Performance Simulation of a Traffic Sign Recognition based Neural
Network on Cadence’s Tensilica Vision P6 DSP using Xtensa Xplorer
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication1,2
College of Engineering, Pune1,2
Abstract: - Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) technology is currently in an embryonic stage. Many
multinational tech companies and startups are developing a truly autonomous vehicle that will guarantee the
safety and security of the passengers and other vehicles, pedestrians on roads, and roadside structures such as
traffic signal poles, traffic signposts, and other structures. However, these autonomous vehicles have not been
implemented on a large scale for regular use on roads currently. These autonomous vehicles perform many
different object detection/recognition tasks. Examples include traffic sign recognition, lane detection,
pedestrian detection. Usually, the person driving the vehicle performs these detection/recognition tasks. The
main goal of such autonomous systems should be to perform these tasks in real-time. Deep learning performs
these object recognition tasks with very high accuracy. The neural network is implemented on the hardware
device, which does all the computation work. Different vendors have many different hardware choices that suit
the client's needs. Usually, these neural networks are implemented on a CPU, DSP, GPU, FPGA, and other
custom-made AI-specific hardware. The underlying processor forms a vital part of an ADAS. The CNN needs
to process the incoming frames from a camera for real-time object detection/recognition tasks. Real-time
processing is necessary to take appropriate actions/decisions depending on the logic embedded. Hence knowing
the performance of the neural network (in terms of frames processed per second) on the underlying hardware is
a significant factor in deciding the various hardware options available from different vendors, which CNN
model to implement, whether the CNN model is suitable to implement on the underlying hardware depending
upon the system specifications and requirement. In this paper, we trained a CNN using the transfer learning
approach to recognize german traffic signs using Nvidia DIGITS web-based software and analyzed the
performance of this trained CNN (in terms of frames per second) by simulating the trained CNN on Cadence's
Xtensa Xplorer software by selecting Cadence's Tensilica Vision P6 DSP as an underlying processor for
Key-words - Traffic Sign Recognition (TSR), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN, ConvNets), Multiply and
Accumulate (MACs), frames per second (fps), Digital Signal Processor (DSP), Graphics Processing Unit
(GPU), Xtensa Neural Network Compiler (XNNC), Xtensa Xplorer, Xtensa Processor Generator (XPG),
Vector Floating Point Unit (VFPU), Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Received: March 14, 2021. Revised: January 15, 2022. Accepted: February 16, 2022. Published: March 24, 2022.
1 Introduction
ADAS enables vehicles to become more aware of
their surroundings and, generally, safer to drive.
ADAS covers a few functions of traffic sign
recognition, automatic parking, adaptive cruise
control, collision avoidance, lane departure, vehicle
to vehicle communication, and Voice and Gesture
Recognition [1]. As the sensors in the vehicle
generate vast amounts of data per second, this data
must be processed in real-time to enable quick and
intelligent decision-making. Integrating all these
functionalities and processing this vast amount of
data is challenging and requires a unique design
approach. Typically, the chips which perform these
functionalities must have high compute performance
(>1000GMA/s), high memory bandwidth (up to
1Gb to support high-resolution image/video
streams), Hi-speed I/O, and providing optimal
power, performance, and area ratio. The figure
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.5
Ninad Patil, Vanita Agarwal
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
below shows an integrated ADAS SoC
Fig.1 Integrated ADAS SoC Architecture[1]
To enable a safer driving experience, each vehicle
will need to exchange vast amounts of data in real-
time with other vehicles and roadside units present
in the surroundings. Camera, ultrasound, radar
sensors, and the LiDAR system are strategically
placed inside and around the car. Front/Rear/Side
view monitoring systems and driver monitoring
systems are various safety systems[2]. These
sensors are coupled with sophisticated AI/machine
learning algorithms (deep learning) to aid quick and
intelligent decision-making. Usually, an AI
processor takes care of all the intense computation
requirements of the algorithms.
Fig.2 Various sub-systems within an ADAS
The DSP used in this project is Tensilica’s Vision
P6 DSP. The figure below shows the internal block
diagram of the DSP.
