Emotion Classification on Social Media Comments Using Categorical
Feature Extraction Along With the Bidirectional Encoder-based Recurrent
Neural Network Classification
Department of Computing Technology,
SRMIST, Tamil Nadu,
Abstract: - All across the world, social media is one of the most widely used platforms for information exchange.
Comments on relevant information might be made in response to a video or any other piece of information. A remark
may include an emotion that may be recognized by an automated recognition system. On Facebook, Twitter, and
YouTube comments, we performed studies to determine their emotional categorization. A set of comments is gathered
and manually classified using six fundamental emotion labels (happy, sad, angry, surprised, disgust, and fear) and one
neutral label, with each emotion label representing a different emotion category. A prominent approach in natural
language processing (NLP), deep learning has been used in a wide range of categorization applications. This procedure
begins by preprocessing the input data with normalization, followed by categorizing characteristics in feature
extraction utilizing the Linguistic and word count analysis (LIWC). Finally, for the categorization stage, the classify
features might be supplied. Finally, for categorizing emotions, the Bidirectional Encoder based recurrent neural
network classification approach is used. The studies have been carried out with the use of typical social media data that
has been acquired from the kaggle data repository. The findings show that the suggested model outperforms all other
existing mechanisms in terms of overall performance.
Key-Words: - Social media, emotion, Linguistic and word count analysis, Bidirectional Encoder based recurrent neural
1 Introduction
Because of the widespread usage of the Internet, the
variety of social networks, the simplicity with which
views and ideas can be expressed, the availability of
brands, and the speed with which people can engage,
people spend the majority of their time online, as shown
in Figure 1. Meaningful and nonsensical data are
generated as a result of this activity on social media.
Work in this subject is possible because of the rapid
development of technology and the rise in data, as well
as its speed and costs. Text mining, natural language
processing, and other artificial intelligence techniques
are all employed in the field of emotional analysis to
mine texts for information about people's thoughts,
emotions, and attitudes. An excellent source of
emotional analysis is social networking reviews.
Sentiment Analysis is a term used to describe opinion
mining or emotional intelligence. Analyzing
unstructured and disorganized content from various
social media and internet sources, such as Twitter,
WhatsApp, Youtube, and Facebook conversations, is
known as sentimental analysis.
Fig. 1: Usage of the Social Networking
In most instances, the dialogues would be informal;
the attitudes and feeling of the individuals who are
taking part in the argument would be mirrored in these
discussions. This provides the door for further
consideration of the behavioral patterns of the persons
who are taking part in the debate. It is necessary to
construct rules-based automated systems that analyze
data in accordance with a set of established rules to do
opinion mining. Mechanical systems are also created to
do opinion mining utilizing some of the ideas of
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.32
S. Saranya, G. Usha
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 22, 2023
machine learning. These mechanical systems are also
used to perform opinion mining. There are various
scenarios in which deep learning algorithms may be
used to create a sentimental analysis model, all of which
are discussed here. The sentimental analysis also be a
useful tool for identifying the emotions expressed in the
textual content. Sentimental analysis has shown to be a
trustworthy source for providing insightful thoughts on
a wide range of market-rolling products and
breakthroughs. At the same time, sentiment analysis
plays an important part in evaluating a person's opinions
on certain films or other items, among other things,
depending on user input made on social media
platforms. Global networking may have taken the world
by surprise, and the world's aspects may have been
diminished as a result of this phenomenon. Using the
results of this study, we suggest a novel framework
Categorical LIWC and BEBRNN for the classification
of people's emotions when they receive positive social
media feedback. To narrow down the search space, a
LIWC-based category feature selection filter has been
implemented. The BEBRNN was employed as a
classifier to distinguish between the different feelings.
The main objective of this paper was,
ļ‚· To develop a framework that is independent of
the learning algorithm
ļ‚· Develop a computerized framework that will
precisely classify the emotions within a limited
The remaining section of the paper can be organized
as follows, Section 1 shows an overview of opinion
mining impact and the paper's goal contributions;
Section 2 shows an analysis of other existing
technologies; Section 3 illustrates the problem
statement, Section 4 shows the implementation of a
novel methodology for the people emotion
classification over people emotion classification; and
Section 5 shows the methodology's effectiveness based
on its findings. An overall summary depicted in section
6 may be used to provide a conclusion to our
implemented document.
2 Related Works
With social networking sites systems such as Twitter,
Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and WhatsApp
sweeping the communication world, it has become
critical that the records residing all over these social
networking sites systems share information relevant to
the point of view, mood, and also conviction of people
regarding any kind of item, suggestion, or even plans.
