Chaos in Order:
Applying ML, NLP, and Chaos Theory in Open Source Intelligence for
Open University of Cyprus,
Abstract: - The present research aims to investigate whether Chaos Theory can be combined with Machine
Learning and Natural Language Processing to apply these techniques to Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
analysis. Describing the role of OSINT in different domains and highlighting chaos as a valuable resource
for information gathering, the study highlights that the substantial volume, swift velocity, and extensive
variety of open-source data pose significant challenges. To address these challenges it is proposed to apply
elements of Chaos Theory and advanced computational methods to open-source data. Key concepts from
Chaos Theory that will be explored are the ‘Butterfly Effect’, and ‘Strange Attractors’, attempting to
demonstrate that chaotic aspects of data can be exploited and transformed into dynamic and powerful sources
of information. To support the above, the research includes a case study that exploits and analyses data from
Reddit posts and concludes that recognizing and exploiting the dynamic interaction between order and chaos
places Chaos Theory not only complementary but as a foundational stone of the overall OSINT toolkit, in the
hands of intelligence analysts.
Key-Words: - OSINT, Chaos Theory, Cybersecurity, Counter-terrorism, Intelligence Analysis, Complex
Systems, Data Science.
Received: October 25, 2023. Revised: April 11, 2024. Accepted: May 26, 2024. Published: July 1, 2024.
1 Introduction
1.1 Overview of Open Source Intelligence
It is undeniable that open source intelligence
(OSINT) resulting from the collection and analysis
of publicly available data from various platforms
and digital sources, such as social media, news
agencies, traditional media, and academic
publications, is increasingly becoming a prominent
option for information collection in the 21st
century. This fact, combined with the growing
reliance on these techniques in areas such as
national security, business intelligence [1] and
cyber security, underlines their importance, [2].
However, one of the key challenges that those
involved in information discovery and analysis
have to overcome is managing the inherent
disorder due to the volume, velocity, and variety of
open source data, a complexity that often leads to
ambiguity and preconceptions about these data
1.2 The Challenge of Disorder in OSINT
As a branch of mathematics that focuses on the
behavior of dynamical systems that are sensitive to
initial conditions, chaos theory lends itself to the
extraction of useful conclusions in various fields
such as meteorology, biology, economics, and others
[3]. Originally formulated in the field of physics to
explain complex, non-linear phenomena, the
importance of the theory has now found resonance
in various aspects of life and scientific research as in
modern life the prevalence of complex and dynamic
systems has increased significantly.
Although the relationship between Chaos Theory
and OSINT is seemingly indistinguishable, there is
strong evidence that basic principles of Chaos
Theory, such as sensitivity to initial conditions and
emergent properties, can provide valuable insights
into the OSINT methodology. Simply put,
understanding the chaotic nature of open-source
data and its apparent disorder can enhance the
ability to navigate and draw important conclusions
during the information cycle, since the management
of open-source data can directly affect the quality,
reliability, and usefulness of the information.
Therefore, the present research aims to
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.14
Ioannis Syllaidopoulos
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
investigate through Chaos Theory to what extent the
interaction between ataxia and OSINT can lead to
new approaches to information collection and
analysis, exploiting for this purpose the dynamic,
non-linear characteristics of open-source data. A
key objective is to create a coherent framework that
exploits the basic principles of Chaos Theory to
optimize the extraction and interpretation, from
seemingly messy data, of information accessible
through open sources.
1.3 The Potential of Chaos Theory in OSINT
In the following sections, the historical and
philosophical origins of order and disorder will be
sought. Then the basic principles of Chaos Theory
will be analyzed with the main question of whether
these principles can be applied in the context of
OSINT. The central axis is the search for innovative
methodologies that incorporate elements of Chaos
Theory into OSINT practices.
It is argued that the principles of Chaos Theory
can contribute to offering new strategies for
understanding and exploiting the information arising
from the disorder that characterizes information
from open sources, and to improve the efficiency
and effectiveness of information retrieval.
To support this hypothesis, a case study will both
further explain these concepts and open up the
discussion on the implications and possible future
directions of this crossover of ideas, aiming, by
presenting a practical example of the application of
these theories, to elucidate the potential benefits and
challenges of integrating these seemingly divergent
concepts, in the hope of opening the way to a more
comprehensive and innovative approach to open
source intelligence.