Fig.3 Vision P6 DSP Block Diagram[3]
The Vision P6 DSPs from Cadence is designed to
perform image processing, computer vision & AI-
specific operations efficiently[3]. Features that make
this processor favorable for these tasks are as
follows[3]: -
Specially tailored Instruction sets for
performing Image processing/AI-specific tasks
(Add, Sub, Compare, Matrix Multiplication,
New instructions which give an increased math
An increased number of MAC blocks for
performing MAC operations is required for
Image Processing/Object Recognition & AI-
related tasks
A high number of MAC operations per second
64-way 8-bit SIMD width
More efficient in terms of performance and
power consumption for a typical AI
implementation as compared to GPU’s
With an improved 8-bit & 16-bit arithmetic, the
Vision P6 DSP improves performance over
convolution, FIR filtering & matrix
32-bit single-precision and 16-bit half-precision
VFPU offers performance improvement
Fig.4 Features of Vision DSPs that enable object
recognition and AI-related tasks to be performed
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.5
Ninad Patil, Vanita Agarwal
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
Fig.5 Energy consumption comparison between
CPU, GPU, and Vision DSP[4]
A CPU or a GPU is used to implement a CNN in
most cases. Compared to these traditional
CPU/GPU, Vision DSPs consume significantly less
energy/frame due to the improvements made in the
architecture of the DSP in terms of memory
bandwidth, Instruction set architecture, Hi-speed I/O
and interconnects, and an increased number of MAC
units which takes care of the high compute-intensive
requirement of image processing/AI-specific
Cadence’s Tensilica DSPs based on Xtensa
architecture, which are configurable processors and
can be custom-made (adding execution units,
processor I/O interfaces, instruction sets) with the
help of Xtensa Processor Developers Toolkit along
with customized system design, software, and
hardware (RTL) development[5][6]. As the
hardware is automatically generated for the
Tensilica Vision DSPs, we can synthesize these
processors and implement them quickly on an
FPGA. Due to the availability of software
programmability, SoC designers can add elasticity
to their design and improve performance.
Fig.6 Flow diagram for XPG[6]
The Xtensa Processor Generator generates an
RTL code, and along with the EDA scripts, various
activities such as synthesis, block placement,
routing, verification, SoC integration are performed.
The processor also generates other outputs
associated with the system and software
2 Literature Review
CNN is used for object detection/image
recognition tasks owing to their accuracy in
detecting/recognizing objects in the images and the
speed with which they perform these tasks[7]. CNN
consists of different layers connected in a cascaded
manner. Some of the common types of layers are
convolutional layer, fully connected layer, loss
layer, pooling layer. CNN architectures are defined
by the number of different layer types and how
these layers are connected. Some of the common
types of CNN architectures are ResNet, GoogleNet,
AlexNet, MobileNet.
AlexNet Architecture
Input to AlexNet is an RGB image of size
224*224. AlexNet architecture has eight layers (5
convolutional layers followed by three fully
connected layers in the end)[8]. Some of the
convolution layers are followed by Max Pooling
layers. Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) f(x) =
max(0,x) is used as an activation function. The three
fully connected layers, in the end, feeds to the
SoftMax classifier[8]. This classifier classifies the
image into one of the classes depending upon the
total classes available.
Fig.7 AlexNet Architecture[8]
Transfer Learning
It is a technique in which a neural network
previously trained for some tasks is re-used for the
task at hand. This technique saves much time and
compute resources that would have been otherwise
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.5
Ninad Patil, Vanita Agarwal
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
required for training the neural network from
scratch. In this pre-trained network model, the
weights have already been set. A new dataset is
provided to the network. The only change is in the
classifier, which is present at the end that classifies
the image into one of the several labels present in
the dataset. The classifier is changed depending on
the number of classes present in the dataset. It also
does some fine-tuning on the weights.
German Traffic Sign Dataset
Training of a neural network requires a large
dataset. The dataset also needs to have various
images of each class, taken in different light and
weather conditions. Due to practical limitations in
obtaining such a huge traffic sign dataset and
variations, we downloaded the German Traffic Sign
Recognition Benchmark (GTSRB) dataset used in
the ICJNN competition[9]. The dataset was
prepared from a video. The dataset consisted of
50,000 plus images of German road traffic signs
divided into 43 classes.
