Leveraging Data Mining, Machine Learning, and Web Scraping for
Forecasting Rental Housing Prices in Tunisia
1University of Tunis, Research Laboratory SIME,
National High School of Engineering of Tunis, ENSIT,
2University of Carthage, Research Laboratory Smart Electricity & ICT, SEICT,
National Engineering School of Carthage, ENICarthage,
*Corresponding Author
Abstract: - The Tunisian real estate market has experienced a notable 13.5% surge in prices since 2018, marking a
substantial departure from the preceding five years, during which there was a 9% growth, as indicated by data from
the National Institute of Statistics (INS). According to the 2020 Rental Barometer, the average monthly rent for
unfurnished apartments stands at 1,360 Tunisian dinars. Our initiative, titled "Predicting Real Rental Prices,"
employs advanced machine learning techniques to provide accurate predictions for rental prices. Users of this
platform can plan moves, organize properties into categories, and customize rental price insights based on their
preferences. This project is based on machine learning and uses deep learning algorithms to predict rental prices,
thereby meeting the needs of both lessors and tenants. The model ensures a thorough and accurate forecasting
approach by accounting for a number of issues, such as the effect of furniture and building conditions on rental
Key-Words: - Prediction, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Data Analyse, Correlation, Linear Regression, Random-
Received: November 13, 2023. Revised: April 19, 2024. Accepted: June 12, 2024. Published: July 22, 2024.
1 Introduction
An increasingly significant component of the real
estate market is the estimation of rental home prices,
[1]. The increasing need for precise pricing data makes
the incorporation of state-of-the-art technologies and
techniques imperative. In order to forecast rental
property prices, this paper presents a comprehensive
method that combines web scraping, machine learning,
prediction, linear regression, and data mining. Our goal
is to provide precise and useful rental price predictions
by using web scraping to gather data from multiple
property listings, machine learning techniques for data
analysis, linear regression for relationship modeling [2]
and data mining for more in-depth understanding.
We can address the complexity of rental property
markets by using a data-driven approach thanks to the
integration of these techniques. The wealth of
information from previous studies and industry best
practices serves as the foundation for this investigation,
The project's main goal is to help lessors and
tenants make educated choices regarding the cost and
type of accommodations they will need. Its primary
emphasis is on utilizing deep learning to forecast real
estate rental prices. This forecast is supported by well-
trained models that make use of extensive databases
that include a variety of properties in different
locations with unique attributes. But sometimes, during
execution, difficult factors like building condition and
furniture condition are overlooked. For example, the
age of the building may cause even the most opulent
properties to lose value, illustrating just one of the
many complexities in this dynamic market.
2 Web Scraping and Data classification
2.1 Web Scraping
One automated technique for obtaining data from
websites is web scraping. This approach is typically
used to gather a sizable amount of data for a number of
uses, such as machine learning and data analysis. The
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.17
Ala Balti, Mohamed Najeh Lakhoua, Mounir Sayadi
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
user must examine the page from which the data is to
be extracted and recognize the desired features in order
to accomplish this, The scraping technique is
described in Figure 1.
Fig. 1: Web Scraping
2.2 Data Classification
The classification of data in a Machine Learning
project is an essential step. To work with this type of
data, it must be integer or real data. To do this, we need
to adopt a reliable and precise classification to
characterize the location and type of dwelling. Let's
take the example of an S+3 apartment in deluxe
location with a surface area of 120m² and containing a
parking space and a garden. This example will be
expressed by a matrix containing the characteristics in
Table 1 (Appendix).
After collecting our data and saving them in an
Excel file, we set the features of our model with this
model “Title, Location, Number of rooms, Surface
area, Garden, Swimming pool, Parking space”.
3 Feature Engineering
Feature engineering is a process used to detect noise in
the database. Noise can be due to a measurement error
or even false information.
In Machine Learning, it is strictly recommended to
focus on the quality of the information, as this will
reflect the reliability of the desired result. We're going
to examine this type of uncertainty in order to increase
the accuracy of our model, Figure 2 shows the data
preparation flowchart.
Fig. 2: Data preparation flowchart
After preparing our database, we noticed the
existence of a few individuals who's Target (property
rental price) is illogical.