2 Literature Review
2.1 OSINT in Various Research Areas
The previous reference, that OSINT is at the
forefront of various research areas, applies to areas
such as national security, where the role played by
OSINT, both in processes and in the transformation
of information, is of paramount importance. Today
there are several references to the integral role of
OSINT in the strategies pursued by law enforcement
authorities in the fight against terrorism, national
security, and defense policies, [4]. It is therefore
perfectly understandable that the use of OSINT not
only widens the range of options available but also
opens the way for the use of innovative
methodologies in the processing of the data
For example, the analysis of publicly available
data from social media platforms has helped to
identify and prevent terrorist activities, [5]. In
addition, several studies demonstrate the fact that
many of the individuals, especially younger
individuals, who have engaged in extremist
activities have previously browsed and posted
content on the web and social networking sites.
Consequently, it is easy to see that online platforms
have a significantly high ranking in terms of the
means used by extremist and terrorist organizations
to radicalize and recruit vulnerable individuals.
With these tools now at their disposal, these
organizations are increasingly using them to
promote, incite, intimidate, and radicalize a
significantly larger audience that was previously
inaccessible, [6]. This creates a new context for
intelligence analysis services, as it shifts the focus
towards a more proactive rather than reactive
attitude, a strategy that can be successfully achieved
using OSINT methods and tools, ultimately
providing a more robust basis for strategic decision-
It is no exaggeration to claim that one of the key
steps in the process of data analysis is the
appropriate handling of the disorder inherent in
open-source data, especially if they are large in
volume (Big Data). To better handle such data,
computational intelligence methodologies such as
Machine Learning are used. However, there is still a
lack of research exploring unconventional,
interdisciplinary approaches, such as the application
of chaos theory to OSINT. The present study
focuses on the hypothesis that this integration may
offer a new perspective and enhance the capabilities
of information analysts and law enforcement
2.2 Exploring Chaos Theory in Different
Scientific Domains
The idea of applying Chaos Theory in different
fields is not new. Various scientific disciplines,
exploiting its potential, derived from basic
principles of physics and mathematics, have
successfully applied it to the elucidation of complex
systems and phenomena, such as weather
phenomena [7], biological systems [8], and
economics [9]. Thus, the recognition of the inherent
chaotic structures in these fields has facilitated a
deeper understanding and prediction of seemingly
irregular phenomena and situations.
It would be interesting to investigate to what
extent the understanding of the basic principles of
Chaos Theory can be applied to the field of
computer science, in particular in data analysis,
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.14
Ioannis Syllaidopoulos
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
through understanding the inherent chaotic behavior
of unstructured data, optimizing the performance
and results of the analyzed information, [10]. Such a
finding would lend credence to the potential utility
of Chaos Theory, laying the foundation for its
incorporation into the practices followed by
practitioners in the field of OSINT.
3 Theoretical Foundations
3.1 Order and Disorder in Data Systems
Order and disorder have deep philosophical roots
and seem to have been of concern to mankind since
antiquity as they are found in the ancient Greek
words for "Cosmos" and "Chaos". Etymologically,
'Cosmos' refers to an organized universe, while
‘Chaos’ denotes the absence of order and the
existence of disorder, [11]. If this duality is
attempted to be paralleled and transferred to the
current data systems, the order could be interpreted
as the structured and predictable data, and
correspondingly the ataxia would represent the
unstructured and thus unpredictable data. If this
dimension is taken into account, it is clear that the
distinction between order and disorder is also
applicable in the real world and affects how we
interact and interpret data.
Therefore, understanding this distinction, in
frameworks such as OSINT, is a critical stage for
the effective analysis of information, as well as for
the subsequent safe extraction of useful conclusions.
Furthermore, if it is considered that the 'noisy',
scattered, and unclassified data on the web cause the
disorder and the structured and correctly indexed
data contribute to the efforts of the information
analysts, then it can easily be concluded that
traditional methodology has difficulty in meeting
this challenge. This is in contrast to the assumption
that class can be seen as a complex system, but with
its internal structures and patterns.
3.2 Understanding Chaos Theory
In the 1960s tried to understand why it was
impossible to make long-term weather predictions,
[12]. His work is considered the beginning of Chaos
Theory and led him to the realization that small
changes in initial conditions can drastically change
the final result. This phenomenon, subsequently
referred to as the "Butterfly Effect", [13], is
characterized by high sensitivity to initial conditions
and leads to a lack of predictability in long-term
Simply put, according to Chaos Theory, there is
seemingly no order in a complex system. However,
upon closer observation, patterns appear, often
referred to as "Strange Attractors", [14], [15]. These
patterns are not random but are determined by the
complexity and nonlinearity that govern the
behavior of any system, and is believed that these
findings will contribute to the understanding of
complex systems and the application in various
domains such as mathematics, geology,
microbiology, biology, computer science,
economics, etc [16].