Caffe is a deep learning framework that the
Berkeley Vision and Learning Centre developed at
the University of California, Berkeley. Speed,
expression, and modularity was the main goal
behind creating the Caffe framework. It is prevalent
among research scientists, startups, and academia.
The network definition format is entirely different
from other popular frameworks such as TensorFlow.
No complex coding is required for optimization and
defining the model and is done with the help of a
configuration file. With the help of a single flag, we
can switch between a CPU or GPU for training
purposes. Once the model is trained, a .caffemodel
file is generated. This file consists of floating-point
weights/parameters. Other files required for training
are:- 1) train_val. prototxt this file is used to
define the network architecture, the path to a binary
proto file, the path to training, and the validation
dataset 2) solver. prototxt used to specify gradient
descent parameters, learning rate, number of
iterations, step-size, base learning rate, and other
information required for training 3) mean.
binaryproto It has the mean value of images over a
complete dataset for each channel that needs to be
subtracted from each image[10].
NVIDIA DIGITS provides a graphical user
interface for training a neural network rather than a
command line. DIGITS generates and modifies
other training files. DIGITS is an interactive web-
based tool that helps AI/ML engineers focus on
training and designing the algorithms rather than
debugging and other necessary pre-training tasks.
DIGITS can train the neural network with high
accuracy and rapidly for image recognition, image
segmentation, object detection tasks. DIGITS take
care of all the pre-processing steps that are
performed on a dataset, selecting/uploading a pre-
trained model for transfer learning, training a neural
network from scratch, and providing various
visualizations (in the form of graphs/charts) before,
during, and after training[11]. This simplifies the
training of a neural network. There are multiple
image resizing options available in Nvidia DIGITS.
For example, there is squash, fill (random noise),
crop, half-crop.
Xtensa Neural Network Compiler
XNNC is a tool used to convert a floating-point
neural network model into a fixed-point, optimized
solution for Xtensa Processors. XNNC helps
optimize the CNN by efficiently converting the
floating-point weights to an optimized fixed-point
weight without losing accuracy[12]. XNNC
supports both standard and custom CNN layers and
major CNN architectures. XNNC quantizes the
input model. XNNC does not have a graphical user
interface (GUI) and uses a command line to take
inputs and generate output.
Files that are given to the input of the XNNC are:-
Floating-point CNN definition (Accepted file
formats include .caffemodel, .prototxt,
.binaryproto, TensorFlow models)
Calibration and Validation dataset
Files generated at the output of the XNNC: -
CNN code optimized for target Xtensa DSP
Accuracy report and other supporting files
The XNNC reads from a configuration file. In the
file the path is mentioned for the following: 1) the
path to the .caffemodel file is stored. 2) path where
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.5
Ninad Patil, Vanita Agarwal
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
to store the output 3) path to the calibration and
validation dataset. There are various other
information present in the file such as name of the
CNN architecture used, name of the Xtensa core,
accuracy level to be used, etc., which helps to
configure the XNNC. In order to generate an
optimized, fixed-point version of the neural network
model, the floating-point neural network goes
through a 2-stage process. The first stage analyses
the layer activations of the floating-point network. It
evaluates quantization profiles (min/max ranges of
the outputs from each layer) across a range of
experimental distributions observed in the
calibration and validation image sets given in the
input. Based on this evaluation, scaling factors for
fixed-point conversion of each layer are determined.
The XNNC then takes these quantization parameters
and generates an optimized, fixed-point neural
network. The optimized code and other supporting
software files are provided in a workspace with a
.xws extension. This workspace file can be imported
into Xtensa Xplorer to get a performance report[12].
Xtensa Xplorer IDE
The Xtensa Xplorer IDE acts as a GUI for the
complete design process. It is the main center for
custom processor development. Using Xtensa
Xplorer IDE, we can do code creation for Xtensa
based processors, perform system analysis,
performance optimization (by addition of instruction
and execution units), identify any hotspots in the
systems, decide configuration options, profiling
applications, and finally generate processor[6]. This
reduces the time-to-market.
