Highlighting Current Issues in API Usage Mining to Enhance
Software Reusability
Chungbuk National University
College of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Database/Bio informatics Laboratory
Chungda-ro 1, Seowon-Gu, Cheongju
Chungbuk National University
College of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Database/Bio informatics Laboratory
Chungda-ro 1, Seowon-Gu, Cheongju
Chungbuk National University
College of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Database/Bio informatics Laboratory
Chungda-ro 1, Seowon-Gu, Cheongju
Chungbuk National University
College of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Database/Bio informatics Laboratory
Chungda-ro 1, Seowon-Gu, Cheongju
Abstract: The sheer amount of open source codes made available in code repositories and code search engines
along with the rapidly increasing releases of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) have made code devel-
opment process easier for programmers. However, learning how to use the elements of an API properly is both
challenging and requires learning curve. Mining the available client and test codes can help programmers to iden-
tify the best practices in using these APIs. In this paper, we investigate the API usage mining to identify open
issues for the researchers. In particular, we make a theoretical comparison of the API usage pattern mining and
highlight unresolved issues along with proper suggestions to address them.
Key–Words: API usage patterns, Mining software engineering data, association rules,frequent patterns
1 Introduction
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are
facilitating source code reusability for programmers.
Recently, the number of APIs made available to the
programmers has drastically increased in different do-
mains generating a huge number of reusable code el-
ements. Motivated by this sheer amount of data, re-
searchers have devised methods for mining software
engineering data [1] .
A major current focus of applying data mining to
software engineering data, is mining API usage pat-
terns [9]. Researchers basically apply data mining to
extract patterns that can serve both in code reusability
[10] and to detect violations [14], [13].
A pattern can be considered as a violating pattern
in regard to multiple factors such as a sequence of
code elements that if followed can cause huge energy
consumption in the device that implements it. In con-
trast a reusable pattern is the best practice that is usu-
ally demanded by programmers.
In order to find reusable patterns the most used and
applied data mining techniques are association rule
mining and clustering. A recent survey was reported
in [8], where the authors have empirically evaluated
the efciency of applying itemset mining and sequen-
tial pattern mining to the problem of mining call-
usage patterns. More recently, Shaheen and Azhar [9]
have reviewed source code mining techniques where
they have categorized the techniques into three gen-
eral categories; namely, programming rules, copy-
paste detection, and API usage.
In this paper, the most used techniques of API us-
age pattern mining are investigated in order to help
researchers progress in this direction. In essence,
the paper describes the general framework of mining
API usage patterns, evaluates the techniques used, and
highlights the current issues along with viable sugges-
tions for addressing them. Therefore the key contribu-
tions of this paper can be summarized in the follow-
Theoretical comparison and evaluation of the
API usage pattern mining techniques.
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.4
Musa Ibrahim M. Ishag,
Hyun Woo Park, Dingkun Li, Keun Ho Ryu
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
Highlight issues in the existing systems and sug-
gest possible enhancements.
The following section defines the problem of
API usage mining categorizing it into three classes.
Namely, frequent itemset based, frequent sequence
based, and graph based techniques. Afterwards, a the-
oretical comparison is given along with a highlight
about the current issues and possible suggestions. Fi-
nally, a summary concludes this article.
2 API Usage Pattern Mining
A good practice in software development is to pro-
duce reusable source codes. This goal is achieved at
its best by means of APIs. However, the most chal-
lenging task facing software developers is the learn-
ing curve required in order to accomplish their coding
tasks using APIs. Many reasons combined attribute
to this challenge including lack of proper documen-
tation, shortages in publicly available client codes-
codes that use elements of the API, in addition to the
rapid increase in the newly published APIs.
The smart move by researchers to utilize data min-
ing as a mean for discovering these reusable patterns
[1],[15] has resulted in a number of available tools for
software engineers. In order to better understand these
tools a definition to the problem is given bellow.
2.1 Problem Definition
Generally, the problem of API usage pattern min-
ing can be defined as the process of finding the proper
usage sequence or order of a group of reusable code
elements within an API. In this sense, the frequent
pattern mining [16]-a step in association rule analy-
sis [29], and data clustering are inevitable.
