Enterprise Transformation Projects-Cloud Transformation Concept
Holistic Security Integration (CTC-HSI)
Abstract: This chapter presents the fundaments of the Cloud Transformation Concept (CTC) and this concept is
a basic component of the author’s transformation framework and in complex transformation projects, where a
holistic security concept is a top priority. The implementation of CTC’s Holistic Security Integration (CTC-
HSI) is supported by the author’s Applied Holistic Mathematical Model (AHMM) for CTC (AHMM4CTC) and
his various research works on Holistic Security Integration (HSI), Business Process Management (BPM),
Artificial Intelligence (AI), AI Services (AIS), Compute Services (CS), Mathematical Models, cross-functional
transformations projects. The AHMM4CTC is based on cross-functional research on an authentic and
proprietary mixed research method supported by his own version of an AI learning model, a search tree,
combined with an internal heuristic algorithm. In this chapter, the focus is on CTC-HSI’s integration concepts,
requirements, services, data management, and corresponding transformation security strategies. The proposed
AHMM4CTC-based CTC-HSI is a concept for secured environments, which use real-life cases of a
transformation project, which needs scalable and secured Cloud Platform’s (CP) infrastructure and services
layer, that are supported by the alignment of CP services, standards, enterprise architecture paradigm, and
security development strategies. In a CP-based transformation project, the author recommends integrating a
Private CP (PCP); which can use commercial CPs like the Google CP (GCP). The GCP was chosen as a sample
CP, but there is a need to define a standardized security architecture and concept/procedures so that the
organization builds its own CTC-HSI-based PCP and has to avoid locked-in commercial products.
Key-Words: Cloud Security, HSI, Enterprise architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematical Models,
Strategic and Critical Business Systems, Business transformation projects, CSFs/areas, Performance Indicators,
and Strategic Vision.
Received: February 7, 2022. Revised: October 27, 2022. Accepted: December 5, 2022. Published: December 30, 2022.
1 Introduction
The CTC-HSI is based on resources related to CP
domains like services, processes, AI, CSs, and CP’s
infrastructure, to offer a set of CTC-HSI
recommendations, which can be applied to build a
PCP-based transformation. CTC-HIS’s strategy is a
generic CP security-driven approach that uses
various security concepts, including Enterprise
Architecture (EA), AI, Distributed or Cloud
Computing Architecture (CCA), and BPM. This
chapter uses the GCP to demonstrate CTC-HIS’s
capability to offer different types of generic,
business, and Information and Communication
Systems (ICS) security concepts. Security-related
resources need different levels of provisioning, that
depend on the used CP and the underlined ICS
services. This chapter’s background combines CTC-
HSI, CP security (and various security domains),
AI, Machine Learning (ML), Secure Development
and Operations for CTC (DevSecOps4CTC)
strategy, Knowledge Management System for CTC
(KMS4CTC), EA, heuristics/mathematical models,
secure ICS management, and cohesive business
transformation technics. The CTC-HSI is a generic
and cross-business concept that interacts with a
learning process (AI/ML) that manages sets of
Critical Success Factors (CSF) that can be used by a
transformation project (or simply the Project). This
chapter’s experiment uses an insurance case, [1],
and GCP Use Cases (UC); where the experiment is
based on many years of Research and Development
Projects adapted for CTC (RDP4CTC).
2 Research Process and Problem
The CTC-HSI is business driven and is agnostic to
any Applied Problem Domain (APD) and is founded
on the author’s genuine research framework that in
turn is based on many existing standards, like the
Architecture Development Method for CTC
(ADM4CTC), [2], [3], and the Sherwood Applied
Business Security Architecture (SABSA), which can
be coupled with The Open Group’s Architecture
Framework’s (TOGAF) major components. The
Business Transformation Manager, CP architect, or
enterprise architect (or simply the Manager) can
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2022.21.41
Antoine Trad
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 21, 2022
integrate the CTC-HSI in the enterprise’s (simply
the Entity) EA’s roadmap, where the CTC-HSI must
deliver the path for integrating security components
in the ADM4CTC. The RDP4CTC is based on:
Literature Review Process for CTC (LRP4CTC), a
Qualitative Analysis for CTC (QLA4CTC)
methodology, and the experiment or the Proof of
Concept (PoC), that is used to solve the Research
Question (RQ), in which the management of
processes has a crucial and his decisions are aided
by using the Decision-Making System (DMS for
CTC (DMS4CTC), [4]. Many CSFs influence CTC-
HSI’s integration, like 1) CP/ICS’ interface
mechanisms; 2) Managing Project security and other
types of risks; 3) Entity resources mapping to CTC-
HSI requirements and mechanisms; 4) CTC-HSI
related skills; 5) PCP security, infrastructure and
requirements support; 6) PCP security tests
capacities; and 7) PCP security monitoring and
control. The author’s research project’s keywords
were introduced in the scholar engine (in Google’s
search) and the results clearly show the uniqueness
and the absolute lead of the author’s methodology,
research, and works. Due to this fact, the author
considers his works in the mentioned fields as
successful and useful. The CTC-HIS-based PCP is
optimal because it synchronizes Entity’s processes,
tasks, actions, and resources; and that is the
chapter’s main focus. CP based EA methods, like
TOGAF and its adapted ADM4CTC, support the
needed for an CTC-HSI. Actual PCP security
technics focus on the Entity’s isolated security tools,
services, processes, and CSs. Minimal modelling
technics are needed for the CTC-HSI which used
standard ICS security frameworks to align with
other CPs, ADM4CTC, and secured atomic
Building Blocks (saBB). This chapter also illustrates
how Projects can benefit from using the CTC-HSI
and proposes an adequate RDP4CTC. The
TDP4CTC RQ is: “Which PCP characteristics and
support is needed for in the implementation of an
Entity CTC-HSI?”. Where the kernel of this
research is based on the Heuristics Decision Tree
(HDT), AI/ML and CSFs (and areas). A Critical
Success Area (CSA) is a category (or set) of CSFs
where in turn a CSF is a set of Key Performance
Indicators (KPI), where a KPI maps (or
corresponds) to a single CTC-HSI requirement. For
a given CTC-HSI requirement or problem, the
Project identifies sets of CSAs, CSFs and KPIs, to
be used by the DMS4CTC and to be mapped to
PCP’s artefacts. Hence the CSFs are important for
the mapping between CTC-HSI requirements,
resources, and DMS4CTC, [41]. Therefore, CSFs
reflect CSAs that must meet the Project’s goals and
constraints. Measurements technics, which are
provided by the Transformation, Research,
Architecture, and development framework
(TRADf), are used to evaluate performance in each
CSA, where CSFs can be internal or external. Once
the initial sets of CSFs and CSAs have been
identified, then the Project can use the DMS4CTC
to deliver solutions for CTC-HSI problems. The
CSF-based RDP4CTC uses the AI/ML/HDT based
DMS4CTC, where in RDP4CTC’s phase 1
(represented in automated tables), which form the
empirical part of the RDP4CTC, checks eight CSAs
and tables The tables’ decision concept was
influenced by the Object Management Group’s
(OMG) Decision Model and Notation (DMN),
where DMN can be used for specification of
business decisions and business rules. DMN is
optimal for different engineer’s profiles involved in
decision management, [5]. The CTC-HSI delivers
recommendations on how to align Project’s CP
resources by using TRADf.
2.1 The Framework-TRADf and the Empirical
Engineering Research Model
This and other authors’ research works are based on
a polymathic model, which is a very complex
approach. And it is recommended to refer to the
Using Applied Mathematical Models for Business
Transformation, [57]; to understand his approach.
