Federated Learning: Attacks and Defenses, Rewards, Energy
Efficiency: Past, Present and Future
Department of Industrial Design and Production Engineering,
University of West Attica,
250 Thivon & P. Ralli str 122 41 Egaleo,
Abstract: - Federated Learning (FL) was first introduced as an idea by Google in 2016, in which multiple
devices jointly train a machine learning model without sharing their data under the supervision of a central
server. This offers big opportunities in critical areas like healthcare, industry, and finance, where sharing
information with other organizations’ devices is completely prohibited. The combination of Federated Learning
with Blockchain technology has led to the so-called Blockchain Federated learning (B.F.L.) which operates in a
distributed manner and offers enhanced trust, improved security and privacy, improved traceability and
immutability and at the same time enables dataset monetization through tokenization. Unfortunately,
vulnerabilities of the blockchain-based solutions have been identified while the implementation of blockchain
introduces significant energy consumption issues. There are many solutions that also offer personalized ideas
and uses. In the field of security, solutions such as security against model-poisoning backdoor assaults with
poles and modified algorithms are proposed. Defense systems that identify hostile devices, Against Phishing
and other social engineering attack mechanisms that could threaten current security systems after careful
comparison of mutual systems. In a federated learning system built on blockchain, the design of reward
mechanisms plays a crucial role in incentivizing active participation. We can use tokens for rewards or other
cryptocurrency methods for rewards to a federated learning system. Smart Contracts combined with proof of
stake with performance-based rewards or (and) value of data contribution. Some of them use games or game
theory-inspired mechanisms with unlimited uses even in other applications like games. All of the above is
useless if the energy consumption exceeds the cost of implementing a system. Thus, all of the above is
combined with algorithms that make simple or more complex hardware and software adjustments.
Heterogeneous data fusion methods, energy consumption models, bandwidth, and controls transmission power
try to solve the optimization problems to reduce energy consumption, including communication and compute
energy. New technologies such as quantum computing with its advantages such as speed and the ability to solve
problems that classical computers cannot solve, their multidimensional nature, analyze large data sets more
efficiently than classical artificial intelligence counterparts and the later maturity of a technology that is now
expensive will provide solutions in areas such as cryptography, security and why not in energy autonomy. The
human brain and an emerging technology can provide solutions to all of the above solutions due to the brain's
decentralized nature, built-in reward mechanism, negligible energy use, and really high processing power In
this paper we attempt to survey the currently identified threats, attacks and defenses, the rewards and the energy
efficiency issues of BFL in order to guide the researchers and the designers of FL based solution to adopt the
most appropriate of each application approach.
Key-Words: - Blockchain Federated Learning, Energy Efficiency, Security, Privacy, Defenses, Rewards.
Received: October 11, 2023. Revised: March 5, 2024. Accepted: May 7, 2024. Published: June 12, 2024.
1 Introduction
Federated Learning (FL) holds significant
importance in the current technology landscape due
to several key factors. Internet of Things (I.o.T.)
applications with the growth of big data can lead to
the true implementation of many intelligent
situations such as smart cities, smart meters, smart
hospitals, etc.. These clever brushes can fuel many
critical applications such as smart transfer, smart
industries, healthcare, and smart surveillance, [1].
For the successful development of these smart
services, a huge number of IoT devices is required
which are forecasted to collect around 572
Zettabytes of data, [2]. Such a noticeable increase
in the size of the IoT network and the volume of
accompanying data open up attractive opportunities
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.10
Dimitris Karydas, Helen C. Leligou
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
a real opportunity for artificial intelligence and
mechanical learning. For this purpose, we can train
Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) and Machine Learning
(M.L.) algorithms via multiple independent
sessions, each using our own datasets to optimize
these smart IoT applications. Depending on the
type of local workers, FL can be divided into cross
device and cross silo. Cross-device workers are
mostly mobile phones, tablets, speakers, and other
IoT terminal appliances. These local workers can
log out at any time in the model training process.
The cross-silo workers are mostly large institutions
that have high data storage and computational
In general, the security aspects that are relevant
to FL, are confidentiality, availability, and
integrity. Data privacy preservation, data
sovereignty, decentralization, incentive
mechanisms, scalability, cross-organizational
collaboration, and resilience to data poisoning
attacks are significant topics to be taken into
consideration when an FL solution targeting a
specific sector is to be designed. FL allows
collaborative machine learning models to be
trained across multiple decentralized devices
without sharing raw data, ensuring sensitive data
remains on users' devices. It also maintains data
sovereignty for individual users or organizations,
particularly in regions with strict data sovereignty
laws. FL distributes the training process across a
network of nodes, eliminating the need for
centralized authority, and enhancing the system
resilience. Incentive mechanisms can be
implemented, fostering participation and
The immutable nature of blockchain provides a
transparent and auditable record of model updates,
building trust among stakeholders in sectors where
this is highly required for example like healthcare
and finance sectors. In this way, the data remain in
the administrative domain of their owner, and it is
only the model updates that are exchanged with all
the exchanges/updates being recorded in the
blockchain where whatever is written cannot be
altered, [3]. Combining FL with blockchain or
secure multiparty computer technology, the model
update provider cannot be traced and thus, any
attack with respect to (inappropriate) model update
can be detected, [4]. Although blockchain
adds/improves the level of security, it is not a
panacea. It is essential for people, businesses, and
governments to make proactive efforts to defend
against FL attacks, especially those who will adopt
this technology, and encourage a culture of total
awareness, [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10].
Adopting the same principle of performance-
related rewarding in blockchain systems, federated
learning reward systems are designed to encourage
contributions by rewarding participants for their
collaboration according to their performance
contributions. Examples of applications include
centralized machine learning for mobile
crowdsensing, distributed energy storage systems,
or data marketplaces, [11]. Rewards and “awards
can come in a variety of shapes, such as cash,
cryptocurrencies, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), or
goodwill. A fair evaluation of the contributions is
necessary for the distribution of incentives to be
equitable. The main objectives of FL incentive
systems are to reward institutions for their
participation in FL and to entice institutions to
make high-quality contributions to the gradient,
[12], [13]. However, the rewarding mechanism is
in itself prone to attacks.
Another key issue for FL systems is energy.
[14], [15], [16], more specifically, both
transmission energy and computational energy
usage must be taken into account especially when
FL is executed in the far edge of the network
systems in devices that may not be connected to
permanent energy supply infrastructure, such as
low-power computing devices and mobile phones
which have limited energy budgets, [17], [18],
[19]. Energy consumption becomes an optimization
problem with the goal of reducing the system's
overall energy usage while observing a delay cap,
To sum up, as shown in Figure 1, the three
aspects that have to be thoroughly analyzed by any
prospective designer/developer of federated
learning-based solution are: the adopted reward
mechanism, the defense mechanisms to be put in
place, and the energy efficiency depending on the
nature of the application and the devices
implementing the FL scheme.
Fig. 1: The working gears of a complete FL system
must have an enabled defense system it must be
energy efficient and it must have reward-based
character, [21], [22]
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.10
Dimitris Karydas, Helen C. Leligou
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
In this paper, we survey the literature relevant
to a) attack and related defense mechanisms, b)
rewarding mechanisms, and c) energy efficiency as
well as present the recent developments relevant to
quantum technologies and brain-inspired FL
systems. Quantum technologies and brain-inspired
FL systems aspire to offer higher energy efficiency
and performance together. Our aim is to offer an
advanced kick-start to researchers that are
interested in the area and most importantly to guide
the prospective designers and implementers of FL
systems to make appropriate design choices. For
example, the rewarding schemes that incentivize
citizens are different than those that may
incentivize organizations; the security level
(measures to defend against a rich or less rich set of
attacks) depends on the nature of the application
and its specificities. Additionally, we discuss the
interplay, [21], [22] among the three dimensions
mentioned above and shown in the Figure 1. The
importance of this discussion increases if we take
into consideration i) the legislation as the General
Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), [23] and the
California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) the US
equivalent of GDPR [24], which makes data
sharing even less likely to happen and ii) the 2030
Climate Target Plans according to which the EU's
ambition is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to
at least 55 percent below 1990 levels by 2030. This
is a significant increase compared to the existing
target of above the previous target of at least 40
percent, [25].
2 Defense Measures against Attacks
in Federated Learning
2.1 Introduction
The standard project of the “Federated Machine
Learning Application and architecture framework
was approved by the IEEE Standards Committee in
December 2018. As a result of that, an increasing
number of academics and technical specialists
joined the standards working group and contributed
to the creation of IEEE Standards regarding FL,
[26]. There are numerous inherent hazards to
privacy and security. Malicious local workers may
sabotage the availability, confidentiality, and
integrity of data before the model is trained,
contaminating it. The central server and local
clients make up the two main FL roles in general.
The antagonist may gain access to the main server
or some local clients. The adversary can influence
the global model while the model is being trained
by managing the samples or model updates. The
global model's performance will suffer as a result,
or a backdoor will be left open. The adversary can
also infer the personal data of additional
trustworthy local workers during the model training
and prediction phases, including through
membership inference and attribute inference.
Despite differences in privacy FL has included
more privacy-preserving methods, attacks on FL
are still possible, [27]. Examining the local
workers' data quality prior to the model training
phase is one way to guarantee the FL model's
validity. High-confidence data can significantly
lower the frequency of poisoning attacks and
increase the model's efficacy. A different approach
is to analyze past local worker and server behavior.
Based on the system logs, credibility measurement,
and verification procedures should be suggested.
Additionally, during the training process, the
dependability of the local employees should also be
evaluated dynamically. Generally speaking,
malicious local employees behave differently from
the majority of dependable local employees.
Therefore, the unreliable local employees can be
removed by auditing the model behavior uploaded
to the central server, [28].
The defense systems must identify hostile
devices, block them from further data impact, or
eliminate the impact they have on the overall
model. The defense systems also provide
protection from specific types of attacks e.g.
poisoning attacks. The suggested approaches are
primarily reactive and constantly track client
behaviors. The main approach of filtering out rogue
clients has been suggested. AI and ML algorithms
are used in this strategy to identify model
modifications or irregular data distributions.
