11 and 12, to detect instability and its scale se-
lection. This is demonstrated with an initial so-
lution containing unstable wavenumbers for early
time explosion of numerical solution. It is not nec-
essary to use such initial condition for instability,
as the round-o error inherent in computing, will
have the seed of the unstable wavenumber, capa-
ble of triggering the eventual instability in long
time solution.
The present work shows unequivocally that
RK3, RK4 time integration schemes are manda-
tory in using Fourier spectral method for spa-
tial discretization in order to ensure the necessary
condition of numerical stability for high Reynolds
number ow computations. For required accuracy
in DNS, one must thereafter investigate for the
sucient condition of ensuring negligible disper-
sion error, as given in Eqn. (10). In future, de-
tailed analysis considering errors due to phase and
signal propagation will be performed in order to
ne tune the simulation parameters for both the
necessary and sucient conditions.
Declaration of Interests
The authors report no conict of interest.
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DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.2
Tapan K. Sengupta, Vajjala K. Suman,
Prasannabalaji Sundaram, Aditi Sengupta