Simulating the Soft Power Effect in Two-Dimensional Models
of A. Lotka V. Volterra
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences,
Moscow Pedagogical State University,
14 Krasnoprudnaya str., Moscow 107140,
Simulation Systems and Operation Research Department,
Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
40 Vavilova str., Moscow 119333,
Abstract: - The most famous models of A. Lotka and V. Volterra, “predator-prey” and “competition,” are consid-
ered in relation to social systems. The peculiarity of the social systems that distinguishes them from the biological
ones is a quick reaction to the current situation. It turns out that the straightforward struggle of preys against
predators is ineffective, whereas the methods of “soft power” are able to get rid of the predators completely. The
article considers the competition equations as mathematical model of cross-cultural interaction. The study of the
model reveals the possibility of a paradoxical situation when one of the cultures positively treats the other, though
this other one is actually harmful to it. Soft power, in this case, masks a negative attitude, presenting it as a friendly
one. Conversely, in some cases, a harmless culture may be mistakenly perceived as a very negative one because
of the “brutality” of some of its manifestations.
Key-Words: Soft Power, Double Standards, Simulation, Predator Prey, Competition
1 Introduction
Soft power they say that this term was introduced
in 1990 by Joseph Nye of Harvard University, [1], for
the first time, but something similar can be found even
in ancient times for example, in Lao Tzu’s Tao Te
Ching [2]. It is possible to say that cultural values, ca-
pable of inducing others to want what is wanted by the
soft power operator, are the cornerstone of this con-
2 Predator Prey Model
Take a look at the most famous model of A. Lotka and
V. Volterra, “perdator-prey,” [3].
dt =αN 1M
dt =βM N
Here Nis the population size of preys, Mis the
population size of predators, α, β are the Malthusian
factors, Nis the minimum number of preys necessary
to feed the predators, M is the maximum number of
predators that the prey population can withstand.
Note that the essence of the model (1) was de-
scribed, including the oscillatory nature of its solu-
tions (although in natural language), by L.N. Tolstoy
in [4], almost 40 years before A. Lotka and V. Volterra.
2.1 Elements of Macro Analysis
We transform our equations (1):
dt =αN(MM)
dt =βM(NN)
Next, divide the first equation by the second:
dM =αNN(MM)
Let us separate the variables:
βMM dM +NN
αNN dN = 0,
βM dM
βM +dN
αN dN
αN = 0.
Received: June 19, 2022. Revised: August 5, 2023. Accepted: September 11, 2023. Published: October 4, 2023.
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.20
Vladimir Bobrov, Yury Brodsky
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 22, 2023
Figure 1: The Phase Plane in N, M coordinates.
Integrate both parts is the next step.
βln MM
αln NN
N=C. (3)
Consider equality (3) as the function of Nand M.
C(N, M) = 1
αln NN
βln MM
Let’s call the function C(N, M )the potential of
the predator-prey system, and the functions
C(M) = 1
βln MM
C(N) = 1
αln NN
potentials of predator and prey populations, respec-
tively. This definition of potential is good because
it has the same functional form for both populations.
Then C(N, M) = C(N) + C(M).
Finding a gradient C(N, M)at the point (N, M).
This is the vector
αN 1
αN ,1
βM 1
βM .
The appearance of the gradient suggests that the
function C(N, M)is strictly concave and reaches a
strict global maximum at the point N, M.
Indeed, the partial derivative of the function
C(N, M)by Nis
C (N, M)
N =1
We see that if N < N, the derivative is strictly
positive, at N=N, it is zero, and if N > N, it is
strictly negative.
Similarly, the partial derivative of the function
C(N, M)by Mis
C (N, M)
M =1
Again, we see that if M < M, the derivative
is strictly positive, at M=M, it is zero, and if
M > M, it is strictly negative. Since for any so-
lution N(t), M(t)of the predator-prey system, the
following is true: (N(t), M (t)) = const, the plane
C(N, M) = C, and the surface
C(N, M) = 1
αln NN
βln MM
intersecting if const C(N, M), this gives us the
trajectory of the system on the phase plane.