Features of Xtensa Xplorer IDE:-
Efficient Xtensa C/C++ compiler (XCC)
Xtensa assembler, debugger, linker, GNU
profiler, and other utilities
Performance, energy analysis, and project
management tools
Memory partitioning, sub-system simulation,
debugging, and profiling of multi-processors
Cycle-accurate Instruction Set Simulator
Pipeline modeling
Locating and vectorization of code loops with
the help of a vectorization assistant
This makes it an all-in-one tool that integrates
processor optimization, software development, and
multi-processor SoC architecture design [6]. Xtensa
Xplorer IDE is a part of the Cadence Tensilica
Xtensa SDK. The various tools which are integrated
inside speed up the software development process.
3 Methodology
Training of the CNN for traffic sign
recognition task
A pre-trained AlexNet Caffe model was
downloaded from the Caffe model zoo[13]. Using
the transfer learning approach, the model was
trained for traffic sign recognition tasks using the
GTSRB dataset on Nvidia DIGITS[11]. The model
was trained on 43 different classes of traffic signs
on NVIDIA DIGITS. This model was then uploaded
onto the DIGITS software along with the traffic sign
dataset consisting of 43 image classes in jpeg
format. The images were resized to a fixed
resolution. After training was completed, a
.caffemodel file was generated along with prototxt
and binaryproto files.
Preparing calibration and validation
The German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark
(GTSRB) dataset, which was downloaded, had 43
traffic sign classes. The XNNC supports only .ppm,
.jpeg, .pgm image file formats. As the images in the
dataset were in png format, they were first
converted from png to ppm format. These images
were then divided into calibration and validation
datasets. Each dataset had 11 images of each of the
43 classes. Hence each dataset had a total of 473
Compilation using Xtensa Neural
Network Compiler
The .caffemodel file generated after the training
phase is fed to the XNNC software for compilation
along with the traffic sign calibration and validation
dataset[12]. After installing XNNC, the .caffe model
file was given input to the XNNC along with the
calibration and validation dataset. The image format
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.5
Ninad Patil, Vanita Agarwal
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
was ppm, and the image resolution was 224*224*3.
Both these datasets contain 11 images of each 43
classes. In total, there were 11*43 = 473 images in
each dataset. There are a total of 2 stages in the
compilation: -
3.1.1 Analysis Stage
The Analysis stage is executed using calibration
images, validation images, and network definition.
The Analysis stage maps the network layers to their
XI-CNN library equivalents. It empirically evaluates
the activations of each layer to determine
appropriate quantization parameters for the model
weights and library functions[12]. Analysis Stage
Quantization Accuracy Levels:
o Level 0 (default better performance, lesser
detection quality) This level was selected
for this task
o Level 1 (Balanced)
o Level 2 (better detection quality)
Adjustable thresholds for min/max selection and
outlier removal for quantization calibration
Layer wise manual modification of min/max
values for quantization
Control of input/output data types for custom
3.1.2 Optimization Stage
After the analysis stage, the execution of the
optimization stage takes place where it takes the
quantized network and fixed-point parameters as
inputs and generates the optimized code for the
target Xtensa processor in the output[12]. The
Optimization stage determines how local memory is
partitioned, the storage formats of data and
coefficients, and the DMA tiling strategy for the
network[12]. Optimization Stage Options:-
Layer-wise declaration of data storage formats
Memory Configuration Options
Use default configuration from the target DSP's
core parameters
Treat dual local RAMs as contiguous or non-
Adjust the size of memory reserved for stack
and statically allocated data
Batching (process a series of images to help
reduce memory bandwidth)
When the compilation process is complete,
optimized code is generated for the target Xtensa
processor, along with a summary of the expected
detection quality of the quantized, fixed-point
network. Caffe model is required to compile the
network model using the XNN compiler[12].
Alternatively, we can use a TensorFlow model, but
this approach will require one additional step,
converting the TensorFlow model into the Caffe
model. If we use Caffe, we can bypass this
conversion step, as shown in the image below.
