Action: A New Metric for Evaluating the Energy Efficiency on High
Performance Computing Platforms (ranked on Green500 List)
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Democritus University of Thrace
67100 Xanthi
Abstract: - The need for new and more reliable metrics is always in demand. In this paper, a new metric is
proposed for the evaluation of high performance computing platforms in conjunction with their energy
consumption. The aim of the new metric is to reliably compare different HPC systems concerning their energy
efficiency. The metric provides a mean to rank supercomputers of similar capabilities, avoiding the misleading
results of metrics like performance-per-watt, currently used for ranking systems, as in the Green500 list, where
systems with totally different sizes and capabilities are ranked consecutively. An example of this misuse for
two adjacent systems in the Green500 list, is discussed. A comparative study for the energy efficiency of three
high performance computing platforms, with different architectures, using the proposed metric is presented.
This paper highlights the cases where a metric, like the one that is used in the Green500 list, may produce
erroneous results in the ranking of the most energy efficient supercomputers.
Key-Words: Energy efficiency, metrics, supercomputer ranking, HPC, distributed/shared memory platforms,
manycore platforms, Green500.
Received: July 5, 2021. Revised: November 8, 2021. Accepted: November 22, 2021. Published: January 5, 2022.
1 Introduction
The evaluation of high performance computing
platforms is a complicated issue and is a function of
multiple correlated factors. These correlated factors
include the application itself, the algorithm, the
problem size, the programming language, the
implementation, the amount of human effort for
optimization, the compiler’s version as well as its
capability for optimization, the operating system
used, the system’s architecture, the load from other
users or processes, the hardware specifications
(CPU, size of cache, memory bandwidth, GPU), as
well as the specifications of the interconnection
In order to find the best performance of an
algorithm on a specific High Performance
Computing (HPC) system, the algorithm has to be
tested for the maximum size of a problem that could
fit into the system’s memory. Normally, an amount
of memory has to be taken into account for the
operating system processes. A good practice for
estimating the maximum size of a problem that can
fit into the memory is to calculate the problem size
for a percentage of 80% of the total system’s
memory [6].
Beyond performance, computer architects face a
new significant challenge, the need for energy
efficiency. Energy becomes an apparent obstacle to
realize performance scaling; thus, low power
techniques and algorithms for multicore systems,
such as Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS) [18], have
been a major design trend over the last years [3, 4].
Moreover, in an era where energy is a very valuable
resource, there is a crucial need to define the
tradeoffs between performance and energy
consumption on HPC platforms. Energy is as
important as performance and the list for ranking the
world’s most energy efficient supercomputers, the
Green500 list [5], is an effort to encourage
supercomputing stakeholders to ensure that
supercomputers are only simulating climate changes
and not creating them [19]. However, the current
evaluation metrics used for energy efficiency, as
well as for performance measurements, are not
optimal. Hence, new evaluation metrics are
introduced -over time- measuring overall
performance, while taking into account power and
energy as well, in order to provide a better
framework for ranking high performance computing
systems [1, 2].
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2022.21.4
E. M. Karanikolaou, M. P. Bekakos
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 21, 2022
2 The Current Energy Efficient
Ranking of HPC Systems
The Green500 list ranks the world’s most energy
efficient supercomputers that are selected either
from the submitted results to the list or from the
Top500 list [6]. This list is released twice a year and
the ranking is made using the performance-per-watt
metric. A comparative study based on the energy
efficiency of a distributed memory, a many-core and
a shared memory platform is given in [7, 8].
According to the experimental results and the
analysis carried out, the conclusion from the
systems’ comparison, when using a metric like
performance-per-watt or even performance-per-
joule, has not produced a clear winner, and depends
upon the metric used and the base of the
Claims of improved performance-per-watt may
be used to mask increasing power demands. For
instance, though newer generation GPU
architectures may provide better performance-per-
watt, continued performance increases can negate
the gains in efficiency since the GPUs continue to
consume large amounts of power. Also, energy
required for the climate control of the computer's
surroundings often is not counted in the wattage
calculation, but still remains quite significant. While
performance-per-watt is useful, absolute power
requirements are also important.