The CTC-HSI alignment strategies manage the
Entity’s PCP security, resources and Microartefacts’
which used various types of technologies. The CTC-
HSI is complex and is a risky approach because 1)
The complexity of PCP’s security and risks
management; 2) Various security types and levels;
3) CTC-HSI synchronization for all processes and
resources; 4) Mapping mechanisms; and 5)
Implementation of security in existing PCP and ICS
components. A system’s approach, like TRADf’s, is
recommended for CTC-HSI-based Projects [6]. The
CTC-HSI is generic and can be applied to any
standard, public, or PCP. This chapter is a part of
many years' research cluster that has produced a
large set of articles and TRADf, and parts of
previous works are reused for a better understanding
of this complex iterative research. If all facts are
only referenced, it would have been tedious to
understand this RDP4CTC which is based on an
Empirical Engineering Research Model (EERM),
[2], [3], [7]. The EERM is optimal for engineering
projects and it uses an authentic mixed method that
is a natural complement to Quantitative Analysis for
CTC (QNA4CTC) and QLA4CTC research
methods, to deliver empirical concepts as a possible
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2022.21.41
Antoine Trad
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 21, 2022
holistic approach for mixed methods; in fact, both
methods are compatible and the difference is the
scope and depth of the research process. EERM’s
validity checks if the RDP4CTC is acceptable as a
contribution to existing scientific (and engineering)
knowledge. The author wants to convince the
valuable reader(s) the proposed recommendations
and the related PoC, are valid and applicable. In
engineering, a PoC is a design and software
prototype of a testable RQ (and hypothesis) where
one or more CSFs (or independent variables, in
theoretical research) are processed to evaluate their
influence on the EERM’s dependent variables. The
PoC permits to evaluate precision of the CSFs and if
they are related, whether the cause–effect
relationship exists between these CSFs and CSAs.
The CTC-HSI uses EA, AI/ML, and ICS standards,
[2]. This EERM is based on the author’s major
related works.
2.2 Major Related Works
CTC-HSI’s main topics include: 1) The use of
secured CP resources like BPMs, CSs, Virtual
Machines (VM), Compute Engines (CE), App
Engine, (AE) Standard (AES), AE Flexible (AEF),
Kubernetes Engine (KE)/clusters…; 2) Secure
interaction with external CPs and ICSs; 3) The use
of secured components with Infrastructure-as-Code
(IaC); 4) The use of secure services architecture; 5)
security Risks (sRisk) management; 6) Basic
security; 7) Complex PCP domains to be secured;
and 8) Existing CP security concepts. CTC-HSI can
be used with existing products, like GCP’s
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a
Service (PaaS) concepts and their core
functionalities. CTC-HSI aspects when designing
the secure PCP components are based on managing
states in distributed systems’ interactions, data
flows, and monitoring and alerting, [8]. Besides the
use of standard artefacts this chapter uses the
author’s major related works:
Projects in the financial industry and ethics
[9]: It analyses global financial, societal,
and geopolitical security and crisis, which
can be analysed by TRADf. TRADf
identifies recurrent patterns of organized
global financial misdeed models and related
crimes. The CTC-HSI uses measurable
CSFs and CSAs which characterize the
evaluation of risk factors related to Global
Predators' Misdeeds (GPM). Such GPMs
are in general ranked as the most ethical
organizations because such ranking
organizations are chosen by GPM-related
circles; here the main limitation is the
ongoing ethical and regulatory
organizations are corrupt. The CTC-HSI is
aimed mainly to support the proactive
detection of financial irregularities, locked-
in traps, and major security and hence
financial crimes, which can be fatal for an
Entity. Some of the major states and
financial powers are responsible for most
GPM crimes, and they even enjoy excellent
world-class reputations. In this article,
various cases are mentioned because they
are related to known financial centres, that
enjoy a top worldwide position in
transparency and ethical rankings, [10],
[11], and who at the same time have
committed major security/financial
irregularities and crimes. The main reason
for this global contradiction is that they
have overwhelming legal, political, and
financial advisory support, which blocks
any attempt to divulge such unethical
behaviour. Financial motives are the main
reasons for security breaches and financial
RISK MANAGEMENT [12]: It presents a
strategy that identifies and assesses possible
CP and ICS security problems that can
damage the Entity’s assets and. Entities are
using Cybertechnologies to become full
Entities. Entities, face challenges, dangers
and sRisks, when implementing their PCP.
One of the most important sRisks is the
stability of an Entity in an unsafe
ecosystem. Cybersecurity is a major part of
an Entity’s EA roadmap. Projects have
many tangible advantages and unfortunately
have also many sRisks. These sRisks are
related to data, assets and resources
platform security, but there is a whole set of
other types of CPs/ICSs and APDs sRisks.
Entities are sensitive to Cyberattacks,
depending on the volume of transactions,
data management and the applied security
concept. To identify security breaches like,
data leaking, the CTC-HSI supports a
systematic approach to CP’s resources
protection that includes classical and
Cybersecurity mechanisms. Cybersecurity is
essential for ensuring the Entity’s sensitive
information, and resources protection from
the use of personal information that can be
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2022.21.41
Antoine Trad
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 21, 2022
leaked and can be used by hackers. Entities
are facing excessive requests to optimize
their assets and minimize sRisks, to
guarantee sustainability, optimize costs,
support frequent transformation initiatives
and to integrate legal, security and
governance frameworks. sRisks may
include CSFs related to reputation, routine
operational procedures, legal and human
resources management, financial, the risk of
failure of internal controls systems related
to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) and
global governance. A Project integrates
various objects, like CTC-HSI managers
and/or the creation of a department for risk
management supported by a quality control
team. Possible CTC-HSI risks are: 1)
Hazard risks, which include risks that
present a high level of threat to life, health
or property; 2) Financial risks, which refer
to risks that are directly related to money; 3)
Strategic risks are risks that affect or are
created by strategic decisions; 4)
Operational and security risks are risks that
influence the Entity; 5) CTC-HSI main
fields and background.
The Entity Transformation Projects: In
the APDs related to military technology
strategies, [13], conflicts, wars, and military
investments are the backbone for major
global economies’ evolution, stagnation, or
failure. Entities drive major technological
transformation and innovation trends.
Transformed Entities, have to face new
challenges and geopolitical sRisks. One of
the most important sRisks is related to
finding the right balance between, military
technology, military strategy, financial
capabilities, security concepts, geopolitical
knowledge, the status of combativity and
the evolution of demography. Therefore, the
stability of an Entity, depends on a holistic
strategy to support the Entity’s
transformation projects. The CTC-HSI
includes a methodology and a concept to
manage the Entity’s geological stability and
tries to detect the main sRisk, which is that
an Entity may lose the sense of reality, by
thinking that only CTC-HSI and financial
investments will solve all types of military
Entity Transformation Projects: Security
Management Concept, [14]: One of the
most important sRisk is mainly based on the
internet and its various services. Therefore,
the security of an Entity must be a CTC-HSI
to manage Cybersecurity. Cybersecurity is
employed in the Entity’s EA processes.
Entity’s PCP enables the processing of large
groups of applications and their related data
storages with optimal performance and
sometimes in hyper-time, in order to serve
clients and executive management, who are
supported by a DMS4CTC, where CP’s
evolutions have enabled the transformation
of legacy mainframe systems where most of
the Entity’s transactions and data storages
are found, [15].
The Role of Cyber and Information
Technology Security in Automated
Business Environments: Proposes CTC-
HSI procedures, to support automation
pattern for secured transformation
processes. Security controls for an
Entity are a set of interrelated activities
from various domains like security
architecture, financial engineering,
geopolitical influence, governance and
legal conformance. All that can be used
to avoid financial crimes, business
disruptions and corruption. Complex
transformation initiatives must be
coherent with the Entity’s ethics,
business, and security strategic planning
goals, where the main strategic goal is to
minimize the various types of financial
criminal acts. Security controls are the
fuel of the Entity’s sustainable business
growth and its integration in global
economies. Security control schemes
can be supported by security and risk
frameworks, standards, and legal
controls that are necessary for the
company’s business strategy that is
based on a Cybersecurity background.
2.3 RDP4CTC’s CSFs
Based on the LRP4CTC, the most important CSFs
are presented in Table 1. This chapter also related to
author’s works related CP topics, like: CTC-CS,
CTC-AI, CTC-BPM…, which support ICS’
interaction with the PCP.
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2022.21.41
Antoine Trad
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 21, 2022
Table 1. CSFs have an average of rounded 9.25.
