An Enhanced Method to Improve Proxy Mobile IPv6 Efficiency
through Software-Defined Network
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Matrusri Engineering College,
Saidabad, Hyderabad,
Abstract: - This suggested method, called the Software Defined Open-Flow Mechanism of PMIPv6 (SD-
PMIPv6), modifies the Proxy Mobile IPv6 protocol to match the Augmented Open-Flow architecture. The
flexibility aspects of the PMIPv6 components, including the Mobile Access Gateway (MAG) and Local
Mobility Anchor (LMA), are broken apart and rebuilt to make use of the Open-Flow strategy. The LMA
components, which serve as the network's Open-Flow controller for the switches, maintain the mobile node's
(MN) location. The contact access entities that are capable of managing MAG signals interact with the MN.
The recommended approach has two primary objectives: (a) separating the control and data planes; and (b)
shortening the handover delay.
Key-Words: - Software Defined Network, Control Plane, Data Plane, Local Mobility Anchor (LMA), Mobile
Access Gateway (MAG), Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6), Open-Flow (OF), Software Defined
Received: August 18, 2023. Revised: July 6, 2024. Accepted: August 11, 2024. Published: September 5, 2024.
1 Introduction
Based on their geographic location, Internet
Protocol (IP) addresses are used to identify nodes on
the Internet, [1]. Networks need to be re-designated
since IPv4's limited address space makes it difficult
to deal with impending demands. mostly as a result
of the daily increase in the total amount of users.
The switch from Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4
32 bits) to Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6 128
bits) was also required due to the end of the lifespan
of IPv4 addresses, [2]. The Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6)
technology was developed to facilitate portability
based on IPv6, [3]. MIPv6 is executed in the Linux
environment using the Unified Mobile Internet
Protocol (UMIP), [4].
The ground-breaking technology known as
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) provides
active, controlled, valuable, and adaptable options.
This makes the environment ideal for the high-
bandwidth and dynamic nature of today's activities.
Utilizing the Open-Flow protocol is necessary while
developing SDN solutions, [5]. The Open-Flow
Technique (OFT) is a novel technology that
improves network finding routes using the Open-
Flow technique in PMIPv6. The division of network
device responsibilities—access points utilize control
and data operations about forward packets—is the
fundamental component of the Open-Flow concept.
Although software-defined networking has been
effectively applied in data hubs and campus links,
[6], solution for the telecom industry still requires
minimal influence on static landline and mobile
telecom areas. Future PMIPv6 positioning strategy
by Devarapalli, [7], involves dividing plane control
and data endpoints meant for the MAG. The device
that encapsulates and decapsulates internet traffic to
and from the mobile node, as well as the one that
transduces Proxy Mobile IPv6 signaling packets, are
both assigned distinct IP addresses. The IP address,
commonly referred to as the Proxy Care-of Address
(PCoA), is contained in the proxy binding cache
element in the LMA, according to [8] and [9].
Consequently, the LMA uses the same IP
address as the MAG for data transfer as well as
signaling messages. A Unification Plane (UP)
through a system organization based on PMIPv6
was described in [10]. According to [11], there are
several techniques in the field for mobility
management in IP networks that give mobile nodes
spanning heterogeneous wireless networks session
continuation. A method for OpenFlow-based
PMIPv6 in SDN in flexible networks was proposed
by [12]. The goal of Proxy Mobile IPv6 is to replace
locally directed network mobility with the IP tunnel
idea. However, this strategy is limited because the
DOI: 10.37394/23204.2024.23.4
Indumathi Lakshmi Krishnan
E-ISSN: 2224-2864
Volume 23, 2024
data and control planes use the same channel and
tunneling above it.
2 Layout of SD-PMIPv6
PMIPv6 signaling can be eliminated owing to the
co-location of the LMA and MAG activities in the
Augmented Controller, as shown in Figure 1.
Fig. 1: Control plane Configuration in SD-PMIPv6
As shown in Figure 1, the proposed SD-PMIPv6
design isolates the control plane from the data and
control planes and co-locates the LMA and MAG
functions in the Augmented-Controller. The flow
tables and switches are configured, and packet
forwarding based on policies is supported, thanks to
the enhanced information of Open-Flow. By
examining the link layer status data, the PMIPv6
with the MAG detects the MN connection and
disconnection. The device's MAG function receives
the link layer status with SD-PMIPv6, and it can
identify the establishment of the link layer
relationship just like it can with PMIPv6.