Moreover, the terms performance, watt, as well
as the division operator, that are used in order to
form the metric performance-per-watt, may
sometimes easily mislead when high performance
platforms of totally different sizes and capabilities
are compared. It is in the nature of ratio”, to
sometimes obtain the same results for both a large
and a small HPC infrastructure, as far as the energy
efficiency is concerned. This can be proved by
comparing a pair of two adjacent supercomputers in
the Green500 list. For example, the #9 and #10
ranked supercomputers in the Nov.’14 list. The Piz
Daint” (#9) achieves an energy efficiency of 54.84
MFlops/W, more than romeo” (#10). The “Piz
Daint” is an MPP (Massively Parallel Processing)
system with a total of 115,984 cores that is ranked
in place #6 into the Top500 list and achieves
5,587,000 TFlops with a power consumption of
1753.66 kW (3185.91Mflops/Watt). On the contrary,
“romeo” is a computer cluster with a total of 5,720
cores and is ranked in place #221 into the Top500
list and achieves 254,900 TFlops with a power
consumption of 81.41 kW (3131.06 Mflops/Watt).
Thus, while these two supercomputers are
completely different in order of magnitude,
nevertheless they are ranked consecutively in the list
Green500. The aforementioned pair is not an
isolated case. The same applies also for the pairs
ranked in places #11-#12, #12-#13, #22-#23 in the
specific, but not limited to, Green500 list and so
3 Introduction of the New Metric
In accordance with the previously discussed
paradox, the need to define a new, more fair and
more reliable metric for ranking energy efficient
supercomputers becomes apparent. The introduction
of such a metric must certainly satisfy specific
requirements, as for example, the real energy
consumption, E, which must not be hidden, i.e., the
new metric has to indicate the energy consumption
and not conceal it, as it happens in the case of the
performance-per-watt metric. The amount of energy
required for climate control of the supercomputer's
surroundings, also must be considered.
On the other hand, the performance metric to be
used has to be valid and reliable; time complexity, t,
is the only valid measure of computer performance
[14]. Thus, the performance metric must focus upon
the time complexity instead of others (MFLOPS,
MIPS, etc.) and must correspond to the total time
complexity of an algorithm or a benchmark run in
order to assess the whole system’s performance,
incorporating both processing (CPUs) and
accelerating (GPUs) capabilities.
Herein, a metric for comparing the energy
efficiency of supercomputers, that correlates both
the terms energy consumption and time complexity,
is proposed. This metric satisfies the
aforementioned requirements forming an accurate,
reliable and indisputable metric for ranking energy
efficient high performance computing systems. The
new metric, named Action, S, is expressed as the
product of a system’s consumed energy (times) the
time complexity achieved for the solution of a given
problem. Action, can be utilized either for the
comparison of different systems or for the
comparison of different algorithms or even for
complete benchmarks, like HPCG [2].
The fact that, solely, the energy consumption of
an energy efficient system has to be minimum, in
conjunction with the fact that the time complexity
that a supercomputing system needs for solving a
given problem has to be also minimum, leads to the
conclusion for the most energy efficient system. It is
based on the minimum product between the energy
consumption and the time complexity that a system
needs to solve a given algorithm or to run a
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2022.21.4
E. M. Karanikolaou, M. P. Bekakos
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 21, 2022
The new energy-efficiency metric named
Action (S), is defined as:
S E xt
with unit of measurement the Joule x second, in S.I.
Action borrowed its’ name from physics and this
was done for two main reasons. Firstly, the
conclusion for a system that is more energy efficient
than another is based upon the least value of the
metric, corresponding to the principle of least action
[16], which is fundamental to many areas of
physics. Secondly, the unit of measurement for the
metric, Joule x second, is similar to that of physics
quantity “action” [15].