Moreover, from the above analysis of derivatives,
it follows that if N(t), M(t)and ˜
M(t)are solu-
tions of our predator-prey system with different initial
conditions, (N(t), M(t)) = C,˜
and C < ˜
C, then the phase trajectory ˜
lies strictly within the phase trajectory N(t), M(t).
The point N, Mis the global maximum point of the
function; thus, (N, M )lies within the phase path of
any solution. The example is shown in Fig. 2 below.
Figure 2: Level Planes C(N, M) = const.
Thus, we can say that our invariant
αln NN
βln MM
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.20
Vladimir Bobrov, Yury Brodsky
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 22, 2023
is the degree of proximity (topological, not metrical,
as the belonging to the phase trajectory C(N, M) =
const) of the phase trajectory to the equilibrium point
the center N, M.On any solution N(t), M(t),
this degree of proximity is preserved. Phase trajecto-
ries with a larger value of C(N(t), M(t)) are inside
the phase trajectories with a smaller value, and the
stationary point N, Mis inside all the trajectories.
The above causes associations between the poten-
tial of the system and entropy. First, because it is
a measure of proximity to equilibrium the station-
ary point of the system, where the maximum potential
N, Mis reached. Secondly, the essential role of the
logarithm in its definition.
2.2 Simulation Experiment with the Classic
The Fig. 3 below shows examples of the model plots
with different initial conditions, built in the AnyLogic
system, [5].
Figure 3: Simulation of the Predator-Prey Model.
We see that the potential of the system is preserved
on the trajectory, although part of the potential of
preys can go to predators, and vice versa (just as when
a massive point moves around the center of gravity,
part of its potential energy can go into kinetics, and
vice versa but the total energy is preserved, and its
magnitude determines the type of trajectory). If the
phase trajectory of the system passes near the station-
ary point, the potentials of the populations can be con-
sidered approximately unchanged (their variances are
of the highest order of smallness compared to the tra-
jectory deviations from the stationary point).
Further, the higher the potential of the system, the
closer its trajectory to the stationary point (in Fig. 3,
N= 5000,M= 2000).
The graph also shows that the frequency of oscilla-
tions remains constant only in the small neighborhood
of the centerN, Mand with a decrease in the poten-
tial of the system, it also decreases. It might also be
noted that in the small neighborhood of the center, the
dynamics of populations are almost sines and cosines;
phase trajectories are circles, althoufg “in large” they
differ obviously.
2.3 Predator Control: Soft Power vs Fight
Suppose the preys resented their role as predator fod-
der in the model and decided to fight against oppres-
sion by the latter. The first thing that comes to mind,
and what the oppressed peoples did throughout the
20th century, is to kill predators, or at least signif-
icantly reduce their number. As the history of the
20th century shows, it is most likely not be possible
to eliminate everyone, but the reduction of the pop-
ulation size, as we will see later, does not solve the
Suppose that there were about 1,000 preys and
about 2,000 predators then the number of the lat-
ter was reduced to 300 at a time. The system sim-
ply jumped to another, more external trajectory, with
higher peaks for both predators and preys. In the sec-
ond example there were about 5,000 preys and more
than 6,000 predators, and reduced the number of the
latter was 1,500 that is more than four times less. The
trajectory jumped to the internal trajectory with small
oscillation amplitudes. Fundamentally, nothing has
changed in the model.
Figure 4: Instant Elimination of Part of the Predators.
What should preys do to improve their position in
the system if the elimination of some predators does
not have an effect?
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.20
Vladimir Bobrov, Yury Brodsky
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 22, 2023
Let’s try to bring competition to the dynamics of
the prey population. Add the competition summand
with the environmental capacity Nto the equation
of the dynamics of preys in (1):
dt =αN 1N
The center N, M(see Fig. 1) turns into a stable
focus and shifts left (see Fig. 5) to the point
N, M(1 N
As soon as the ratio NNbegins to be fulfilled,
predators have no place in the system they die out (see
Fig. 5 and Fig. 6).
Figure 5: Competition among the Preys.
Note that the condition for the extinction of preda-
tors is that the entire resource is mastered in the pro-
cess of preys’ competition
At the same time, preys do not lose anything: their
number still fluctuates in the area N, and after the ex-
tinction of predators, it is possible to weaken the com-
petition and increase N.
