Robust Phishing Detection Against Adversaries
Computer Science Department
King Saud University
PO Box 51178, Riyadh 11543
Abstract: - Phishing websites have grown more recently than ever, and they become more intelligent, even
against well-designed phishing detection techniques. Formerly, we have proposed in the literature a state-of-
the-art URL-exclusive phishing detection solution based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model,
which we referred as PUCNN model. Phishing detection is adversarial as the phisher may attempt to avoid the
detection. This adversarial nature makes standard evaluations less useful in predicting model performance in
such adversarial situations. We aim to improve PUCNN by addressing the adversarial nature of phishing
detection with a restricted adversarial scenario, as PUCNN has shown that an unrestricted attacker dominates.
To evaluate this adversarial scenario, we present a parameterized text-based mutation strategy used for
generating adversarial samples. These parameters tune the attacker’s restrictions. We have focused on text-
based mutation due to our focus on URL-exclusive models. The PUCNN model generally showed robustness
and performed well when the parameters were low, which indicates a more restricted attacker.
Key-Words: - Artificial intelligence, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Cyber Security, Phishing
Received: March 7, 2021. Revised: October 5, 2021. Accepted: December 8, 2021. Published: January 14, 2022.
1 Introduction
Phishing is defined as "a scalable act of deception
whereby impersonation is used to obtain
information from a target" [1]. Phishing can be
performed through various means such as SMS,
phone calls, emails, and websites. We are explicitly
considering phishing websites. Phishing websites
are attempts to impersonate other websites or
entities for various reasons, such as convincing
users to enter their personal information. Phishing
websites can be dangerous, especially for amateur
There are various approaches in the literature
for protecting against phishing websites. One of
which is employing machine learning for the
automatic detection of phishing websites. However,
we note that phishing detection is adversarial in
nature, unlike many machine-learning tasks. In
some situations, the attacker can attempt to avoid
detection by mutating an existing phishing instance
or creating a new phishing instance. Famous
machine learning evaluation metrics do not show
how the models would perform in these adversarial
In this paper, we are interested in evaluations
under adversarial situations. For the evaluations, we
propose the following simple adversarial scenario.
We assume the targets of phishing are in protected
networks, which may block the attacker or issue a
special warning if there are many detected phishing
attempts. This scenario effectively gives the attacker
a limited number of attempts. We assume that the
attacker wants to use an already existing phishing
instance and wants to make a small change in the
phishing instance automatically to bypass the
detection. The attacker’s motivation is that the
modified phishing instance should be very close to
the existing phishing instance so that the user can
still fall for it. We choose this adversarial scenario
because it restricts the attacker, not necessarily
reflecting a common situation in practice. In less
restricted adversarial scenarios, it is easy for the
attacker to bypass detection, as seen in section 2.
Fig.1 illustrates the proposed adversarial scenario.
Additionally, we are specifically interested in
URL-exclusive models which depend on the URL
characters only. These models do not depend on any
third-party service or network connectivity. This
independence is useful in various situations, such as
with firewalls, which may have limited storage,
restricted connectivity, and need for high
throughput, which may make more complex
approaches unfeasible. We note that URLs that are
textual in nature bring new challenges to simulating
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.1
Saad Al-Ahmadi
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
the adversarial scenario in comparison to numerical
features and other simpler features. In section 2, we
will discuss a simulating strategy which is not
applicable to textual features.
Fig. 1: Illustration of our Adversarial Scenario
To simulate the adversarial scenario, we
propose a mutation strategy that works on the URL
text with two parameters to simulate the attacker's
adversarial behavior. These parameters tune the
attacker's restrictions. Whereas smaller parameters
indicate a more restricted attacker. We use the
mutation strategy to evaluate PUCNN [2].
PUCNN is a state-of-the-art URL-only phishing
detection model based on a character level
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) [3]. We
applied the proposed mutation strategy to the
phishing instances in the testing dataset from [2].
Finally, we report the relevant performance metric,
recall (2).
