (SSD) and YOLO. Two stage detector model
uses faster RCNN based models. The object detector
diagram is shown in the figure 2 above [26].
3.2 Faster RCNN Architecture:
The faster RCNN consists of, Fast RCNN detector
with VGG as the backbone to obtain the object
features, a region proposal network to mark the
bounding boxes indicating the possible objects in an
image. The classification layer is responsible for the
class predictions. The width and height of the
bounding box can be obtained from the regression
layer. The size of the anchor boxes may vary from
128, 512,1024, the aspect ratio 2:1, 1:1, 1:2. It uses
multitask loss function [27]. The overview of faster
RCNN is shown in figure 3 below [27].
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.10
Priyanka Kanupuru, N. V. Uma Reddy
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
Fig.3: Block diagram of Faster R-CNN unified Network.
Fig. 4: YOLOV4 block diagram.
3.3 YOLOV4 Architecture
YOLO V4 is a simplified network with a reduced
number of learnable parameters when compared the
traditional CNN models. You Look Only Once, as
indicated by the name, it is a one-shot detector. It is
built on the cross stage partial architecture, which is
built on the Dense Net, called as CSPDarknet53[28].
It not only does image classification but also
performs the object localization. It is represented by
a vector consisting of probability of class, centre (x,y)
coordinates of the bounding box, height, width of the
bounding box, probability of the bounding box
classes. The YOLOV4block diagram is shown in the
figure 4 above [26].
In the neck part, concatenation was used for the
Path Aggregation Network (PAN). Max pooling was
performed in the spatial pyramid pooling. Further bag
of freebies (BoF) methods helps to improve the
accuracy without putting an additional overhead of
interference. Bag of Specials (BoS) consists of Mish
activation, Cross- stage partial connections and
weighted residual connections. Mish activation
function will be similar to ReLu and Swish. During
the training phase the weights are modified
depending on the Complete Intersection Over Union
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.10
Priyanka Kanupuru, N. V. Uma Reddy
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
(CIoU). The loss(L) is mathematically given in
equations (2,3) as [25-26]
L = S(ß, ßgt) + D(ß, ßgt) + V(ß,ßgt) (2)
IoU = Intersction Area / Union Area (3)
Where ß is the bounding box, S indicates the
overlap area, ßgt is the ground truth bounding box.
Analysing the CIoU loss helps in maintaining the
consistency of the bounding box aspect ratio. The
non-maximum suppression filters the additional
bounding boxes on the same object and the keeps
only a single bounding box. The uses the IoU and the
distance between the centers of two consecutive
boxes to determines the redundant enclosures.
3.4 YOLOV4 – Tiny Architecture:
YOLOV4 tiny architecture is built from YOLOV4.
This tiny model detects the objects at a faster rate
when compared to YOLOV4. Since it is a lightweight
model, it will be easily deployed on the real time
applications using embedded systems [29-31]. In the
backbone it uses CSPDarknet53-tiny. In the cross
stage partial network, it employs CSP block, in the
cross stage residual edge which divides the feature
map into two parts. So that it increases the correlation
difference in the gradient information. To reduce the
computational overhead it uses Leaky ReLu
activation function. Mathematically the Leaky ReLu
activation is given by [29]
 (4)
Where 󰇛 󰇜
Table 1: YOLOV4 tiny network structure.
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.10
Priyanka Kanupuru, N. V. Uma Reddy
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
Fig.5: Block diagram of YOLOV4 tiny model.
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.10
Priyanka Kanupuru, N. V. Uma Reddy
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
The feature pyramid network with different scales
are used to increase the object detection speed. In the
tiny model SPP and PAN are not used. The detections
are predicted using 13x13 and 26x 26 feature maps.
The block diagram of YOLOV4-tny model is shown
in the figure 5 below [32].
Initially the image is divided into SxS grids, in
each grid the objects are detected using bounding
boxes. Depending on the availability of the objects in
the grid, SxSxB bounding boxes are generated. This
process is repeated for the entire image. The object
is predicted only if the centre of the object related
bounding box is present inside the grid. The
bounding box is retained only if it satisfies the
confidence threshold value. Then intersection over
unions, non-maximum suppression is applied same
as YOLOV4 to retain a single bounding box over a
single image. The network structure of YOLOV4 tiny
model is shown in Table.1 above [33].
The average precision in YOLOV4 is increased by
10% when compared to YOLOV3. The YOLOV4
contains 139 convolutional layers whereas YOLOV4
tiny contains 29 convolutional layers. The accuracy
of the YOLOV4 tiny model is two-third of YOLOV4
model on MS COCO dataset. YOLOV4 tiny is
preferable in applications where there is a
requirement of faster processing in real in real time.
4 Results and Discussion
Two types of fruits, apple and banana, which are
healthy and diseased were considered for the study.
