Models of genetic networks with given properties
1Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Daugavpils University
Parades street 1, Daugavpils
2Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science,
University of Latvia
Rainis boulevard 29, Riga
Abstract: A multi-parameter system of ordinary differential equations, modelling genetic networks, is
considered. Attractors of this system correspond to future states of a network. Sufficient conditions for
the non-existence of stable critical points are given. Due to the special structure of the system, attractors
must exist. Therefore the existence of more complicated attractors was expected. Several examples are
considered, confirming this conclusion.
Key-Words: Mathematical model, dynamical system, attractors, genetic regulatory networks
Received: March 17, 2021. Revised: February 18, 2022. Accepted: March 19, 2022. Published: April 20, 2022.
1 Introduction
We consider systems of ordinary differential equa-
tions of the form
dt =1
1+eµ1(w11 x+w12 y+w13 zθ1)v1x,
dt =1
1+eµ2(w21 x+w22 y+w23 zθ2)v2y,
dt =1
1+eµ3(w31 x+w32 y+w33 zθ3)v3z
Such systems arise in the theory of complex net-
works, such as telecommunication ones [4], ge-
netic networks [3], [2], [7], [1], [6], [11], [12], neu-
ronal networks [9], [5]. More information can be
found in the review papers [3], [8] and others. In
models of genetic regulatory networks (GRN in
short) nonlinear functions on the right side de-
scribe interrelation between genes. They commu-
nicate by protein expression, sending messages to
each other. In such a way a collective reaction of
a network is formed. In the system (1) the func-
tion f(z) = 1
1+eµz is sigmoidal. Sigmoidal func-
tions are monotonically increasing from zero to
unity. These functions are most suitable for mod-
eling purposes. The parameters µiare positive.
The linear part in (1) describes the natural decay
of a network if there are no connections between
genes. The parameters θcan be any numbers and
in many cases they are adjustable. The coeffi-
cients wij are the entries of the regulatory matrix
Wthat describes links between genes. A positive
element wij means activation the i-th gene by j-
th one. Negative coefficient means repression (in-
hibition), zero means no relation. The change of
one entry of matrix Wleads to rearrangement
of the whole network. The collective response of
GRN to changes in environment can be developed
quickly. The current state of GRN is represented
by the state vector X(t) = (x1, . . . , xn(t)).The
dimension nin system (1) is three. Mathemat-
ically X(t) is the solution vector of system (1).
Properties of system (1) are such that it has an
invariant set in the phase space R3.This set is a
parallelepiped Q3={0< xi<1/vi, i = 1,2,3}.
Due to the properties of sigmoidal functions the
vector field defined by system (1), is directed in-
wards of the region Q3.The trajectories X(t) are
therefore trapped in Q3.The attractors of system
(1) must exist in Q3.Future states of a network
are heavily dependent on the number, location
and properties of attractors. The structure and
properties of attractors for system (1) are to be
Equilibria of system (1) always exist and are
located in the domain Q3.Equilibria are solutions
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.6
O. Kozlovska, F. Sadyrbaev
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
of the system
1+eµ1(w11 x+w12 y+w13 zθ1),
1+eµ2(w21 x+w22 y+w23 zθ2),
1+eµ3(w31 x+w32 y+w33 zθ3).
The system (2) consist of three equations which
define the nullclines. Three nullclines can inter-
sect only in Q3.Indeed, suppose that the critical
point (x, y, z) locates outside Q3.Then some
coordinate, say x,either is negative or greater
than 1/v1.This contradicts the properties of the
sigmoidal function in the right side (recall that
the range of values of a sigmoidal function is
(0,1)). The number of intersections is finite, but
cannot be zero. A unique cross-point is possible,
as examples show.
Our intent in this paper is to clarify the follow-
ing situation. Imagine that there is a unique crit-
ical point (an equilibrium), which is not attrac-
tive. The sufficient condition for non-attractivity
is positivity of a real part of at least one char-
acteristic number λ. The characteristic numbers
can be computed for any equilibrium using the
standard analysis of the linearized equation. We
will provide the necessary information in the next
section. If a unique critical point is not attractive,
there are other attractors.
