Drift Detection and Model Update using Unsupervised
AutoML in IoT
1University Technology Malaysia,
2Faculty of Telecommunication Engineering,
Future University,
3Faculty of Engineering,
University De Moncton,
Abstract: - This paper addresses the challenges of concept drift on the Internet of Things (IoT) environments
and evaluates a machine-learning model's performance under varying data drift conditions using unsupervised
Automatic Machine Learning (AutoML) anomaly detection techniques. By implementing a dynamic learning
framework and employing advanced analytics, the study showcases the resilience of the proposed methodology
against evolving data patterns. The results demonstrate the model's robust predictive capabilities, even in high
drift scenarios, underscoring the importance of adaptive models in maintaining effective IoT security measures.
The achieved improvement percentages can reach 46% for the F1 score.
Key-Words: - Feature drift, AutoML, unsupervised learning, Anomaly detection, IoT, Cybersecurity
Received: August 18, 2023. Revised: November 12, 2023. Accepted: December 7, 2023. Published: December 31, 2023.
1 Introduction
In recent years, there has been a significant surge in
the use of Internet-based networks, especially the
Internet of Things (IoT) and Wireless Sensor
Networks (WSN), [1]. These technologies have
profoundly transformed various sectors, including
healthcare [2], transportation [3], education [4] and
aviation [5]. The last decade has seen a dramatic rise
in the integration of IoT across societal facets, [1].
Since 2018, the global investment in IoT has
consistently grown, surpassing $40 billion, with
forecasts indicating it might exceed $1.1 trillion by
2024, [6]. Concurrently, IoT devices have expanded,
enhancing innovative management and telemetry.
This boom has accelerated digitalization, allowing
physical objects to interact with the internet and
turning networks into data-rich sources. However,
this widespread connectivity poses considerable
cyber threats, highlighting the need for robust
security measures, [7].
During this era, certain traffic types diminished
due to widespread COVID-19 lockdowns and the
shift towards remote working. This change
highlighted the necessity for predictive frameworks
in cybersecurity to be adaptable and responsive to
evolving traffic patterns, maintaining their
effectiveness and relevance, [8], [9]. The early
identification of concept drift is crucial for the
accuracy of online and offline classifiers. Existing
point detectors show limitations in detecting concept
drift, emphasizing the need for more sophisticated
detectors. These should be capable of monitoring
multivariate data streams and identifying shifts in
their correlation with the label class, thereby
preserving the integrity of classification systems in
dynamic settings, [7], [10]. The realm of detection,
also known as dynamic learning or anomaly
detection, encompasses a variety of detectors that
evolve and are applicable in mathematical
modelling and machine learning (ML), [8], [9], [11],
[12], [13]. Two primary methods determine concept
drift in streaming data: ML and statistical
techniques, [14]. The ML approach adjusts model
characteristics in an online or incremental manner,
[15] or uses ensemble classifiers trained on different
stream segments to optimize detection, [16]. While
classifier retraining is feasible, many models lack
explicit drift detection mechanisms. The ML
strategy, focused on error metric changes, aims to
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.38
Mohamed Khalafalla Hassan, Ibrahim Yousif Alshareef
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 22, 2023
sustain classifier performance amidst data shifts. A
pivotal element is the accurate detection of concept
drift occurrence. An alert system, which triggers at
drift onset and remains until its identification, is
crucial, particularly in network monitoring and
malware detection, where prompt drift response
boosts system resilience and effectiveness, [16].
The traditional statistical approach focuses on
tracking error statistics and mistake rates based on
statistical learning theory principles. The statistical
change point detection algorithm, which identifies
significant shifts in data's statistical properties
through statistical testing, is widely used in this
context. Another method involves a sliding window
technique, where the model is trained on recent data
in a fixed-size window, shifting forward as new data
comes in, allowing adaptation to data distribution
changes, [7].
The paper’s objective is to create and implement
a dynamic learning framework. This framework will
incorporate incremental anomaly detection, using
methods like the unsupervised ML and Friedman
statistical tests, and blend it with AutoML using
Pycaret, [17], for ongoing model selection and
updates. This strategy will boost the IDS's
adaptability and responsiveness to changing data
patterns and new threats. Finally, we will apply this
dynamic learning framework to the latest and most
comprehensive IoT dataset. Using the framework
for contemporary data ensures its relevance and
effectiveness in the current IoT security context.
This step is vital for proving the proposed methods'
real-world viability, providing the IDS can
effectively counter existing and emerging security
threats in the IoT sphere. This paper is organized as
follows: the next section will highlight the most
notable related work, followed by the methodology
starting with the overall flowchart, dynamic
learning, and the dataset, then we will go through
the results and discussion, and finally, a conclusion.