Another approach using the same basic idea, but
used to a multi-victim malicious, user attack, is
suggested and known as sniper. Sniper gives a
different suggestion for defending against
poisoning attacks. It’s a different suggestion for
defending against poisoning attacks. This method
entails evaluating the effectiveness of the global
model with each new model update, [11].
In this section, we will discuss those attacks and
relevant defense mechanisms.
2.2 Attacks and Defense Measures
We start with the backdoor attack which was
introduced earlier. The major strategy of protection
from backdoor attacks involves reducing the
model's size to lessen its complexity and capacity
while maybe increasing its accuracy. Pruning is the
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.10
Dimitris Karydas, Helen C. Leligou
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
name of this method. The resulting model is less
expressive, making backdoor assaults more
difficult to execute. Such a technique also brings
up some advantageous side effects. In fact, the
fewer parameters minimize both the likelihood of
message interception and the cost of
communication, [12]. For the backdoor attack
protection in a federated learning system, the
authors of this paper [29] suggest Focused-Flip
Federated Backdoor Attack (F3BA). It makes use
of focused weight sign manipulation to allow the
hostile clients to compromise only a tiny portion of
the least significant model parameters. Instead of
explicitly scaling maliciously uploaded clients'
local updates, the attack simply swaps the weights
of some inconsequential model parameters. F3BA
is able to escape and achieve a high attack success
rate in the majority of tests. From this, the authors
claim that even while the current stage of backdoor
protection offers some robustness, they still expose
the vulnerability to advanced backdoor attacks. In
[30], FL was analyzed from an adversarial
standpoint and created a straightforward defense
mechanism, especially for backdoor attacks. The
main concept of this defense strategy was to
modify the learning rate of the aggregation server,
per dimension and every round, based on the sign
information of agents' updates. The studies they
provide, they demonstrate how this defense
significantly lowers backdoor accuracy while just
slightly degrading overall validation accuracy.
Overall, it outperforms some of the recently
proposed defenses in the literature. As a final
comment, they believe the insights behind their
defense are also related to training in non-. i.d.
setting, even in the presence of no adversaries. The
differences in local distributions can cause updates
coming from different agents to steer the model
toward different directions over the loss surface. In
a future work, they plan to analyze how Robust
Learning Rate (R.L.R.) influences the performance
of models trained in different non- i.d. settings.
Another research, [31], focused on the security
against model-poisoning backdoor assaults, known
as "backdoor data poisoning" that involves the
injecting of several watermarked, incorrectly
labeled training examples into a training set. On
usual data, the watermark has no effect on the
model's test-time performance, but on watermarked
samples, the model consistently makes mistakes
and generates errors, [32]. To solve this problem,
authors suggest Robust Filtering of one-
dimensional Outliers (RFOut-1d), a defense
mechanism based on a robust filtering of one-
dimensional outliers in the federated aggregation
operator, based on the hypothesis that updates from
adversarial clients would represent outliers in the
Gaussian distribution of clients' updates. The
results of assessing RFOut-1d in a variety of
circumstances under various backdoor as-saults
and comparing it to state-of-the-art defenses reveal
that their claim is correct. As a result, state, RFOut-
1d is a highly effective defensive that reduces the
effectiveness of backdoor attacks to the point of
(nearly) nullifying them throughout the course of
all learning cycles. In several cases, RFOut-1d
exceeds the results obtained without any attack,
demonstrating its ability to filter out clients who
impede the training process. In contrast to previous
defenses, it does not impede the FL process by
maintaining (or even improving) the model's
performance in the initial job. By filtering out
customers who deviate from this solution, the
model's convergence to the common solution is
hastened and optimized. To summarize, it is
demonstrated that RFOut-1d is a high-quality
protection as well as an appropriate federated
aggregation operator by effectively halting the
effect of attacks while encouraging global model
A dataset could achieve appropriate privacy
and utility trade-offs thanks to the noise defense
described in this paper [33]. Even though many
tasks are straightforward, including signature
recognition, with data complexity comparable to
the well-known MNIST dataset utilized in the test
can benefit from split learning. By post-training the
computational server's model segment with noise
while keeping the data owner's model segment
unchanged, the privacy and utility trade-off could
be made better. However, this strategy eliminates
the data owner's exclusive means of model
inversion defense. Due to its connection to
differential privacy, a Laplacian noise distribution
was chosen for this study. However, other
alternative noise distributions should have a similar
protective impact and may potentially offer a better
privacy and utility trade-off. The authors showed
that, under a split neural network training
environment, a user's data is vulnerable to exposure
by an opponent. Even with a little understanding of
the problem that needs to be solved, this problem
still occurs.
In many cases, a malevolent person tries to
recover the secret dataset that was used to train a
supervised neural network with model inversion
attacks, [34]. A model inversion attack that is
effective should produce realistic samples from a
variety of sources that appropriately reflect each of
the classes in the private dataset, [35]. The
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.10
Dimitris Karydas, Helen C. Leligou
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
suggested work is a workable and successful
defense against FL model inversion attacks. In
order to obscure the gradients of the sensitive data,
the authors introduce a concealing sample that
mimics the sensitive data. Their suggested method
makes sure that the samples that are used to hide
sensitive information are visually distinct from the
sensitive data in order to obfuscate the created
sensitive information. In order to preserve the
critical data and prevent performance loss, the
samples are concealed using adaptive learning.
Studies revealed that this strategy provides the best
defense against model inversion attacks without
losing FL performance when compared to other
similar defense strategies.
Another major issue is that sending the FL
updated models to a centralized server may become
a difficult task due to privacy issues and significant
connection constraints. Thus, a recent paper [36],
suggests an efficient approach for user assignment
and resource allocation across hierarchical FL
solutions designed for IoT heterogeneous systems.
The findings of this study showed that, for the
same level of model fidelity, the suggested
approach may greatly speed up FL training and
lower communication overhead by offering a
significant reduction in the number of
communication rounds between edge nodes and
centralized server.
Against Phishing and other social engineering
attack that are often used to steal user data, the
authors of [37] suggest the use of Phishing
Detection with Generative Adversarial Networks
(PDGAN). PDGAN is a revolutionary poisoning
defense strategy in federated learning. The
suggested approach is based on a server-side
generative adversarial network that can reconstitute
participants' training data. The suggested method
verifies the accuracy of each participant's model
using the generated data before identifying
attackers. Results of the experiment show that by
verifying the participant model's accuracy, the
PDGAN can successfully reconstruct the training
data and defend against the poisoning attack.
Authors intend to investigate this poisoning
defense for federated learning with differential
privacy at the device, class, or user levels as future
Anomaly detection methods in data analysis
are events or observations that deviate significantly
from the majority of the data and do not conform to
a well-defined notion of normal behavior. The
authors of [38] suggested a federated learning-
based anomaly detection system for precisely
identifying and categorizing threats in IoT
networks. This method can work as an effective
defense system. The FL implementation portion of
the suggested method shares computing resources
with on-device training, and various GRU layers
guarantee higher attack classification accuracy
rates. The ensemble, which integrates the
predictions from various GRU layers, greatly
enhances the performance of the technique. The
potential advantage of user data privacy is a safer
layer to IoT networks, increasing the dependability
of IoT devices. Their evaluations show that their
suggested method outperforms intrusion detection
algorithms that don't support FL. As a future study,
we can focus on improving the suggested method
using an IoT testbed and evaluating it using real-
time data from de-vice-specific data sets that can
categorize all known and undiscovered IoT device
In the study [39], authors have proven that by
alternating between assaulting and operating
normally, the adversary evades the defense
systems' mechanisms and penalties. This can
happen in on/ off label piping, good/bad-mouthing,
and on-off free-riding attacks. With good/ bad-
mouthing attacks, adversaries send selected
gradients that either boost or lessen the influence of
the chosen victim's gradients on the global model.
They have studied each of these assaults using
numerous data sets and proven that they are
successful against existing defense systems in
federated learning. They have implemented all
these attacks on five different FL algorithms using
different data sets, and two neural network models.
These findings demonstrate that the suggested
attacks are successful in each of these scenarios.
They have built a new federated learning algorithm
which has been proven capable of mitigating each
of the proposed assaults concurrently while
maintaining effective against previously proposed
Researchers demonstrate that a Distributed
Backdoor Attack (DBA) is more persistent and
successful than a centralized backdoor attack in
typical FL through extensive testing on multiple
datasets, including Lending Club Loan Data
(LOAN) using image datasets in distinct settings,
[40]. In both single-shot and multiple-shot attack
scenarios, DBA improves attack resiliency,
convergence speed, and attack success rate.
Researchers show that DBA is more cunning and is
capable of eluding two powerful Federated
Learning techniques. Using feature visual
interpretation to examine its function in aggregate,
the effectiveness of DBA is described. The authors
undertake an in-depth investigation of the main
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.10
Dimitris Karydas, Helen C. Leligou
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
variables that are unique to DBA to investigate its
properties and limitations. According to the
findings, DBA is a fresh and more potent attack
against FL than the ones currently used as
backdoor attacks. For assessing the adversarial
robustness of FL, the study and findings may offer
fresh perspectives and new threat assessment
techniques. A Trusted Aggregation (TAG): Model
Filtering Backdoor Defense in Federated Learning
may be an effective method for DBA In this paper
[41], motivated by differences in the output layer
distribution between models trained with and
without the presence of backdoor attacks, authors
propose a defense method that can prevent
backdoor attacks from influencing the model while
maintaining the accuracy of the original
classification task. TAG leverages a small
validation data set to estimate the largest change
that a benign user's local training can make to the
output layer of the shared model, which can be
used as a cutoff for returning user models.
Experimental results on multiple data sets show
that TAG defends against backdoor attacks even
when 40 percent of the user submissions to update
the shared model are malicious.
Researchers from the University of California,
Berkeley, [42], describe potential challenges when
a consumer with no local data can perform a local
gradient update. These consumers with no local
data are called ‘Free-riders’. The free rider problem
is the burden on a shared resource that is created by
its use or overuse by people who aren't paying their
fair share for it or aren't paying anything at all.
Much attention has been paid to the free-rider
challenge of peer-to-peer programs. There are a
number of attacks that can be used by an attacker
and possible defenses against such attacks. This
study shows a new detection method called STD-
DAGMM, a high-dimensional anomaly detection
method, is proposed. This method is particularly
successful in detecting anomalies in model
parameters. It was also effective in detecting most
“free riders” under most conditions tested.