Before this, several studies were carried out to examine
the contents of social media and to undertake a
perspective investigation of the material included in
social media accounts. The author of [1], describes in
their paper a unique deep learning system for classifying
multiple emotions on Twitter. A major focus of [2], is
on classifying tweets into extremist and non-extremist
subcategories to create a framework for content analysis
linked to terrorism. The researchers construct a tweet
classification system based on user-generated social
media postings on Twitter, which employs deep
learning-based sentiment analysis methods to
discriminate between tweets that are extremist and
non-extremist. Plutchik's wheel emotion detection
rule-based patterns are developed, learned, and
employed in previously encountered texts in [3]. [4],
used a unique multilayer bidirectional long short-term
memory (BiLSTM) developed on top of pre-trained
word embedding vectors. In [5], Experiments were done
utilising data from Taiwan's largest internet forum,
Militarylife PTT. To conduct our research, we built a
social media sentiment analysis infrastructure that
included a military-specific sentiment vocabulary and
tested the efficacy of numerous deep learning models
with various parameter calibrations. Social media
messages from Bangladeshi citizens regarding the
coronavirus were examined in [6]. Similar studies can
be found in [7], [8]. Three classes have dealt with their
emotions. moods of analysis, depression, and rage. The
data collection was done in Bangla. Various
deep-learning algorithms have been used in their work.
In their research, they offer a semi-monitored sentiment
analysis that combines the lexical method with machine
learning. Eight-gram sensations are generated by
employing a random sample of product reviews and
numerical rating scales with five decimal places. T-test
annotations provided by robots are statistically equal to
those of human annotators in terms of precision and
precision. Also in [9], a technique for sentiment
classification based on positive and negative phrases in
the text of documents is presented. To more accurately
classify microblogs as sentimental, we'll need to use
flexible sentimental lexicons. A genetic algorithm is
used to address optimization and classification
problems in this situation. Begin introducing the new
community decision-making process. [10]. There
should be free-form text and comparisons to various
possibilities for procedures. This is a paradigm for
social networking. Analysis of the free text and expert
opinions on possible replacements was done using
sentiment analysis. [11], [12]. The proportion of
emotional data in each evaluation has been raised,
although the sample sizes have remained the same. The
researcher also proposed the Lexicon-Integrated 2-chain
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.32
S. Saranya, G. Usha
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 22, 2023
Sensorial Model (LSTM-CNN), which combines
LSTM and CNN simultaneously. It's time to reflect on
the Twitter Task Sentiment Analysis's fourth year of
existence. [13], analyzing Twitter sentiment is a
complex process. Talk about it in depth. This is the tenth
and final SemEval-2015 work item. It's the most
established mission in the last three years, with 40
personnel on board. shows MLSTM as an alternative to
typical hardware design approaches (Memristor
depends on Long Short Term Memory). Internal
structure modeling may be simplified by transferring
parameters between LSTM cells. Each LSTM cell unit
in the circuit has a crossbar comprised of a single
memristor. Piecewise function models using equal
hardware activate the sigmoid and tanh activation
functions in the device under test. [14], BLSTM has
offered a feasible design that includes various channel
characteristics and self-attention mechanisms
(SAMF-BiLSTM). When it comes to transmitting one's
feelings, this strategy uses the most up-to-date
instruments and strategies. Rather than relying on
lexicons that must be assembled by hand, the proposed
method automates the polarity of emotions and goals.
According to SAMF-BiLSTM, SAMF BiLSTM-D was
indicated for paper applications in the research. In [15],
[16] the author Suggested analysing and mining internet
customer reviews for emotion. Amazon.com reviews
and other user-generated content are the major focus of
this study. This causes the views to be instantly deleted.
The data in this study will be analyzed using a logistic
regression model. The limitation does not operate as
well in this task. [17], biomedical data hypertext mining
is being examined. To extract biological data from
hypertext pages, this study will make use of text-mining
algorithms based on "biomedical ontology" (e.g., online
information mining). The conventional method of
medical language analysis, the met thesaurus, is the
topic of this study. The document is constrained by its
lack of scientific relevance. To develop generative
adversarial networks, hierarchical attention processes
are employed in this research to identify the theorized
and denied components in biological literature (GAN).
Classifiers are used in [18], [19], [20], [21], [22], to
classify positive and negative attitudes. To do sentiment
analysis, they make use of the hard dataset. Use the
Lexicon of Positive and Negative Polarity from the
NCCA-ALSTM to classify sensations.