2 Related Work
We mainly focus on discussing and evaluating
works that consider adversarial settings. In addition,
we discuss relevant CNN models which are
applicable to the problem of phishing URLs
Biggioa et al. [4] discussed three attacker goals
in adversarial machine learning. They are security
violation, attack specificity, and error specificity. In
the security violation, the attacker’s goal is to
compromise security metrics such as availability,
privacy, and integrity. To compromise the
availability, the attacker may use denial of service
attacks. The attacker may seek to obtain sensitive
information from the model by reverse engineering,
thus compromising privacy. The attacker may seek
to compromise integrity, for example, by
compromising the accuracy of the model. For the
attack specificity, the attacker seeks for the model to
misclassify specific types of instances (such as
phishing). In the error specificity, the attacker seeks
to increase a specific type of error. All these goals
also can apply to phishing detection. In this paper,
we are mainly interested in goals that affect the
accuracy of the model, such as attack specificity and
error specificity.
Adebowale et al. [5] used two combined deep-
learning techniques, convolutional neural network
(CNN) and long short-term memory (LSTM) to
build a hybrid classification model named
Intelligent Phishing Detection System (IPDS). The
model targeted URLs and websites content such as
images, text, and frames, unlike our URL-based
model. The CNN+LSTM classifier was trained by
using one million phishing and legitimate URLs and
over 10,000 images. The proposed IPDS achieved a
classification accuracy of 93.28%. They concluded
that combining CNN with LSTM led CNN
architecture to better result in terms of accuracy and
shorter training time.
Shirazi et al. [6] investigated the robustness of
machine learning-based phishing detection solutions
in adversarial settings. In the investigations, they
concluded that machine learning phishing detection
is susceptible to adversarial learning techniques, on
which attackers attempt to fool the classifier through
manipulated input. They proposed simulating
attacks by generating adversarial samples using
direct feature manipulation on phishing instances.
The authors managed to drop the recall of well-
known classifiers to 70% by manipulating a single
feature. Furthermore, by manipulating the four
features, they have managed to drop the recall to
To perform the experiments, Shirazi et al. had to
specify their threat model. In their threat model,
they assumed that the attacker’s goal is to attack the
recall of the machine learning model by getting the
adversarial samples classified as legitimate. They
have assumed the attacker knows the model type
and the feature set but does not know the model, its
training parameters, and the datasets used.
Additionally, they have assumed that the attacker
has unlimited access to the model’s prediction
function, meaning that the attacker can generate
many adversarial samples testing them against the
model. Furthermore, they have ruled out poisoning
attacks, where the attacker can add malicious
samples to the training dataset.
Additionally, they have assumed that the
attacker has full control of the URL and the page
content, except that the attacker cannot change the
domain in the URL. Excluding the domain make
domain-exclusive models unaffected by the
adversarial simulating. In this paper, we will
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.1
Saad Al-Ahmadi
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
investigate the usage of the domain-exclusive
model. For generating an adversarial sample, a
phishing instance’s values can be modified to any
value that has already appeared in another phishing
instance. This approach is not applicable to textual
features such as the URL. For phishing instances
that are correctly classified, all possible adversarial
samples are generated. The authors computed the
adversary cost with a tuple of two values: the
number of features modified and the Euclidean
distance between the phishing instance and the
adversarial sample.
The experiments by Shirazi et al. were on four
published phishing datasets. The first dataset
includes 1000 legitimate websites instances from
Alexa [7] and 1200 phishing instances from
PhishTank [8]. The dataset contained eight features
which are: domain length, presence of a non-
alphabetic character in the domain name, the ratio of
hyperlinks referring to the domain name, the
presence of HTTPS protocol, matching domain
name with copyright logo, and matching domain
name with the page title. The second dataset is by
Rami et al. [9]. The dataset includes 4898 legitimate
instances from Alexa and 6158 phishing instances
from PhishTank. The dataset includes 30 features,
which are from five categories: URL-based,
abnormal-based, HTML-based, JavaScript-based,
and domain-based features. The third dataset is by
Abdelhamid et al. [10], which contains 1350
instances and 16 features. The fourth dataset is by
Tan et al. [11], which had 5000 instances for
legitimate and phishing, collected from Alexa and
PhishTank. The dataset included 48 features that
were extracted from the URL and HTML.
In our previous publication [2], we have
proposed PUCNN, a URL-only phishing model that
is based on a character level CNN model. For
training and evaluation, we have collected and
preprocessed MUPD (Massive URL Phishing
Detection) dataset which contained 1,167,201
phishing URLs and 1,140,599 legitimate URLs. The
source of phishing URLs was PhishTank, whereas
the legitimate URLs were collected from DomCop
top 10 million domains [12]. We have split MUPD
dataset into training, validation, and testing datasets
of the following proportions: 0.6, 0.2, and 0.2.