Furthermore, it is found that differential privacy,
especially the privacy encouragement approach in
combined studies, tends to identify riders who do
not participate in the efficacy. The STD-DAGMM
method in other attacks can be found in combined
studies, such as venom attacks that are attractive
for research. The field concluded that much
remains to be learned about “free riders” about the
autonomy and countermeasures, especially because
of the many proposed solutions. It is believed that
preliminary research may inform subsequent
efforts in this area. In this research and in the same
field against “free riders”, [43], it is proposed a
new defense method based on the Weight Evolving
Frequency model, referred to as WEF-Defense,
Authors first collect the weight evolution frequency
(defined as WEF-Matrix) during local training. For
each client, it uploads the WEF matrix of the local
model to the server along with the model weight
for each iteration. The server then separates the
“free-riders” from the benign clients based on the
difference in the WEF matrix. Finally, the server
uses a personalized approach to provide different
global models for respective clients.
An ethical framework for evaluating and
distinguishing between different types of customer
privacy attractions has been presented in [44]. By
analyzing frequent parameter updates, they show
how adversaries can reconnect private local
training data. (e.g., local gradient or weight-update
vector). The impact of different attack schemes and
hyperparameter settings on client private lock cage
attacks is identified and analyzed in a federated
learning study with four widely used benchmark
datasets. Initially, a formal and experimental
analysis of attacker potential is presented reverse-
engineer private local training data by simply
analyzing parameter updates from local training
distributed. (e.g., local gradient or weight-update
vector). Then the possible effects of different attack
algorithm settings and federated learning
hyperparameter settings on the attack efficiency
and attack cost are investigated. In addition, their
approach to communication-efficient FL protocols
with different gradient compression ratios tests,
measure, and evaluate the client's effectiveness -
privacy leakage attacks Their tests also include
some early mitigation techniques to demonstrate
the importance of providing a systematic attack
analysis process towards understanding the loss of
client secret lockage threats.
Recent studies have demonstrated that
Byzantine assaults launched by erroneous or
malevolent clients can be successful against
standard federated learning, [45], [46], [47]. Even
if there is only one attacker, the accuracy of the
model can drop from 100 percent to 0 percent. The
accuracy of the combined global model can be
reduced to 0 percent maximum probability in the
extreme case where the attacker knows the local
updates of all non-malicious clients and only needs
to configure other terms as opposed to another
normal linear combination. Nowadays, with the
advent of federated learning, researchers have
found a new way to address the security and
privacy concerns of dispersed training. Researchers
now examine current methods of dealing with
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.10
Dimitris Karydas, Helen C. Leligou
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
Byzantine invasion. They also offer new attack
mechanisms that could threaten current security
systems after careful comparison and discussion
supported by experimental findings.
Researchers found that local model poisoning
attacks, which alter the local models sent from the
compromised worker devices to the master device
during the learning process, can weaken the
federated learning methods. The machine learning
algorithms claimed to be resilient against
Byzantine failures of some worker devices. In
particular, an attacker can modify the local models
on the compromised worker devices so that the
aggregated global model deviates most from the
direction along which the global model would
change in the absence of attacks, increasing the
error rates of the learned global models.
Additionally, the search for such carefully
constructed local models might be framed as an
optimization problem. To counteract local model
poisoning attacks, we can expand already-existing
data poisoning attack countermeasures. Such all-
encompassing protections work in certain
situations but fall short in others. These findings
demonstrate the need for new countermeasures to
fend off local model poisoning attempts. This
research is only applicable to unintended poisoning
attacks. De-signing new defense measures against
local model poisoning assaults, such as new
techniques to find compromised local models and
new adversarial resistant aggregation rules, is also
important, [48]. As a solution to this, a paper [49]
suggests Local Malicious Factor (LoMar), a two-
phase defense algorithm. In phase I, LoMar scores
model updates from each remote client by
measuring the relative distribution over their
neighbors using a kernel density estimation
method. In phase II, an optimal threshold is
approximated to distinguish malicious and clean
updates from a statistical perspective.
Comprehensive experiments on four real-world
datasets have been conducted, and the experimental
results show that this defense strategy can
effectively provide protection from a poisoning
attack on the Federated Learning system.
The weight attack is another attack that is
difficult to be mitigated by current defense
strategies. The key challenge is that the server
cannot immediately assess the caliber of the local
data sets of the clients. Researchers then talk about
some potential de-fences. Although distance-based
methods like Multi-Krum and Fast Aggregation
against Byzantine Attacks (FABA) cannot
withstand the weight attack, we still believe they
are a viable option. Multi-Krum and FABA both
fall short because they have a propensity to ignore
updates that deviate significantly from the
distribution as a whole. They believe that by
examining the distribution of local updates, it is
possible to directly avoid the "bad" updates by
developing a new distance-based technique.
Additionally, as demonstrated in trials,
performance-based defense strategies like Zeno
outperform other methods by a wide margin. This
type of protection strategy can perform better in the
future because analyzing an update's performance
is the simplest way to tell if it is benign or harmful.
When the clean test data set is carefully planned for
particular investigations, the "bad" updates
produced by the weight attack will undoubtedly
behave differently. Regarding the statistics-based
and target optimization-based mitigation strategies,
that they are adamant they can successfully
mitigate the weight attack by fully utilizing the
statistical properties of local updates or choosing
an appropriate loss to optimize the goal function,
2.3 Blockchain-based Security
Enhancements for FL
A centralized network built around a single, central
server that handles all major model management
functions presents vulnerabilities studied in [51].
Its authors proposed Blockchain Assisted
Decentralized Federated Learning (BLADE-FL).
BLADE-FL is a decentralized FL system that uses
blockchain technology to assist the FL system by
preventing malicious clients from poisoning the
learning process and further providing a self-
motivated and trusted learning environment for
them. The authors demonstrated how successfully
the BLADE-FL can address any potential
problems, particularly the single point of failure
problem that exists in a conventional FL system.
They have also looked into recently emerging
challenges like client laziness, resource allocation
and privacy. Last but not least, they have also
offered additional relevant potential fixes and
experimental findings to address these problems,
which offer directions for the construction of the
BLADE-FL framework. As future possibilities, the
research could include some asynchronous and
heterogeneous studies for various client
capabilities, such as processing power, training
data size, and transmitting variety, as well as a
smart contract design that offers a fair distribution
of incentives between training and mining. Also, a
different approach could be by lowering the
transmission cost of light-weight models using
quantization and quantum technology and sketches.
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.10
Dimitris Karydas, Helen C. Leligou
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
In principle, using blockchain technology, FL
Security can be thought of as a distributed
database a public ledger that is accessible to
everybody. The database verifies and forgery-
proofs each new entry. It suggests a method for
establishing device trust in which local model
validation is carried out by a blockchain network in
place of the central server of a traditional
centralized FL infrastructure, while model
aggregation is done on the client side. Every client
updates a network miner that is linked to it. All
model updates must be exchanged and verified by
miners. A miner executes a Proof of Work (P.o.W.)
for a specific operation with the goal of creating a
new block stored. The created block also contains
the aggregated local model updates that are
available for download by other network
participants. The global model can then be locally
computed by each client. By approving model
updates, this method makes poisoning attacks more
challenging [50] New literature and research are
added every day, vanguard algorithms try to detect
and block the threats that appear every day. Of
course, the defense mechanisms are always a step
behind the attack and there is no safe mechanism
that can close all the backdoors. For this reason,
increased vigilance is required and no system can
be considered safe and reliable at the given time.
3 Rewards and Blockchain in
Federated Learning
3.1 Introduction
Rewards and incentives are resource management
techniques used by all types of systems. Rewards
and incentives are used by a federated learning
system to improve the system, to increase
productivity, and to encourage members to
contribute to better quality work.
3.2 Alternative Approaches
The idea of carrying out more righteous deeds with
better experiences occurs in a suggestion of a
reward-based participant selection strategy which
leverages the special property of the FL. The
proposed approach for the FL system chooses
participants by taking into consideration rewards,
with the goal of prioritizing the use of the better
experiences of the agents who do remarkable
activities for learning, as shown in Figure 2, [52].
The proposed scheme increases the performance
and efficiency of learning, according to the
findings of the experiments the authors conducted.
Learnings were carried out more quickly and with
fewer agents when utilizing the proposed scheme.
They intend to do varied evaluations in numerous
IoT applications as part of their future work, using
the suggested participant selection scheme to a
range of IoT systems. Additionally, they will
examine the scenario in which the suggested
approach is used for FL with devices that operate
in highly dissimilar settings.
Fig. 2: Rewards in an FL system can take different
forms for example, monetary value tokens, or
games inspired methods. The fair distribution of
rewards depends on a fair quantification of the
contributions, [52].
In [53], the authors first assess the
contributions of FL institutions to model bias as
well as predictive performance. They create
incentive systems based on the Shapley Value
(S.V.) approximation method that can encourage
contributions to trustworthy AI by rewarding
results with a good prediction performance and
minimal absolute bias. This research adds to the
body of knowledge in three different ways. In order
to respond to previous requests for study in this
Contributor 1
3 10%
4 10%
5 10%
Contributor 2
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.10
Dimitris Karydas, Helen C. Leligou
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
area, they begin by analyzing the model bias in a
medical FL situation. By doing so, they discover a
slight influence of the distribution of chest X-ray
scans across various institutions on the FL model
bias in some cases. They also show that S.V.
approximations can assess bias in medical FL in
addition to contributions to predictive performance.
Thirdly, they create incentive structures that
compensate FL institutions for their contributions
to model bias and forecast accuracy. By doing so,
they respond to earlier requests for study on FL
reward systems and incentives for reliable AI.
The interaction between a server and all
participating devices in a federated learning system
is modelled in [54] using a Stackelberg game. (The
Stackelberg leadership model is a strategic game in
economics in which the leader firm moves first and
then the follower firms move sequentially). In
order to maximize each device's specific utility, the
authors search to identify the best training times for
the server, reward, and each device. Both the
server-side deadline and the device-side upload
time are taken into account by their model.
Examine how the size-based and accuracy-based
incentive rules affect the overall system
equilibrium by taking them into consideration.