2 Related Works
The literature covered in this section will
mainly highlight the efforts that addressed
concept and feature drifts and model updates. In
their study, researchers in [18], recommended
integrating a Deep Belief Network (DBN) with
intrusion detection systems for IoT networks. This
DBN method focuses on detecting ongoing
irregularities within the IoT network, offering a
higher detection probability than other methods.
Another team in [19], developed a hierarchical
intrusion detection model, the Stacked De-noising
Auto-encoder Support Vector Machine (SDAE-
SVM). This model is based on a three-layer neural
network and aims to assess the effectiveness of a
deep learning de-noising auto-encoder in bolstering
IoT security. It employs a layer-by-layer pretraining
and fine-tuning method to minimize dimensionality,
achieving an impressive accuracy rate of 98%,
though no updates to the model were provided. In
[20], researchers presented an intelligent intrusion
detection system (IIDS) tailored for IoT
environments. This study explored the feasibility of
using ML algorithms for IDS in resource limited
IoT networks. An advanced IDS, combining
network virtualization with Deep Learning (DL)
algorithms, was developed to detect anomalies in
IoT networks. The system's effectiveness was
evaluated against five types of attacks, including
blackhole, opportunistic service, DDoS, sinkhole,
and wormhole attacks. Results showed an average
precision rate of 95% and a recall rate of 97% across
these scenarios, as determined by analysing
precision-recall curves. Another study, [21]
introduced online ML to tackle concept drift in IDS.
The proposed method utilized an interleaved-test-
then-train approach, where the ML model is
continuously tested and trained with each new data
block. Implementing several unsupervised learning
algorithms led to accuracies up to 99.56%.
However, the study did not use an IoT-specific
dataset, a crucial element for ensuring the solution's
real-world applicability and relevance in the IoT
context. In [22], the authors introduced 'ElStream,' a
cutting-edge framework combining ensemble and
traditional ML techniques for concept drift
detection. ElStream distinguishes itself through its
majority voting mechanism, selectively employing
the most effective classifiers for decision-making.
ElStream's ensemble learning component
consistently demonstrated strong performance when
applied to real and artificial datasets. Its superiority
was evident in accuracy improvements over
previous benchmarks and conventional ML
methods. ElStream achieved accuracy
enhancements of 12.49% on the PokerHand dataset,
11.98% for LED, 10.06% for Random RBF, 1.2%
for electricity, and 0.33% for SEA. These results
highlight ElStream's potential as a significant leap
forward in concept drift detection, offering marked
improvements over existing approaches. Many
current frameworks utilize online ML techniques for
drift detection. However, these methods typically
require significant computational resources and
extensive hyperparameter optimization. In addition,
no study has yet explored the use of AutoML
frameworks in this context. AutoML has the
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.38
Mohamed Khalafalla Hassan, Ibrahim Yousif Alshareef
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 22, 2023
potential to revolutionize this field by automating
the selection of the best algorithms and optimizing
hyperparameters, thereby enhancing the
effectiveness and efficiency of attack detection and
classification in IDS for IoT.
3 Methodology
The following section will discuss the
methodological aspects of the proposed research.
Figure 1 shows the overall flowchart.
Fig. 1: Overall flowchart
The flowchart represents a decision-making
process for updating ML models based on detecting
concept drift in Internet of Things (IoT) traffic.
Initially, IoT traffic is monitored for changes. If a
change is detected, training a new ML model is
initiated. Various anomaly detection algorithms,
such as Angle-Based Outlier Detection (ABOD),
clustering, Connectivity-Based Outlier Factor
(COF), Isolation Forest (iForest), histogram-based
outlier detection, Local Outlier Factor (LOF),
Support Vector Machine (SVM), Principal
Component Analysis (PCA), Minimum Covariance
Determinant (MCD), Subspace Outlier Detection
(SOD), and Stochastic Outlier Selection (SOS), are
considered, the feature drift is identified based on
calculated anomaly score for each features, if the
majority algorithms identify the feature as anomaly,
then it will be marked as a drifted feature if it is
greater than a predefined threshold, the AutoML is
used to streamline the selection of an optimum
model and fine-tune the hyperparameters to
accommodate the new data distribution, thus
maintaining model performance. If no change is
detected, the current model continues to be used. In
parallel, a statistical test, specifically the Friedman
test, is employed to validate the significance of the
results from the new model. If the results are not
significant, the current model remains in use. If the
results are significant, the system replaces the
current model with the new, updated model. This
framework ensures that the IDS remains effective
by adapting to the evolving data patterns
characteristic of IoT environments.
: Feature i in IoT dataset , i: index, j: index, u:
󰆒󰇟󰇠 
: count of anomaly
: old model.
: Statistically significant ML mode
01: begin
02: for all
 do
subscriptionssubscriptions03: 
 󰇟
󰇠; //
 is not redundant.