3.3 The Butterfly Effect: Sensitivity to Initial
Conditions in OSINT
One of the basic tenets of Chaos Theory is that
small changes in initial conditions can lead to
significant differences in the subsequent state of a
system, [17]. In the context of OSINT, the
horseshoe effect, as this principle is called, can be
equated with the significant effect of small,
seemingly insignificant elements on the outcome of
information analysis.
For example, a simple social media post could
potentially reveal a critical piece of information
about extremist activity, and it is for this reason that
this research argues that sensitivity to initial
conditions necessitates comprehensive data
collection and rigorous analysis in OSINT. It also
requires a proactive and adaptive intelligence
analysis strategy that can identify and respond to
these small changes in a timely and effective
3.4 The Three Vs: Volume, Velocity, and
It has been mentioned in previous sections that open
source intelligence (OSINT) comprises a vast,
interconnected landscape of publicly available
information that is nevertheless characterized by an
inherent disorder attributed mainly to the Vs:
volume, velocity, and variety [18] and it is these
elements that encapsulate the challenges and
opportunities presented.
Volume refers to the huge amount of data that is
constantly generated and disseminated through
various platforms, such as social networks, and
naturally creates significant difficulties in
extracting, storing, and analyzing data. However,
this huge volume presents a wealth of information
that, if analyzed correctly, can provide important
Velocity refers to the rate at which new data are
produced and the fact that the high speed of
information production and circulation can quickly
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.14
Ioannis Syllaidopoulos
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
render the information already collected obsolete,
thus adding to the difficulties of relating it to current
events. On the other hand, rapid updating of data
can also serve to provide real-time information,
which is vital in cases of rapidly evolving incidents,
and early detection of emerging threats.
Finally, variety indicates the heterogeneous
nature of OSINT, with data spanning different types
of content (e.g. text, audio, and video), or different
languages, and introduces complexities in data
processing and interpretation, enhancing the
disruption but at the same time offering, a
comprehensive and multifaceted view of the
situation at hand, enriching the information
4 Chaos Theory and OSINT
4.1 Applying Chaos Theory to OSINT
The application of Chaos Theory principles to
OSINT causes a change in perspective in that
disorder is no longer seen as simple noise, but a
complex system with intrinsic patterns waiting to be
revealed. In this way, the unstructured nature of
open-source data is transformed from an obstacle to
an advantage, as unseen connections and patterns
are discovered. From this perspective, the
seemingly chaotic landscape of OSINT may not be
as cluttered as it first appears, as important
information may be revealed. This fact makes the
transition from chaos to order, from noise to
intelligence, an innovative context for immersion
and understanding in open-source data analysis.
4.2 Navigating the Disorder of OSINT
through Chaos Theory
Chaos Theory provides a new perspective for
understanding and navigating the seemingly messy
landscape of OSINT, as the parallels between the
complex systems inferred in Chaos Theory and the
complex, non-linear nature of OSINT are evident. In
summary, it can be said that the two domains
involve managing a high level of uncertainty and
unpredictability, alongside the prospect of emerging
order and meaning.
This may be because, in Chaos Theory, the
behavior of a system is both unpredictable and
deterministic, driven by patterns known as 'Strange
Attractors'. This principle suggests that, although the
sheer volume and diverse nature of data generated
using OSINT methods makes them appear chaotic,
they may nevertheless exhibit hidden patterns
waiting to be discovered, [14]. By exploring
potential 'Strange Attractors' within open-source
data, recurring patterns, themes or associations can
be revealed, potentially guiding the information
analysis process and allowing the data to be
considered as interconnected elements of a larger,
meaningful structure. The emergent information
arising from interactions within a context could not
be predicted without knowledge of the individual
components, [15] of a dataset, and this is why the
application of these theories can significantly
enhance the depth and relevance of information,
providing a nuanced understanding of the situation
or problem.
5 Case Study: OSINT in Counter
5.1 Scenario Overview
The case study presented in this paper aims to
describe the application of OSINT techniques, in a
counter-terrorism context, by identifying potential
threats through Reddit posts on the subreddit
"worldnews". Using algorithms Machine Learning
and Natural Language Processing techniques, an
attempt is made to answer the question of whether
by making small changes in the sentiment of
selected posts, the effects of the 'Butterfly Effect'
and 'Strange Attractors' on the conclusions and
results of information analysis and processing can
be demonstrated through observation.
5.2 Data Collection and Analysis
Data was collected through the Reddit API. It
facilitated a preliminary process of cleaning and
formatting the dataset, which involved a
combination of machine learning and natural
language processing techniques to ensure
compatibility with subsequent stages of processing.
It is worth emphasizing at this point both the
complexity and the importance of this step since the
extraction of results at subsequent stages relies to a
large extent on the correctness of this process.