3.1 ICS and CP Basics Interactions
ICS’ evolution has enabled CTC-HSI to support
PCPs, where the integration of various types of
security challenges supports the Entity’s business
robustness, longevity, and sustainability. The CTC-
HSI manages distributed security in complex APDs,
which are used to improve the Entity’s Time To
Market (TTM) activities. The CTC-HSI supports
Projects, by applying the PCP, to synchronize and
secure all its activities. The main problem for
Projects is to unbundle their legacy ICS and use a
secure PCP. A PCP is based on sharing of secured
resources to support business coherence and uses
the pay-as-you-go business model; such a model
reduces capital expenses but can also generate
unexpected operating expenses. A PCP includes a
group of networked components providing services,
which do not need to be individually located. The
CTC-HSI provides a secure management
environment for PCP components, which can be
designed internally to support complex APD
operations, [16]. The PCP enables the processing of
its secured activities, which include a large set of
applications and resources. The DMS4CTC and
CTC-HSI support the Entity’s business capabilities
to operate in various APDs. The CTC-HSI uses
some central domains, like security & governance
frameworks, EA, CP, and services coordination.
This RDP4CTC will offer a set of recommendations
to support the PCP’s evolution. Entities have built
their PCP or accelerated their use of CP providers,
to become secure, and agile and the main
differences between CP providers need strategic
Project’s HSI capacities. Where in the case of
public CP’s IaaS can offer Application
Programming Interface (API) based services, [17].
To support Business Transformation Readiness
3.2 The BTR
The CTC-HSI supports and secures all Project
tasks, including the tools usage, processes, and
PCP’s management. Important advances are
made in CPs’ secured processes, discipline,
skills, and methodologies to enhance Enterprise
Capacity to Execute, which improves the
Entity’s ability to perform all the tasks
including secure DMS4CTC operations in time
constraints. PCP’s security is important, and the
Project defines how to design and implement
CTC-HSI concepts. Today there are many
security standards and they are applicable and
help in the unbundling of legacy ICSs. An
important CSF for Projects is to use saBBs
based CTC-HSI strategy, [2]; where such a
saBBs-based CTC-HSI must respect standards.
Entity activities are achieved by combining
various synchronized CSs to promote process
automation. There are no precise
recommendations for such a saBB-based CTC-
HSI strategy, but there are some technics
related to organizational processes, services,
and PCP controls.
3.2 Main Components and Artefacts
The main ICS-related security activities are related
to 1) Managing Passwords; 2) Firewalls; 3)
DevSecOps; 4) Antivirus, Viruses, and Worms; 5)
Emails; 6) Wireless Fidelity; 7) Malware; 8)
Business rules for the handling of data/information
assets; 9) Defined security policies; 10) Codified
data/information assets’ ownership and custody; 11)
sRisk analysis documentation, and 5) Data
classification policy documentation. The CTC-HSI
manages the normal flow of ICS applications’
fallout, abnormal flows, failure modes, and the
possibilities in which the ICS and applications can
be interrupted or attacked. All Entities have security
concerns and they should dedicate a security
architect to support the Entity’s transformation
process. In all ADM4CTC phases,
recommendations are given on security-specific
management. CTC-HSI decisions are traceable to
business and policy decisions and their sRisk
management. The areas of concern for the CTC-HSI
are, [2], [9]:
Authentication: The substantiation of the id
Entity’s secured environment.
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2022.21.41
Antoine Trad
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 21, 2022
Authorization: The definition and
enforcement of permitted capabilities for a
person whose Identity has been established.
confirming that the ICS has been used in
accordance with CTC-HSI policies.
Assurance: The ability to test the EA and its
security attributes, which are required to
support security policies.
Availability: The Entity’s ability to function
without service interruption despite
malicious events.
Asset Protection: The protection of
information and assets from loss and
resources from unauthorized and unintended
Administration: The ability to add and
change security policies and to add or
change the persons related to the ICS.
sRisk Management: The Entity’s attitude
and tolerance for sRisks.
3.2 ICS’s CSFs
Table 2. CSFs that have a rounded average of 9.0.
Based on the LRP4CTC, the most important CSFs
are presented in Table 2.
4.1 EA based PCP
The use of EA support for the CTC-HSI is crucial
because of the following facts:
ADM4CTC secures applications, [12]: This
ADM4CTC supports Projects’ integration
and presents the influence of an CTC-HSI
to support the Project. The CTC-HSI
focuses on the design of security controls’
integration for the PCP; so the security
capabilities protect the Entity from attack
by: 1) Localizing gaps in the infrastructures
of partners; 2) Review of detection, and
real-time security solutions; 3) Block
cumulative attacks; 4) Defining a security
strategy to locate potential weaknesses; 5)
Build a robust defense; 6) Integrate security
in transactions; 6) GPM attacks; and 8)
Apply qualification procedures in the
ADM4CTC, [24]. Without the use of the
ADM4CTC based CTC-HSI, the PCP can:
1) Become siloed and have poor
performance; 2) Lack scalability; 3) Fail,
become un-usable and un-maintainable; 4)
Fail in producing successful CTC-HSI
functionalities. The CTC-HSI interfaces
various market risk frameworks like the
Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of
the Treadway Commission (COSO), which
is shown in Fig. 1.
The Architecture Standards and the CTC-
HSI: Legacy architecture layers represent a
silo model where it is very hard to transform
to a PCP. Moving to a standardized CP is
the first step to a basic CTC-HSI. Using the
CTC-HSI, the Project can transform the ICS
into a dynamic and secured PCP, [2].
Fig 1. TOGAF’ phases [2].
ADM4CTC’s integration with the CTC-
HSI, enables the automation of the Project’s
secured processes, saBBs, Microartefacts,
throughout its phases. The ADM4CTC
encloses cyclic iterations, where
information about all PCP operations. The
ADM4CTC offers the management, control
and monitoring of Project’s Microartefacts’
by using various types of tests and
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2022.21.41
Antoine Trad
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 21, 2022
integration concepts like: 1) Test Driven
Developments (TDD); 2) The Acceptance
Test Driven Development (ATDD); 3)
Business process testing; 4) The Behavior-
Driven Development (BDD) concept
includes TDD, integration and ATDD; and
5) CP security testing uses different
approaches like: Black box, Gray box, or
White box. Where PCP’s application
cartography is essential.
4.2 Designing a Generic CTC-HSI based PCP
for Various APDs
Fig. 2. On-Premises Hosting Model, [21].
The CTC-HSI-based PCP is designed as a set of
hosted secured CP models by using EA and the On
Premises Hosting Model, as shown in Fig. 2, where
the Entity is responsible for its PCP and installed
secured components, [21]. The IaaS Hosting Model
represents hosting in both On Premise and in the
Cloud, where the Entity manages its EA-based PCP
and all its components like CSs and Operating
Systems (OS). EA’s support is needed to transform
Entity’s fragmented legacy components into secured
and agile components in PCP’s context and that in
turn supports the defined Project strategy and the
refinement of PCP’s applications’ cartography. EA
modelling languages like Archimate can be used for
CP’s applications classification by using the
Application Communication Diagram (ACD), to
depict all used CP’s applications, [50]. The use of
an EA-based CTC-HSI concept is crucial because of
the following reasons, [13]: 1) In delicate domains
like defense and military, Entities are using
technologies and methodologies as the kernel of
their defense strategies, like the case of EA in the
form of DoDAF, [26]; 2) In the actual age of
secured CPs & ICSs, security issues, fast changes,
AI, complexity, and technology, the EA based CTC-
HSI becomes the Entity’s major Project and security
objective; 3) The CTC-HSI defines security
capabilities to protect the Entity from attacks by:
Localizing gaps in the CP’s infrastructures, Review
of detection and real-time security solutions, Block
cumulative attacks, Defining a CTC-HSI to locate
potential weaknesses, Build a robust EA based
CTC-HSI; Integrate security mechanisms in all PCP
components, Block GPM attacks, Apply
qualification procedures in the ADM4CTC [24].
PCP security is different for different Entities and
depends on various CSFs, but the National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST) made a list of
best practices that can influence the CTC-HSI. The
NIST has created the necessary steps for an Entity to
self-assess its PCP security preparedness and to
apply adequate security measures. These principles
are built on the NIST's five pillars of a cybersecurity
framework: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and
Recover. Another framework is the Cloud Security
Posture Management (CSPM) which is designed to
address common CP flaws, [28]. Use security
frameworks, like SABSA to interface EA-based
CTC-HSI, to provide common ADM4CTC
4.3 CTC-HSI and the ADM4CTC
Fig. 3. Integration of SABSA with TOGAF [33].