4 Experimental Results
The following experimental results were obtained
using three different high performance computing
platforms, which will be referred to as Distributed,
Manycore and Shared platforms. The evaluations
for the distributed and manycore platforms were
carried out using the MPICH [10] implementation
of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard, as
the programming paradigm. The distributed memory
platform was a homogeneous cluster of
uniprocessors (Intel P4, 2.8GHz CPU clock speed),
while the manycore platform was based upon
Opteron [13] processors (having a CPU clock speed
at 2.2GHz). The shared memory platform’s
evaluation was carried out using the OpenMP [11]
standard, which provides a portable, scalable model
for developers of shared memory parallel
applications. The shared memory platform was a
Tyan [12] advanced platform, based upon multiple
Opteron multicore processors with a common
address space. The experimental vehicle used was
the parallel matrix multiplication algorithm, since it
exhibits a high level inherent parallelism and offers
various parallelization percentages according to the
problem size selected. All the experiments were
carried out in an isolation mode; namely, the
platforms in hand were inaccessible from other
users and/or processes. In accordance with the
parallelized percentage each time, the performance
scalability to the power/energy consumption was
calculated. The energy consumption for each
platform was calculated based on the analytical
models introduced in [7, 8]. In all the diagrams that
follow, the three platforms in hand are compared by
the execution of the algorithm on the selected
problem sizes utilizing different number of cores.
4.1 Total Parallel Execution Time
In Fig. 1, it is shown the total parallel execution
Time Complexity, in secs, according to the selected
problem size and the number of cores used for the
three above mentioned platforms in hand
(Distributed, Manycore, Shared). The representative
problem sizes presented herein, concern matrix
dimensions from 1K up to 5K, which progressively
scale up, in steps of 1K. The evaluated values of
time, resulted taking the average of multiple
program executions. A problem size of mK x mK
represents the multiplication of two square matrices
of size mx1000.
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2022.21.4
E. M. Karanikolaou, M. P. Bekakos
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 21, 2022
Fig. 1: Evaluation of Time Complexity metric, in
sec, according to the number of cores used for
increasingly selected problem sizes
From diagrams (a) to (e) of Fig. 1, it is observed
that, for all problem sizes, the execution time
complexity decreases as the number of cores used
increases, which shows that the algorithm is
scalable, and this applies to all three platforms.
From the same diagrams it is also clear that the
fastest platform for the specific algorithm is the
Shared platform. The main reason for this is the
reduced processors’ communication time, due to the
shared memory architecture. It is worth noting that
the different time results from the execution of the
algorithm on the Shared and on the Manycore
platform using one core is different, due to the
reason that while the underlying hardware is the
same, the software is different (MPI vs OpenMP),
thus forming two different parallel systems. This
fact, which is emphasized in Fig. 1(d,e), is mainly
caused due to the increased overhead of the MPI
routines from one side versus the capability of
OpenMP compiler for better parallelization, which
may also occur to improved cache hit ratio, from the
other side.
4.2 Total Energy Consumption
The other factor that has to be known in order to
evaluate the values of the Action metric is the total
Energy that a platform consumes, upon executing
the algorithm for a specific workload (i.e. problem
of size). To evaluate the total consumed energy
(with or without taking into consideration the
required energy for the cooling of the equipment)
for the execution of an algorithm, a central energy-
meter that takes account the whole of the equipment
is demanded. Alternatively, wherever this is not an
option, the energy consumption can be evaluated
upon specific analytic models for each computing
platform, respectively [7, 8]. For the three platforms
in hand, using as experimental vehicle the parallel
matrix multiplication algorithm for the selected
problem sizes, the evaluated results for the Energy
consumption, using the analytical models in [7,8],
are presented in Fig. 2.
Total time 1Kx1K 2Kx2K 3Kx3K 4Kx4K 5Kx5K
1 core 25,234 169,897 737,396 1363,059 3461,336
2 cores 12,577 85,494 365,798 684,906 1694,469
4 cores 5,543 38,800 152,627 308,838 706,127
8 cores 3,153 22,278 87,445 178,331 405,253
Total time 1Kx1K 2Kx2K 3Kx3K 4Kx4K 5Kx5K
1 core 26,533 233,333 818,328 6302,436 10155,891
2 cores 13,692 122,684 423,689 3512,200 5426,662
4 cores 7,386 63,545 220,293 1810,484 2715,945
8 cores 4,263 33,074 114,420 1123,294 1457,597
Total time 1Kx1K 2Kx2K 3Kx3K 4Kx4K 5Kx5K
1 proc 19,231 259,616 1988,666 6635,740 14509,975
2 procs 10,903 130,511 998,508 3320,571 7320,953
4 procs 5,808 67,545 500,411 1669,187 3631,670
8 procs 3,274 34,151 253,473 840,202 1842,050
Time Complexity
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2022.21.4
E. M. Karanikolaou, M. P. Bekakos
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 21, 2022
Fig. 2: Evaluation of Energy metric, in Joules,
according to the number of cores used for
increasingly selected problem sizes
From the respectful diagrams, it is observed that for
the Shared and the Manycore platforms in hand, the
total Energy consumption is decreasing as more
cores are being used into the problem execution.