Note, that certain religions, as well as thinkers
such as L.N. Tolstoy, [4], M.K. Gandhi, [6], advocate
for non-resistance to evil trough violence, as an alter-
native to the retribution of “an eye for an eye”, and this
thesis often seems to us incomprehensible, impracti-
cal, idealistic, etc. Our simulations (Fig. 4) shows,
that direct fighting with the predators is not fruitful for
preys. Nevertheless, we see that preys can quite real-
istically get rid of predators without any violence, ex-
clusively by the self-organization by increasing in-
ternal competition, i.e. through the self-government,
self-support, self-improvement.
Figure 6: Preys‘ Competition, as a Soft Power.
If you look at the competition in the predator-
prey model through the eyes of a reasonable predator,
then, on the contrary, in order to maintain the status
quo in the system, predators should avoid competi-
tion among preys in every possible way. For example,
isolate them from each other and feed them (such as
chickens or cows at a farm).
At the same time, in such a system, the average
number of preys may be much greater than it could be
in nature without reasonable predators. In this case,
the question arises: if we consider the average pop-
ulation to be the criterion for its success, then is the
presence of reasonable predators an evil, or, on the
contrary, a good for a prey population in such a sys-
3 Soft Power in a Competition Model
Now let us consider the next famous model of
A. Lotka and V. Volterra: the “competition,” [3],
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.20
Vladimir Bobrov, Yury Brodsky
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 22, 2023
dt =αN 1N
dt =βM 1nN
Here Nand M populations sizes of competi-
tors, α, β are Malthusian factors, Nand Mare en-
vironmental capacities that is the maximal numbers
of each type of competitor, for which the system re-
source is steel enough, nand mare double standard
factors, they show how many times the competition
with aliens differs from the one with compatriots.
Double standards are characterized by different
applications of the principles, laws, rules, and esti-
mates to the same actions of various subjects, depend-
ing on the degree of loyalty of these subjects to the es-
timator or other reasons of benefit to him. We will see
that the double standards are effective control mech-
anisms in competitive systems [7].
It is interesting to consider system (4) not in the
biological domain, as in [3], but in the social one, [8],
where system (4) becomes the constraints of the dif-
ferential game the capability of social systems to
change behavior in a short time in response to the cur-
rent situation turns the dynamic system (4) into a po-
sitional differential game, where the double standard
factors nand mbecome the controls of players. That
is why double standards are so popular in interstate
We shall distinguish the following ranges of these
double standard factors:
Supertolerance, if −∞ < n, m < 0,
nm < 1.
Tolerance, if 0n, m < 1.
Equal treatment (no double standards), if nor m
equals to 1.
Intolerance, if 1< n, m < .
It occurs, [7], that if the double standard factors
are less than one (tolerance), the cultures are friendly
they can exist together. If the double standard co-
efficient of a culture is greater than one (intolerance),
this culture constitutes a real danger to another, and
may force it out of the system.
Now let us look at the situation, for example, from
the position of the culture Nrepresentative. First, the
value N
Nis well-known to him because it is a way of
attitude to compatriots in the culture N the manner
of correct behavior that has been taught since child-
hood. Secondly, the value mM
Mis also known; it
is the competitive pressure of the culture M, which
the representatives of the culture Ndirectly observe
and feel because they are under this pressure. Most
likely, these values are not equal N
M, as the
cultures are really different.
Further, it is quite natural to assume that if N
M, then the culture Mis pleasant to the represen-
tative of the culture N usually it is pleasant to any-
body when the pressure upon him weakens. Perhaps
he assesses this situation approximately like: “Ah,
what darlings, these well-mannered people of M
not as my rough compatriots!” On the contrary, if
N< m M
M, then the representative of Ndoes not
like the Mpopulation; very few people like the pres-
sure stronger than usual. Most likely, he will think,
“Well, and how savage these Mare! It is quite impos-
sible to live near them! They are not able to behave
at all!”