The EA-based CTC-HSI is based on EA
methodology, which facilitates SABSA’s
integration; where the ADM4CTC supports the
following characteristics, [33]: 1) sRisk
management that uses CSFs for the selection of
CTC-HSI’s measures. SABSA’s approach to
operational sRisk management is the domain or
business-driven rather than threat-driven, which is a
purely technical approach; 2) During EA’s
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2022.21.41
Antoine Trad
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 21, 2022
requirements management phase, CTC-HSI models
are delivered; 3) The ADM4CTC, as shown in Fig.
3 delivers secured Microartefacts; 4) TRADf
englobes the ADM4CTC; and 5) facilitates the use
of the DMS4CTC and KMS4CTC.
4.4 The ADM4CTC and the CTC-HSI CSFs
Based on the LRP4CTC, the most important CSFs
are presented in Table 3.
Table 3. CSFs have an average of 8.60.
5.1 CTC-HSI’s Risk Assessment
Fig. 5. GCP’s AI capacity, [29].
CTC-HSI’s Risk Readiness Assessment and the
CTC-HSI has the following characteristics, [2]: 1) It
integrates TOGAF’s BTR Assessment that supports
the Capacity to Execute all PCP’s secured
processes; 2) Includes the Enterprise Capacity to
Execute the tasks needed for the Project; 3) Its
assessment process checks CTC-HSI’s readiness to
implement defined CTC-HSI’s requirements; 4) To
assess sRisks for each readiness CSF and identifies
improvements of secured processes and actions to
mitigate these sRisks; 5) Integrates BTRs and
Mitigation Activities; 5) Relates CSFs and Risks
Estimations by an AI/ML process, [56]. CTC-HSI
can use AI Engine (HSIAIE), which is a suite of
services used to integrate AI/ML models as shown
in Fig. 5, these services are available for the
following AI/ML operations, [29]: Prepare, Build,
Validate, and Deploy. sRisks continuous evaluation
is supported by implemented models and provides a
continual return on PCP’s security status.
5.2 Using an AHMM4CTC Instance
Fig. 6. The AHMM4CTC nomenclature.
The AHMM4CTC that is presented in Fig. 6, is
easily understandable on the cost of a holistic
formulation of the CTC-HSI, which uses the
AHMM4CTC as a formalized structure. As shown
in Fig. 7, the symbol indicates the summation of
all the relevant named set members, while the
indices and the set cardinality have been omitted.
The summation should be understood in a broader
sense, more like set unions. The Project’s
development and mapping processes are a part of
the CTC-HSI which uses the DMS4CTC. The
DMS4CTC, as shown in Fig. 7, is based on a light
version of the ADM4CTC.
Fig. 7. The AHMM for a domain.
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Volume 21, 2022
The enterprise AHMM4CTC is the combination of
an EA and Project methodologies. A Project (or a
transformation) is the combination of an EA
methodology like the TOGAF and the AHMM for a
Domain (which in this case/chapter is the CTC-
HSI), that can be modelled after the following
formula for the CTC based Transformational Model
5.3 KMS4CTC’s and DMS4CTC’s CSFs
Table 4. CSFs that have an average of 8.40.
Based on the LRP4CTC, the most important CSFs
are presented in Table 4 and can be used for CTC-
HSI’s sRisk Management.
6.1 CTC-HSI’S Concept
Fig. 8. CTC-HSI’s sRisk management concept [20].
This chapter proposes an alignment between the
CTC-HSI, DMS4CTC, ICS, governance, and EA
activities. Supporting an overall CTC-HSI for an
Entity, Fig. 8 shows the main concept. Governance
processes ensure control when moving from
strategic planning to operative implementation
activities and this demands guidance and
transparency that is supported by the ADM4CTC.
EA is used to discover deficiencies, and show
complex and risky interactions between strategies,
global processes, services, and infrastructure,
providing a base for complex sRisk analysis. The
concept proposes an integrated view of governance,
CTC-HSI, and EA to support an Entity to be
efficient and reliable. This enables the DMS4CTC
to control sRisks optimally. Entities are modelled
using EA which uses Microartefacts like data
models, business models, strategy models, platform
plans, and organizational structure…, [20].
6.2 The PCP, sRisk Management, and
The CTC-HSI asses and governs PCP resources by
using the CTC-HSI; and a global management
concept of assets is optimal for the Project. The
CTC-HSI is managed by ADM4CTC’s phases,
where each secured Microartefact circulates through
its phases. TRADf interfaces various market sRisk
frameworks, like COSO, which is shown in Fig. 9.
The COSO framework defines basic important
components, proposes a common language, and
offers a roadmap for sRisks’ management. Where
CTC-HSI’s objectives can have the following
CSAs: 1) Strategic; 2) Operations; 3) Reporting; and
4) Compliance. And the following key CSFs: 1)
Organizational design of business; 2) Establishing a
CTC-HSI organization; 3) Performing sRisk
assessment; 4) Determining overall sRisk
possibilities; 5) Identifying sRisk responses; 6)
Communication of sRisk results; and 7) Monitoring,
Fig. 9. The COSO framework, [31].
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Volume 21, 2022
Accountant-oriented sRisks management promotes
off-shoring and ruthless growth, which can have a
negative effect on Projects, because they promote
erroneous conclusions. Transformed Entities with an
efficient CTC-HSI, automates sRisks’ management,
by using efficient security mechanisms which are in
turn supported by the ADM4CTC. sRisks are, in
most cases, difficult to discover and classify, due to
their diversity and complexity. sRisks’
neutralization is a technical, financial, and
mathematical process based on the DMS4CTC. The
CTC-HSI structures sRisks by using CSAs, weights
them, and uses delimiters to select the related CSFs.
The CTC-HSI analysis the CSAs by applying
scenarios for mitigation. CTC-HSI system’s key
principles are: 1) the Principle of integration using a
systemic and holistic approach; 2) the Principle of
continuity using a set of procedures; and 3) the
Principle of validity, which provides an analysis of
the ratio of costs to reduce possible sRisks, [34].
6.3 CTC-HSI’s sRisk Processes
Fig. 10. sRisk architecture, strategy, and protocols,
CTC-HSI’s sRisk processes are a set of coordinated
activities, as shown in Fig. 10; which contain the
descriptions of these processes and where sets
represent the 7Rs and 4Ts of sRisks to be managed:
1) Recognition or the identification of risks; 2)
Ranking or the evaluation of risks; 3) Responding to
significant risks; 4) Tolerate; 5) Treat; 6) Transfer;
8) Terminate; 9) Resourcing controls; 10) Reaction
planning; 11) Reporting and monitoring of risk
performances; and 12) Reviewing risk management
frameworks, [18]. Using CTC-HSI to discover sRisk
aspects mitigation measures and is supported by an
evaluation of the impact of sRisks using EA,
DMS4CTC and KMS4CTC. This approach, starts in
the Project’s multiple points in ADM4CTC, where a
phase includes the following actions: 1) To assess
sRisks that cover discovered risk types, like
Cyberattacks, technology, business-related risks; 2)
To define CTC-HSI control measures, using a
combination of sRisks and control measures; 3) To
implement control procedures to control sRisks. EA
based CTC-HSI is a step where the Project shifts
from a simple design to a secure one; 4) To execute
and monitor the implemented control procedures; 5)
To analyze the vulnerabilities, monitoring delivers
insights on the effectiveness of implemented
controls, like, pen-testing. This activity determines
which vulnerabilities (or CSFs) are dangerous and
the link is implemented between the vulnerabilities
and identified sRisks, by using EA-based CTC-HSI
models; 6) To identify external and internal sRisks;
and 7) Define governance procedures, [35], Trad,
6.4 CTC-HSI’s Governance
Fig. 11. sRisk management process [20].