Example: A 2-room apartment with a parking
space is worth 0 dinars. We therefore need to eliminate
this type of data from our database to avoid disrupting
our model's learning process. We use the Dropna
function: this is a predefined Python function for
deleting individuals whose feature values are empty.
4 Data Analysis
Data analysis is the process of examining data using
graphs and curves to understand the evolution and
relationships between features.
Data analysis is therefore the set of processes that
transform raw data into usable information. It involves
techniques such as data mining, data visualization,
statistical modeling and machine learning, [4].
There are several methods of data analysis,
Descriptive analysis: this explores the
characteristics of data using descriptive statistics
such as mean, standard deviation etc, [5].
Exploratory analysis: enables data to be visualized
using techniques such as histograms, scatter plots
Correlation analysis: measures the relationship
between two variables. (Example: number of
pieces and price) to identify which ones have a
strong influence.
Data visualization is fundamental to the creation of a
housing price prediction model. It enables the detection
of noise and outliers, [6].
Fig. 3: Noise identification
Referring to Figure 3, we were able to visually
identify a few outliers that will degrade the quality of
the prediction.
A dwelling with an area of over 3000m² is worth
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.17
Ala Balti, Mohamed Najeh Lakhoua, Mounir Sayadi
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
less than 500 dinars. Also, a dwelling with an area of
less than 200m² is worth more than 10000 dinars. This
is not the case in our database.
Faced with this situation, we need to remove these
individuals from our database so as not to affect the
In the same way, we have improved the data for
other features, in particular the number of rooms.
To better understand what we're talking about, a
distribution analysis of the variables is essential.
Hence, the features in our database will be described
by the following histograms (Figure 8 in Appendix).
5 Descriptive Analysis
In this section, we'll look at calculating the mean and
standard deviation to describe the price distribution of
our database. The price distribution of the dataset
after enhancement is shown in Figure 4 and Figure
5, respectively, in order to accomplish the
discriptive analysis. On the other hand, Figure 6
displays the number of available homes according
to price.
Fig. 4: Distribution after enhancement
As a result, when the surface area increases
considerably, so does the price. The same goes for the
number of rooms. Our analysis will therefore be based
on these two variables, [7].
Referring to Figure 7, we can see that there are
individuals whose number of rooms are greater than or
equal to 8 with a price above 1500 dinars. These are
outliners that we have not been able to detect visually.
So we still need to work on the quality of the database,
After rectification, we need to work on the part
number histogram to understand the part number
distribution of the properties in our database, and to
find out the most frequent part number in them.
As a result, each of the target variable's
explanatory variables must be set apart. Hence we need
to group our base into 4 new variables:
Fig. 5: Price distribution by number of rooms
Fig. 6: Number of homes available according to price
Fig. 7: Histogram number of rooms
From this histogram, we can draw that the most
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.17
Ala Balti, Mohamed Najeh Lakhoua, Mounir Sayadi
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
frequent number of pieces in our database is:
1 room: with a number more than 1600.
2 rooms: with a number almost equal to 3000.
3 rooms: with a number over 2600.
4 rooms: with a number almost equal to 1400.
Similarly, surface area is the most important
variable in our model, and the one that contributes
most to price variation.
6 Prediction with Linear Regression
A linear regression model creates a mathematical
function by exploiting the project's explanatory
variables (number of rooms, surface area, etc.) to
establish a relationship between them and our single
target variable, price.
To do this, the model draws a straight line
representing a mathematical relationship between the
variables, which will be used as a reference to predict
X_train , Y_train : for training the model on the
explanatory variables.
X_test , Y_test : to test 20% of the
explanatory variables in our database.
X: the variable that must contain the explanatory
Y: the variable that should contain the target
To calculate MAE, you can use the following formula
* ii
MAE is the Mean Absolute Error.
n is the number of observations.
y_i represents the actual values.
ŷ_i represents the predicted values.
Σ indicates the sum over all observations.
In summary, MAE is a measure of the average
distance between predictions and actual values, and it
is often used to evaluate the performance of a model or
forecasting method.