PUCNN achieved 95.78% accuracy in the testing
dataset. PUCNN outperformed RandomForestNLP
[13], a state-of-art URL-only model, in their
published dataset.
Wang et al. [14] proposed PDRCNN, a URL-
only phishing detection model which is also based
on a character level CNN. They trained and
evaluated their model on a dataset they collected
245,385 phishing URLs from PhishTank and
245,023 legitimate URLs from Alexa top 1 million.
Their model achieves 95.61% accuracy using 10-
fold cross-validation. However, the authors used
only CANTINA+ [15] as their only benchmark. The
main problem is that CANTINA+ is not a state-of-
art model. Additionally, CANTINA+ is a non-URL
exclusive model. Although, the authors retrieved old
phishing pages to train and evaluate CANTINA+,
we believe that it is likely that many of these pages
no longer represent the phishing pages as they were
reported a long time before collection, which makes
the benchmark less useful. PDRCNN is similarly a
textual URL model and can be evaluated under the
proposed adversarial scenario.
Furthermore, there exist many character-level
CNN architectures in the literature, such as those in
[16] and [17]. These CNN models have already
achieved excellent results in various text
classification and language modeling tasks.
Similarly, these CNN models can be applied to the
problem of phishing URL detection, and it is
possible to evaluate them under the proposed
adversarial scenario.
3 Methodology
In this section, we discuss the threat model and how
we simulate the attacker’s behavior by adversarial
3.1 Threat Model
In this subsection, we discuss the attacker’s goal,
knowledge, influence, control, and constraints. It is
important to specify the threat model, as we attempt
to simulate it. Additionally, we show how and why
our threat model differs from the threat model used
by Shirazi et al. [6], which we discussed in related
work. Table 1 provides a comparison summary. Our
main motivation for having a different threat model
is that the attacker in Shirazi et al. threat model is
powerful, which can be seen from the results where
they found that they can reduce the recall to 0 by
controlling only four attributes. This threat model
reflects the adversarial scenario we discussed in
section 1.
3.1.1 Attacker’s Goal
In our threat model, we assume that the attacker
wants to attack the recall of the model. The attacker
seeks the generated adversarial samples to pass as
legitimate while they are phishing. In practice,
achieving this goal means that the attacker manages
to send the phishing website to the user, avoiding
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.1
Saad Al-Ahmadi
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
the model’s detection. This goal can also be
formulated as an error specificity goal, where the
attacker wants to decrease the true positive rate.
This goal is the same as Shirazi et al. attacker’s
3.1.2 Attacker’s Knowledge
Like Shirazi et al., we assume that the attacker
knows about the selected features. In contrast, we
assume that the attacker does not know about the
model and does not care about it because we do not
want the attacker to utilize any properties of the
model, which may complicate our analysis.
3.1.3 Attacker’s Influence
We assume that the attacker does not have access to
the training phase, which rules out poisoning
attacks. However, the attacker can manipulate the
features of phishing websites to avoid them being
labeled as phishing. We assume that the attacker has
a fixed number of usages of the predict function.
Unlike Shirazi et al., we had to limit the usage of the
predict function, thus increasing the restrictions on
the attacker because even with these restrictions, the
attacker is powerful as can be seen from Shirazi et
al.’s results. Besides, having unlimited access is
troubling as the computational complexity is what
limits the attacker. Nonetheless, a behavior of the
attacker having limited access is quite common, for
example, when an attacker attempts to phish
employees in a company with a custom phishing
detection model, the attacker may need to limit their
attempts to avoid being detected.
3.1.4 Attacker’s Control
We assume that the attacker can control all features.
In contrast, Shirazi et al. assumed that the domain is
excluded from attacker change, which means that
models that depend on the domain are not affected
by the attacker at all. Accurate models that depend
exclusively on the domain name are successful
under Shirazi et al. evaluation. In fact, in subsection
4.3, we show a very accurate model that depends on
the domains only.