6.5 Risk Response Strategies for Enterprise Asset
Risk Management
Projects’ Managers, select the optimal CTC-HSI
strategies and are the following types: 1) Risk
avoidance; 2) Risk reduction, where mitigation of
the severity of losses; 3) Alternative actions to offer
possible actions to reduce risks; 4) Share the actions
of transferring risks to third parties; and 5) Risk
acceptance, is the willingness to accept their
consequences. CTC-HSI critical capabilities
include, [42]: 1) sRisk analysis; 2) sRisk
remediation; 3) Compliance content mapping; 4)
Workflow design; 5) User experience; 5) Board and
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Volume 21, 2022
senior executive reporting; 6) Basic and advanced
integrations; 7) Digital asset discovery; and 8) Near-
real-time assessment. Fig. 12, shows the major
trends concerning CTC-HSI, which has to
apprehend the levels of possible damages.
Fig. 12. The magic quadrant for sRisk management,
6.6 The Levels of Possible Damage
The levels of security damages are immense and
USA’s Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
estimated that attacks caused 1.7 billion United
States Dollars (USD) in damage; therefore Entities
are dependent on CSI/CP technologies like: 1)
Direct internet; 2) Communication (Email…); 3)
Commerce (e-commerce and other); 4) Control and
management systems; 5) Information and
entertainment services; 6) PCP’s sensitive data; 7)
PCP’s usage of transactions; 8) EA based CTC-HSI
policies; and 9) Internet of Things (IoT) domains,
like .com, with having replaced legacy domains.
The scale of security damages is immense because
related GPM misdeeds, which is the main motive,
are never condemned and huge amounts of money
and assets are hidden, [44], [12]. Project’s first
iteration must transform basic security concerns.
6.7 CTC-HSI’s sRisks’ Management CSFs
Based on the LRP4CTC, the most important CSFs
are presented in Table 5, and can be used for CTC-
HSI’s sRisk Management.
Table 5. CSFs that have an average of 8.20.
7.1 Fundamentals
Fig. 13. The architecture interface with security
modules [55].
CTC-HSI’s constraints and characteristics are, [12]:
1) Security, which includes the protection of the
Entity’s information against unauthorized actions;
2) According to H.R. 4246, Cyber Security
Information Act, Cybersecurity is: The vulnerability
of any computing system, software program, or
critical infrastructure to, or their ability to resist,
intentional interference, compromise, or
incapacitation through the misuse of, or by
unauthorized means …; 3) According to S. 1900,
Cyberterrorism Preparedness Act of 2002,
Cybersecurity is: Information assurance, including
information security, information technology
disaster recovery and information privacy… The
CTC-HSI supports governance which defines the
interaction between various PCP components that
use: 1) Data; 2) Technology resources; 3) Networks;
4) IoT, Web and Internet infrastructure; 5) Service
oriented applications’ DecSecOps4CTC; 6) PCPs,
policies; 7) GPM aspects; and 8) EA. As already
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E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 21, 2022
mentioned, TRADf supports TOGAF/ADM4CTC
which includes the interfaces for frameworks like
the SABSA to handle security requirements, [55].
The CTC-HSI supports network management that
can be divided into the following sub-domains: 1)
Fixed network; 2) External interfaces; and 3)
Mobile or ad hoc networks; concerning
Cybersecurity can be defined as the PCP’s state that
is prone to threats. The CTC-HSI delivers a PCP
that is designed to provide maximum security. The
CTC-HSI depends on the following fields: 1) Cyber
technologies; 2) Global and national security
requirements; 3) International security requirements;
4) Organizational security requirements; and 5)
Financial security and regulations. The CTC-HSI
encloses frameworks, like SABSA to handle
classical Cybersecurity requirements, as shown in
Fig. 13, [40], [52], [54], [55]. That needs a holistic
design process.
7.2 The Holistic Design Process
Creating the classification domains (or CSAs) for
the holistic design process is to reduce complexity
in defining CTC-HSI objectives, like, security
requirements, sRisks, threats, GPM financial
dangers, and controls. Other objectives can be: 1)
Project costs and finance; 2) Performance and
speed; 3) Maintainability; 4) Use of saBBs; 5)
Backward compatibility; 6) Use of CSFs and KPIs
as metrics; 7) Entity’s Cyberspace is global and
international; and 8) GPM attacks. Classifying
CTC-HSI CSAs can be complex because many
APDs overlap. CTC-HSI’s design process is done
by applying the following phases, [15]: 1) Phase I -
Preparation for defining security requirements; 2)
Phase II - Security vulnerability analysis; 3) Phase
III - Threats’ modelling; 4) Phase IV -
Determination of security requirements; 5) Phase V
- sRisks assessment; 6) Phase VI - Categorization
and prioritization; and 7) Phase VII - Preparation of
documentation. In all these phases monitoring and
logging must be supported.
7.3 Monitoring and Logging.
CTC-HSI logging enables central logging for all
PCP resources, where logged data is essential for
maintaining, measuring, and optimizing
performance and security. It is complex to leverage
logged data from heterogenous ICS and multi-CPs.
Simplicity is critical for supporting PCP logging and
it is important to use a multi-CP logging strategy
that includes: Tooling, Organizational structure, and
Implementing PCP logging processes. The CTC-
HSI supports leveraging log-based insights to
improve PCP’s performance and billing activities.
PCP’s log media includes: Event logs, Security logs,
Transaction logs, Message logs, and Audit logs. To
achieve a cohesive collection and robust aggregation
process, the PCP implements a log management
environment to ingest, process, and correlate logged
data. The CTC-HSI needs to build a Multi-Cloud
Logging Strategy that includes where logging
operations can be complex. Multi-Cloud Logging
Strategies enable cohesive operations and unify
incompatible services and data media. The CTC-
HSI is not dedicated to any specific CP and it offers
to support: 1) Performance and availability; 2)
Reliability and recovery; 3) Attack tracing; 4) CP
activities; and 5) Cybersecurity fundaments. The CP
is controlled and monitored in real-time, using a
unified logging system that supports distributed
environments CTC-HSI’s main activity is to
Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT), and to use
regulatory reporting obligation(s), which will
increase PCP’s power and storage requirements,
[30]. GCP’s Stackdriver is the service for collecting
metrics, logs, and events; and it contains
applications for debugging and tracing. Application-
specific events can inform application performance
and DevSecOps4CTC with respect to Project
7.3 CTC-HSI and DevSecOps4CTC
Fig. 14. DevSecOps relationships between
stakeholders [39].
DevSecOps4CTC are coordinated processes that
manage developers, operations, and security for
Project members, as shown in Fig. 14.
DevSecOps4CTC procedures are used to identify
patterns for managing transformation requirements,
[39], which would hinder violations.
7.2 Violations, Types of Dangers and Attacks
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E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 21, 2022
Entities’ Cybertransactions are orthogonal to
Cybersecurity requirements, where the business
environment roles define the responsibility for their
resources. Cybertransactions outcomes must be
asserted, traced, and their periodic summaries are
reported to the executive management, [27]. The
most common motivations for violations and attacks
are: Financial greediness, Lack of ethics, Immoral
education, Geopolitical interest, and others.
Financial greediness can drive major criminal acts,
like gigantic financial irregularities, which are
related to fraud and money laundering that damage
many countries, and this case it is related to major
global financial institutions, like the Union des
Banques Suisse (UBS), [45], in which 32 trillion US
dollars are hidden.. Under the cover of bank
secrecy… GPM is behind major Cyberattacks like
[12]: 1) Denial-of-Service (DoS) and Distributed
DoS (DDoS); 2) Man-in-the-Middle (MitM); 3)
Phishing and spear-phishing; 4) Drive-by attack; 5)
Passwords theft; 6) Structured Language Query
(SQL) injections; 7) Cross-Site-Scripting (XSS) ;
and 8) Eavesdropping attack. GPM-backed attacks
need CTC-HSI protection concepts.