3 Problem Statement
Use an emotion-related grammatical category to
describe the speaker's approach toward a declaration of
certainty and speculative scope to find out which part of
the phrase is unsure. An uncertain segment of a phrase is
designated by the emotion-related grammatical category
associated with a particular word (for instance, "seems,"
"possible"). an ineffective effort to determine the extent
of a negative sign word's linguistic influence (e.g.,
"failed"). A few approaches have been tried in the past,
but none of them seem to have reached the pinnacle of
success. To effectively identify emotions, an effective
method must be developed.
4 Proposed Work
The LIWC and Bidirectional encoder-based recurrent
neural network model is utilized in this study to enhance
emotion classification using a contemporary system,
changing the conventional word form into a numerical
type and categorizing emotions into positive or negative
polarity. The general depiction of the suggested
technique is shown in Figure 2.
Fig. 2: Pictorial representation of the suggested
The dataset obtained from the kaggle belongs to FB,
Twitter, and you tube
ļ‚· https://www.kaggle.com/seungguini/bts-youtube
ļ‚· https://www.kaggle.com/mortena/facebook-com
ļ‚· https://www.kaggle.com/paoloripamonti/twitter-
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.32
S. Saranya, G. Usha
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 22, 2023
It is necessary to do text normalization, stemming, part
of speech tagging, and stop word deletion during the
pre-processing step to prepare the text for the main
processing stage. It is necessary to process the chosen
comments to improve the accuracy of the
categorization. The accuracy and performance of the
system will be improved as a result of the
pre-processing portions. The initial stage in this
preprocessing procedure is tokenization. The input is
broken down into little word bits known as tokens,
which eliminates the characteristics that are of low
importance. Then stop eliminating words from the
matrix, since this will help to reduce the matrix's size
and increase the degree of discrimination across texts.
The stemming of words is then used to consider a unit
for all of the words that are connected to a single root.
As a result, it has little impact on the system's
performance. Stop words contain grammatical terms
like conjunctions and prepositions, as well as other
phrases. There is no meaning or contextual information
in these words. In the case of studies that are primarily
concerned with word frequency, the high frequency of
stop words that occur in documents produces
inaccuracies in the findings of the processing. Two
goals serve as the basis for the use of syntactic tagging
in words. In this case, stemming is performed based on
the syntactic category of the words. It may be expressed
in the following way:
Where represents the process of stemming, M is the
word polarity.
The equation can be rewritten as follows,
After that, the syntactic tags may be deleted, and the
data can be used to discover the most often occurring
syntactic nouns, verbs, and adjectives that surpass the
stated threshold,
Where D represents the tags, a represents the syntax and
stylistic error
Finally, the stem of the word or text is determined via
the stemming procedure, which entails translating a
single stem into numerous stems. The TF-IDF model
incorporates information about the more important and
less significant phrases, while Bag of Words is only a
collection of vectors expressing the number of words in
the text.
ļ‚· Term Frequency: illustrates a frequency
ļ‚· Inverse Document Frequency: represents the
uneven records.
( (4)
Information from the Sentiment Lexicon is used to
integrate Sentiment's texts. In our method, emotional
words take priority over verbal ones. Everything in the
lexicon of emotions has a positive or negative value that
determines the strength and emotional range of the
experience. Every value in the normalized shape set [-1,
+1] may be mapped to several positive scales and values
very near to 1, but Negation is explicitly forbidden.
Because phrases with a clear negative or positive
polarity provide more sentiment data than neural
concepts, they should be given more priority intuitively.
To ascertain the emotional effect of a particular word.
Convergence is improved quickly using the suggested
Finally, the processed dataset was obtained.
c. Feature extraction
Social media vocabulary words are used in this study's
categorical feature extraction methodology. The
suggested Feature Extraction method was used to
extract the target categorical features from reviews and
then filter out any irrelevant categorical features that
were found. Sentences were also taken from comments
and then adjusted to account for any previous shifts that
could have changed their polarity. There is just one
word used in this method of category feature extraction:
feature. To analyze a text's emotional, cognitive, and
structural components, the team behind LIWC created a
text analysis program. Each word in the text is searched
for and matched against a term in the lexicon by LIWC.
In the dictionary, some terms represent the word's
linguistic, psychological, and social aspects, such as
pronouns, pleasant feelings, and social processes. LIWC
increases the percentage value of a word category. After
categorizing every word in the document, the findings
will be shown as a table with the percentages of each
category's words. The procedures employed to extract
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.32
S. Saranya, G. Usha
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 22, 2023
categorical features based on LIWC for sentiment
analysis were as follows.
1. The first step is to familiarize themselves with all the
words in the text.
2. Compile a list of all the words that appear in the
dictionary under each of the class labels (positive and
3. Use the equation to get the feature class ratio.
The equation can be rewritten as follows,
Where C represents the features
As a result of these reviews being processed and the
categorical feature characteristics they extracted, the
review knowledge base has been expanded.
