2 The Current Energy Efficient
Ranking of HPC Systems
The Green500 list ranks the world’s most energy
efficient supercomputers that are selected either
from the submitted results to the list or from the
Top500 list [6]. This list is released twice a year and
the ranking is made using the performance-per-watt
metric. A comparative study based on the energy
efficiency of a distributed memory, a many-core and
a shared memory platform is given in [7, 8].
According to the experimental results and the
analysis carried out, the conclusion from the
systems’ comparison, when using a metric like
performance-per-watt or even performance-per-
joule, has not produced a clear winner, and depends
upon the metric used and the base of the
Claims of improved performance-per-watt may
be used to mask increasing power demands. For
instance, though newer generation GPU
architectures may provide better performance-per-
watt, continued performance increases can negate
the gains in efficiency since the GPUs continue to
consume large amounts of power. Also, energy
required for the climate control of the computer's
surroundings often is not counted in the wattage
calculation, but still remains quite significant. While
performance-per-watt is useful, absolute power
requirements are also important.
Moreover, the terms performance, watt, as well
as the division operator, that are used in order to
form the metric performance-per-watt, may
sometimes easily mislead when high performance
platforms of totally different sizes and capabilities
are compared. It is in the nature of “ratio”, to
sometimes obtain the same results for both a large
and a small HPC infrastructure, as far as the energy
efficiency is concerned. This can be proved by
comparing a pair of two adjacent supercomputers in
the Green500 list. For example, the #9 and #10
ranked supercomputers in the Nov.’14 list. The “Piz
Daint” (#9) achieves an energy efficiency of 54.84
MFlops/W, more than “romeo” (#10). The “Piz
Daint” is an MPP (Massively Parallel Processing)
system with a total of 115,984 cores that is ranked
in place #6 into the Top500 list and achieves
5,587,000 TFlops with a power consumption of
1753.66 kW (3185.91Mflops/Watt). On the contrary,
“romeo” is a computer cluster with a total of 5,720
cores and is ranked in place #221 into the Top500
list and achieves 254,900 TFlops with a power
consumption of 81.41 kW (3131.06 Mflops/Watt).
Thus, while these two supercomputers are
completely different in order of magnitude,
nevertheless they are ranked consecutively in the list
Green500. The aforementioned pair is not an
isolated case. The same applies also for the pairs
ranked in places #11-#12, #12-#13, #22-#23 in the
specific, but not limited to, Green500 list and so
3 Introduction of the New Metric
In accordance with the previously discussed
paradox, the need to define a new, more fair and
more reliable metric for ranking energy efficient
supercomputers becomes apparent. The introduction
of such a metric must certainly satisfy specific
requirements, as for example, the real energy
consumption, E, which must not be hidden, i.e., the
new metric has to indicate the energy consumption
and not conceal it, as it happens in the case of the
performance-per-watt metric. The amount of energy
required for climate control of the supercomputer's
surroundings, also must be considered.
On the other hand, the performance metric to be
used has to be valid and reliable; time complexity, t,
is the only valid measure of computer performance
[14]. Thus, the performance metric must focus upon
the time complexity instead of others (MFLOPS,
MIPS, etc.) and must correspond to the total time
complexity of an algorithm or a benchmark run in
order to assess the whole system’s performance,
incorporating both processing (CPUs) and
accelerating (GPUs) capabilities.
Herein, a metric for comparing the energy
efficiency of supercomputers, that correlates both
the terms energy consumption and time complexity,
is proposed. This metric satisfies the
aforementioned requirements forming an accurate,
reliable and indisputable metric for ranking energy
efficient high performance computing systems. The
new metric, named Action, S, is expressed as the
product of a system’s consumed energy (times) the
time complexity achieved for the solution of a given
problem. Action, can be utilized either for the
comparison of different systems or for the
comparison of different algorithms or even for
complete benchmarks, like HPCG [2].
The fact that, solely, the energy consumption of
an energy efficient system has to be minimum, in
conjunction with the fact that the time complexity
that a supercomputing system needs for solving a
given problem has to be also minimum, leads to the
conclusion for the most energy efficient system. It is
based on the minimum product between the energy
consumption and the time complexity that a system
needs to solve a given algorithm or to run a
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2022.21.4
E. M. Karanikolaou, M. P. Bekakos