To illustrate the process of frequent usages of API,
consider the hypothetical code example in Figure 2.
The local methods of the client code are the trans-
actions. Whereas, the code elements represented as
methods calls can be considered as items in a tradi-
tional market basket analysis. The goal will be to nd
method calls that frequently occur together in order to
form implication rules. From the example the follow-
ing taxonomies are demanded:
Support count of a code element is the number
of times it occurs in code elements of a client or test
codes. (i.e transactions).
API-usage pattern (call-usage pattern) is an im-
plication relation.
Support of an API-usage rule is the support of its
Confidence of an API-usage rule is the relative
occurrence of the code elements contained in the rule.
For the rule to be significant, it must both be frequent
by satisfying a user provided minimum support and
confident by satisfying a minimum confidence thresh-
Figure 1 describes the general framework for API
usage mining where the data sets are constituted from
collections of client codes available on the web which
can be gathered by querying code search engines, and
test codes that might be found on API documentation
files. An example of popular search engines is pro-
vided in table 1.
Based on the way these data sets are preprocessed,
three paths of mining techniques can be distinguished.
Namely; frequent itemset based, frequent sequence
based and frequent graph based methods.
2.2 Frequent Itemset based Methods
An algorithm that follows this approach formulates
the problem by applying a typical analogy of the tradi-
tional frequent itemset mining to mine the frequent us-
age patterns. In essence the source code data set must
be preprocessed and converted into transactions con-
taining items. That is local methods represent trans-
actions and API methods called within these methods
represent items. Afterwards, traditional itemset min-
ing algorithms (Apriori [29], FP-growth [30]) can be
applied to discover the patterns and formulate rules.
Figure 2.b how a source code data set converted into
a traditional market basket transaction data.
2.3 Frequent Sequence based Methods
In this case, algorithms following this approach
preprocess the source code data set and convert it
into sequences of API method calls where the co-
occurrences and the order of calls matter. Thereafter,
the task becomes finding frequently occurring ordered
sequences of method calls. Therefore, traditional fre-
quent sequence mining algorithms can possibly be ap-
plied. This process is shown in figure 2.c.
2.4 Frequent Graph based Methods
Methods following this approach model the API
method call sequences as directed acyclic graphs.
Therefore, in the preprocessing step the source code
data will have to be converted into call sequence
graphs or subgraphs. The task will then be looking
for frequent graphs in order to formulate rules. Figure
2.d illustrates this conversion.
The discovered patterns and association rules are
usually incorporated into Integrated Development En-
vironments (IDEs) in order to help in code sugges-
tions. Although this is not fully realized currently, it
will lead to a new generation of intelligent IDEs which
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.4
Musa Ibrahim M. Ishag,
Hyun Woo Park, Dingkun Li, Keun Ho Ryu
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
Table 1: Popular Code Search Engines.
Figure 1: A general Framework for Mining API-
Usage Patterns.
will be capable of providing extra functionalities
to the software developers using them as it is illus-
trated in figure 1.
3 Comparing The Methods
In this paper, we have considered the most popu-
larly cited works and tools available in the literature.
These include CodeWeb[2], Strathcona [3], Prospec-
tor [4], XSnippet [5], MAPO [6], and ParseWeb[7]
which have previously been studied and compared
from different prospective by Shaheen and Azhar [9].
We have additionally considered most recent
studies like UsETeC [10], and eXoaDoc [11],[12].
The algorithms are compared according the following
three dimensions:
Data Sources
Based on the data set used in the mining pro-
cess, the current tools fall into two basic cate-
gories. Those using client codes from the in-
ternet through issuing queries to code search en-
gines as explained in table 1, and others that uti-
lize the test examples from the associated docu-
mentations. From the comparison shown in ta-
ble 2, CodeWeb, Strathcona, Prospector, XSnip-
pet, MAPO, and ParseWeb use client codes from
the web. Whereas, only UsETeC and eXoaDoc
exploit the test examples. In essence, eXoaDoc
helps in adding proper test code examples to the
API documentation.
The patterns extracted can also fall in the three
general categories explained in figure 2. Among
the studies considered in this paper, MAPO,
ParseWeb, and UsETeC search for sequential
patterns. Prospector and XSnippet find graph
patterns. Whereas, only CodeWeb is searching
for frequent items.