5.3 Applying Machine Learning and Natural
Language Processing
The analysis began by using Machine Learning and
Natural Language Processing techniques to examine
the Reddit posts. The TfidfVectorizer library was
used to convert the post titles into a numerical table
representation and then sentiment analysis was
performed on each post title using the TextBlob
library to understand the sentiment associated with
the posts. Finally, Non-negative Matrix
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.14
Ioannis Syllaidopoulos
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
Factorization (NMF) was used to model themes and
discover hidden themes in the dataset.
5.4 Identifying Potential Threats through
Sentiment Analysis
To identify potential threats, specific keywords were
used that are linked to violence, extremism,
terrorism, and security and are present in the content
of the posts. This technique allowed the filtering to
be refined to extract, from the data set, only threat-
related postings. As previously mentioned, this is a
critical stage of processing and analysis that allows
intelligence analysts to focus on data that has real
value for national security.
The daily sentiment was mapped to reveal
information from the analysis of the sentiment of
threat-related postings. In this way, daily sentiment
values were collected and visualized allowing for
the identification of unusual spikes or patterns in
sentiment, such as identifying sudden changes or
trends in threat-related sentiment, which could
indicate changes or potential escalations of incidents
and conditions (Figure 1).
Fig. 1: The plot shows the sentiment of threat posts
over time. The sentiment values are visualized as a
line graph, with the x-axis representing time and the
y-axis representing the average sentiment of the
threat posts. There are some outliers in the data,
which are highlighted in red as scattered points
5.5 The Butterfly Effect in Action
To clarify the meaning of the "Butterfly Effect",
especially in the context of OSINT, the impact on
the results of the analysis was recorded by changing
the values of the emotion. Specifically, the
sentiment values of the postings at the beginning,
middle, and end of the period under study were
modified and the changes were recorded and
The result of this process allowed through the
comparative analysis of the distribution of emotion,
before and after, to highlight the extreme values of
emotion, and this part of the research provided
valuable information about the dynamic and
sensitive nature of OSINT, highlighting the
importance of accuracy in data collection, analysis,
and processing (Figure 2).
Fig. 2: The plot shows the sentiment of threat posts
over time after applying the Butterfly Effect
concept. The sentiment values have been modified
for specific time points. The sentiment data is
visualized as a line graph, with the x-axis
representing time and the y-axis representing the
average sentiment of the threat posts. There are
outliers in the data, which are highlighted in red as
scattered points.
5.6 'Strange Attractors' in OSINT
Another useful takeaway that emerged from the
process is the unexpected themes that emerged from
the content of the postings. In this way, the concept
of "Strange Attractors" was also understood in an
OSINT context, highlighting the potential benefits
of incorporating chaos theory principles. Each topic
was generated using Latent Dirichlet Allocation
(LDA). What is unique in this case is that pre-
defined threat keywords were removed and it was
shown that information derived from seemingly
insignificant or irrelevant data deserves further
investigation as it can provide valuable insights into
potential new areas of concern or emerging threats
to national security (Figure 3).
5.7 Findings and Interpretation of the Case
The results obtained from the analysis of the case
study showed that by analyzing content and postings
from various social networking media, forums,
blogs, etc., it is possible to detect early and
effectively possible threats related to violence,
extremism, and terrorism. This validates the
hypothesis that the capabilities of OSINT combined
with the use of Machine Learning and Natural
Language Processing techniques greatly facilitate
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.14
Ioannis Syllaidopoulos
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
the extraction of critical information from data, thus
enhancing the capabilities of conventional
information analysis techniques.
At the same time, the practical application of the
'Butterfly Effect' has shown that even small changes
in the initial stage of data processing can lead to
significant variations in the final result. This
reinforces the need for greater attention to detail in
every phase of OSINT, from data collection to
processing and analysis.
Finally, emerging areas of concern and potential
new threats that extended beyond the predefined
keywords for threats ("Strange Attractors"),
highlighted the need for a more flexible and
adaptive approach to OSINT that adequately
recognizes and responds to the dynamically
evolving nature of the data.
Unexpected topic 1 Unexpected topic 2
Unexpected topic 3 Unexpected topic 4
Fig. 3: The figure shows four sectioned word clouds
representing the unexpected topics that emerge from
the collected comments using Latent Dirichlet
Allocation (LDA). The unexpected topics are
identified by checking if any of the top words in
each topic are present in a list of threat keywords.
Each section of the word cloud represents a different
unexpected topic. The size of each word within the
word clouds indicates its importance in the
corresponding topic.