They demonstrate that the suggested game, which
has a lower bound on the Price of Anarchy (P.o.A),
is a legitimate utility game. The P.o.A., [55] is also
a game in algorithmic game theory. Price of
Anarchy is the difference between the social cost of
the worst Nash equilibrium and the social optimum
(i.e., assigning strategies to players to achieve the
lowest possible social cost). The typical assessment
of the potential efficiency loss owing to individual
selfishness, when players are just thinking about
their own utility and not the overall welfare of
society, is commonly conceived of as this very
effective and important notion. By incorporating
the uncertainty in the upload time, they also expand
their model. Their demonstration shows that in the
variable upload time mode, devices spend more
time on local training. To put the proposed
federated learning system into practice and enable
devices to run mining and teaching simultaneously,
they construct a blockchain-powered testbed. The
presented models and theoretical findings are
validated by experiments carried out on top of it.
The authors of [56] used blockchain technology
with federated learning to address the issues of data
privacy, security, and fair compensation in
distributed machine learning. A thorough
methodology for scalable recording and rewarding
of gradients utilizing a mix of off-chain databases
of records and blockchain was provided. In order to
validate and verify gradients and choose an
appropriate device reward, they proposed Class-
Sampled Validation Error Scheme (CSVES). While
restricting the amount of uploads and validating the
reported data cost per device, they created a Proof
of Concept, [57], with a small group of clients and
rounds to show that the blockchain does not
interfere with the federated learning aggregate.
Finally, they create a list of Federated Learning and
Blockchain components that need further
investigation in order to be implemented as part of
future work. As a future study, is the modification
of CSVES to be a more accurate system for
judging the quality or utility of local data used to
train the model would involve more development,
testing, and analysis of variations on CSVES. They
also intend to research other validation approaches
that can precisely estimate the amount of
compensation for a gradient upload, either based on
the confirmed number of data points or on assessed
data model advancement. The need to establish a
uniform training method that ensures that two
devices using the same data calculate the same
gradients has also been highlighted. Adopting this
standard would ensure consistency in submitted
results and fairness in reward distribution.
The authors of [58], have presented an
effective approximation of CGSV with a bounded
error and have described a novel Cosine Gradient
Shapley Value (CGSV) to fairly evaluate the
expected marginal contribution of each agent's
uploaded model parameter update/gradient in FL
without needing an auxiliary validation dataset. By
utilizing the trick of sparsifying the aggregated
parameter update gradient downloaded from the
server as reward to each agent such that its
resulting quality is commensurate to that of the
agent's uploaded contributed parameter update
gradient, authors have developed a novel training
time fair gradient reward mechanism based on the
approximate CGSV.
In order to fairly assess the quality and value of
the model parameter updates gradients uploaded
and contributed by the agents in federated learning
(FL) gradient-based collaborative machine learning
(CML), the authors [59] introduce a novel
formulation based in the same algorithm Cosine
Gradient (CGSV) too. Using this formulation
again, the authors utilize it to design their
corresponding rewards in the form of downloaded
gradients. Their strategy guarantees that agents
who upload better gradients can also download
better gradients, producing better local models with
smaller training losses. Scientists theoretically and
practically show that their approach is effective in
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.10
Dimitris Karydas, Helen C. Leligou
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
terms of fairness and prediction performance. In
addition, their method is non-restrictive and
significantly more effective than existing baselines;
that is, it takes very little server processing power
and no additional dataset. Through a
hyperparameter that regulates the level of altruism,
their method offers significant flexibility for the
trade-off between fairly distributed and precisely
just rewards. The research question is: “Can we
attain both optimally or is there some sort of
unavoidable trade-off between justice and
performance?” Interestingly, a greater altruism
degree can occasionally result in superior
predictive performance. It would be fascinating to
think about the idea of fairness when there are
some rivals for future work. Additionally, we
would think about applying our fairness guarantee
and CML work to additional types of cooperative
Bayesian optimization, [60].
As a result, an agent should eventually be
rewarded with converged model parameters whose
resulting training loss (and consequently predictive
performance) is closer to that of the server, as
demonstrated by fairness guarantee, if they upload
con-tribute higher-quality parameter updates
gradients throughout the entire training process. On
numerous benchmark datasets, they have
empirically proven the efficiency of our fair
gradient reward method in terms of fairness,
predictive performance, and time overhead. Fair
gradient reward system, in particular, is
substantially more effective than several FL
baselines because it only necessitates little server
3.3 Tokens and Cryptocurrency inspired
Reward Methods
The authors of this work, [61], have suggested a
fresh tokenized reward Federated Learning
technique that makes use of tokens make
participating clients' contributions and the platform
for training that successfully encourages long-term
engagement from high-quality data suppliers.
Contrary to earlier research, this one includes
incentives for both providers, instead of employing
loss, and consumes and profiles data quality using
accuracy measurement without additional
overheads measurement. Clients are compensated
as consumers using their novel proposed metrics
(i.e., token reduction ratio and utility enhancement
ratio based on utility measurement). High-quality
clients are frequently chosen as providers with fair
compensation using previous accuracy records and
random exploration. As a result, their incentive
strategy decreases the rounds and tokens issued by
malicious providers while boosting the rounds and
tokens issued by legitimate providers when
compared to the baseline. Therefore, their incentive
strategy reveals a token difference between
legitimate and malicious providers, improving the
final accuracy by up to 7.4 per cent in comparison
to the baseline.
A strong integration of clients with diverse
profiles for collaborative FL training is made
possible by training a FL model in a
communication-efficient way. Authors of this
research, [62], presented also a tokenized rewards
method for clients that provided high-quality
updates. They created a comprehensive strategy in
which token distribution is structured as quota and
is based on the value of contributions made during
the model aggregation phase. Subsequently this
policy helps better resource sharing due to better
visibility of local instance parameters. The
suggested tokenized incentive system, which
prevents weak updates and attacks on decentralized
web architecture expected on Web 3.0 Finally
extensive simulations were used to investigate and
evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
In the book article [63], authors proposed
FedCoin, a blockchain-based payment system to
support federated learning procedure. Offerings
like FedCoin could add free computing resources
to community systems to complete the expensive
computing services required by the FL incentive.
The proof of the Shapley (PoSap) consensus
protocol specifies the Shapley value of each FL
client, which represents each client's input in the
entire FL model. A well proposed PoSap, which
currently builds traditional hash-based protocols
instead of a bitcoin-based blockchain payment
system. Each payment is recorded invariably in
volume. FedCoin FL eliminates the need for a
central FL service by rewarding customers with
incentives. Research findings show that FedCoin
can accurately estimate the Shapley Value-based
contributions of FL customers across the FL
sample, providing an upper bound on the amount
of computational power needed to reach a
consensus. By doing so, it provides new
opportunities for non-data owners to contribute to
the development of the FL environment.
A survey, [64], addressed the question to what
extent bias occurs in FL medicine and how to
prevent excessive bias through reward systems. We
first evaluated how to measure the contribution of
medical institutions to predictive performance and
bias in medical FL cross silo with a Shapley value
approximation method. In a second step, the
researchers designed different reward systems that
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.10
Dimitris Karydas, Helen C. Leligou
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
incentivize contributions for high predictive
performance or low bias. They proposed a
combined incentive reward system. The paper
evaluated our work using multiple medical chest
X-ray datasets focused on patient subgroups
defined by patient gender and age as a first attempt
to implement a reward mechanism in the real
The reward mechanisms are theoretically
infinite. The rise of cryptocurrencies platforms and
the connection to the like of Ethereum II can add
limitless possibilities. We can create a
decentralized application for which the participants
of that particular application are the decision-
making authority like voting systems, banking
systems, shipping and agreements.
4 Energy Efficiency
There are two ways to earn resources either by
reward and payment or by saving them. It is
important to design computing systems from
scratch whose architecture does not require large
amounts of energy to operate. For these reasons
researchers in theoretical computer science are
figuring out strategies to use less energy during
A federated learning system with various
wireless or non-wireless networks can be widely
used in various fields, including the military,
healthcare, and banking e.c.t. However,
participants and any kind of device most of the
time, have limited resources in terms of power and
most of the time from a single battery like mobile
phones or many types of sensors.
Many of these devices also usually have little
storage capacity and computing power and have
other applications to run such as phone calls,
instant messaging, cameras e.t.c. Thus, in order to
improve the energy efficiency and extend the
network bandwidth and battery life cycle, the
system must present an energy-efficient clustering
and routing approach based on this genetic
algorithm. This genetic algorithm will give
federated learning to speed up and enhance the
whole process.
The researchers have theoretically
demonstrated that very straightforward hardware
and software adjustments might reduce the energy
used to operate today's common software
procedures in half. Additionally, they have
demonstrated how synchronized modifications to
both the hardware and software might multiply the
energy efficiency of computing by a million. For
routine tasks like searching and sorting, the
researchers have already created new energy
efficient Artificial Intelligence algorithms that,
when used with specially designed computer
hardware, should result in significant energy
savings. New energy-efficient methods for
processing huge data, such as during web searches,
will result in even bigger savings, [65].
The study in [66], offers a federated learning
method based on a multi-source heterogeneous data
fusion method. The approach, which is based on
Tucker's decomposition theory, offers multi-modal
data fusion and memory usage reduction by
building a high-order tensor with spatial
dimensions of heterogeneous data, and it is
evaluated against many alternative approaches.
This technique may successfully combine data
from multiple sources that are heterogeneous,
lowering the privacy and security obstacles
associated with data communication. On the basis
of the heterogeneous data structure owned by the
training nodes, the approach may simultaneously
adapt to various heterogeneous data types,
lowering the training size of redundant models and
enhancing distributed training effectiveness. The
reduction of network impact through maximizing
the use of communication resources, cutting down
on unnecessary transmission, and decreasing
network impact.
Researchers in [67], have looked into the issue
of FL resource allocation via wireless
communication networks and energy-efficient
computation and transmission. They used the
convergence rate to derive the time and energy
consumption models for FL. To reduce the
network's overall computation and transmission
energy, they have developed a joint learning and
communication problem using these joint learning
and communication models. They have presented a
low-complexity iterative technique to address this
issue, and for each iteration of this process, they
have deduced closed-form solutions for the
computing and transmission resources. The
suggested scheme performs better than traditional
schemes in terms of overall energy usage,
especially for low maximum average transmit
power, according to numerical data.