Algorithmic Approach
Some of the algorithms consider the data sets are
stored in external storage devices. Therefore, a
scan is performed to read the data from the disc
to memory. Whereas, others consider data struc-
tures like trees to compress and store the entire
data set in memory and perform the mining. All
algorithms except MAPO need to read the data
from external discs.
4 Open Issues
Based on the above comparisons we can distin-
guish the following as issues and directions for re-
searchers to investigate. In essence we categorize
them into four main classes. Namely, the data sets,
scalability, algorithms and tools.
Data sources although some data sets are avail-
able for researchers which include source code
repositories and search engines, still the problem
of getting representative data needs to be stud-
ied. In particular, new direction is emerging that
tries to enrich the documentations of the newly
release APIs with test examples. UsETeC [10]
and eXoaDoc [11, 12] are leading this direction.
Scalability the algorithms and tools developed
so far need to be re-engineered in order to scale to
the increasing release of new software and APIs.
A possible suggestion here is to exploit the ca-
pabilities of BIG DATA[26] tools and technolo-
gies. Therefore, new scalable algorithms can be
based on Hadoop[27] and MapReduce[28] pro-
gramming model.
Algorithms The way the current algorithms are
developed is solely based on the assumption of
key-value representation of the code elements.
That is the algorithms consider the existence or
absence of an item. However, in real world ex-
ample of software development, occurrences of
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.4
Musa Ibrahim M. Ishag,
Hyun Woo Park, Dingkun Li, Keun Ho Ryu
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
Figure 2: Hypothetical Source Code Dataset and its possible representations
Table 2: Theoretical Comparison of Popular Methods.
code elements might have different significant.
For example, one can distinguish system calls
from regular method calls. Therefore, sophis-
ticated algorithmic approaches that reflect these
asymmetric relationships are needed. A possible
solution is to adapt more advanced pattern min-
ing approaches. Where weighted frequent pat-
terns and utility based mining might inspire re-
searchers to tackle this issue.
Need for tools and intelligent IDEs As ex-
plained in figure 2, a possible utilization of
the discovered patterns is to integrate them into
IDEs. This might lead to new generations of in-
telligent IDEs that might suggest not only a code
completion but also would suggest examples.
Another direction is the lack of dedicated web
and cloud services that might help providing best
practices as a service for clients (i.e software devel-
opers). A possible use case of such services would be
the ability for software developers to
submit their source codes for investigation
before the actual release. Thus, it can be considered a
great contribution towards intelligent software testing.
Addressing the above mentioned issues will
result in an advanced practice in software engineering
both in the reusability, and security and testing.
5 Conclusion
The development of reusable software is one of the
corner stones of software development. Towards this
direction, a plethora of open source codes are avail-
able and being circulated online. APIs are the core of
this reusable software. However, to reduce the learn-
ing curve spent by a programmer in learning how to
use the code elements of these APIs, researchers have
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.4
Musa Ibrahim M. Ishag,
Hyun Woo Park, Dingkun Li, Keun Ho Ryu
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
adopted data mining as a solution. In this paper, a
theoretical evaluation and comparison was conducted
comparing the most popular and current tools avail-
able. The comparison considered three main dimen-
sions. Namely the source of the data set used the type
of API-usage patterns discovered, and the algorithmic
approach followed by these tools.
Concurrently, the paper has distinguished three is-
sues to further the API-usage mining research. In par-
ticular, the issues of data sources, scalability, and al-
gorithms and the need for tools and intelligent IDEs
are still open for research and contributions. To this
end, the paper has given possible suggestions. c.
Acknowledgements: This research was supported by
the MSIP(Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Plan-
ning), Korea, under the ITRC(Information Technol-
ogy Research Center) support program (IITP-2015-
H8501-15-1013) supervised by the IITP(Institute
for Information & communication Technology Pro-
motion), and by Basic Science Research Program
through the National Research Foundation of Korea
(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Fu-
ture Planning (No.2013R1A2A2A01068923).
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DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.4
Musa Ibrahim M. Ishag,
Hyun Woo Park, Dingkun Li, Keun Ho Ryu
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022