We pass to description of our results in this
direction. We provide the sufficient conditions,
in terms of the coefficients of Wand parame-
ters of the system (1), for a critical point to be
non-attractive. We construct then the examples,
where our conditions are applicable. In these ex-
amples the critical point is unique. Therefore an
attractor of more complicated structure should
exist. We have discovered them. To be more spe-
cific, our intent is to provide conditions for ex-
istence of equilibria with the characteristic num-
bers λ1R, λ2,3=α±βi, where α > 0, i =1.
2 Problem Formulation
Consider system (1), where v1=v2=v3= 1,for
The critical points are solutions of the system
1+eµ1(w11 x+w12 y+w13 zθ1)
1+eµ2(w21 x+w22 y+w23 zθ2),
1+eµ3(w31 x+w32 y+w33 zθ3).
The linearized system at a critical point
(x, y, z) is
g1=eµ1(w11 x+w12 y+w13 zθ1)
[1 +eµ1(w11 x+w12 y+w13 zθ1)]2,
g2=eµ2(w21 x+w22 y+w23 zθ2)
[1 +eµ2(w21 x+w22 y+w23 zθ2)]2,
g3=eµ3(wn1x+wn2y+w33 zθ3)
[1 +eµ3(w31 x+w32 y+w33 zθ3)]2.
Properties of a critical point (x, y, z) are de-
scribed by the three numbers (they are called the
characteristic numbers) λ1, λ2, λ3,which can be
found from the chracteristic equation. One has
det(AλI) = 0,(5)
where Ais 3 ×3 matrix of the coefficients of the
system (4), Iis the unity 3 ×3 matrix.
The equation (5) is complicated, since it re-
quires computation of the partial derivatives gi
at the critical point (x, y, z).It can be sim-
plified, however, in this way. Observe, from (3),
eµ1(w11 x+w12 y+w13 zθ1)=1
eµ2(w21 x+w22 y+w23 zθ2)=1
eµ3(w31 x+w32 y+w33 zθ3)=1
Then g1=
=(1 x)xand, similarly,
g2= (1 y)y, g3= (1 z)z.
The entries aij of the matrix AλI, needed for
construction of the characteristic equation, are:
a11 =µ1w11(1 x)x1λ,
a12 =µ1w12(1 x)x,
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.6
O. Kozlovska, F. Sadyrbaev
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
a13 =µ1w13(1 x)x,
a21 =µ2w21(1 y)y,
a22 =µ2w22(1 y)y1λ,
a23 =µ2w23(1 y)y,
a31 =µ3w31(1 z)z,
a32 =µ3w32(1 z)z,
a33 =µ3w33(1 z)z1λ.
Choice of θ-s.The coordinates of a critical
point (x, y, z) are solutions of the system (3).
Observe, that if x=y=z= 0.5,then for θi
such that
w11 +w12 +w13 = 2 θ1,
w21 +w22 +w23 = 2 θ2,
w31 +w32 +w33 = 2 θ3,
the numbers x=y=z= 0.5 solve the system
Assumption θ.We assume that θisatisfy
Conclusion Θ.The entries aij of the matrix
AλI, needed for construction of the character-
istic equation, become:
a11 =µ1w110.25 1λ,
a12 =µ1w120.25,
a13 =µ1w130.25,
a21 =µ2w210.25,
a22 =µ2w220.25 1λ,
a23 =µ2w230.25,
a31 =µ3w310.25,
a32 =µ3w320.25,
a33 =µ3w330.25 1λ.
Choice of µ-s. For easier calculations, we
would like to make the products µi0.25 in the
above elements equal to unity. Therefore we
choose µi= 4 for i= 1,2,3.
Assumption µ.We assume that µi= 4 for
i= 1,2,3.
Conclusion µ.The entries aij of the matrix
AλI, needed for construction of the character-
istic equation, become:
a11 =w11 1λ,
a12 =w12,
a13 =w13,
a21 =w21,
a22 =w22 1λ,
a23 =w23,
a31 =w31,
a32 =w32,
a33 =w33 1λ.