6 Methodological, Technological and
Ethical Implications
It is generally accepted that in today's digital age,
the wealth of publicly available data can be
exploited to draw conclusions that contribute to the
detection and prevention of threats. Moreover, the
methodology used for the needs of the present
research indicates exactly that. The potential of
OSINT techniques and data analysis in efforts to
combat terrorism and broader threats to national
security is untapped.
Furthermore, the use of modern techniques and
tools such as the TfidfVectorizer, NMF, LDA, and
other analysis libraries is a testament to the power
and ability to extract valuable information from
unstructured, high-volume data. It is therefore
readily apparent that these tools enhance the
capabilities of analysts and intelligence agencies in
identifying potential threats in a timely, accurate,
and effective manner. However, the successful use
of these tools depends on their appropriate selection
and application, the development of appropriate
analyst skills, and the continuous monitoring of
technological developments.
Furthermore, the case study has paved the way
for several research questions in the field of OSINT.
For example, while the case study mainly used
machine learning and natural language processing
techniques, future research could explore more
sophisticated models, such as Deep Learning, to
improve the accuracy of threat detection and
sentiment analysis. At the same time, the
application of Chaos Theory principles to the
OSINT framework offers an innovative perspective
for understanding its inherent complexity, and
future research could deepen these principles by
using them to uncover hidden patterns and predict
early threats. It is therefore readily apparent that
understanding, for example, the extent to which
changes in emotion affect the wider information
landscape is a critical process that, if properly
exploited, can facilitate improved decision-making
processes to combat extremism and terrorism.
Finally, reference should not be overlooked to the
ethical considerations which, given the nature of
open-source data research, remain of paramount
importance. Strict standards of privacy should be
observed at every stage of the data processing
process, and it should be ensured that the authorities
use the appropriate licenses to extract the data, as
well as ensuring where necessary that the data and
the users who produce it are anonymized.
7 Conclusions
This paper attempted to integrate the basic
principles of Chaos Theory, in the context of Open
Source Information (OSINT), using the tools of
Machine Learning and Natural Language
Processing. Initially, the theoretical framework was
set out, with the realization that the main
characteristics of OSINT methodologies being the
sheer volume, high velocity, and variety of data
cause a seemingly inherent chaos for those who are
required to effectively handle OSINT techniques
and tools.
However, the findings demonstrated that when
these advanced techniques are combined with Chaos
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.14
Ioannis Syllaidopoulos
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
Theory, which emphasizes complex, nonlinear data
systems, they form a powerful framework for
deciphering the apparent disorder within OSINT,
allowing computer analysts to discover hidden
patterns and "Strange Attractors."
Practical proof of the above hypothesis was
provided by the results of the case study developed
in the paper demonstrating how these techniques
and principles can turn unstructured and chaotic
data into meaningful interpretation. The critical role
played by powerful algorithms in detecting early
and emerging threats was also highlighted.
Future research could focus on the potential
application of the intersection of Chaos Theory,
machine learning, natural language processing, and
OSINT in other areas such as crisis management,
health policymaking, and business intelligence.
Finally, while this research focused on Reddit
data, it is well known that the digital world offers a
wealth of open-source information waiting to be
exploited. Expanding the research to include data
from various sources, such as other social media
platforms, news articles, blogs, and digital archives,
could provide new perspectives and reveal hidden
information, thus enhancing the usefulness of
OSINT and making it increasingly usable and
valuable. As the volume, velocity, and variety of
open-source data continue to increase, is hoped that
this study will spark further exploration and lead to
a deeper understanding of the hidden order within
the chaos.
OSINT: Open Source Intelligence
ML: Machine Learning
NLP: Natural Language Processing
API: Application Programming Interface
NMF: Non-negative Matrix Factorization
LDA: Latent Dirichlet Allocation
Declaration of Generative AI and AI-assisted
Technologies in the Writing Process
During the preparation of this research, the author
utilized OpenAI's ChatGPT to enhance the
readability and language of the manuscript, and
Python scripts were employed for data analysis and
figure production. These tools were used to
streamline certain aspects of the research process.
The author reviewed and edited all content to ensure
its accuracy and coherence, taking full responsibility
for the final publication.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
Ioannis Syllaidopoulos is the sole author. The author
read and approved the final manuscript.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
No funding was received for conducting this study.
Conflict of Interest
The author, Ioannis Syllaidopoulos, hereby declares
that there are no financial, commercial, or other
affiliations that could be construed as a potential
conflict of interest in the research, authorship,
and/or publication of this manuscript. The research
was conducted in the absence of any commercial or
financial relationships that could be interpreted as a
potential conflict of interest.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.14
Ioannis Syllaidopoulos
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024