Algorithm:1 Categorical Feature Extraction
Input: Processed Reviews R, youtube video
Output: Extracted features
Insert variables
//Extracting feature based on categories
Core Concepts= [Extract (Review[i]-youtube
comments)] //
Core Concept (information, entertainment,
Basic facts = [Extract (Review[i]-youtube
Beach view
Video name= [Extract (Review[i]-youtube
comments)] //
Video name (Beach view)
//Extracting categorical feature
Comment name= Identify [feature]
Grammar analysis = Identify [emotions]
Feature matrix generation
Feature score
K= (Count feature)
Do for m=i,...n
If(Core concepts[m] in
End if
End for
Then, the matrix F was generated from the review,
and it was merged with the statistical matrix
For the last step, feature scaling (i.e., each column)
and instance scaling were used to ensure that the matrix
was consistent.
Where n denotes the number of features
Finally, the sentimental feature score was evaluated.
Whenever a negative word comes in front of a
phrase, the following word's emotion score is simply
reversed. Following the example below, the sentiment
value of the target comments may be calculated:
Where s denotes a comment with m positive and sv
negative phrases, the positivity and negativity of the
associated comment p are indicated by PosScore and
An association technique, shown in Figure 3, was
used to link the emotive categorical traits with their
related feelings, and then their sentiments were paired.
* (13)
Finally, the features can be extracted and it can be
associated with their corresponding sentiments.
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.32
S. Saranya, G. Usha
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 22, 2023
Fig. 3: Emotion association
Algorithm:2 Categorical Feature Sentiment Association
Input: Extracted categorical features
Output: Sentiments association
Lexicons for the extracted feature
Sentence Analysis (Comments)
//Form Sentiment pairs
For count (Category)
For m-1,...n
Category (List of sentiments)
Matching Sentiments (word
Match (Associate)
Discard word
Count (Associate pairs)
End if
d. Classification
The last step in the classification process is to utilize a
recurrent neural network based on a Bidirectional
Encoder to categorize emotions. Most of this level
involves classifying emotions as either good or negative
using an RNN. For example, this RNN enables you to
determine the difference between an independent
variable and a shared one with ease. The proposed
approach first interprets and redistributes the data before
calculating the emotions during categorization using its
class probability. The cycle may be started by activating
a neuron with an equation.
The equation can be written in the form of vectorized
form as shown in the equation ,
The quadratic set in which the training set can be
merged is shown in the equation ,
The gradient output is given by equations 17 and 18,
Where y is the emotional feature
Emotion polarity can be represented by using the
following equation,
denotes Centre polarity
denotes upper focus word limit
denotes a lower focus word limit.
The polarity characteristics can be calculated by using
the formula,
The equation can be rewritten as follows,
Finally, the following formula may be used to
classify the data.
The CNN classification is concluded in equation 22
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.32
S. Saranya, G. Usha
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 22, 2023
F(Polarity)= (22)
Fig. 4: BEBRNN layers
Finally, the comments can be classified depending
upon the emotions.
Algorithm: 3 Opinion Classification
Input: Associate categorical features
Output: Classified opinion
Train fea= 70% of input
Test fea=30% of input
Number of Associated Categorical Features
//you tube comments review (Query box { type of
for Evaluate
Number of positive sentiments
Number of Negative sentiments
Neutral Sentiments
Identify group polarity;
//Insert likelihood Value to the matrix
End for
5 Performance Analysis
This section illustrates the outcome of sentiment
analysis. The method was performed using the resource
for emotional analysis which distinguishes positive and
negative opinions. The whole experimentation was
carried out in a Matlab environment.
Table 1. Classified output
Sample comments from social media
ā€œthe anticipation of when the power is going to go out! I NEED TO STUDY WHAT IS HAPPENING STOP
ā€œ Oh God #Its amazing!
ā€œSandy just made landfall on the great State of New Jersey & NYC. Hang tight, you guysā€.