This research, [68], has looked into how each
participating device in federated learning allocates
bandwidth, controls transmission power, and
changes the CPU frequency. The introduction of
the two weight parameters allowed for the
optimization of the weighted average of total
completion time and energy consumption. It is
possible to determine the appropriate resource
allocation technique by modifying two weight
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.10
Dimitris Karydas, Helen C. Leligou
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
parameters. Additionally, this increases the
flexibility and adaptability of our resource
allocation plan to accommodate various FL system
requirements. They can attend from the
experiments that their resource allocation technique
advances the state of the art, particularly in cases
where the overall completion time is tightly
Millions of devices are anticipated to train
machine learning models in this paper's [69] as first
examination of a sustainable FL model. For devices
with intermittent energy availability, this research
offers a straightforward and scalable training
technique with verifiable convergence guarantees.
Authors also demonstrate how the proposed
framework can significantly outperform energy-
neutral benchmarks in terms of training
performance. Their framework is made up of three
primary parts: client scheduling, local client
training, and server-side global model update.
Future research includes investigating other energy
arrival model options.
In order to conserve energy from two sides, the
central server and edge devices, scientists looked at
an energy-efficient federated scheme used in
wireless federated edge learning networks. First,
using wireless resource management and learning
parameter allocation, they created an optimization
problem to reduce the energy consumption,
including communication and compute energy.
Second, by using sparse rather than typical DNN,
energy can be further conserved based on the
examination of the energy consumption of various
learning models. This sparsification and
optimization strategy has a significant impact on
energy savings, according to numerical results,
In an effort, [71], to practical implementation
of federated learning (FL) over wireless networks
which are known to require balancing energy
efficiency, convergence rate and target accuracy
due to the limited available resources of these
devices. However, scenarios will not be practically
applicable for mobile devices where they have
limited resources, as DNNs usually have high
computational complexity and memory
requirements. Researchers propose a green-
quantized FL frame, which represents data with a
finite level of accuracy in both local training and
uplink transmission. Here they propose and capture
through the use of quantized neural networks
(QNNs) that quantize the weights and activations
in a fixed precision form. In the considered FL
model, each device trains its QNN and transmits a
quantized training result to the base station. The
simulation results show that the proposed Pareto
boundary-based FL framework of the problem is
characterized to provide efficient solutions using
the normal boundary inspection method. Using a
design to balance the trade-off between the two
objectives while achieving a target accuracy
derived from the use of the Nash negotiation
solution can reduce energy consumption until
convergence by up to 70% compared to a basic FL
algorithm that represents data with full accuracy
without compromising the convergence rate.
5 Quantum Technology Federated
Learning Systems
Reaching a balance between performance and
energy consumption has always been a difficult
objective to achieve for energy and power-aware
applications. It’s hard to achieve a balance between
performance and energy efficiency. A relatively
recent research field for defense systems for
Federated Learning is Quantum Systems according
to [72]. Quantum Computing is believed to be
more energy efficient compared to classical
computing methods especially when high accuracy
or complexity is required. According to [73],
quantum computers are faster and more accurate.
However, the extent to which it can reduce energy
usage remains unclear, as experts have not yet
agreed on metrics to determine its energy
consumption, [74]. The Energy Consumption of a
Quantum Computer scales very differently than
that of classical computers, a good example of
which is the simulation that is used to model the
probability of different outcomes in a process that
cannot easily be predicted due to the intervention
of random variables [72]. In [72], authors compare
the differences of Byzantine Attacks problems
between classic distributed learning and quantum
federated learning. They modify the previously
proposed four kinds of Byzantine tolerant
algorithms to the quantum version. They conduct
simulated experiments to show a similar
performance but extreme speed capabilities of the
quantum version with the classic version.
In [75], authors suggest quantum federated
learning (QFL), or communication-efficient
learning of Variational Quantum Algorithm (VQA)
from decentralized data. The model is trained using
a VQA, which accesses centralized data;
distributed computing can greatly reduce training
overhead. The information is, however, privacy-
sensitive. By aggregating the updates from local
computation to share model parameters, they
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.10
Dimitris Karydas, Helen C. Leligou
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
enhance data privacy inspired by the traditional
federated learning algorithm. They create an
extension of the traditional VQA with the goal of
locating ap-approximative optimums in the
parameter environment. Finally, they implement a
variational quantum tensor networks classifiers, an
approximate quantum optimization for the model
and a variational quantum eigen solver for
molecular hydrogen on the TensorFlow Quantum
processor. Their algorithm shows model precision
using decentralized data, which performs better on
processors available today. Importantly, QFL
might stimulate new research in the area of safe
quantum machine learning, [76].
Table 1. Comparison between Frontier
supercomputer (June 2020) and Quantum D-
Wave's 2000 qubit Computer & Quantum
Microsoft’s Azure quantum computing cloud-based
Federated Learning with Quantum Data service,
[77], [78], [79], [80], [81], [82], [83], [84], [85],
[86], [87]
Quantum D-Wave's 2000 qubit
Speed [77]
158 million times faster than the
most sophisticated
The unit only consumes 25kW of
More energy efficient alternative
to classical computing methods.
Cost [79] [80]
D-Wave's 2000 qubit quantum
computer $15 million.
Microsoft’s Azure quantum
computing cloud-based service
$500 dollars’ worth of Azure
Quantum Credits for use with each
participating quantum hardware
needed [81] [82]
Complex information
(Multi-dimensional analysis in
quantum computing)
Processing [83]
Sequential processing
Complete Datasets
Capabilities [85]
On demand
(Code enabled)
Character [86]
On request/
Rewards [87]
N/S (Possible Capability based in
other features like Defences and
Energy Consumption)
To conclude our reference to quantum
computing for federated learning systems, Table 1
presents the comparison between Frontier
supercomputer (June 2020) and Quantum D-
Wave's 2000 qubit Computer & Quantum
Microsoft’s Azure quantum computing cloud-based
Federated Learning with Quantum Data service.
We focus on areas where federated learning has
growth potential by the presentation of the
problems, we analyze such as energy consumption,
reward and defense and security mechanisms, [77],
[78], [79], [80], [81], [82], [83], [84], [85], [86],
6 Brain Inspired Federated
Learning Systems.
Neural networks (ANNs) have been used as tools
in machine learning and artificial intelligence. We
create images, speech, robots, play games in a large
and independent palette of applications. Although
neural networks were originally based on the
biological neuron, there are fundamental and
fundamental differences between the operating
mechanisms of neural networks (ANNs) and those
of the biological brain of any species, particularly
in terms of learning processes, biochemical and
electrochemical processes of energy autonomy and
reward. This paper presents a comprehensive
review of current brain-inspired learning
representations and artificial neural networks, and
why not the application of bio-brains themselves to
federated learning based on these advantages such
as decentralized nature, embedded reward
mechanism, and negligible amounts of energy. We
also propose and compare biological mechanisms
as a function of cost, type of information, reward,
etc. to demonstrate and enhance the capabilities of
these networks. Additionally, we delve into the
potential advantages and challenges that come with
this approach. All this could create many avenues
for future research, apart from the bonds of silicon,
in this rapidly evolving and amazing field that
could bring us closer to understanding matter and
intelligence itself.
In order to train energy-demanding models on
resource-constrained edge devices, wireless edge
artificial intelligence (AI) frequently needs very big
and diverse datasets. A Lead Federated
Neuromorphic Learning (LFNL) technique is a
brain-inspired, decentralized, energy-efficient
computing approach built on spiking neural
networks, [88], [89]. This method allows edge
devices to take advantage of brain-like
biophysiological structures to jointly train a global
model while assisting in private preservation.
According to experimental findings, LFNL
achieves recognition accuracy that is similar to that
of edge AI methods currently in use, while also
significantly reducing data traffic and
computational latency. Additionally, LFNL greatly
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.10
Dimitris Karydas, Helen C. Leligou
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
lowers energy consumption when compared to
traditional federated learning, with only 1.5 percent
accuracy loss. Thus, the suggested LFNL can aid in
the advancement of edge AI and computing that is
inspired by the human brain.
6.1 Future Potential Technologies using
Brain Tissues
Organoids, [90], are three-dimensional tissue
cultures usually derived from human pluripotent
stem cells. What looks like a cluster of cells can be
engineered to function like a human organ,
mirroring its basic structural and biological
characteristics. Under the right laboratory
conditions, genetic instructions from donated stem
cells allow or-ganoids to self-organize and grow
into any type of organ tissue, including the human
In the future, [91], [92], researchers present a
collaborative, iterative multidisciplinary program
with the goal of estblishing Organoid Intelligence
as a type of real biological computing that uses the
scientific and bioengineering methods outlined
here in an ethically sound manner to harness brain
organoids. The ultimate goal is to usher in a
biological computing transformation that could
vastly outpace silicon-based computing and AI
while having a profound global impact. In
particular, they expect Organoid Intelligence-based
biocomputing systems to facilitate faster decision-
making (including on large, sparse, and
heterogeneous datasets that federated learning has
major issues), continuous learning throughout
tasks, and outstanding improved energy efficiency
(that also federated learning has issues) and data
structure and economy. Additionally, the creation
of "intelligence-in-a-dish" provides unmatched
opportunities to understand the biological
underpinnings of human cognition, learning, and
memory, as well as a variety of disorders linked to
cognitive deficits, potentially assisting in the
discovery of novel therapeutic strategies to address
these issues.
There are already hardware approaches to
artificial intelligence that use an adaptive pool
computation of biological neural networks in a
brain organoid. In this approach - which the
scientists call Brainoware - the computation is
performed by sending and receiving information
from the brain organoid using a high-density
multielectrode array. There are no limitations such
as high power and time consumption, Neumann
congestion (physical separation of data from data
processing), and Moore's law slowdown transistor
doubling in an integrated circuit, also we must
never forget that the human brain has the
dopaminergic pathway mostly involved in reward,
as shown in Figure 3, [93].
