In the tables above give the overall cost of opera-
tions in each the tower fields.
We found that the cost of multiplication is the same
for any path chosen, however the cost of squaring and
inversion change on the path, so we can see that the
minimal cost for squaring is 150m (path 6) and in-
version is 639m+12s+i (path 1), so to find the better
path we shall calculate the cost of miller algorithm
taking S= 0.8Mand I= 40Min path 1 and 6, we
On path 1: (1964,6l+1944p+2308,8)m.
On path 6: (1892l+1944p+2235).
So we found that the optimal path to do this calcu-
lation is when we chose the sixth path, so the best
path for tower building the elliptic curve of embed-
ding degree 36 is:
Fp−→ Fp3−→ Fp9−→ Fp18 −→ Fp36
In this paper, we give some methods for tower build-
ing of extension of finite field of embedding degree
36. We show that there is three efficients construc-
tions of these extensions of degree 36. We show that
by using a degree 2 or 3 twist we handle to perform
most of the operations in Fpor Fp9or in Fpor Fp6.
By using this tower building technique, we also im-
prove the arithmetic of Fp6and Fp9in order to get
better results of calculate the cost of their multiplica-
tion, squaring and inversion, and found the optimal
path for tower building this field with the minimal
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DOI: 10.37394/23205.2022.21.39
Ismail Assoujaa, Siham Ezzouak, Hakima Mouanis