Prediction of the Growth of Renewable Energies in the European Union
using Time Series Analysis
1Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg,
Wirtschaftsinformatik, Heidenheim 89518,
2AI.Cloud, Tata Consultancy Services,
Abstract: - The whole world is affected by climate change and renewable energy plays an important role in
combating climate change. To add to the existing precarious situation, the current political events such as the
war in Ukraine mean that fossil raw materials such as oil and gas are becoming more and more expensive in the
raw material markets. This paper presents the current state of renewable energies in Germany and Europe.
Using data from the past 56 years, the predictive models ARIMA and Prophet are used to find out if the
conversion to renewable energies and the elimination of fossil raw materials in the energy sector can be
achieved in the EU. The results are compared with the target of the EU in 2030 and a long-term outlook until
2050 will be provided.
Key-Words: - Renewable energy, climate change, fossil fuels, wind energy, hydropower, solar energy,
bioenergy, Logistic Regression, time series forecasting, ARIMA, Prophet.
Received: July 8, 2022. Revised: August 24, 2023. Accepted: September 28, 2023. Published: November 20, 2023.
1 Introduction
Climate change is the long-term changes in climate
patterns of the Earth, which has wide-ranging and
potentially catastrophic impacts on the environment.
We can observe shifts in weather patterns, rising
global temperatures, the increase in extreme weather
events rising sea levels, melting ice caps and
glaciers, more frequent and severe heatwaves,
droughts, floods, and disruptions to ecosystems. It
also poses risks to human health, food security, and
economies. The primary driver of contemporary
climate change is the increase in greenhouse gas
emissions, primarily carbon dioxide (CO2), methane
(CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), from human
activities, such as burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, and
natural gas), deforestation, and industrial processes,
[1], [2], [3], [4].
Climate change is a huge challenge of the 21st
Century and the most important action item is to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the energy
sector. A transition from conventional energy
sources like oil, gas, and coal to renewable energies
like solar-, hydro-, bio-, or wind energy is required.
Renewable energy is energy that is derived from
sources that are naturally replenished and are
considered environmentally sustainable. These
sources include solar energy, wind energy,
hydropower, geothermal energy, and biomass.
These sources produce little to no greenhouse gas
emissions during electricity generation, making
them a crucial part of efforts to combat climate
change. They also reduce air and water pollution,
decrease dependence on fossil fuels, and create jobs
in the renewable energy industry. Renewable energy
technologies include solar panels (photovoltaic),
wind turbines, hydroelectric dams, geothermal
power plants, and bioenergy facilities, [5], [6], [7],
Integrating renewable energy into the energy
mix involves building infrastructure, such as solar
and wind farms, and developing energy storage
solutions to address intermittency issues (i.e., the
variability of renewable energy sources). The
United Nations knows that and therefore declared
the seventh sustainable development goal:
affordable and clean energy, [9].
The European Union (EU) also recognized the
necessity and set goals to increase the share of
renewable energy in total energy consumption.
According to the EU, the energy sector is
responsible for more than 75% of the emissions in
the EU and therefore it is the most important field to
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.26
Holger Kraenzle, Maximilian Rampp,
Daniel Werner, Jürgen Seitz, Neha Sharma
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 22, 2023
take action. For 2020 the EU target was to a share of
renewable energy consumption of at least 20%.
With 22% according to Eurostat’s renewable energy
statistics that goal was reached, [10]. Now for 2030,
the target is to increase the share of renewable
energy consumption to at least 32%, [11]. This
target will be compared with the prediction models
in this paper. The EU's long-term strategy for 2050
is an economy with net-zero greenhouse gas
emissions, [12]. There is no renewable energy target
for 2050 but a huge growth in renewable energy
production is necessary to reach the long-term goal.
The historical data can be analyzed and predict how
the renewable energy share could develop in the
long term.
This paper is arranged by adhering to the
standard structure. The following section focuses on
the related work done by different authors; section 3
provides information about the dataset and
algorithms used in this research; the experimental
results are presented in section 4 and section 5
covers the conclusions. Finally, the references are
mentioned in the last section.
2 Review of Related Literature
The journey from fossil fuels to renewable energy is
a long and costly process that cannot happen
overnight. Nevertheless, it is becoming more and
more important with increasingly dwindling
resources. Renewable also called regenerative
energies are collective terms. They can, as the name
reflects, regenerate themselves independently and
within a human time scale, [13]. This property
represents an irreplaceable security for the
sustainable energy supply. There are different forms
of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind
energy, hydropower, geothermal energy, and
biomass, [2], [14].
According to a study by the Federal Statistical
Office, in Q1 2022, 47.1% of the total energy
requirement in Germany could already be fed into
the power grid from renewable energies, [15]. At
30.1%, wind power is now one of the most
important renewable energies, [15]. Wind power
achieved its breakthrough in 1973 after government
subsidies made it economically attractive, [16]. A
distinction is made between onshore and offshore
wind energy. Onshore refers to the wind turbines on
land, offshore to those that are off the coast at sea.