Fig. 3: Brainoware, [93], the computation is
performed by sending and receiving information
from the brain organoid in an MEA chip using a
high-density multielectrode array
In Table 2 the comparison between Frontier
supercomputer (June 2020) and the hu-man brain,
an area that O.I. inspired, is presented. We focus on
areas where we can say ‘’Organoid Intelligence
and federated learning’’ has growth potential. The
presentation of the problems we analyze such as
energy consumption, reward, and security
mechanisms that federated learning and O.I.
synergy has a future potential.
In conclusion, for all these models and features
mentioned in the above chapters although federated
learning presents interesting solutions for a number
of real-world applications it should be pointed out
that successful and continuous development in
current systems requires careful consideration of
computational overhead. Effective implementation
of federated learning solutions is highly dependent
on controlling computation costs, and current
research and development is focused on improving
FL algorithms and infrastructures to make them
more scalable and efficient. Real-time processing
needs and integration problems are very dynamic.
These obstacles can be overcome and the full
potential of federated learning can be realized with
the help of developments in edge computing,
distributed systems, and optimization approaches.
Brain Organoid
MEA Chip
Multielectrode array
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.10
Dimitris Karydas, Helen C. Leligou
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
Table 2. Comparison between Frontier
supercomputer (June 2020) and Human Brain, [77],
[78], [79], [80], [81], [82], [83], [84], [85], [86],
[87], [90], [91], [92], [93]
(June 2020)
Human Brain
Speed [77] [90] [91]
[92] [93]
1.102 exaFLOPS
~1 exaFLOPS (estimate)
Requirements [78]
[90] [91] [92] [93]
21 MW
1020 W
Cost [79] [80] [90]
[91] [92] [93]
$600 million
Not applicable
(Cost depended) [81]
[82] [83] [90] [91]
[92] [93]
145 km (90 miles)
850,000 km (528,000
miles) of axons and
Information needed
[81] [82] [90] [91]
[92] [93]
With few and/or uncertain
Processing [83] [84]
[90] [91] [92] [93]
Complete Datasets
Both sequential and
parallel processing
Highly heterogeneous,
and incomplete datasets
Federated Learning
Capabilities [85] [90]
[91] [92] [93]
On demand
(Code enabled)
Character [86] [90]
[91] [92] [93]
On request/
Rewards [87] [90] [91]
[92] [93]
On demand
(Code enabled)
Natural process
(Diverse stimuli with a
positive or desirable
7 Overview of the Three Challenges:
Attacks and Defenses, Rewards and
Energy Efficiency
Federated learning must take into account the
protection of privacy and security attacks, as well
as the detection of dishonest participants who
freely gather incentives or rewards. A collection of
these mechanisms is important for federated
learning. It will crystal show the challenges and
possible future directions. This part defines the
topics that will be investigated in future studies.
Based on our research, we have compiled the
following collection of questions:
We've talked about the attacks that benefited
from transmitting fake local model updates. In
terms of incentives, adversaries freely obtained the
profit and instantly reduced the computational
resources that had been employed in the model
training process. From an incentive standpoint, the
adversary is free to profit and instantly reduces the
computational resources employed in the model
training process. More study is required on attacks
in terms of contribution measurements and
rewards. Other incentive strategies to detect
spurious model updates should be investigated in
future studies, which is a more interesting subject.
Some methods, such as giving specific scores to
honest and malicious participants after detection,
may be useful in identifying malicious participants.
At this time, some FL tools are available that are
applied in a federated learning environment, such
as Federated Learning Protection Frameworks, and
are detailed with their features and limitations.
Only a few of these systems currently allow a
simulated federated attack in a real environment.
As a result, future studies should focus on
developing FL frameworks with the goal of
providing maximum privacy protection features.
Several privacy and security attacks have been
discussed, demonstrating that traditional FL does
not ensure data protection. The updated global
model includes traces that allow private and
sensitive data to leak. Previously, in federated
learning, some methods were used to protect
information from adversaries, but they had some
drawbacks, such as hiding specific updates from
clients and adding noise, which reduced model
accuracy. More cryptographic techniques are
needed to withstand potential attacks. They result
in significant computation overhead in terms of
encryption and transmission costs. It is difficult to
train data on multiple devices, and it is critical for
federated learning to combine data from multiple
devices. Furthermore, when compared to ML, FL
has a slower effect on convergence. In this case,
training smaller models with compressing methods
can accelerate convergence. The development of
future algorithms, but dealing with this issue needs
additional approaches.
The FL is associated with high latency and low
bandwidth speeds. These high latency and low
bandwidth speeds affect the entire reach of a
network. The yield that is obtained is reduced
which leads to a high cost in resources and energy.
Resources that could be directed to other vital
points of a federated learning system such as
defense or retaliation. In traditional cases, minimal
latency is required for rapid learning from the
backpropagation method, [94], [95]. This job is
simple in ML, but it requires the use of millions of
devices to train the algorithm. It delays learning
and increases latency. Furthermore, because most
of the settings in FL are accompanied by Wi-Fi or
5G, bandwidth is a technical problem. The Wi.Fi.
or 5G bandwidth is inadequate for the FL
environment, resulting in high latency and a
relaxed algorithm training process. The device's
bandwidth has not improved in comparison to the
device's increased computing capability, resulting
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.10
Dimitris Karydas, Helen C. Leligou
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
in a communication bottleneck. It is suggested that
in the FL environment, 5G and B5G technologies
be used and that communication expenses be
addressed by considering model compression and
quantization methods.
Integrating data from various devices is crucial
for federated learning because training data across
different devices is a difficult job. This happens
why because federated learning involves training
machine learning models on multiple decentralized
devices or nodes, each with its own local dataset.
The data show great diversity. Integrating data
from various devices enriches the training dataset
by capturing a wider range of features and patterns.
In this diversity also appear the greatest danger. It
is an environment where they can easily hide and
prowl. It is in conjunction with maintaining privacy
that it is critical to keep the model from collapsing.
Data from different devices helps balance the
distribution of training data across the federated
learning network, ensuring that the model learns
from representative samples of the population,
regardless of device type, giving rewards where the
samples are truly valuable to it.
Integrating data from various devices involves
aggregating model updates or gradients that are
computed locally on each device. This aggregation
process combines knowledge from different
devices, allowing the federated model to benefit
from the collective artificial intelligence of the
entire network while maintaining the privacy of the
individual device and the entire network.
Overall, the integration of data from various
devices plays a key role in federated learning by
dealing with data heterogeneity through algorithms
while preserving privacy, improving model
performance, and enabling collaborative learning in
decentralized environments with self-rewarding
power balancing. model. Once the collective
information is leveraged from the various data
sources, federated learning empowers
organizations to build robust, privacy-preserving
machine learning models that can operate
efficiently in distributed and dynamic settings for
the benefit of the model as well as the participants.
Additionally, compared to ML, FL has a
delayed effect on the convergence. In this situation,
training smaller models using compressing
methods can quicken consensus. All this affects
System Heterogeneity and Training.
Regarding the rewards of a federated learning
system, the authors propose a reward-based
participant selection strategy for the FRL system,
which increases the performance and efficiency of
learning by prioritizing the better experiences of
agents who do remarkable activities. Other
researchers assess the contributions of FL
institutions to model bias and predictive
performance, create incentive systems based on SV
applications, and create incentive structures to
compensate FL institutions for their contributions.
It responds to earlier requests for study on FL
reward systems and incentives for reliable AI.
Other authors propose models with the
interaction between a server and all participating
devices in a federated learning system using a
game like Stackelberg game to identify the best
training times for the server, reward, and each
device. Games like this add an oligopoly market
model is a non-cooperative strategic game where
one firm moves first and decides how much to
produce, while all other firms follow. The Price of
Anarchy (P.o.A.) is an algorithmic game theory
that is the difference between the social cost of the
worst Nash equilibrium and the social optimum
(i.e., assigning strategies to players to achieve the
lowest possible social cost). By incorporating
uncertainty in the upload time, we expand their
model and demonstrate that in the variable up-load-
time mode, devices spend more time on local
training. To put the proposed federated learning
system into practice, we can construct a
blockchain-powered testbed and validate their
models and theoretical findings.
Another concept is to use blockchain
technology combined with federated learning to
address the issues of data privacy, security, and fair
compensation in distributed machine learning.
There are proposals like CSVES to validate and
verify gradients and choose an appropriate device
reward while restricting the amount of uploads and
validating the reported data cost per device. We
can use a Proof of Concept with a small group of
clients and rounds to show that the blockchain does
not interfere with the federated learning aggregate.
Future studies to assess if CVES may be modified
to be a more accurate system for judging the
quality or utility of local data used to train the
model. Another interesting proposal is that we have
developed a novel training time fair gradient
reward mechanism based on the Cosine Gradient
Shapley value (CGSV) to fairly evaluate the
expected marginal contribution of each agent's
uploaded model parameter update/gradient in FL
without needing an auxiliary validation dataset. On
numerous benchmark datasets, they have
empirically proven the efficiency of their fair
gradient reward method in terms of fairness,
predictive performance, and time overhead. The
suggestion of a tokenized reward FL technique that
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.10
Dimitris Karydas, Helen C. Leligou
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
makes use of tokens to incentivize long-term
engagement from high-quality data suppliers. It
decreases the rounds and tokens issued by
malicious providers and boosts those issued by
legitimate providers. This increases the also and
final accuracy.
The tokenized rewards for clients provided
high-quality updates to train an FL model in a
communication-efficient way. The token
distribution is structured as a quota and is based on
the value of contributions made during the model
aggregation phase. This strategy favors quality
participation and allows for the integration of
clients with diverse profiles. Simulations were used
to evaluate and analyze how well the technique
Novel formulation like cosine gradient Shapley
value (CGSV) to assess the quality/value of model
parameter updates/gradients uploaded/contributed
by agents in federated learning (FL)/gradient-based
collaborative machine learning (CML), guarantees
that agents who upload better gradients can also
download better gradients, producing better local
models with smaller training losses. This approach
is effective in terms of fairness and prediction
performance. This method is non-restrictive and
significantly more effective than existing baselines.
Through a hyperparameter that regulates the level
of altruism, it offers flexibility for the trade-off
between fairly distributed and precisely just
rewards. It is interesting to note that a greater
altruism degree can occasionally result in superior
predictive performance. The future is to apply
fairness guarantee and CML work to additional
types of cooperative Bayesian optimization. Fed-
Coin is a blockchain-based payment system similar
to cryptocurrencies [96] that uses the Proof of
Shapley (PoSap) like Proof or Work [97]
consensus protocol to accurately estimate FL
client's Shapley Value-based contributions to the
overall FL model, providing an upper bound on the
amount of computational power necessary to
achieve consensus.
