respectively. Overall computational outcomes of the
IFCOPRAS methodology are given in Table 9.
Table 9. Overall computational outcomes
4 Conclusion
In this study, the IFCOPRAS method, which aims to
obtain a solution relative to the ideal solution, is
used to rank neuromarketing technology alternatives
and identify the best-performing one among them.
Intuitionistic fuzzy sets are used to deal with the
loss of information and hesitation in data that may
occur in operations with fuzzy numbers. The
application of the proposed intuitionistic fuzzy
decision-making approach is illustrated by
conducting a case study. Four neuromarketing
technology alternatives are proposed, and 7
evaluation criteria are utilized. The applied decision
approach provides including intuitionistic fuzzy
numbers in the decision framework for expressing
experts’ opinions, hence hesitation is computed.
Future research will focus on proposing a group
decision-making framework.
This work is supported by Galatasaray University
Research Fund Project FBA-2022-1107.
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DOI: 10.37394/23205.2023.22.8
Nazli Goker, Mehtap Dursun