Wind turbines are used exclusively for electricity
production and use the so-called lift principle for
this purpose, which means that the wind flowing
past sets the rotor blades in lift and thus in rotation.
This rotating motion then generates electricity.
At 5.4%, biogas is one of the third most
important renewable energies, [15]. A biogas plant
has the primary purpose of generating electricity.
For this purpose, biogas is produced in the biogas
plant, which drives a motor to generate electricity.
The biogas produced is a mixture of biomethane and
carbon dioxide in particular. Strictly speaking, the
designation bioenergy plant or bioelectricity plant is
therefore more appropriate. Nevertheless, the
production process is generally associated with the
term biogas plant, [17]. It is generated in three
overarching steps. First, the biological raw materials
are stored then the raw materials are fed into the
fermentation tanks, in which the fermentation
process that releases the biogas takes place. Finally,
the gas is converted into electricity or fed directly
into it. In particular, the decomposition process and
the generation of biogas is a natural process that
also takes place in bogs, liquid manure pits, or, in
particular, in the rumen of ruminants, [17].
In contrast to the two previously presented
technologies, photovoltaics can not only be used to
generate electricity. Solar energy can be used, for
example, by means of solar collectors to generate
heat. With the help of water vapor, it generates
electricity within solar thermal power plants, or it is
used to generate direct current through photovoltaic
systems. However, solar radiation is subject to daily,
seasonal, and regional fluctuations, [18]. This puts
solar energy in second place with 6.3%, [15].
3 Material and Method
This section highlights the dataset used and the
algorithms used to build various models in the
present research work.
3.1 Materials Used
The data used for the underlying analysis is
Renewable Energy dataset available as open data at
“Our World in Data”, [19]. There are a total of 17
tables in this dataset, and in most cases, data are
available for the years 1965 to 2021. Occasionally,
tables also contain only smaller time periods and
show different data on the expansion and use of
renewable energies around the world. For example,
the generation of energy from wind, solar, hydro,
geothermal, or biofuel energy is shown. The data is
grouped by country or continent and by year. Also,
data from the whole world can be retrieved because
data are also grouped under the attribute world.
The tables "modern-renewable-prod.csv",
“modern-renewable-energy-consumption” and
"renewable-share-energy.csv" are used for the
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.26
Holger Kraenzle, Maximilian Rampp,
Daniel Werner, Jürgen Seitz, Neha Sharma
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 22, 2023
analysis. The table "modern-renewable-prod.csv"
contains the energy produced in terawatt hours,
divided among the different countries or continents
per year. The single record here contains the energy
production of the different types of renewable
energy in terawatt-hours. The table “modern-
renewable- energy-consumption” includes the
consumed renewable energy in terawatt hours by
energy type and by country/continent. The table
"renewable-share-energy.csv" shows the share of
renewable energies in the total energy consumption
of the country. Here, too, a grouping per year and
country or continent takes place.
3.2 Methods Used
To master the data processing, Python is used.
Python is a programming language that has diverse
application areas, [1], [2], [20]. With Python,
machine learning, automation, or even web design
can be realized. The project was realized in Google
Colaboratory using the jupyter notebook for doing
Python programming. All the necessary libraries
like numpy, pandas, matplotlib, etc. were imported
and necessary datasets were input for carrying out
the exploratory analysis using line charts, pie charts,
bar charts and scatter plots.
Several algorithms for conducting the predictive
analytics were applied to data. These include, for
example, Linear Regression, ARIMA, Exponential
Smoothing, or LSTM. In this paper, the
Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average
(ARIMA) algorithm and the automatic forecasting
procedure Prophet by Facebook are used, [21]. A
detailed explanation of ARIMA and Prophet follows
in the rest of the paper.
The Python modules that have been used to
build the model are pandas, numpy, matplotlib, os,
sklearn, statsmodel, pmdarima, math, pystan, and
4 Experiments and Results
There are four different categories and degrees of
complexity for analytics as shown in Figure 1. The
first one is descriptive analytics which can be used
to analyze the data of the past and tell what
happened. The second one is diagnostic analytics
which goes deeper to find out why something
happened. A further step is predictive analytics
which uses various models to find out trends and
patterns to predict what will happen in the future.
The last stage is prescriptive analytics. It is the most
complex one and here the tool would tell based on
the results of predictive analytics what someone
should do in the future to reach a goal, [22], [23].
In this paper, the focus lies on descriptive and
predictive analytics. To discover the chosen dataset
some descriptive analyses will be done first. The
dataset was prepared for analysis and to help derive
various insights. The original data file was
downloaded to a database (Microsoft SQL Server
2017 Database) which made it easier to work as the
original data was converted to a simple text file.