2.1 Characteristic equation
We are now in a position to construct the
characteristic equation for the critical point
(0.5,0.5,0.5) assuming that Assumption θand
Assumption µhold. Computing the determinant
of the matrix AλI, we obtain the equation
Λ3(w11 +w22 +w332
(w21w12 w11w22 +w31w13
+w32w23 w11w33 w22w33
(w31w22w13 +w21w32w13
+w31w12w23 w11w32w23
w21w12w33 +w11w22w33) = 0,
Λ = λ+ 1.(9)
Rewrite (8) in a compact form
Λ3+PΛ2+QΛ + R= 0,(10)
P=(w11 +w22 +w33),(11)
Q=(w21w12 w11w22 +w31w13
+w32w23 w11w33 w22w33),(12)
R=(w31w22w13 +w21w32w13 +w31w12w23
w11w32w23 w21w12w33 +w11w22w33).
Equation (10) for the variable λis
λ3+(3+P)λ2+(3+2P+Q)λ+(1+P+Q+R) = 0.
2.2 Problem
We can now formulate the problem. Up to now
we have made the choice of the parameters vi, θi
and µi.The critical point under consideration is
placed to the location (0.5,0.5,0.5) by the choice
of θi.
Our plan is the following:
1) we make the point (0.5,0.5,0.5) non-
attractive by the appropriate choice of the
entries in the matrix W;
2) under the assumption that this point is
unique we are led to the conclusion, that there
are no attractive equilibria in the cube Q3;
3) Then there must exist other attractors.
3 Problem Solution
We assume that there is a single critical point and
it is placed in the middle point by an appropri-
ate choice of the parameters θ. We wish to make
this point non-attractive by the choice of other
parameters and matrix W.
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.6
O. Kozlovska, F. Sadyrbaev
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
3.1 Routh - Gurwitz criterion and
related material
Let us recall the Routh-Gurwitz conditions for
the third order equations. Consider
a3s3+a2s2+a1s+a0= 0.(15)
Our trusted source of information is [10].
Consider the Table:
This table is called Routh array.
Proposition 3.1. The number of roots in the
open right half-plane is equal to the number of
sign changes in the first column of Routh array.
Proposition 3.2. If 0 appears in the first col-
umn in nonzero row in Routh array, replace it
with a small positive number. In this case, poly-
nomial has some roots in the open right half-plane
Proposition 3.3. If zero row appears in Routh
array, polynomial has roots either on the imagi-
nary axis or in RHP.
Proposition 3.4. If all zeros are in the left half
plane (LHP), then all akare of the same sign.
Corollary 1. If there is sign change in akthen
some zero is not in the LHP.
Theorem 1. If (3 + P)or (3 + 2P+Q)or (1 +
P+Q+R)is negative in (14), then some λis
not in the LHP.
Example 1. 3 + P < 0.
Take µi= 4,3(w11 +w22 +w33)<0.All
others wij are taken randomly. To be specific, let
w11 = 1, w22 = 2, w33 = 3.Let wij = +1 for i+j
even, wij =1 for i+jodd. So the matrix
W=Ã11 1
1 2 1
11 3 !.(17)
is suitable. Choose θias recommended, so θ1=
0.5, θ2= 0.0, θ3= 1.5.The characteristic equa-
tions is
λ3+ (3 + P)λ2+(3+2P+Q)λ+ (1 + P+Q
+R) = λ33λ2λ+ 1 = 0.
The Routh array is
s23 1
There are two sign changes in the first column of
the Routh array.
Solving (18) with respect to λ, obtain
λ1=0.675131, λ2= 0.460811, λ3= 3.21432.
The type of the equilibrium at (0.5,0.5,0.5) is a
3D saddle point. There are other critical points,
so the existence of attractors other than the sta-
ble equilibria is not observed.
Example 2. 3+2P+Q < 0.
Let the matrix be
W=Ã3 5 2
1 1 0
0 1 2!.(20)
The parameters µiand θiare chosen as usu-
ally. After simple calculations obtain 3 + P= 1,
3 + 2P+Q=1,1 + P+Q+R= 17.The
characteristic numbers are λ1=3.1, λ2,3=
1.05 ±2.1i.The critical point at (0.5,0.5,0.5) is
Example 3. 1 + P+Q+R < 0.
Choose six entries in the regulatory matrix and
let the remaining three be arbitrary. Suppose
wii = 0 for i= 1,2,3.Let w13 =1, w21 =1,
w32 =1.So the matrix Wis of the form
W=Ã0w12 1
1 0 w23
w31 1 0 !.(21)
P= 0, Q =w12 +w31 +w23, R = 1w31w12w23,
1+P+Q+R= 1+w12+w31 +w23+1w31w12w23
and the condition 1 + P+Q+R < 0 takes the
w12 +w31 +w23 < w31w12w23 2.(22)
The region is visualized in two pictures Fig. 1
and Fig. 2.