The increase of the operating Power, in Watts,
between the utilization of one vs all of the cores of
each platform is relatively small. Moreover, as
presented in [8], when the platform is in idle state, it
consumes approximately the 77,35% of the total
power consumed when all cores are in full
utilization. Since all cores belong to the same many-
core platform, the power consumed by the
remaining nodes, being in idle state is also included
and measured by a Wattmeter. From the other side,
the Energy consumption for the Distributed
platform in hand is larger and “seems” to be
constant as it can be seen from the diagrams. The
Energy consumption is respective to the operating
Power, which for a distributed environment is
analogous to the number of nodes that take part into
the problem execution [7]. In addition, one must
take into account that, the total execution time,
which is also remarkable higher in most of the cases
for the Distributed platform, is the second term that
defines the calculation of Energy.
4.3 The Action Metric
Using the total Time Complexity and the consumed
Energy, for the platforms in hand, the evaluation of
the new metric, Action, is feasible now. In Fig. 3
there are shown, in a comparative base, the values
for the three different systems that were evaluated
using the Action metric, in J∙s, according to the
number of cores used for increasingly selected
problem sizes.
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2022.21.4
E. M. Karanikolaou, M. P. Bekakos
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 21, 2022
Fig. 3: Evaluation of Action (S) metric, in Joule x
sec, according to the number of cores used for
increasingly selected problem sizes
From diagrams (a) to (e) of Fig. 3, it becomes
apparent that, in conjunction with the performance,
the most energy efficient platform in hand for the
specific algorithm is the shared memory platform.
This is due to the fact that, especially for the cases
where the maximum number of cores are used, the
values obtained for the action metric were
minimum, implying that the particular platform
achieved the least value for the product of the Time
required to solve the problem and the Energy which
consumed, compared to the other platforms, in
proportion to the principle of least action.
5 Application of Action Metric on
Green500 List
On the experimental results presented above, the
Action metric was evaluated for specific problem
sizes, which is common, in general, whenever
comparisons take place, since in order to compare a
system/platform to another some quantity must be
kept constant (e.g. the problem size in this case). In
case of comparing a few number of systems, this
method is accepted but if one want to use it to create
a large list with characteristics such that of the
Green500, then the platforms’ performances are
used indirectly (e.g. through faster execution time)
and any direct use of a platform’s maximal achieved
performance is left behind. In Green500 list, the
results arise from the ratio of the values Rmax and
Power which are mainly feeded from the Top500
list (except those results that are exclusively
submitted to the Green500 list). These values are
platform specific, with Rmax being the maximal
LINPACK performance achieved, in TFlop/s, and
Power being the electric power that a system needs
in order to operate, in kW. The Linpack Benchmark
is a measure of a computer’s floating-point rate of
execution. It is determined by running a computer
program that solves a dense system of linear
equations. By measuring the actual performance for
different problem sizes n, a user can get the
maximal achieved performance Rmax for a problem
size Nmax [6]. Therefore, Nmax is different for
almost any Rmax that each systems achieves.