Actually, both first and second estimations can be
deeply wrong. In the system (4), nothing depends
upon the comparison between the values N
M, as well as the comparison between M
N. The behavior of the system (4) depends only
upon the combination of ranges of double standard
factors nand m, [7].
For example, if N
N>> m M
M, but at the same
time m > 1, the situation can be dangerous for the
culture N; it can disappear completely after a time be-
cause of the neighborhood with the “lovely and well-
mannered” people, especially if it puts n1, having
been under the illusion of Mculture friendship due to
the first inequality.
On the contrary, if N
N< m M
Mand even
N<< m M
M, but m < 1, there is no danger for
the culture Nto disappear near the culture M. The
rival culture may be unpleasant since the competitive
pressure is greater due to it, but it is by no means fatal
since there is no danger of disappearing from such a
neighborhood. Moreover, if n > 1, then the culture
Nforces out the alien culture trough time.
However, if the system (4) becomes a differential
game, the double standard factors nand mare not
observed directly. For the representative of the culture
Nto define m, it is necessary to compare given him
in feelings mM
Mwith M
M, but the last value, as a
rule, is unknown to him: studying foreign cultures is
a destiny of the rather narrow circle of specialists.
The only true measure of the culture is this culture
itself, not any other one. The competitive pressure of
a foreign culture is to be compared with its own in-
ternal competition, but by no means with the internal
competition of the native culture.
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.20
Vladimir Bobrov, Yury Brodsky
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 22, 2023
4 Conclusion
The soft power (competition among preys) is able
to solve the problem of preys in the “predator-prey”
model, but the armed struggle of preys against the
predators cannot. This brings to mind the works by
L.N. Tolstoy and M.K. Gandhi about non-resistance
to evil trough violence.
It is also interesting to look at the model through
the eyes of a predator. It turns out that it is necessary
to put the preys in cages like chickens or in stalls like
cows at a farm and feed them to their fullest to exclude
the competition. Does this remind you of something
(like the chickencoop of cities with universal basic in-
The elementary “competition” model teaches us
that it is incorrect to measure one culture by the gauge
of another; such a measurement is not valid because
it is not informative. The only true yardstick for the
culture is this culture itself, but by no means any other
In the authors’ subjective view, this paradox il-
lustrates why Russian cutting through a “window to
Europe” was not too successful during the last 300
years. Because here m > 1, though, N
N>> m M
was fulfilled, which was attractive but not healthy
for the Npopulation in terms of our competition
model. Slavs once lived in Europe, but little of them
remained. At the same time, Russians survived un-
der the Horde Yoke, and under the Ottoman Empire,
Southern Slavs did (m < 1), though very unpleasant
memories about these historical periods remained in
the folklore of the survivors ( N
N<< m M
These simplest models of A. Lotka and V. Volterra,
which laid the foundation of mathematical biology at
the beginning of the twentieth century, being trans-
ferred to the domain of social systems, cannot claim
the accuracy of numerical prediction, of course, be-
cause of their primitiveness.
However, they draw the researchers attention to
the following qualitative questions about the social
systems’ dynamics:
1. Are the appeals of L.N. Tolstoy and M.K. Gandhi
to the non-resistance as naive as they seem at first
glance? The twentieth century was one of social
“preys” armed struggle against the social “preda-
tors”. Was the result good enough? Maybe im-
proving sustainable development would be bet-
2. Do our politicians, who face problems of cross-
cultural interaction, understand well with whom
to be friends and on whom to keep an eye with
great wariness? The model of the soft power ef-
fect in a competition system shows that it is very
easy to make a wrong choice even in a simple sys-
tem of two differential equations with two vari-
It can be argued that social systems are much more
complicated than simple two-dimensional differential
equations. For instance, they are comprised of agents
who have their own behaviors and goals. However, it
turns out that the effects of the soft power and double
standards described here also occur in the agent ana-
logues of systems (1) and (4), implemented by cellular
automata, [9].
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DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.20
Vladimir Bobrov, Yury Brodsky
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 22, 2023
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The authors equally contributed in the present
research, at all stages from the formulation of the
problem to the final findings and solution.
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No funding was received for conducting this study.
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The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare
that are relevant to the content of this article.
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