Fig.8 XNNC Compilation Stages and User
Viewing the performance report on
Xtensa Xplorer IDE
The optimized code generated by the XNNC, along
with other supporting software files needed to get
the performance report, is given as input to the
Xtensa Xplorer IDE in the form of a workspace[12].
The extension of this workspace file is .xws. To
analyze the CNN's performance, Xtensa Xplorer
IDE needs to be configured by importing the Vision
P6 DSP core. Once the Xtensa IDE is configured for
Vision P6 DSP, then the performance report of the
neural network can be generated by importing the
previously generated workspace from XNNC and
running the simulation. The simulated result would
be approximately equal to the actual result if the
CNN was implemented on Vision P6 DSP
4 Results and Discussions
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.5
Ninad Patil, Vanita Agarwal
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
After training the neural network on Nvidia DIGITS
a .caffemodel is generated. This file is given as
input to the Xtensa Neural Network Compiler. A
workspace file with the extension .XWS is
generated at the output of XNNC which is then
given to the Xtensa Xplorer for generating the
performance report. The performance report for the
trained CNN (AlexNet) was generated by running
the simulation on the Xtensa Xplorer software. The
figure below shows the performance report
generated on the Xtensa Xplorer software. In the
figure, below the toolbar option we can see that in
the P: section, the neural network used is AlexNet,
and in the C: section, the software has been
configured to run the AlexNet on Vision P6 DSP.
The CNN (AlexNet) performance was 116.54 FPS
at a clock speed of 1000.00 MHz. The total number
of MAC operations required to process one frame is
720 million. The number of cycles required to
process one frame is around 8.5million ( precisely
8580570). The processor clock speed is 1000 MHz,
i.e., 1000000000 clock cycles in 1 second. Thus
1000000000/8580570 comes out around 116.54 fps
which indicates it can process one frame in 8.58ms.
It can be concluded from the "Layer Name" column
that the neural network used for the TSR task is
AlexNet. There are convolutional layers (conv1,
conv2, conv3, conv4, conv5), fully connected layers
(ip6, ip7, ip8) after convolutional layers, and at the
end, a SoftMax layer. Convolutional layers 1 and 2
are followed by batch normalization and max
pooling. The convolutional layers 3,4,5 are
cascaded, followed by max-pooling in the end.
We can conclude from this result that
convolutional & fully connected layers perform
most of the MAC operations. Other related
information has been provided in the various
columns. Some of the columns indicate the total
number of cycles, DMA wait cycles (Number of
cycles the request must wait to access the memory
directly via a system bus), DMA Queue Size (the
number of DMA requests queue reserved in local
memory), number of MACs per cycle, and the total
number of MAC operations for each layer.
Fig.10 Performance Report of AlexNet trained for
TSR on Cadence Tensilica Vision P6 DSP
5 Conclusion
The simulation concluded that the AlexNet CNN
processed the input video frames at 116.54 FPS at a
processor clock speed of 1000 MHz on Vision P6
DSP. Convolutional and fully connected layers
perform a significant portion of the total MAC
operations. The total number of MAC operations
required per frame is around a 720million. The total
cycles required for the processing of one frame are
6 Future Works
In the future, more efficient and optimized CNN
architectures such as ResNet and GoogleNet can be
trained on the GTSRB dataset, improving the
performance results significantly. Performance
comparison of different CNN architectures can also
be made, which will set a benchmark for the
performance of a CNN and can also serve as a
reference model for future research. It can also help
us decide which architecture to implement in an
actual self-driving car. Current results assume ideal
conditions that there will be no error while
recognizing the traffic sign. The overall system can
be more robust by considering different weather
conditions and other scenarios and training the
neural network on these datasets.
7 Acknowledgment
I want to thank Late Prof A.B.Patki from the E&TC
department, Centre of Excellence (CoESIP) & VLSI
design lab staff for all the guidance and help
provided in completing this project. I would also
like to thank Mr. Sarang Shelke and Mr. Abhishek
Belkonikar of Cadence Design Systems, Inc, who
helped me complete this project and solve queries
regarding Cadence's XNNC and Xtensa Xplorer
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.5
Ninad Patil, Vanita Agarwal
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
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This article is published under the terms of the
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DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.5
Ninad Patil, Vanita Agarwal
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022