ā€œSandy has denied me my jog. Iā€™m crying as much as itā€™s raining right now...ā€
ā€œShed in the backyard was knocked over #see you in the next videoā€
ā€œLovely, there are fallen tree branches in my swimming pool. Eh, It could be worse... #413Sandy #MASandy
ā€œSo my childhood the town is being destroyed. Thatā€™s cool. Stupid natureā€
ā€œSo much food in my house because my moms stocking up for Sandy. Iā€™m cool with itā€
ā€œHurricane Sandy might not kill me but this boredom sure willā€
ā€œThis movie was scary stuffā€
ā€œHurricane Sandy is powerful af!!! This wind is NO joke!!!ā€
ā€œPower back on. Not sure how much longer that will last. Damn you #sandy - get up off my #raw!ā€
ā€œI'm like really scared.... stuff like this doesnā€™t happen in Ohio! #Sandy #Manhattanā€
ā€œNZā€™s embassy in Washington is closed as the city hunkers down ahead of #Sandyā€
ā€œ11 killed in #Cuba, #Sandy toll reaches 51 in #Haitiā€
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.32
S. Saranya, G. Usha
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 22, 2023
Here a small set of keywords that were likely to
indicate emotional content belonging to any of the
emotional classes positive, fear, or angera. The list of
identified keywords looks as follows:
ā€œanger: anger, angry, bitch, fuck, furious, hate, madā€
ā€œfear: afraid, fear, scaredā€
ā€œPositive: :), :-), =), :D, :-D, =D, glad, happy, positive,
A feature extraction model based on LIWC may be
used to match the words that are associated with this set
of keywords Lists of synonyms for the terms were
added automatically. The words that emerged from this
process were then culled because they were deemed to
be inadequate descriptors of human emotion. As shown
in Table 1, the proposed classifier can discriminate
between the various emotions represented by the
"positive," "anger," and "fear" tags.
To prove the efficiency of the suggested
methodology it can be compared With the existing
mechanisms, [23]. The proposed technique's behavior is
tested using metrics such as accuracy, sensitivity, F1
score, AUC, and specificity. It is necessary to consider
the following four ideas while doing this evaluation:
False positives and false negatives must be
distinguished from real positives and real negatives.
Data values that are detected as positive by the
algorithm are referred to be "TP." TN refers to data
values that the system appropriately recognizes as
negative. Some FPs are recognised as positive, but they
aren't the exact numbers involved. That which is
designated as negative but does not include the exact
numbers is referred to as a "negative integer."
We also contrast the suggested technique with a few
of the existing techniques concerning these parameters.
Fig. 5: Number of Comments Vs. Accuracy
Figure 5 shows the proposed classification method,
showing a maximum accuracy yield of 96%, which is
better than other existing methodologies.
Fig. 6: Number of Comments Vs. Sensitivity
Figure 6 shows the proposed classification method,
showing a maximum sensitivity yield of 94%, which is
better than other existing methodologies.
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.32
S. Saranya, G. Usha
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 22, 2023
Fig. 7: Number of Comments Vs. Precision
Figure 7 shows the proposed classification method,
showing a maximum precision yield of 89%, which is
better than other existing methodologies.
Fig. 8: Number of Comments Vs. F score
Figure 8 shows an F1 rating for the solution. The
results demonstrate that, according to the suggested
strategy, the coefficient of F1 score was 93 percent.
Fig. 9: Number of Comments Vs. Recall
Figure 9 shows the proposed classification method,
showing a maximum recall yield of 95%, which is
better than other existing methodologies.
Fig. 10: Number of Comments Vs. Specificity
Figure 10 depicts the suggested method, which has
a 96.5 percent specificity rate when compared to the
current system.
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.32
S. Saranya, G. Usha
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 22, 2023
Fig. 11: Number of Comments Vs. Execution time
As of from Figure 11 the suggested methodology
excecutes the classification process with in 27 seconds
which is much lower than other existing mechanisms.
From the result obtained it was revealed that the
suggested methodology outperforms well than other
existing mechanisms over emotion classification.
5 Conclusion
Researchers from a variety of fields, such as
psychology, neuroscience, social science, and computer
science, are working to better understand how to
recognize emotions in text. identifying emotions and
providing actionable suggestions has a broad range of
uses, such as: enhancing the teaching models and
learning outcomes from student assessments,
understanding customer satisfaction surveys, and how it
may assist improve the company. in this study, we
employ bebrnn's categorical feature extraction to
categorize the emotion class for our social media data
automatically. there is a 96 percent accuracy rate with
the proposed approach, which is quite high when
compared to previous methods. in the future, we hope to
expand our work on student evaluations of teaching by
identifying student emotions toward active learning
models and elements that help increase student
happiness and performance via practical pattern
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DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.32
S. Saranya, G. Usha
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 22, 2023
Contribution of Individual Authors to the Creation
of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting Policy)
All authors contributed equally to this work.
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No funding is involved in this work.
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Authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Data availability statement
Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no
datasets were generated or analyzed during the current
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Consent to Participate
All authors have the consent to participate.
Consent to Publish
All authors have the consent to publish the paper in this
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.32
S. Saranya, G. Usha
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 22, 2023