Fig. 1: Different analytics categories
4.1 Descriptive Analytics
First, the dataset is explored and different analyses
with the German and EU data are carried out. It
must be considered that the data of the EU contains
the data of Germany.
Figure 2 shows the TWh generated within
Germany. The years are shown on the X-axis and it
ranges from the year 1965 to the year 2021. The Y-
axis shows the generated energy in TWh. Over the
years, the generated energy from water energy was
mostly around 20 TWh. Sometimes it was less than
20 TWh, but sometimes even more than 20 TWh.
Wind energy was the most promoted in Germany.
Here, slightly less than 120 TWh was produced in
2021. In comparison, solar and other renewables
produced only about 50 TWh. Wind power is very
strongly developed in Germany. The reason for this
is that Germany has a very large wind power area
due to its proximity to the Alps in the south and the
North Sea and Baltic Sea in the north, [24], [25].
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.26
Holger Kraenzle, Maximilian Rampp,
Daniel Werner, Jürgen Seitz, Neha Sharma
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 22, 2023
Fig. 2: Line chart of the German development
Within the EU, the picture is different for hydro
energy as depicted in Figure 3. The production of
renewable energies has increased here. Whereas in
1965 this was just over 200 TWh, in 2021 the
amount is just under 350 TWh. Wind, solar, and
other renewable energies show a similar picture as
in the EU. Wind energy accounts for the largest
share of renewables here, at just under 400 TWh.
The solar and other renewable energies are, as in
Germany, similarly high. When looking at the
graph, it must of course also be noted that Germany
has an influence on the graph on the development
within the EU, as Germany is also part of the EU.
Fig. 3: Line chart of the development in the EU
Furthermore, Germany and Europe can be
compared based on the produced renewable energy
categories in the last year as presented in Figure 4.
Germany produced 233.21 TWh of renewable
energy in 2021. Half of that was produced by wind
energy. The other half comes from solar energy
(21%), hydro energy (7%), and other energy
categories including bioenergy (22%).
Fig. 4: Pie chart of the German production in 2021
Figure 5 shows that the EU with all 27 member
states produced 1069 TWh of renewable energy in
2021. 36% of the produced energy came from wind.
Compared to Germany a much larger amount
originates from hydro energy. It has a share of 32%
or 343.88 TWh in total. Solar energy is 15% and
other sources are responsible for 17%.
Fig. 5: Pie chart of the EU production in 2021
Figure 6 presents that Germany was the biggest
producer of renewable energy in the EU in 2021
with 233.21 TWh. 21.82% of the total renewable
energy production is provided by Germany. The
next largest producers are Spain (124.2 TWh),
France (120.46 TWh), Italy (115.85 TWh) and
Sweden (115.19 TWh).
Fig. 6: Horizontal bar chart with the top 10
producers in the EU
Until now, only the production of renewable
energy has been analyzed. The “Our World in Data”
dataset also has data about renewable energy
consumption. The production can be compared with
the consumption in all 27 EU states. The most recent
data are available for the year 2020. Figure 7 shows
that all states consume almost exactly the amount of
renewable energy they produce. As figured out
earlier, Germany will be the biggest producer and
consumer of renewable energy in 2020.
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.26
Holger Kraenzle, Maximilian Rampp,
Daniel Werner, Jürgen Seitz, Neha Sharma
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 22, 2023
Fig. 7: Scatter Plot of the production and
consumption of renewable energy
After a closer look at the different types of
energy production and the producing countries, the
share of renewable energy in total energy
consumption can be considered. More precisely, the
development of the share in the last decades from
1965 to 2020 in the EU will be analyzed. As shown
in Figure 8, the data shows that the share started
with a value of 6.4% in 1965 and dropped in the
years afterward. It moved sideways until 2004.
Since 2004 the percentage of renewable energy
increased a lot and rose to almost 18% in 2020
according to the dataset.
Fig. 8: Line chart of the renewable energy share in
the EU
It must be mentioned that the dataset from “Our
World in Data” doesn’t match completely with the
data cited in the Introduction, where it is said, that
the EU has reached a share of 22% of renewable
energy in 2020. It cannot be clearly stated which
data are correct but the predictions will be done with
the “Our World in Data” dataset.
4.2 Linear Regression Model
To get a first impression of how the future values
could look a simple linear regression can be done. A
linear regression ‘is used to predict the value of a
variable based on the value of another variable, [1],
[2]. Figure 9 shows that the results of the linear
regression are not very useful because the expected
share in 2050 is still lower than the share in 2020
already was. The linear regression is too simple and
not suitable for that case. More sophisticated models
need to be implemented.
Fig. 9: Linear regression of the renewable energy
share EU
4.3 ARIMA Model
One model for time series forecasting is ARIMA. It
is a statistical model for time series forecasting (cf.