2.1 Data Plane Topology in SD-PMIPv6
According to Open-Flow PMIPv6, the data route in
SD-PMIPv6 has the LMA and MAG actuators
situated in the Augmented Controller as depicted in
Figure 2. Once the migration of the MN is detected,
the LMA and MAG controllers update the flow
tables of the transitional devices on the network
between the entry point and the portal to reflect the
change. Technology allows bandwidth balancing
depending on network status without requiring an IP
Fig. 2: Data-plane Packet Forwarding in SD-
Here is one mobility control entity, two gateway
routers, and three access routers in this network
architecture. The intermediate switches link the
interface routers to the gateway routers. The mobile
node's mobility is managed by the mobility
administration entity, which is also in charge of
updating the flow tables in the intermediate switches
as necessary. The mobility management entity
controls the mobile node's link as it roams between
several accessibility networks.
The successful implementation of the suggested
SD-PMIPv6 procedures were evaluated using a
variety of parameters, including handover delay,
packet loss rate, and end-to-end suspension, all of
which are quantified and correlated with the
parameters for PMIPv6 and OPMIPv6. The network
switching of the MN is directed by the handover
latency. The dropped packet quantity is represented
by the packet loss measurement throughout the
handover. The total handover latency of the packet
is calculated by the time from MN host to
Fig. 3: SD-PMIPv6 Topology
Evaluating the handover time and packet loss
rate of PMIPv6, OPMIPv6, and SD-PMIPv6 is the
main Comparing the handover time and packet loss
rate of PMIPv6, OPMIPv6, and SD-PMIPv6 is the
main approach used to assess the recommended
strategy. The amount of time that passes among an
MN starts to migrate to a new get entry to the
network and whilst it connects to the brand-new
network and resumes data transmission is called the
handover put-off. The range of packets misplaced all
through the handover manner divided by using the
entire amount of packets transferred is known as the
packet loss charge.
To assess the effectiveness of the 3 strategies, a
simulation is administered with the usage of distinct
values for s and HDLMA-CN. The effect of the session
delivery fee and the hop distance among the LMA
and CN at the handover put-off are ascertained by
comparing and analyzing the consequences of the
simulation. The simulation's findings suggest that
DOI: 10.37394/23204.2024.23.4
Indumathi Lakshmi Krishnan
E-ISSN: 2224-2864
Volume 23, 2024
SD-PMIPv6 operates better inside the regions of
packet loss rate and handover delay than each
PMIPv6 and OPMIPv6, indicating the efficacy of
the suggested strategy in improving cell network
performance.The above said concept is represented
in Figure 3.
3 Handover Analysis of Proposed
This segment clarifies different PMIPv6 handover
mechanisms and their concerned recreation
3.1 Investigation of Different PMIPv6 Hand-
over mchanisms
The taking after segment clarifies the handover
analysis of the proposed work with other
existing work
3.1.1 Investigation of PMIPv6 Handover
The Router soliciting delay (tRS) and the Router
Advertisement Delay (tRA) are characterized,
consequently. The Data Transfer Time (TTD)
between MN and CN during the handover procedure
is represented by this data.
HPMIPV6 = Layer 2 connection + (tPBA + tPBU) +
tRS+tRA+(tAAAreq+tAAAres)+TTDData (1)
In this instance, the Layer 2 link shows how
much time has passed between AP-MAG and MN-
AP. The suspension of the control signal is indicated
by (tPBU + tPBA), and the confirmation signal
interruption is denoted by equation (tAAAreq + tAAAres)
3.1.2 Analysis of OPMIPv6 Handover
Both Open-Flow and PMIPv6 signals are used by
O-PMIPv6. It is anticipated that even before AS
receives the PBA message, the ISs will be finished
via Open-Flow signaling. It happens because the AS
is situated at the farthest distance and Open-Flow
signaling is effectively carried out across a secure
channel. OPMIPv6's handover latency is therefore
equivalent to PMIPv6's. However, HOPMIPv6 is
different from HPMIPv6 in that data packets are
transmitted through OPMIPv6 without the need for
an IP tunnel. Thus, it can be expressed as follows.
PMIPv6-like handover procedures are used. The
difference is in the signaling and control messages.
The suspension of control signals is signified as
(tPBU + tPBA) and authentication suspension is
signified as tAAAreq + tAAAres. The delay of the control
messages is considered in the following equation.
HOPMIPV6 = Layer 2 connection + (tPBA + tPBU) + tRA+
(tAAAreq + tAAAres) + TTD Data (2)
3.1.3 Analysis of SD-PMIPv6 Handover
Compared to PMIPv6 and OPMIPv6, the handover
procedure in SD-PMIPv6 is distinct. The LMA and
MAG controller are built inside the router, and the
MN is linked to the Open-Flow switch. The
following equation is the design for the control
message latency.
