C [0,1]. We denote the elements of Cc as ([x, y][z, v]).
Define the following orders on this set. Let ([x, y][z, v]),
([x1, y1][z1, v1]) be any two elements of Cc.
([x, y][z, v]) t ([x1, y1][z1, v1]) iff x x1, y y1 and z1 z, v1 v
([x, y][z, v]) f ([x1, y1][z1, v1]) iff x x1, y y1 and z z1, v v1
([x, y][z, v]) i ([x1, y1][z1, v1]) iff x x1, y1 y and z z1, v1 v
Definition 2. Let Cc, t, f, i be as defined in Definition
1. Then the meet and join corresponding to the truth,
falsity and knowledge (information) orders are defined
as follows. The symbols and denote meet and join,
and the subscripts t, f, and i represent truth, falsity, and
information (knowledge), respectively.
1. ([x, y][z, v]) t ([x1, y1][z1, v1]) =
([min{x, x1}, min{y, y1}], [max{z, z1}, max{v, v1}])
2. ([x, y][z, v]) t ([x1, y1][z1, v1]) =
([max{x, x1}, max{y, y1}], [min{z, z1}, min{v, v1}])
3. ([x, y][z, v]) f ([x1, y1][z1, v1]) =
([min{x, x1}, min{y, y1}], [min{z, z1}, min{v, v1}])
4. ([x, y][z, v]) f ([x1, y1][z1, v1]) =
([max{x, x1}, max{y, y1}], [max{z, z1}, max{v, v1}])
5. ([x, y][z, v]) i ([x1, y1][z1, v1]) =
([min{x, x1}, max{y, y1}], [min{z, z1}, max{v, v1}])
6. ([x, y][z, v]) i ([x1, y1][z1, v1]) =
([max{x, x1}, min{y, y1}], [max{z, z1}, min{v, v1}])
The top and bottom elements with respect to the various orders
are as follows.
Table 4. Bounds relative to the three partial orderings.
Тt corresponds to {T, t}, ⊥t corresponds to {F, f}.
Тf corresponds to {F, t}, ⊥f corresponds to {T, f}.
Тi corresponds to {TF, tf}, ⊥i corresponds to { }.
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DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.12
M. Kucherov, Nina A. Bogulskaya
Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
The authors equally contributed in the present
research, at all stages from the formulation of the
problem to the final findings and solution.
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No funding was received for conducting this study.
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The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare
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