7.3 Protection Against Attacks
Attacks are mainly due to global connectivity, GPM
bank secrecy, and the usage of complex distributed
CP/ICS services. CTC-HSI blocks threats and closes
doors for Cyberhackers. A Cyberhacker is a
criminal who steals access to the CP/ICS, usually by
getting access to administrative part of the ICS to
access controls; and where he hides his stolen assets
in GPM banks. An Entity may counter these types
of threats: 1) Cybercrime, which includes a single
Cyberattacker or groups, attacking Entities for
financial gains or to cause damage; 2) Cyberattack,
often involves GPM/financial and/or politically
motivated information gathering for various
ideological purposes; and 3) Cyberterrorism, it is
used to undermine the ICS and to cause panic; it
originates from various anonymous groups. The
CTC-HSI proposed actions and predispositions used
to support the Entity’s security and to reduce sRisks
of possible attacks and offer protection, like
spreading information and knowledge to all Entity’s
organizations, units, and personnel related to sRisks
of Social Engineering Attacks (SEA), GPM banks,
and common social scams. An attack is enabled by
gaining access right to attack, which can be
hindered by: 1) Systemic password management; 2)
Using screen lock and face recognition when
mowing away; 3) Block the use of email attached
files from anonymous email addresses; 4) Not using
anti-virus software, 5) Sharing personal info (and
client or server nodes); 6) Not reporting security
loops to the company; 7) Not using proper paper
Documents; 8) Non-secured digital Data (while at
rest and in motion); 9) Unsecured way of
Information handling; and 10) Providing of
information over the phone. CPs need strict
governance and legal constraints to achieve this
legal support, CSFs are selected and asserted, to
monitor the used artifacts in complex security
domains, [9].
7.2 Basic Security CSFs
Based on the LRP4CTC, the most important CSFs
are presented in Table 6, and can be used for CTC-
HSI’s basic security approach.
Table 6. CSFs have an average of 8.20.
8.1 Motivation, Capacity and Competence
The CTC-HSI tries to detect risky GPM misdeeds
even if predators offer attractive financial conditions
and perfect locked-in traps. It is an unwritten
concept that can at any moment sweep out an Entity
of its wealth. Such a case is the fraud scandal of the
bank UBS that was hit with a historic fine and the
incredible delict was openly supported and protected
by the Swiss Federal Court that makes the Swiss
banks’ a major security threat [19]. The ADM4CTC
supports CTC-HSI for capacity building
enforcement, best practices, and Entity-specific PCP
capabilities, mainly to evaluate PCP sRisks. CTC-
HSI uses existing CSs’ policies which include [3]:
1) Services-based security; 2) Management of
viewpoints; 3) To design internal non-normative
security scenarios; 4) To design single-purpose
secure process instances; 5) To develop coordinated
and secure application models, and 6) Defined
security aspects. The CTC-HSI manages single-
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E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 21, 2022
purpose components and measures the security
levels of used artifacts, by: 1) Using AI/ML for the
handling of data/information resources; 2) Defined
CTC-HSI policies, 3) Codify data/information
management policies; 4) Enable PCP sRisk analysis;
5) To support secured VM, load balancers and other
artifacts management; 6) Support secured IoT
artifacts management; and 7) Support secured data
classification policy documentation. The CTC-HSI
manages the services flow’s fallout, abnormal flows,
failure modes, and the possibilities in which CP’s
applications can be interrupted or attacked. All
Entities have security concerns and they should
dedicate a CTC-HSI to support the CP, [47], which
uses avantgarde ICS.
8.1 Avantgarde ICS
Major avantgarde ICS used in nuclear
modernization has become one of the least priorities
and the actual priorities are: Hypersonics; Directed
energy; Command, control, and communications;
Space offense and Defense, Cybersecurity; AI/ML;
Missile Defense; Quantum science computing;
Microelectronics; Autonomy and other. AI/ML and
autonomy are of high priority for any CTC-HSI.
CTC-HSI must prioritize CSAs to enable a
systematic and holistic approach and should adopt
an N-tiered strategy. The CP uses standard complex
artifacts like in the case of a GCP and technology
types: 1) CSs which offer configured processors,
memory, disk, and OSs; 2) Kubernetes clusters,
used to automate management; 4) AE is a fully
managed serverless platform; and 5) PCP functions
which are event-driven serverless function, [8], [30],
Fig. 15. PCP CS types, [30].
Stateful PCPs may present major challenges, when
designing PCP’s main block.
8.2 CTC-HSI Main block
The Identity and Access Management (IAM) service
are designed to allow the PCP to specify which
operations can be used by a user on its resources.
The main IAM’s elements are: Identities and
groups, Resources, Permissions, Roles, and Policies,
[9]; where:
Identities and groups are objects that are
used to grant access permissions to users,
where an Identity is an object that represents
a PCP actor that executes actions. There are
various types of objects, like: Account,
Service, and Identity domain. An account is
used by an actor who interacts with the
PCP, like developers or administrators.
Resources are PCP objects and can be
accessed by users; there is a large category,
like: Projects, VMs, AE applications,
Storage buckets, ….
Permissions are the rights to perform an
action on a PCP resource and permissions
vary by the type of resource with which
they are associated.
Roles are sets of permissions and by using
the IAM is that administrators grant roles to
Identities, and not permissions. It is
impossible to grant permission directly to a
user, and it is granted by assigning an
Identity. Roles can be granted to Identities,
where an Identity can have multiple roles.
Policies enable the association of a set of
roles and permissions with PCP resources.
A policy is a set of statements that define a
combination of users and associated roles.
Data security in a PCP, provides multiple
mechanisms for securing data in addition to
IAM policies, which control access to its
data, by using encryption.
Security design principles supports PCP
needs to enforce security design principles,
like the Separation of Duties (SoD), least
privileges, and defense in depth. SoD is the
practice of limiting the responsibilities of a
PCP user to prevent malicious actions.
General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR) is used to standardize privacy
protections across the European Union
(EU), by granting controls to individuals
over their private information, and to
specify security controls required for
Entities managing private information of
EU citizens.
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E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 21, 2022
CTC-HSI resources can be optimized by
using the DMS4CTC.
8.3 DMS4CTC’s Integration
The CTC-HSI’s DMS4CTC uses logs which inputs
from various subsystems and these inputs depend on
the defined level of tracing. If the Project’s team
signals a security problem to be solved, then the
DMS4CTC is activated to propose a set of possible
solution(s). CTC-HSI’s AI/ML/HDT model
includes scenarios of interactive services. These
services make DMS4CTC’s integration flexible and
support the Project by offering saBBs. CTC-HSI’s
saBBs interact with other Projects Microartefacts in
a synchronized manner and uses the ADM4CTC to
assist in their management of various APDs using
Digital Transformations (DT), [2].
8.4 Complex Security Domains’ CSFs
Based on the LRP4CTC, the most important CSFs
are presented in Table 7, and can be used for CTC-
HSI’s basic security approach.
Table 7. CSFs have an average of 8.40.
9.1 Digital Transformation, PCPs, and Security
The CTC-HSI is a set of procedures and technology
concepts used for external and internal threats and
Entitles need a CTC-HIS to finalize a DT. PCP-
based DT support a global and agile change to
optimize their operational processes, productivity,
and security. The Project must find the right balance
to integrate CP components in its PCP. PCP-based
DT challenges are [28]: 1) Lack of visibility; 2)
Multitenancy; 3) Access management and shadow
IT; 4) Compliance; 5) Misconfigurations; 6) IAM
capability; 7) Data Loss Prevention (DLP); 8)
Security Information and Event Management
(SIEM) capability; and Business continuity and
disaster recovery, which protect various business
9.2 Business Aspects
Fig. 16. PCP models, [25].