3.1.5 Attacker’s Constraints
To make our threat model more realistic, we also
include the concept of the constraints that the
attacker needs to uphold. Our primary constraint is
that we assume that the attacker can only change the
phishing instance slightly. This constraint is
reflective of what happens in practice, although the
attacker can change the phishing instances, he
cannot perform all changes freely. For example, it
would be very hard for an attacker to increase his
phishing website’s ranking. Although changing the
domain to any non-taken domain or changing the
visuals displayed by the web page is accessible to
the attacker, these changes affect how the victim
perceives the website. Thus, the attacker may not
consider them. Shirazi et al. do not directly mention
the concept of constraints. However, in their
mutation strategy, they specified that the attacker
could only mutate to values that appeared to other
phishing instances.
Table 1. Threat Model Comparisons
Our threat
Shirazi et al.
threat model
Decrease recall
of the model
Decrease recall of
the model
Selected features
Model type
features to
avoid detection
features to avoid
All features
All features
except domain
The attacker can
only change the
instance slightly
The attacker can
only mutate to
values that
appeared in other
3.2 Adversarial Sampling for Phishing
In this section, we describe how we attempt to
simulate an attacker’s approach by mutating existing
phishing URLs. This mutation strategy is applicable
to textual features. The attacker is allowed a fixed
number of attempts for each instance, where we call
the number of allowed attempts generation number.
If any of the attempts manage to fool the classifier,
the instance is considered a false negative. Fig.2
illustrates the generation number. We report the
final recall, which shows how the model was
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.1
Saad Al-Ahmadi
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
Fig. 2: Illustration of Generation Number
Mutations to the URLs have a cost that is hard
to measure, which is how the target of the phishing
attack would perceive the phishing URL after the
mutation. Even a small change could make the
target more suspicious. We need to measure such
possible mutations. We propose the following
conservative mutation strategy. We allow the
attacker to perform only one of the following
mutation types: inserting a letter, removing a letter,
or swapping any two adjacent letters. The mutation
is allowed only if the URL is parsed as a valid URL.
To model the attacker’s behavior, we use a uniform
distribution where we assume that the attacker
uniformly chooses from the possible mutation types.
The attacker also uniformly chooses the letter to
insert, the letter to delete or the adjacent letters to
swap. We assume that the attacker can repeatedly
apply this mutation strategy, where we call the
number of repetitions the mutations number. Fig.3
illustrates our mutations strategy. It is also possible,
although unlikely that such mutations will result in
an already registered domain. However, we ignore
this in our analysis.
Fig. 3: Illustration of our Mutations Strategy
and Mutations Number
4 Experiments and Results
4.1 Statistical Measures
Four popular statistical measures for classification
models are precision, recall, accuracy, and F-
measure [18]. They are calculated as follows:
𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 𝑇𝑃
𝑇𝑃 +𝐹𝑃 (1)
𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 = 𝑇𝑃
𝑇𝑃 +𝐹𝑁 (2)
𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 = 𝑇𝑃 +𝑇𝑁
𝑇𝑃 +𝑇𝑁 +𝐹𝑁 +𝐹𝑃 (3)
𝐹 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 = 2 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙
𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 + 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 (4)
where TP, TN, FP, and FN are the occurrence
number of the model prediction of true positives,
true negatives, false positives, and false negatives,
Table 2, which is called the confusion matrix,
shows how TP, TN, FP, and FN relate to the
prediction and the actual value. In this paper, we
consider phishing as positive and legitimate as
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.1
Saad Al-Ahmadi
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
Table 2. Confusion Matrix
We note that high precision is preferable in
situations where false positives are not preferred,
while a high recall is preferable when false
negatives are not preferred. In the case of website
phishing detection, high precision means a lower
number of legitimate websites classified as phishing
websites. In comparison, high recall means a lower
number of phishing websites that were classified as
legitimate. Both precision and recall are essential,
depending on the usage scenario. For example, it
may be preferable to have high precision on
personal devices, while on the other hand, for some
firewalls, it may be preferable to have a high recall.
F-measure is the harmonic mean of precision and
recall. Finally, we note that in our adversarial
scenario, the goal of the attacker, as we will discuss
later, is to decrease recall. This makes recall the
main performance metric of this paper. However,
we also use an accuracy metric for benchmarking
the domain-exclusive model.