All these systems must be energy-neutral
especially if portable devices such as mobile
phones or similar devices are involved. No one
wants to drain a mobile battery while training a
federated learning system. Also, the energy has a
high cost, [98]. We see a study that offers a
federated learning-based multi-source
heterogeneous data fusion method based on
Tucker's decomposition theory to reduce privacy
and security obstacles, adapt to heterogeneous data
types, and reduce network impact. We can also use
the convergence rate to derive time and energy
consumption models for FL and developed a joint
learning and communication problem using these
models. In this study presented a low-complexity
iterative technique to address this issue, deducing
closed-form solutions for the computing and
transmission resources. The suggested scheme
performs better than traditional schemes in terms of
overall energy usage, especially for low maximum
average transmit power.
We can look also how each participating
device in federated learning allocates bandwidth,
controls transmission power, and changes CPU
frequency. The introduction of two weight
parameters allowed for the optimization of the
weighted average of total completion time and
energy consumption. This method can increase the
flexibility and adaptability of the resource
allocation plan to accommodate various FL system
requirements. This resource allocation technique
advances the state of the art, particularly in cases
where the overall completion time is tightly
constrained. A framework for sustainable
federated learning for devices with intermittent
energy availability, offering a straightforward and
scalable training technique with verifiable
convergence guarantees. It outperforms energy-
neutral benchmarks in terms of training
performance. Future steps include investigating
other energy arrival model options.
An energy-efficient federated scheme to
conserve energy from two sides, using wireless
resource management and learning parameter
allocation. By using sparse rather than typical
DNN, energy can be further conserved based on
the energy consumption of various learning
models. Sparsification and optimization strategy
shows a significant impact on energy savings,
according to numerical results.
There are already defense methods for
Byzantine attack protection in Quantum federated
learning. Also, there are Variational Quantum
Algorithm’s communication efficient learning from
decentralized data, which algorithm can reduce
training costs and increase the data privacy offered
by quantum technologies due to the outstanding
processing speed.
The LFNL technique is a brain-inspired,
decentralized, energy-efficient computing approach
built on spiking neural networks that allows edge
devices to take advantage of brain-like
biophysiological structure to jointly train a global
model while assisting in private preservation.
Experimental findings show that LFNL achieves
recognition accuracy similar to that of edge AI
methods, while also reducing data traffic and
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.10
Dimitris Karydas, Helen C. Leligou
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
computational latency. Additionally, LFNL greatly
lowers energy consumption when compared to
traditional federated learning, with a small
accuracy loss. LFNL can aid in the advancement of
edge AI and computing that is inspired by the
human brain.
8 Attacks/ Defenses Rewards
Energy Efficiency Systems and
Possible Combinations
It is quite difficult for sure to have a system that
combines all of these characteristics described
above. It’s hard to provide protection from attacks
by having an integrated system of defenses, to
provide rewards during its use, and to be
energetically neutral. So, we can make some
assumptions depending on its use and the reason it
will be used. Of course, this should not cut us off
from our goal and be an excuse for any concession
of one against the other characteristic that such a
system should have.
Federated learning systems as we have seen
recently, FL can be a reliable sustainable solution
for securing critical infrastructure in IoT systems
from the perspective of privacy and property
preservation, [99]. Such a system certainly cannot
discount security issues and provide protection
from attacks. Also, because it is aimed at I.o.T.
systems and environments, it should be as energy-
neutral as possible. The only assumption that could
be made in such a system is that it does not have
any reward system, especially for industrial use
that uses millions of sensors for monitoring
industry procedures, since something like that
would probably overburden the I.o.T. system.
Also, as we have seen a federated learning
system can offer the maximum in maintaining the
privacy of medical data. Medical data such as
patient X-rays, drug combinations, and
biochemical test results are perhaps among the
most promising are-as for federated learning, [100].
Such a comprehensive system solely because it
addresses medical data must provide maximum
security and defense and provide some reward
system to incentivize participants to provide their
data. If it is not possible to have a reward system,
surely there cannot be a discount for security
issues. Maintaining confidentiality of data records
is of paramount importance. As far as the energy
part is concerned, such systems are usually
addressed to hospitals, pharmaceutical industries,
or medical device companies that can certainly
afford the energy cost of such a system.
Furthermore, federated learning has been
shown to be particularly efficient in cloud
computing in strong privacy preservation
environments, [101]. Cloud computing systems are
installed in large data centers that undertake energy
management. As we know, the authors here did not
deal with energy management and reward but
focused only on increasing the security level
offered by such a system. The same is true of
everyday industrial big data such as federal
industrial big data mining learning programs,
[102]. A large industry would certainly be able to
afford and make discounts on energy cost issues if
the system is more efficient in terms of safety. It is
no coincidence that most articles addressing
industrial systems focus on security and proprietary
Banking [103] and open banking [104] enable
both banks and individual customers to own their
banking data, collaborative learning provides
fundamental support for fostering a new ecosystem
of buying and selling data and financial services.
Both of these papers focus on the security systems
that such a banking system should have. Enchased
security provides freedom of movement and further
opportunities for growth. Of course, because the
reward mechanism is essentially a banking product
and is the same as security. Security management
goes hand in hand with money management.
There are irregular examples that could be
analyzed. Surely any retreat should be made to the
one that will have the least impact on a federated
learning system. This requires an in-depth
examination of the background in each dimension
that such a system will be installed and an in-depth
analysis of costs and operational benefits.
Table 3 (Appendix) summarizes the extant
works and their respective characteristics. The
potential values per design element (associated
with solution characteristics) are Y if the factor is
considered in the relevant work, N if it is not, and
"Ν/S" if it isn't defined or supported.
9 Conclusions and Lessons Learned
Since its presentation as an idea initially in 2016, a
federated learning system has definitely matured a
lot. Such a system must implement the necessary
defenses so as to protect its operation. Depending
on the nature of the application and the
corresponding requirements, the implementation of
strong defense measures may be required. In
addition, to attract users there should be a fair
reward system. This system would also be good to
act as a kind of "cryptocurrency" that would
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.10
Dimitris Karydas, Helen C. Leligou
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
potentially attract financiers who would want to
buy it without participating in the data exchange.
Let's not forget that, for example, bitcoin can either
be mined or bought from an exchange. It can also
be compounded as parity with any other
cryptocurrency. The only thing that is certain is
that the reward - parity, whatever it may be, of the
one who participates rightfully in such a system
must be considered proportionate and given,
otherwise, no one has any reason to participate in
this particular system. Complex systems, however,
usually burden the end users with energy and
money. This should not happen in 2023 where
everyone is talking about energy, [105].
With the integration of technologies such as the
blockchain, transparency was enhanced, and
transparency, cost reduction, and decentralization
were achieved. The security and system
immutability have been enhanced and made
immutable etc. Applications such as smart
contracts and cryptocurrencies with the ultimate
goal of investigating the multifaceted effects of
these technological developments in various
aspects of human life such as health, the banking
sector, etc. Similarly, other researchers have
introduced reward mechanisms based on
cryptocurrencies such as Fedcoin or even game-
inspired reward methods. Various studies have
focused on energy-efficient federated learning over
wireless communication networks like iterative
algorithms at every step of the model, in order to
provide solutions for time allocation, bandwidth
allocation, power control mechanism, computation
frequency, and learning accuracy. Data fusion
methods based on game theory are also proposed as
optimization techniques that can be used to solve
problems in communication environments like
federated learning for resource allocation, power
management, rewards, and punishments.
Indeed, many have critiqued the foundations of
all these technological approaches, and new models
are being developed daily, supporting more
inclusive and equitable approaches and innovation.
By engaging in critical reflection and
interdisciplinary dialogue, new technologies and
researchers in this field aim to further advance
these new technologies such as quantum-federated
learning, and strengthen them even more, [106].
Technologies that in the future would seem alien
like Lead federated neuro-morphic learning
technique which is brain-inspired or even
biocomputers and Organoid Intelligence. All of
these approaches not only help to preserve user
privacy by keeping sensitive data on the device in
the epitome of federated learning but in parallel
also enable the creation of more powerful and
accurate machine learning and artificial
intelligence models in areas beyond existing
technology by leveraging diversity of data across
different devices and locations and in places we are
never been before.
We should always keep in mind that it is
difficult to find a complete defense system that
provides protection from attack, rewards when
used, and does not consume energy. So, we can
make some assumptions based on its use and why
it is used. Of course, this should allow for any
concessions to another feature that such a system
might have without derailing us from the goal of a
complete federated learning system.
Each federated learning approach has its
limitations. These limitations have to do with the
nature of this technology and the technology used
for the implementation that we want to use at any
given time. Thus, there are limitations related to the
nature of the data, privacy risk limitations, security
issues, scalability, and representativeness of the
The limitations of energy management and
energy efficiency have to do with the required high
initial investments, the technological challenges,
the unclear landscape in the energy transformation,
and the untargeted energy strategy even at the
global and local levels.
When it comes to token-based rewards and
payments, there are adoption issues like fees,
transaction costs, gas fees like Ethereum
Blockchain, laws, and tax issues, and most people
aren't used to such systems yet. As for the
technology, quantum computers and biocomputers
proposed as solutions, the limitations are even
more, there are limitations in terms of firmware
and hardware, cost and access are limited only to
certain organizations that are also early adopters,
limited and no algorithms, limited networking and
communication capabilities usually at the
laboratory level, complexity, and limited control,
and there are also major issues of bioethics and
biosafety. Federated learning can be made more
efficient, more privacy-preserving scalable, and
secure by enabling the collective training of models
on decentralized data sources while maintaining
data privacy and security.
These systems must enhance their robustness
to security threats, adversaries, and strategies using
privacy-preserving techniques, secure model
aggregations, federated learning controls, secure
device authentication, watermarking, and targeted
model verification.
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.10
Dimitris Karydas, Helen C. Leligou
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
Federal learning must improve energy
management practices. Model training at the local
level, Edge Computing integration, Real-time
feedback, and control, Data interoperability and
standardization, Decentralized energy markets,
Resilience and robustness, to optimize resource use
and support the transition to more sustainable and
resilient energy systems.