Alam, 2022). It can be used for non-stationary time
series, which means data with a steadily rising line
like the renewable energy development of the EU.
ARIMA stands for Autoregressive Integrated
Moving Average and firstly uses ‘differencing to
convert a non-stationary time series into a stationary
one’ (Alam, 2022). Then the future values are
predicted with correlations and moving averages
from the historical data. The model has three
parameters: p, d, q
p is the order of the autoregressive model
d is the degree of differencing. It shows
the number of differencing that is
necessary to get a stationary time series.
q is the order of the moving average model
To find out the best parameters for the model,
the auto_arima function from the module prima is
used. It calculates the best model for the present
Fig. 10: Calculation of the best ARIMA model
The calculation of the best ARIMA model
parameters is presented in Figure 10. Similarly, the
best model has the parameters: ARIMA (0, 2, 1)
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.26
Holger Kraenzle, Maximilian Rampp,
Daniel Werner, Jürgen Seitz, Neha Sharma
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 22, 2023
p: 0. The order for the autoregressive
model is 0.
d: 2. Second-order differencing is required
for this dataset.
q: 1. The order of the moving average is 1.
In this paper, the model is used to predict the
share of renewable energy in the EU until 2050.
Figure 11 shows the result. The finished model
predicts a value of 26.91% in 2030, 35.87% in 2040,
and 44.83% in 2050. Compared with the EU target
of at least 32% in 2030 the ARIMA model predicts
that the goal won’t be reached with the recent
development. Net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in
2050 will neither be achieved with this development.
Fig. 11: Predicted development with ARIMA
4.4 Prophet Model
Prophet is a forecasting procedure by Facebook. It
can handle trends in the data as well as seasonality
and holiday effects. The module is fast, fully
automatic, and available in Python and R, [1]. The
ARIMA model is used to forecast the development
of renewable energy share in the total consumption
until 2050. With the
Prophet.make_future_dataframe function the
prediction can be done.
The following percentages of the renewable
energy share are predicted with Prophet:
2030: 23.10%
2040: 29.71%
2050: 36.21%
The lower and upper bound of the forecast is
also drawn in the diagram. For example, for 2050,
the lower bound of the forecast is 30.95% and the
upper bound is 41.39%. This is the range in which
the model estimates the value. The following line
chart in Figure 12 shows the prediction.
Fig. 12: Predicted development with FB Prophet
The Prophet model predicts lower values than
the ARIMA model. The EU target of 32% is not
reached and the forecast for 2050 is also lower.
5 Conclusion
Climate change and renewable energy are intimately
connected topics that play a crucial role in
addressing one of the most pressing global
challenges of our time: mitigating climate change
and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Climate
change is the biggest threat to the planet Earth as it
has major impacts on humans and the environment.
Emissions from the burning of fossil fuels play an
important role in driving climate change which
should give everyone a clear goal to expand
renewable energy. Therefore, the main focus of the
study is on the time series forecast and the analysis
of the development of renewable energies in
Europe. As the forecasts show, the political goals
and target of a 32% share of renewables in total
energy consumption by 2030 are tolerable. The
ARIMA model predicts 26.91% coverage by 2030
with equal efforts. This value is 5.09% below the
target value. Unfortunately, the analysis using the
Prophet is not better, but even worse. A coverage of
only 23.10% is predicted by 2030.
From the study, it can be summarized that the
current investments and efforts to expand renewable
energies are far from sufficient to achieve the short-
term goal of 2030. But the even worse consequence
is that if these goals are not achieved, the actual
long-term goal of climate neutrality will be pushed
further and further into the background.
The future work areas and research directions
would be policy and regulatory analysis and
technology assessment. The idea is to examine the
existing policies, regulations, and international
agreements related to renewable energy adoption
and fossil fuel phase-out, as well as evaluate their
effectiveness and identify potential barriers and
opportunities for alignment with the UN timeline. In
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.26
Holger Kraenzle, Maximilian Rampp,
Daniel Werner, Jürgen Seitz, Neha Sharma
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 22, 2023
the future, there is a need to assess the state of
renewable energy technologies, their scalability, and
the potential for innovations in areas like solar,
wind, hydropower, and energy storage, and
investigate the technological challenges and
opportunities in achieving a complete transition.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
- Neha Sharma and Jürgen Seitz, have contemplated
the problem statement, as well as guided and
monitored the research through out its journey
- Holger Kraenzle, Maximilian Rampp and Daniel
Werner have together carried out the following
1. Searching for the dataset
2. Carring out the preprocessing task
3. Did the exploratory data analysis
4. Build the models
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
No funding was received for conducting this study.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.26
Holger Kraenzle, Maximilian Rampp,
Daniel Werner, Jürgen Seitz, Neha Sharma
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 22, 2023