4.2 Experiments Setup
In this paper, we perform four experiments. In these
experiments, we continue our previous work and
utilize PUCNN. We also use the same training,
validation, and testing datasets that were randomly
split from the preprocessed MUPD dataset [2]. In
the first experiment, we preprocessed each URL and
converted it to its host string (Usually a domain or
an IP). We report the accuracy of the testing dataset,
and we compare it to the original URL-based
PUCNN results. The goal of this experiment is to
show how Shirazi et al. [6] threat model is not
effective in this case as the model is based only on
domains (or more accurately host
strings). In Shirazi et al. threat model the attacker
cannot modify the domain. Shirazi et al restriction
may be useful in some cases as it can simplify the
Next, we discuss experiments 2-4. In these
experiments, we evaluated the original URL-based
PUCNN from [2] against the phishing instances in
the testing dataset after mutations. We note that we
only consider classification correct if all instances
generated from the same instance are classified
correctly. We performed the proposed mutations
strategy with all combinations of specific values of
mutations number and generation number. Table 3
lists the values we experimented with. However,
because of the huge increase in the generation
number, the number of instances increases. To do
the test, we performed sampling based on the
generation number instead. The sample size we used
is the size of the test dataset divided by the
generation number.
Table 3. Experiments 2-4 Variables
Generation Number
1, 10, 100, 1000
The main difference among experiments 2-4 is
the location of the mutations. In experiment 2, we
only performed the mutations on the domain part of
the URL. Whereas, in experiment 3, we performed
the mutation in the non-domain part of the URL.
Finally, in experiment 4, we performed the
mutations on the whole URL. We implemented the
whole URL mutations as a random uniform choice
between non-domain and domain mutations. This
means even if the non-domain part is long, and the
domain part is short they are getting mutated at the
same rate. Table 4 summarizes the experiments.
Using these experiments, we can find how the
evaluation is affected based on the mutation
location. In addition, we note that non-domain
mutations are cheaper for the attacker because the
attacker can register only one domain. Whereas in
the other cases, the attacker needs to register each
uniquely generated domain.
4.3 Results
In this section, we first show benchmarks between
the accuracies of URL-based PUCNN and domain-
based PUCNN. Then, we show how URL-based
PUCNN performs under our adversarial sampling.
Table 4. Setup of Experiments 2-4
Ex #
Mutation Location
Domain part
Non-domain part
Whole URL
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.1
Saad Al-Ahmadi
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022
Fig. 4: Accuracy of PUCNN
From Fig.4 we note that PUCNN achieved
better accuracy when using domains directly instead
of URLs.
We can see how PUCNN performed well under
adversarial sampling in tables 5, 6, and 7. PUCNN
had the best results when the mutations were
exclusive to the domain. On the other hand, PUCNN
had the worst results in the experiments when the
mutations were allowed on the whole URL.
In general, it can be seen from the results that
PUCNN performed well when the mutations
number and generation number are small. Small
generation numbers are what we expect in practice.
For example, a high generation number risks the
attack discovery. While having high mutations
number make the URL very different from what it
was, which may make the user doubts the URL.
These results imply that PUCNN is robust in this
scenario. However, this does not cover scenarios
where the attacker comes up with a new URL or
uses a more complex mutation strategy.
Table 5. Domain Mutations Recalls
Mut # / Gen #
Table 6. Non-domain Mutations Recalls
Mut # / Gen #
Table 7. Whole URL Mutations Recalls
Mut # / Gen #
5 Conclusion
In this work, we presented a method for evaluating
phishing detection models in adversarial situations
by adversarial sampling attacks. We found some
limitations such as the exclusion of domain
modifications and non-applicability for models that
utilize the URL directly. Additionally, all the
studied models did not perform well in the
evaluation. This may be because the attacker was
unrestricted in the proposed threat model, as the
attacker had unlimited access to the prediction
function. To address these limitations, we proposed
a more restricted adversarial scenario where the
attacker has limited access to the prediction
To evaluate the adversarial scenario, we
proposed a text-based mutation strategy which we
used to perform adversarial sampling attacks. This
mutation strategy is applicable to models that utilize
the URL directly. This mutation strategy is
parameterized where the parameters tune the
attacker restrictions. Finally, we evaluated PUCNN,
our previous contribution, which is state-of-art
model that utilizes the URL directly as it is based on
a character level CNN. We have found that PUCNN
performed well for low parameters which indicate a
more restricted attacker.
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DOI: 10.37394/232018.2022.10.1
Saad Al-Ahmadi
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 10, 2022