The PCP has five main characteristics: On-demand
internal self-service, Entity wide network access,
resources planning & pooling, rapid elasticity, and
optimized services. CTC-HSI has main backbone
services models: IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS; and has four
deployment models: PCP, public CP, community
CP, and hybrid CP. CPs have important potential, to
confirm that potential, an Entity must use the form
of CP that is the most suited to its needs to improve
its business advantage. A PCP supports financial
models presenting revenue, capital and operational
expenditure, and costs are the models from which
Return On Investment (ROI). Using a PCP, CSFs of
an ROI (or business advantages) are evaluated, these
CSFs are: utilization, time compression, scale, and
quality. PCP-based services offer scalable, secure,
and reliable infrastructure that is specifically
implemented to streamline business performance,
support development, and growth; PCP’s main
advantages are Flexibility, Business continuity, Cost
efficiency, Improved collaboration, Scalability, and
performance, Automatic software updates,
Environmentally friendly, Automatic software
integration, Usability and accessibility of secure
information, Streamlining applications and
processes, Compliance and security, and PCP
business models. The major and real disruptive
power of CTC-HSI-based platforms lies in their
ability to manage innovative businesses and operate
PCP models. Applying rapid scaling of innovative
capabilities and concepts, supported by the CTC-
HSI The major CSFs that can be mapped to
innovative PCP models, as shown in Fig. 11, can
support the Project by the use of CP: Business
model, Operating model, Technology, and
enrichment of shopping experience, and artifacts,
[46], [51], [25]. PCP models are supported by legal
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E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 21, 2022
9.3 Legal Controls
International law on classical and Cybersecurity is
inefficient, and some major states are hesitant to
integrate such laws that are based on the emergence
of non-government norm-making initiatives. States
insist on their traditional central legal system that
marginalizes the inter-state governance of
Cyberspace, [38]. Cybertransactions are influenced
by the Uniform Law Commissioners who
promulgated the Uniform Electronic Transactions
Act in 1999. It is the first adaptable effort to prepare
a Cyberlaw for Entities. The Uniform Electronic
Transactions Act represents the first effort in
providing some standardized rules to govern
Cybertransactions, [49]. The integration of the CTC-
HIS is done with the use of standardized legal
controls and supports data protection laws, contract
law, procurement law, fraud law, and many other
legislation domains to counter GPM crimes. A
country, like Switzerland, where illegal money
cannot be transparently audited and traced, can
provide security breaches and is a safe cave for
dubious investors and criminals; unfortunately, such
countries serve as a role model for honesty. GPM
financial havens have been the main leaders in
worldwide financial scandals, misdeeds, and
criminal acts that include: 1) Libor manipulations;
2) Criminal currency manipulations; 3) Credits
manipulations; 4) Arms dealing transactions; 5)
Hijacking people’s wealth and documents
falsification; 6) Financial and tax frauds; 7)
Geopolitical confiscations, like in Gadhafi’s case; 8)
War victim wealth confiscation, like in the World
War WWII and many other conflicts; 9) Drug
dealing transactions; 10) War support against future
financial competitors, like the case of Lebanon; 10)
Forced confiscations; 11) Drastic and unjustified
fines; 12) CP/ICS security breaches which stolen
resources are transferred to GPM safe havens, [53];
the major problem with combating such GPM
backed security breaches that some countries, like
Switzerland, have hermetically closed systems
which no ethics.
9.4 Predators and Ethics
The Nobel prize winner, the British economist,
Angus Deatoon, warns about the destructive GPM’s
professional graduating business schools and to stop
financial and hence security brutalities. The leading
schools with such perceptions are the Chicago
school, and the Swiss HEC, and many others, [36].
Such profiles can be classified as major GPM
profiles which are the biggest threats to Entity’s
security. The probable motivation is extreme
cupidity which is destroying Europe’s industrial,
societal, and engineering capacities. Revelations of
the Swiss Leaks affair, the Swiss HSBC condemned
for tax avoidance show the need for evolution
towards ethical banking and that future generations
of students in finance, economics, and management,
must be aware of ethical values. GPM-based states
tend to become leaders in Finance and Technology
(FinTech) domains who are responsible to security
standards?! The International Organization of
Securities Commissions (IOSCO) identified eight
domains that constitute FinTech. Before applying a
CTC-HIS-based FinTech strategy a Project must
consider ethics, financial crimes, and irregularities,
like in the cases of:
Tax fraud, where corrupt transparency
organizations and politicians make it
impossible to mitigate sRisks; where GPM
accountancy financial flows and disable any
type of transparency.
Financial regulation, where GPM
institutions do not respect ethics, security
controls, and regulations.
Perfect financial crime model, which
supports brutal dictators like neo-Nazi
brigands has a special status in states where
the ownership of substantial financial assets
can remain anonymous. Some Third World
dictators maintain strong financial
relationships with banks in financial havens.
The major problem with combating such a
GPM-based system or country, is that some
Entities have a hermetically closed system
and have an important geopolitical influence
and reach.
9.5 Geopolitical Influence and Reach
The selection of CTC-HIS’s CSFs is based on the
following facts [12],[14]: 1) PCP/ICS resources; 2)
Actors and boundaries; 3) Used and connected
components; 4) Technical and functional security
requirements; 5) Precisely defined Project’s
strategies, objectives, and goals; 5) Applied basic
and complex security policies; 6) Sustainability and
competition; 7) Geopolitical and geoeconomical
contexts; 8) Behavioral sciences and
parapsychology mirage; 9) GPM motivated
Cyberattacks, and 10) Global security
considerations. Determination and the evaluation of
major sRisk is affected by many CSFs and their
relation/correlation is therefore essential. Entities
must defend their assets, resources, critical
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2022.21.41
Antoine Trad
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 21, 2022
processes, and data storage; so that external
criminals or Cyberhackers using a GPM stronghold
can be detected and deterred to access to its PCP.
Such unauthorized access can be fatal and very
difficult to prove. The Entity must be capable to
defend its PCP main components’ robustness, like
data consistency, accuracy, reliability, and must
build its own CTC-HIS to identify and block any
Cyberhacker who attempts to damage the Entity.
Therefore, the main objective is to block and to have
CTC-HIS controls that identify GPM (or other types
of attack patterns) attempts, like unauthorized and
even criminal activities. Besides classical security
and Cybersecurity, the GPM must be aware of other
types of organized asymmetric attacks like: 1)
Cyberwarfare; 2) Cyberterrorism; 3)
Cyberhooliganism; 4) Cyberfinance attacks; and
others. The CTC-HIS handles also various types of
FinTech-related sRisks. GPM based institutions
have a culture of financial secrecy and plundering
and would be tempted to use FinTech to obfuscate
the origins of illegal money and other assets, like in
the concrete cases: 1) Paula Ramada estimated the
amount of lost money due to the benchmark of
interest rates debacle is estimated at $300 trillion in
financial instruments, ranging from mortgages to
student loans, [43]. FinTech would make security
breaches more embedded, abstract and undetectable;
2) FinTech transforms the legacy financial
environment in the delivery of embedded services;
3) Blockchain is a FinTech framework that supports
cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, which is challenging
for security; and 4) GPM based security breaches
tactics can be used to destroy Entity’s assets, in
various APDs like Defense.
9.6 Defense and Security
Fig. 17. Spending by major players.
Defense specialists have formulated the most
important strategic, security, and tactical concepts of
warfare, using principles like: Offensive surprise
initiatives, Security concepts, Unity of command,
Economy of force, mass, maneuver, CTC-HIS’s
control of command and cooperation, is crucial to
follow these objectives, the capacity to use Entity’s
forces effectively and to optimization critical
phases. Maneuver consists of secured manners on
how troops can be deployed and moved to support
offensive, mass and surprise activities, [23], [46].
USA’s Department of Defense (DoD) constant
technology priorities jeopardizes its capacity to win
a long-term technology competition, it needs a
systematic and holistic approach, where an CTC-
HIS is the kernel. Today’s PCP/ICS’ evolution is
the leading trend and the highest DoD’s priority is
CTC-HIS for digital technologies developed by the
private sector. Technology is the artifact needed to
achieve military superiority, but alone it cannot give
a decisive advantage and is an enabler for gaining
superiority. Combined with the right organization,
training and concepts for war activities,
technological advantages can make combats
asymmetric, but the human factor is the decisive
CSF. The CTC-HIS must incorporate the mentioned
trends to outcompete adversaries, [44]. The most
important changes in the military competition will
come partially from CTC-HIS capabilities. CTC-
HIS is a crucial CSF for economic competitiveness
and financial benefits, which is supported by
political and military capacities; but also, by
mammothlike companies like Google and others. As
shown in Fig. 17, China will overtake the USA in
national Research & Development (R&D) activities,
knowing that China is already a leader in various
ICS domains, like: AI/ML, genomics, and quantum
technologies. The CTC-HIS must support a national
technology concept that manages the Entity’s
government and private sectors. Between the years
1998 and 2018, China’s national R&D spending had
an average of 15 percent annually and it is closing
the gap with the USA. USA’s R&D spending was
13 times that of China’s in 1998 and China
surpassed the USA in 2020. The CTC-HIS
recommends setting priorities on: 1) Increasing
security R&D spending; 2) Improving human
capital through education; 3) Accepting high-
qualified immigration; 4) To improve the security of
data, processing resources; and 5) Integrating
existing security standards. Partnerships and
alliances are needed for a global CTC-HIS to
prepare for sophisticated Cyberwarfare.