The equation for the coefficient of determination,
often referred to as R-squared (R²), is as follows [11],
R² is the coefficient of determination.
SSR is the sum of the squared residuals (the
differences between the observed values and the values
predicted by the regression model).
The total sum of squares, or SST for short, is a
representation of the whole variation in the dependent
variable. It is the total of the squared differences
between the dependent variable's mean and observed
R-squared calculates the percentage of the
dependent variable's overall variation that the
independent variables in a regression model account
for. Usually, it falls between 0 and 1, where 0 means
that no variation in the model is explained and 1 means
that all variation in the model is explained. A model
that fits the data better is indicated by an R-squared
value that is closer to 1, whereas a value that is closer
to 0 denotes a poor fit, [13], [14].
From Figure 10 (Appendix), and by comparing R-
squared and MAE of the two models, we can draw that
both models have a good prediction with a more or less
low error rate (MAE).
The Random Forest model is more accurate than
the Linear Regression model, since: R-Squared (Linear
Regression) < R-Squared (Random Forest) and MAE
(Random Forest) < MAE (Linear Regression), [11],
[12], [13], [14].
This suggests that the Random Forest model is
better suited to our database, and can provide more
accurate predictions. However, it's important to note
that this doesn't necessarily mean that the Random
Forest model is always the best option for all
regression problems.
Figure 9 displays the Linear Regression Model, the
Random Parameter Initial Model, and the Machine-To-
Find Final Model.
The performance evaluation of two predictive
models, Random Forest and Linear Regression, is
shown in the Table 2. Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and
R-Squared (R²) are the evaluation metrics that are
utilized. The Linear Regression model mean absolute
error (MAE) is 414.909, meaning that there is an
average deviation of 414.909 units between its
predicted and actual values. With an R-Squared value
of 0.655, the model accounts for 65.5% of the
variability in the dependent variable. By contrast, the
Random Forest model performs better, with an average
deviation of 321.974 units, indicating more accurate
predictions. It also fits the data better than the Linear
Regression model, with an R-Squared value of 0.794,
which means it accounts for 79.4% of the variability in
the data.
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.17
Ala Balti, Mohamed Najeh Lakhoua, Mounir Sayadi
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
Table 2. Performance evaluation of two models
Linear Regression
Random Forest
7 Conclusion
The Real Rental Price Prediction project remains a
necessity, as it facilitates the valuation of a property as
well as relocation.
To get a good quality prediction, you need to go
through all the steps mentioned in this paper, including
data collection, filtering, the right choice of rankings
for the explanatory variables and, above all, data
analysis, since the latter has a strong effect on the
quality of the estimate. Finally, the reliability of the
models created should always be calculated, to
facilitate the choice of the right model.
We've been able to analyze the data we've
collected using histograms and distribution curves.
This part is fundamental in the realization of such a
project. In fact, it enables us to detect outliers and filter
the database to obtain accurate, relevant data. Also, we
have used to the correlation study, we were able to
identify the most important explanatory variables that
contribute most to the increase in property rental
prices, such as surface area and number of rooms.
Declaration of Generative AI and AI-assisted
Technologies in the Writing Process
During the preparation of this work, the authors
utilized ChatGPT and GENEMI for information
gathering and assistance in manuscript preparation.
The authors reviewed and edited the content as
necessary and take full responsibility for the final
content of the publication.
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Table 1. Housing classification methods
Number of
l 2
1 to 5
0 or 1
0 or 1
0 or 1
Fig. 8: Distribution of variables
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.17
Ala Balti, Mohamed Najeh Lakhoua, Mounir Sayadi
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
Fig. 9: Linear Regression Model
Fig. 10: Distribution of actual and predicted prices from the Linear Regression model
Contribution of Individual Authors to the Creation
of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting Policy)
AB wrote the program, created the study design, and
developed and revised the text. MNL directed the idea,
carried out the research, and revised the finished work.
MS examined the studies that were connected to the
literature on concepts of forecasting and prediction.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
No funding was received for conducting this study.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License 4.0
Initial model (random parameters)
Final model (which the machine must find)
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.17
Ala Balti, Mohamed Najeh Lakhoua, Mounir Sayadi
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024