HSD-PMIPV6 = Layer 2 connection + tPBU + (tAAAreq +
tAAAres) + TTD Data (3)
SD-PMIPv6 has a lower handover latency than
PMIPv6 and OPMIPv6, as authentication and
control messages are transmitted immediately to the
gateway, with the Open-Flow switch updating the
flow table solely in response to the route's input
3.2 Simulation Analysis of Various PMIPv6
Handover Mechanisms
Next, an analysis is conducted to compare the
performance of OPMIPv6, PMIPv6, and AU-
PMIPv6. The efficiency metric used in this
assessment is handover latency.
Scalability: The system's capacity to manage a high
volume of MNs and handovers, [13].
In comparison to PMIPv6 and OPMIPv6, the
simulation's outcomes should show that SD-PMIPv6
can more effectively minimize handover latency and
offer superior scalability.
It is crucial to remember that the simulation
findings might not accurately reflect real-world
situations and could have been inflated by several
factors, including hardware constraints, network
issues, and execution specifics, [14]. To properly
assess SD-PMIPv6's efficacy, more evaluation and
verification in a real-world setting are required.
According to the simulation structure, the initial
standards of the system values are set for the SD-
PMIPv6 cost analysis. The simulation lasts for thirty
seconds. The mobility session is moving at 100
Mbps. Furthermore, the several interfaces in the
simulation reflect in different amounts of seconds.
According to the available research, [8], the
simulation's, [15], settings are configured.
3.2.1 Analysis of PMIPv6 Simulation
The WLAN is the current interface that the MN uses
to start the simulation. In the simulation, Wi-Max
DOI: 10.37394/23204.2024.23.4
Indumathi Lakshmi Krishnan
E-ISSN: 2224-2864
Volume 23, 2024
connects at second 11, but the MN sends a signal to
Wi-Max in second 13.9. The simulation indicates
that the MN transmits its signal to 3G at 28 seconds,
whereas 3G begins to function at 24.5 seconds.
Figure 4 shows the PMIPv6 handover graph.
Fig. 4: Simulation Handover Result of PMIPv6
3.2.2 Analysis of OPMIPv6 Simulation
In the simulation, the MN starts off using its original
interface, which is WLAN, and at the eleventh
second, it switches to Wi-Max. However, the MN
connects to Wi-MAX at the thirteenth and twenty-
sixth seconds, respectively, before transitioning to
3G (Figure 5). The findings of the O-PMIPv6
handover simulation are displayed graphically.
Fig. 5: Simulation Handover Result of OPMIPv6
3.2.3 Analysis of SD-PMIPv6 Simulation
In this case, the MN first utilizes WLAN and then,
at the eleventh second, switches to Wi-Max. But in
the thirteenth second, the MN enters Wi-MAX, and
at the twenty-sixth second, it transitions to 3G. The
OPMIPv6 changeover simulation result is displayed
in Figure 6, although at the 25th second, the MN
switches to 3G. The outcomes of the SD-PMIPv6
handover scenario are also shown in Figure 6.
Fig. 6: Simulation Handover Result of SD-PMIPv6
3.2.4 Comparison of Handover Latency of SD-
Handover latencies can be compared between AU-
PMIPv6, PMIPv6, O-PMIPv6, and SD-PMIPv6 to
observe how they differ. The outcomes are
displayed in Figure 7. Compared to other methods,
PMIPv6 has a longer hand-over latency since it
doesn't fully utilize Open-Flow signalling.
Compared to SD-PMIPv6, O-PMIPv6 appears to
have a longer hand-over latency because it has
separate Open-Flow devices for LMA and MAG.
This analysis clearly shows that the SD-PMIPv6 has
a lower hand-over delay than the methods currently
in use.
Fig. 7: Comparative Analysis of Simulation
Handover Result of Various PMIPv6 protocols
4 Conclusion
SD-PMIPv6 is a version of PMIPv6 for the open-
flow architecture. To enable flexibility in the OF
design, portable activities are placed in the control
units and switches and detached from the PMIPv6
parts. Furthermore, because of its augmented
controller, its proposed technique provides an even
more flexible formation architecture that may
increase management volume and endure letdown.
The results of the effectiveness assessment indicate
that SD-PMIPv6 is superior to PMIPv6.
DOI: 10.37394/23204.2024.23.4
Indumathi Lakshmi Krishnan
E-ISSN: 2224-2864
Volume 23, 2024
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The author contributed in the present research, at all
stages from the formulation of the problem to the
final findings and solution.
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No funding was received for conducting this study.
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DOI: 10.37394/23204.2024.23.4
Indumathi Lakshmi Krishnan
E-ISSN: 2224-2864
Volume 23, 2024