The elements w12 =2, w23 =2, w31 = 1
are admissible.
For the matrix
1 0 2
11 0 !,(23)
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.6
O. Kozlovska, F. Sadyrbaev
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
Figure 1: First view.
Figure 2: Second view.
parameter µi=4, θi= (wi1+wi2+wi3)/2
the characteristic equation for the central point
(0.5,0.5,0.5) is
λ3+ 3λ20λ5 = 0.(24)
The Routh array is
s31 0
There is one sign change in the first column.
The characteristic numbers for the point
(0.5,0.5,0.5) are
λ1= 1.1038, λ2,3=2.0519 ±0.565236i.
The type of this critical point is an attractive
focus and repelling in the remaining dimension.
The point is not attractive, but there are other
critical points and the existence of an attractor
other than a stable equilibrium, cannot be guar-
In the above examples we succeded in assign-
ing the critical point (0.5,0.5,0.5) the status of
non-attracting point. There are, however, other
critical points and some of them (or all of them)
are attractive. In the next section we provide ex-
amples, where assumtions 1 and 2 of subsection
2.2 together are satisfied.
4 More examples
I. Consider system (1), where µi= 4, vi= 1,and
the regulatory matrix
1 1 a
a1 1 !.(26)
Suppose a0.If a= 0,the matrix becomes
W=Ã1 0 1
1 1 0
01 1 !.(27)
and it contains inhibitory cycle (three 1) and
self-activation (three 1). The corresponding sys-
tem (1) is known to have periodic solutions.
Consider system (1) with the matrix (28).
Suppose that the parameters θiare chosen ap-
Computational experiments show that for a=
0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4, ..., 0.8 there exists a periodic so-
lution. There exists a single critical point at
For a= 0.8 the values (3 + P),(3 + 2P+
Q),(1 + P+Q+R),mentioned in Theorem 1,
respectively are 0,2.4,1.512.Therefore a single
critical point has the real part in RHP.
The periodic solution exists also, depicted in
the Figure 3.
Figure 3: Stable periodic solution for a= 0.8
II. Consider Example 2 in the previous sec-
tion. We have shown that the critical point at
the center is not attractive. Visual inspection of
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.6
O. Kozlovska, F. Sadyrbaev
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
nullclines confirm that this point is unique. It has
the following characteristic numbers λ1=3.10,
λ2,3= 1.05 ±2.10i.
Figure 4: The nullclines in Example II.
Therefore another attractor is expected. It ex-
ists in the form of stable periodic solution.
Figure 5: Stable periodic solution in Example
III. Consider system (1) with the previous
choice of parameters and the regulatory matrix
W=Ã3 5 2
0 1 1 !.(28)
The values (3+P),(3+ 2P+Q),(1+P+Q+R),
mentioned in Theorem 1, are 2,5,2.Therefore a
single critical point has the real part in RHP. The
craracteristic numbers are λ1=0.34, λ2,3=
1.17 ±2.11i.An attractor exists.
Figure 6: Stable periodic solution in Example
5 Conclusion
Using mathematical models can make the process
of studying GRN easier and more effective. Given
experimental data of some particular GRN, the
mathematical model should be adjusted by the
appropriate change of parameters. Afterward,
the model can be studied using standard math-
ematical analysis tools. An inverse problem is
to take an existed model and try to predict the
properties of a real network, studying its model.
In our research, we did something in this spirit.
We try to select the characteristics of a network
(respectively, the elements of the regulatory ma-
trix W) in such a way, that the existence of sta-
ble equilibria is not allowed. This can reveal
more complicated attractive sets on the phase
space. We have obtained such conditions and
tested them. In our examples, which were con-
structed, following the recommendations of The-
orem 1, no stable equilibria can appear. Instead,
we got stable periodic attractors. In perspective,
considering models with several critical points of
non-attractive nature, we hope to get attractors
of the next level of complicacy. Recall, that the
popular Lorenz attractor is based on three equi-
libria, two of them are non-attractive saddle fo-
cuses and one is a saddle point.
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DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.6
O. Kozlovska, F. Sadyrbaev
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022