The classification and localization were performed
using YOLOV4 tiny and YOLO algorithms. This is
a multi-class classification problem with four classes
being good apple, bad apple, good banana and bad
banana. A total data set of 800 images were used. The
complete data set was split into train and test. A total
of 800 images with 200 images from each class are
collected. Few images were captured manually using
a mobile phone and few are collected from
kaggle.com /fruit 360. The same data set trained over
two frame works YOLOV4 tiny and YOLO. The
dataset was annotated with the bounding boxes using
lablelImg Software. The labelImg generates the .txt
file consisting of data related to class and bounding
box coordinates. The data augmentation was
performed on the images to increase the data set. The
images are rotated by 90 degrees and 270 degrees.
The following figures [6 -7] gives an overview of the
loss in two models. The model was trained using
google colab pro. At the end of 6000 iterations the
current average loss of the two models is shown in
the Table 2. below:
Since YOLOV4 tiny is a lightweight model in
which the loss convergence is faster. Since the
number of convolution layers in the tiny yolov4 less,
the trainable parameters is also less. Therefore, the
time taken by for each iteration is less when
compared to YOLOV4 model.
Fig. 6 YOLOV4 loss convergence with number of iterations during training
Table 2: Average loss during training.
Current average loss at 6000th iteration
Time taken for 6000 iterations
12 hours
YOLOV4 tiny
2 hours
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.10
Priyanka Kanupuru, N. V. Uma Reddy
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
Fig. 7 YOLOV4 tiny model loss convergence with number of iterations during training.
Table 3: Predictions on test images
Test image
Predicted class
Good apple
Bad apple
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.10
Priyanka Kanupuru, N. V. Uma Reddy
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
Bad apple
Bad banana
Bad banana
Good banana
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.10
Priyanka Kanupuru, N. V. Uma Reddy
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
Fig.8(a, b, c, d): Extracted frames of video prediction on YOLOV4 tiny.
Fig.9 (a, b, c, d): Extracted frames of video prediction on YOLOV4.
Table.3 shows image predictions, figures 8, 9 shown
above describes the predictions on the video, few
frames are extracted for both the YOLOV4 tiny and
YOLOV4 models. Green colored bounding box
indicates the good banana, the blue colored bounding
box indicates the bad apple, pink color bounding box
indicates that the predicted object is a good apple.
The confusion matrix is tabulated to describe the
performance of the model for the test images. It gives
the analysis about the predicted data against the target
data. The Table 4 and Table 5describes the confusion
matrix for fruit classification model with YOLOV4
and YOLOV4 tiny algorithms from which the
accuracy and F1 score was calculated.
Table 4: Confusion matrix of the fruit classification model with YOLOV4 algorithm
Predicted Outputs
Actual Class
Good apple
Bad apple
Good banana
Bad banana
Table 5: Confusion matrix of the fruit classification model with YOLOV4tiny algorithm
Predicted Outputs
Actual Class
Good apple
Bad apple
Good banana
Bad banana
The results obtained from Table 4 and Table5 shows
that there is no misclassification between the apple
and banana with both the models. The distinctive
features between the apple and banana are more
therefore the predictions does not classify the apple
as banana and vice-versa. In the case of classification
between the same species being healthy and spoiled
there is more correlation. Since the tiny YOLOv4
model has the less architecture when compared to the
full model, the misclassification is more between the
same species. From the confusion matrix the
accuracy, F1 score, Recall are calculated as shown in
the equations 5,6,7,8.
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.10
Priyanka Kanupuru, N. V. Uma Reddy
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
From Table 6, it is observed that the as the network
architecture is more, the number of trainable
parameters increases, performance metrics
parameters shows improvement. The accuracy and
F1 score of the YOLOV4 algorithm is higher in
comparison with YOLOV4 tiny when trained for
6000 iterations.
Table 6: Comparison of performance metrics for YOLOV4 and YOLOV4tiny.
5 Conclusion
In this paper apple and banana are classified between
the healthy and the diseased ones. Deep learning
YOLO algorithms will give higher accuracy and
precise object detection in comparison with
traditional CNN models. The dataset is trained on
YOLOV4 and the light weight model YOLOV4 tiny.
Since YOLOV4 tiny has a smaller number of
convolution layers in comparison with the YOLOV4,
it consumes less time for training. For this dataset,
after 6000 iterations the average loss in YOLOV4
tiny is less when compared to YOLOV4. Predictions
are done for the same set of images in YOLOV4 and
YOLOV4 tiny, it was observed that accuracy of the
YOLOV4 tiny model is slightly lesser than the
YOLOV4. For a given test image the confidence
score of identifying the object in YOLOV4 is higher
than YOLOV4 tiny, but faster predictions occur in
YOLOV4tiny as it a lightweight model so it can be
easily deployed in embedded systems for real time
applications. Therefore, there is a trade- off between
the time consumption, confidence level in
classification and accuracy. For a small-scale
applications YOLOv4 tiny is a good choice. In
Future, the model can be extended for other category
of fruits by re-training the model with relevant
dataset and can be deployed on embedded platform
for real time fruit grading.
Declaration of Interests
The authors declare that there is no conflict of
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the creation of a scientific article
(ghostwriting policy)
Priyanka Kanupuru contributed for the execution of
algorithms and analysis of results.
N V Uma Reddy contributed for the analysis of
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This article is published under the terms of the Creative
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DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.10
Priyanka Kanupuru, N. V. Uma Reddy
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022