antennas are compared with literature values; they
have high gain (6.5-7 dB per antenna) and good
isolation (values above -20 dB per antenna).
Compared to existing classical dual-band MIMO
microstrip antennas; by using AMC substrates, an
antenna system with higher performance, higher
directionality and improved parameters has been
obtained. Achieving the desired insulation values
was made possible by the position of the antenna
elements relative to each other. The proposed designs
can be easily integrated into existing
WLAN/WIMAX receivers by simply changing the
antenna. Thus, it provides great flexibility for a wide
range of applications.
Target specifications and international standards
(WHO, FCC, etc.) are met with the designed
antennas. Multiple input multiple output technology
is a technology that enables increased
communication performance by using more than one
antenna in both the receiver and transmitter. MIMO
technology has attracted great attention because it
increases transmission speed and quality without
requiring more power or bandwidth. This;
increasingly high efficiency is achieved by line
application and reduced damping. Because of these
features, MIMO is the most important topic of
current wireless communication research.
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