Also, federated learning reward systems should
provide incentives for active, fair, and transparent
reward allocation with dynamic reward
adjustments, multi-stakeholder incentives, long-
term value allocation, token-based incentive
systems, implementation of gamification and social
rewards, participation, collaboration, and
innovation. Leading to the success and long-term
sustainability of federal learning ecosystems.
10 Future Directions and Research
In the future, federated learning can be experienced
as a personalized service. Such a service is much
needed by users and will have a broad perspective.
The Google keyboard constitutes an example of
personalized federated learning. Users essentially
train a linguistic prediction model that aligns their
language habits while ensuring that data is kept
locally. Personalization isn’t secure and new
security and defense issues can arise. On the other
hand, in the context of the Internet of Things,
personalized federated learning can better mitigate
the impact due to the heterogeneity of user data.
The idea of federated transfer learning also
contributes to personalization, different users learn
again the parameters returned by the global model
from their own. But are all the users trustworthy or
accurate, [107]. Instead of trying to make
technology more energy efficient with non-
computational consequences we can use big data
and federated learning to generate energy
efficiency recommendations. Thus, the technology
becomes immediately energy efficient since it is
applied on a large scale using other applications as
platforms, [108]. Time is money and from the
training of a model to even the commercial
exploitation of the models takes time, [109]. So,
there are serious delays before federated Learning
can pay and it is really a question if it is capable of
repaying the participants. This temporary mismatch
between contributions and rewards has not been
accounted for and quantified by existing profit-
sharing systems. This is definitely one of the issues
that needs to be resolved in the future.
Federated Learning is an opportunity for
collaboration. The possibilities are practically and
essentially unlimited. From the construction of the
model, the data production the data extraction, and
the technology that is required to implement it. To
understand the possibilities of such a collaboration
we can see the companies and organizations that
can be involved. Between organizations, the goal is
to provide each participant with a federated model
that performs better than their best local model. In
this way, even a global model can be created for
the union of all their data, without privacy or
scalability problems, [110]. The contribution of this
study ις while most of the other studies are based
on studying only defensive attack mechanisms that
threaten associative learning without a reward
mechanism for it and the participants. Also, in a
world where energy is money, you cannot have
such a system that consumes more (money and
resources) than it produces. All of these studies
were used as a problem base for us initially and
were very helpful for us. In the present paper a
more holistic approach to the problem is taken and
this is the basis for our concern and that of the
readers. We know initially that such work is very
difficult. Especially for federated learning systems
very holistic approaches are required. One of these
is blockchain technology but is not enough. They
are certainly very difficult to exist and certainly
depend on the applications they will have.
Somewhere discounts will be needed where we
analyze this in a chapter which can also give food
for thought. In order to give more value to our
holistic approach as well as to the concerns of
future research or to the general reader, we have
incorporated technologies such as quantum with
the ability to solve and analyze complex strings at
unimaginable speeds and also the technology of
bio-brains that is actually now emerging. In the
current literature, there is virtually no term "Brain
Organoid-Based Federated Learning" that connects
this federated learning technology to biological
molecules that exploit their unique advantages,
which is useful for us in this work and as a basis
for thinking about others and research.
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Blockchain Assisted
Decentralized Federated
California Consumer Privacy
Cosine Gradient Shapley
Collaborative Machine
Class-Sampled Validation
Error Scheme
Distributed Backdoor Attack
Deep Neural Network
Focused-Flip Federated
Backdoor Attack
Fast Aggregation against
Byzantine Attacks
A blockchain-based payment
system to support federated
learning procedure
General Data Protection
Lead Federated
Neuromorphic Learning
Local Malicious Factor
Non-Fungible Tokens
MEA chip
Organoid Intelligence
Microelectrode arrays
(MEAs) are devices that
contain multiple (tens to
thousands) microelectrodes
through which neural signals
are obtained or delivered for
in vitro studies.
Price of Anarchy
Proof of Work
Phishing Detection with
Generative Adversarial
Proof of Shapley
Quantum Federated Learning
Robust Learning Rate
Robust Filtering of one-
dimensional Outliers
Shapley Value
Variational Quantum
Weight Evolving Frequency
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.10
Dimitris Karydas, Helen C. Leligou
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
Table 3. Design elements implemented in each work, [29], [30], [31], [33], [34], [36], [37], [38], [39], [42],
[44], [48], [51], [52], [53], [54], [55], [56], [58], [59], [61], [62], [63], [66], [67], [68], [69], [70], [71], [72],
[75], [88], [89]
Design Elements/ Ref Title
Energy Efficiency
[29] On the Vulnerability of
Backdoor Defenses for
Federated Learning
(Backdoor Attacks)
(Various defense
[33] Practical defenses
against model inversion
attacks for split neural
(Model inversion attack)
(Simple additive noise
[34] Defense against
Privacy Leakage in
Federated Learning
(Stronger attacks and
exhibit a poor trade-off)
(Defence strategy based
on obfuscating the
[30] Defending against
backdoors in federated
learning with a robust
learning rate
(Backdoor Attacks)
(Carefully adjusting the
aggregation server's
learning rate)
[36] Communication-
efficient hierarchical
federated learning for IoT
heterogeneous systems with
imbalanced data.
(Imbalanced Data)
(Optimized solution for
user assignment and
resource allocation on
multiple edge nodes)
(Reduce communication
[37] PDGAN: A novel
poisoning defense method in
federated learning using the
generative adversarial
(Poisoning attacks by
uploading malicious
(Novel poisoning defense
generative adversarial
[38] Federated-learning-
based anomaly detection for
IoT security attacks.
(Federated-learning (FL)-
based anomaly detection
approach to proactively)
(Recognise intrusion in
IoT networks using
decentralized on-device
[51] When federated
learning meets blockchain:
A new distributed learning
(Single central server falls
apart & server behaves
decentralized FL
(BLADE-FL) framework)
[31] Backdoor attacks-
resilient aggregation based
on Robust Filtering of
Outliers in federated
learning for image
backdoor attacks)
(Robust Filtering of one-
dimensional Outliers
(RFOut-1d), a resilient
defensive mechanism)
[39] Attacks against
federated learning defense
systems and their
(On-off attacks, label
flipping, and free riding)
(Mitigation strategy)
[42] Free-riders in federated
learning: Attacks and
(Free rider attacks)
(New high dimensional
detection method)
[44] A framework for
evaluating gradient leakage
attacks in federated
(Gradient leakage attacks)
(Preliminary mitigation
[48] Local model poisoning
attacks to {Byzantine-
Robust} federated learning.
(Byzantine failures e.g.,
system failures,
(Two defenses
[52] Reward-based
participant selection for
improving federated
reinforcement learning.
(Reward-based participant
selection for improving
federated reinforcement
Reward Systems for
Trustworthy Medical
Federated Learning.
(An integrated reward
system successfully
incentivizes contributions
toward a well-performing
model with low bias)
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.10
Dimitris Karydas, Helen C. Leligou
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
Design Elements/ Ref Title
Energy Efficiency
A reward response game in
the blockchain-powered
federated learning system
(An accurate model by
paying them based on
their individual
[56] Record and reward
federated learning
contributions with
(A novel validation error-
based metric upon which
we qualify
gradientuploads for
[58] Gradient-driven
rewards to guarantee
fairness in collaborative
machine learning.
(A novel cosine gradient
Shapley value (CGSV) to
fairly evaluate the
expected marginal
[61] Tiff: Tokenized
incentive for federated
(TIFF, a novel tokenized
incentive mechanism,
where tokens are used as a
means of paying)
[62] Fedtoken: Tokenized
incentives for data
contribution in federated
(A contribution-based
tokenized incentive
scheme, namely
[59] The trade-off between
payoff and model rewards in
Shapley-fair collaborative
machine learning
(An allocation scheme
that distributes the payoff
[63] Fedcoin: A peer-to-peer
payment system for
federated learning. In
Federated learning: privacy
and incentive
(FedCoin, a blockchain-
based peer-to-peer
payment system for FL to
enable a feasible SV based
profit distribution)
[66] Energy-efficient multi-
tasking for edge computing
using federated learning
(Improvement of the existing
edge computing to maintain a
balanced energy usage)
[67] Energy efficient
federated learning over
wireless communication
(An iterative algorithm solution
for time allocation, bandwidth
allocation, power control,
computation frequency, and
learning accuracy are derived)
[68] Joint optimization of
energy consumption and
completion time in federated
(A resource allocation
algorithm CPU, frequency, for
each participating device)
[69] A framework for
sustainable federated
a practical framework that
utilizes intermittent energy
arrivals for training
[70] Toward energy-
efficient federated learning
over 5g+ mobile devices..
(Energy-efficient learning
techniques (gradient
scarification, weight
quantization, pruning, etc).
[71] Green, quantized
federated learning over
wireless networks: An
energy-efficient design.
(Pareto boundary using the
normal boundary inspection
[72] Defending against
byzantine attacks in
quantum federated learning.
(Byzantine attacks)
(Emulated experiments to
show a similar
performance of the
quantum version with the
classic version)
[75] Quantum federated
learning with decentralized
(Improvement data
privacy by aggregating
updates from local
(Improvement data
privacy by aggregating
updates from local
learning of VQA from
decentralized data)
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.10
Dimitris Karydas, Helen C. Leligou
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024
Design Elements/ Ref Title
Energy Efficiency
computation to share
model parameters)
computation to share
model parameters)
[89] Lead federated
neuromorphic learning for
wireless edge artificial
(Enable edge devices to
exploit brain-like
biophysiological structure
to collaboratively train a
global model)
(Enable edge devices to
exploit brain-like
biophysiological structure
to collaboratively train a
global model)
(A lead federated
neuromorphic learning
[88] Organoid intelligence
(OI): the new frontier in
biocomputing and
Frontiers in Science.
(Stimulus-response training
and organoid-computer
Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
The authors equally contributed in the present
research, at all stages from the formulation of the
problem to the final findings and solution.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
The work reported in this manuscript has been
funded by University of West Attica.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2024.23.10
Dimitris Karydas, Helen C. Leligou
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 23, 2024