On Green500 list, the ranking is made without
keeping any quantity constant (e.g. the problem size,
the value of Rmax, the amount of Energy
consumption, the operational Power), but the
benchmark. In the context of comparing and ranking
supercomputers as in the Green500 list, one can
start by evaluating the Action metric which can be
used selecting a specific problem size n. In order for
any system to be able to run the LINPACK
benchmark, the best candidate as a problem size
would be the minimum Nmax of the list, so as even
the smallest system could run it. Then, after re-
running the benchmark and obtaining the total
execution Time Complexity, the evaluation of the
Energy that any system consumes is feasible, since
the Power consumption of any system is prior
known. Finally, by calculating the results of the
Action metric a new ascending ranking list can be
formed. The higher place a system holds the better it
is, in terms of performance in conjunction with
energy consumption. This list would eliminate the
erroneous ranking that the current Green500 list
now presents, ranking consecutively
Action 1Kx1K 2Kx2K 3Kx3K 4Kx4K 5Kx5K
1 core 173195,235 7851306,713 147900590,942 505357014,662 3258790828,873
2 cores 44607,002 2061080,615 37732888,208 132282107,740 809674659,664
4 cores 9243,058 453025,594 7010797,489 28705689,843 150068609,357
8 cores 3374,106 168602,420 2598457,111 10807440,789 55816100,936
Action 1Kx1K 2Kx2K 3Kx3K 4Kx4K 5Kx5K
1 core 191485,322 14808822,791 182147770,241 10804030058,991 28054659429,231
2 cores 52855,770 4244004,598 50618990,941 3478573768,899 8304397992,186
4 cores 16402,332 1214733,496 14601918,642 986555373,403 2220099271,912
8 cores 6150,255 371103,278 4444818,131 428895124,619 722129694,846
Action 1Kx1K 2Kx2K 3Kx3K 4Kx4K 5Kx5K
1 proc 44010,218 8020676,883 470620105,225 5239933126,636 25054186299,071
2 procs 28205,536 4049833,491 237222176,373 2623834449,870 12754550497,913
4 procs 15927,037 2165635,954 119093164,591 1325609462,578 6275910333,976
8 procs 10034,850 1103156,114 61040692,086 671342787,313 3227835111,920
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2022.21.4
E. M. Karanikolaou, M. P. Bekakos
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 21, 2022
supercomputing systems with totally different
characteristics, as noted in Chapter 2.
6 Extension of the Action Metric
In order to specifically take into consideration the
maximal achieved performance Rmax of any system,
the Action metric could be extended in order to
form a more general metric, let say SG(i), for each
system i, with the following definition:
x( )
i Nmax min
where S(i)Nmax(min) is system’s i evaluated S metric
value for the minimum problem size, Nmax, of the
Green500 list and Rmax(i), in TFLOPS, is system’s i
maximal evaluated LINPACK performance
achieved, which can be found in the Top500 or the
Green500 list.
In that terms, not only the systems will be ranked
appropriately according to the minimum specific
problem size via the Action metric, but also they
will be ranked according to their overall
performance, eliminating the aforementioned
problems that exist in all Green500 lists, due to the
currently selected metric still used today.
Ultimately, in order to compare systems for a
given problem size, one can use the Action, S,
metric, while for more generalized comparisons,
where Rmax is available, the more generalized Action
metric, SG, could be used.
7 Conclusions
Herein, a metric for comparing the energy efficiency
of supercomputers, that correlates the terms energy
consumption and time complexity, was introduced.
A comparative study for the energy efficiency of
three high performance computing platforms of
different architectures, was also discussed. The new
metric is capable to compare and reliably rank high
performance computing systems, in a direct way, as
far as their energy efficiency is concerned, ranking
systems of similar size and computational
capabilities. The outcome for the most energy
efficient system is based upon the minimum value
of the presented Action metric. An example of two
adjacent systems ranked into the Green500 list was
used in order to highlight how misleading can be a
metric like performance-per-watt, which is widely
used today, for ranking systems into the Green500
list. From the samples discussed, it becomes
obvious that recent Green500 lists may contain
more than one cases where systems of totally
different computational capabilities are ranked
While performance-per-watt is useful, absolute
power requirements are also important. The
invention and the assessment of new metrics, such
as Action, that concern the performance, the energy
efficiency of the current and future high
performance computing systems and the qualitative
as well as the social contribution of parallel
processing into the modern way of life, will always
be a hot research area.
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DOI: 10.37394/23205.2022.21.4
E. M. Karanikolaou, M. P. Bekakos
E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 21, 2022