04: for all Anomaly algorithms in󰆒󰇟󰇠do
05: find for each
 count of anomaly detected
Ω’ > than threshold // by majority then
07: Stop forecasting at
 // change is detected
08: train new random forest
09 If is significantly better than  then // Friedman.
10: replace by else if
11: keep
12: endif
13: endif
14: Loop
3.1 Dataset
This paper highlights the integration of the
CICIoT2023 dataset, [1], an updated IoT data
repository developed by the Canadian Institute of
Cybersecurity. Existing datasets often fall short,
offering a limited array of attack simulations and not
using genuine IoT devices to mirror complex
network topologies. The CICIoT2023 dataset
addresses this by featuring 33 unique attacks across
a network of 105 IoT devices, categorized into
seven types: DDoS, DoS, Reconnaissance, Web-
based, Brute Force, Spoofing, and Mirai. All attacks
are conducted by and directed at IoT devices, thus
providing authentic scenarios for security analysis.
Unlike other datasets, CICIoT2023 enriches IoT
security resources with new attacks like ACK
Fragmentation, Slow Loris, UDP Fragmentation,
Command Injection, and Browser Hijacking, [1]. It
offers a diversity of data formats, meeting varied
research needs and detailing attack types,
characteristics, definitions, and statistics—detailed
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.38
Mohamed Khalafalla Hassan, Ibrahim Yousif Alshareef
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 22, 2023
information on network topology and device
specifications is available in [1].
When citing references in the text of the
abstract, type the corresponding number in square
brackets as shown at the end of this sentence [1].
4 Results and Discussions
Table 1 shows the final output of the retraining for
the drifted features, representing the final output of
Algorithm 1.
Table 1. Algorithm1 Results
Random Forest 25% Drift
Random Forest 50% Drift
Random Forest 100% Drift
The Table 1 presents a performance evaluation
of a Random Forest classifier under varying degrees
of concept drift, using the Inter-Arrival Time (IAT)
feature for classification. Three scenarios
correspond to the data's 25%, 50%, and 100% drift.
In the first scenario, with 25% drift, the Random
Forest classifier maintains an impressive
performance with accuracy and recall of 0.9916,
precision of 0.9912, and an F1 score of 0.9910. This
indicates a high consistency between precision and
recall, reflecting the model's balanced capability in
class identification. As the drift increases to 50%, all
metrics show a slight decrease, with accuracy,
recall, and F1 score at 0.9723 and precision at
0.9700. This suggests that the classifier is still
robust but begins to experience a dip in performance
due to the increased variability in the data. At 100%
drift, the performance further declines, yet the
classifier remains relatively strong with accuracy
and recall of 0.9122, precision of 0.9110, and an F1
score of 0.9115. Even with complete drift, the
model exhibits substantial resilience, although the
decrease in metrics indicates more pronounced
effects of concept drift. These findings illustrate that
while the Random Forest algorithm is generally
robust to concept drift, its performance does degrade
as the drift increases. However, the degradation is
not proportional to the increase in drift, showcasing
the model's effectiveness in adapting to changes in
data patterns. This performance assessment is
crucial for practitioners and researchers in predictive
modelling, particularly in dynamic environments
where concept drift is a concern.
Figure 2 shows the improvement percentages to
our benchmark in [1].
Fig. 2: Improvement percentages
Figure 2 shows that the improvement
percentages increased compared to the benchmark
in [1], for 25%, 50%, and 100%, respectively, where
the highest improvement was recorded for the F1
score in the 100% drift, which suggests that the
proposed methodology can be efficient even in
highly drifted features which eventually will
improve the models' reliability and validity.
5 Conclusion
In conclusion, this paper has successfully addressed
the challenge of concept drift in IoT environments
by implementing a dynamic learning framework
validated using the comprehensive CICIoT2023
dataset. The framework's adaptability was
rigorously evaluated across various drift scenarios,
demonstrating its robustness and effectiveness.
Results indicate that while performance metrics
slightly decline with increased drift, the resilience of
the model's predictive capabilities is evident using
the proposed methodology. The contribution of this
research is pivotal, offering significant
advancements in the development of reliable
security analytics for the ever-evolving IoT domain,
ensuring that IDS systems remain effective against a
wide array of sophisticated attacks.
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.38
Mohamed Khalafalla Hassan, Ibrahim Yousif Alshareef
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 22, 2023
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
Mohamed Khalafalla Hassan carried out the
simulation, and the optimization and Manuscript
writing. Ebrahim Yousif Elsharief caried out
manuscript validation and verification
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
No funding was received for conducting this study.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.38
Mohamed Khalafalla Hassan, Ibrahim Yousif Alshareef
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 22, 2023