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2022.21.41
Antoine Trad
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 21, 2022
9.7 Cyberwarfare
Since WWII, the primary ICS, security, and tactical
advances is the emergence of amphibious warfare.
The development of nuclear warfare, which
continued after WWII, introduced a new security
concept based on nuclear strategy and tactics; that
introduced immense destructive possibilities, which
meant also that warfare had limited traditional
security goals. The use of conventional tactics with
technologically very advanced arms would
predominate in limited wars that followed WWII.
That resulted in the need to keep wars limited and
that has produced a global security CTC-HIS pattern
based on: small, mobile special forces, armed with
light but sophisticated weapons and trained in
guerrilla tactics, that can be rapidly used and rapidly
withdrawn from hostile regions, [23]. But the
emergence of sophisticated Cyberwarfare CTC-HIS-
based systems become a priority. Complex APDs
need advanced DevSecOps4CTC.
9.8 Advanced DevSecOps4CTC for APDs
The CTC-I recommends the DevSecOps4CTC to
automate Continuous Integration and Continuous
Deployment (CI/CD) methods, distributed
serverless architectures, and ephemeral assets like
Functions as a Service and containers. That present
advanced security challenges and sRisk like: 1)
Increased Attack Surface; 2) Lack of Visibility and
Tracking; 3) Ever-Changing Workloads; 3) DevOps,
DevSecOps, and Automation; 4)
Granular Privilege and Key Management; 5)
Complex Environments; and 6) Cloud Compliance
and Governance. Entities need highly automated
DevSecOps4CTC to ensure that appropriate CTC-I
controls are embedded in software components.
CTC-I-related changes implemented after a
component has been deployed can jeopardize the
Entity’s security structure which needs a holistic
APD approach, [22].
9.9 A Holistic APD Approach
CTC-I holistic approach unifies the protection
against sRisks, by setting PCP security policies,
implementing best practices, and eliminating silos
and that permits the Project’s team to be proactive
about PCP security. By implementing CTC-I best
practices, an Entity can manage sRisks, where
authorized users can damage the PCP. Clearly
defining access and roles, limiting use, and
remembering that no PCP is completely independent
of human error can facilitate sRisks management. A
security plan can be shared by Entity’s employees to
reduce human error. The CTC-HIS strategy is based
on: 1) To gain awareness and visibility of PCP’s
structure; 2) Set security standards before
automation; 3) Security skilled engineers implement
software components; and 4) Establish security in
all ADM4CTC phases. Adopting a holistic approach
the Project team will be capable of tracking
benchmarks, verifying security decisions, and more
effectively protecting the PCP, [37]. sRisks related
to a holistic approach are, [32]: 1) Internal threats
due to human error; 2) Interconnectedness; and 3)
Convenience over security.
9.10 CTC-HIS for APDs CSFs
Based on the LRP4CTC, the most important CSFs
are presented in Table 8.
Table 8. CSFs that have a rounded average of 7.5.
This PoC uses an Entity using CloudEcoSource and
other GCP UCs, where the CTC-HIS-based
solution, needs to engage several external Cloud
Service Providers and Partners, to build a PCP; and
also to support its critical business needs. The Entity
uses EA practices and saBBs, which are used to
manage its CTC-HIS-based services.
CloudEcoSource has three distinct CTC-HIS-
specific initiatives which are based on the following
sub-systems: IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS; these sub-
systems are for basic CloudEcoSource secured
operations. This PoC describes how
CloudEcoSource plans to use the CTC-HIS to create
and evolve initiatives [48]: 1) The IaaS initiative, to
secure the infrastructure; 2) The PaaS initiative, is
related to the concept of development with
DevSevOps4CTC; and 3) The SaaS initiative,
concerns secure collaboration among service
providers. The PoC’s development uses CTC-HIS in
an adapted implementation environment.
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2022.21.41
Antoine Trad
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 21, 2022
10.1 The LRP4CTC’s
The LRP4CTC (or Phase 1) outcome supports the
PoC’s background, using an archive of an important
set of references and links that are analysed using a
specific interface. After selecting the CSA/CSFs tag
is linked to various PCP-secured Microartefacts
scenarios; where all its details are defined; this
concludes Phase 1. In this DMS4CTC-related PoC
(or Phase 2), the HDT delivers solutions. The
empirical part is based on the AHMM4CTC’s
instance and the PCP Microartefacts mechanics’,
which uses the internal initial sets of CSFs’ that are
used in phases 1 and 2.
10.2 From Phase 1 to Phase 2
The Project’s enumeration of CSAs are: 1) The
RDP4CTC; 2) The ACS4CTC Integration; 3) The
Usage of the ADM4CTC; 4) The CP, CSs, and
security; 5) The AHMM4CTC’s Integration; and 6)
The DMS4CTC and the KMS4CTC. Where Tables
1 to 5, were presented and evaluated in this chapter
and they are this chapter’s empirical part.
10.3 The PoC
The PoC was implemented using the research’s
TRADf using its Natural Language Processing 4
CTC (NLP4CTC) and the selected CSFs’, which are
related to CTC-I requirements. The PoC was
achieved using TRADf’s development environment
and the mapping/linking actions are activated by: 1)
Choosing an HDT node that contains the
requirement; 2) Choosing the CTC-I
Microartefact(s) to be linked; and 3) Choosing a
CTC-I problem to be solved. When the setup is
achieved, from the front end the CTC-I
requirements development initiation interface which
is shown in Fig. 18, was launched.
Fig. 18. The TRADf’s setup interface.
The CTC-I uses the HDT which is the DMS4CTC
to solve problems and offer solutions, whereas the
NLP4CTC scripts that make up the DMS4CTC
subsystem. CTC-I-related CSFs were also selected
as demonstrated previously in this chapter’s eight
tables and the result of the processing of the
DMS4CTC, as illustrated in Table 9, shows clearly
that the CTC-I is not an independent component and
in fact, it is strongly bonded to the Project’s overall
sRisk management approach. RDP4CTC’s
constraint is that CSAs having an average result
below 8.5 will be ignored. As shown in Table 9
(which the average is 8.20), this fact keeps the
CSAs (marked in green) that help make this work’s
conclusion; and one in red. It means that such a
CTC-I integration will not succeed and that the
CTC-I Project is very complex.
Table 9. The CTC-HIS research’s outcome is 8.20.
As mentioned, the Project is very complex and the
recommendations are:
The Project must be separated into multiple
PCP transformation steps.
The CTC-HIS is very complex to
The legacy ICS and its unbundling is a
crucial step for the CTC-HIS-based PCP.
The ADM4CTC supports PCP’s
An Entity can build its own PCP, there is no
need for a commercial product.
A PCP must integrate various security
aspects and it delivers major business
The PCP enables the automation of saBBs
to support implementation activities.
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2022.21.41
Antoine Trad
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 21, 2022
CP security technics focus on the Entity’s
isolated security tools and services.
The CTC-HIS has a holistic approach.
GPM financial motives are the main reasons
for security breaches and financial crimes.
The RDP4CTC uses the HDT, where CSFs
are tuned to support Project architects to
diminish failure rates when building a CTC-
HIS-based PCP. The CTC-HIS interfaces
PCP security components, requirements,
CSs, and Entity’s resources. The CTC-HIS
is an important factor in the Project’s
evolution and robustness. The PoC was
based on the CSFs’ binding to a specific
RDP4CTC resource and the HDT that
represents the relationships between the
CTC-HIS requirements, saBBs, and CSFs.
The result proves that a CTC-HIS for the
PCP is very complex. TRADf’s future
research efforts will focus on the various
strategy for CTC for AI.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
Policy) Author Contributions: Please, indicate
the role and the contribution of each author:
Antoine Trad, has written the article and developed
the proof of concept.
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2022.21.41
Antoine Trad
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 21, 2022
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