Computational Tool for Rain Attenuation and Gaseous Absorption in
Geostationary Satellite Links
1Department of Electronics,
Metropolitan Autonomous University,
San Pablo 180, Col. Reynosa Tamaulipas, Azcapotzalco (ZIP 02200), Mexico City,
2Department of Energy,
Metropolitan Autonomous University,
San Pablo 180, Col. Reynosa Tamaulipas, Azcapotzalco (ZIP 02200), Mexico City,
Abstract: - This paper presents a computational tool for the calculation of gaseous absorption and rain
attenuation in satellite communication systems with a geostationary orbit (GEO). Th software designed,
planned, and implemented is based on MVC architecture that separates the code of the stages obtaining a clear
and efficient structure. The software has a flow divided into three parts to process the algorithm (model, views,
and controller). The software uses some forms to interact with the user and present the results of the
computations in a friendly way. Additionally, to this, the program gives some files pdf to show the results and
can be updated in its earth stations and satellites database.
Key-Words: - Satellite communications, atmospheric losses, rain attenuation, gaseous absorption, MVC
architecture, visual computing programming languages, source code, geostationary orbit.
Received: July 16, 2022. Revised: September 12, 2023. Accepted: November 4, 2023. Published: December 4, 2023.
1 Introduction
Satellite links are affected by atmospheric
attenuation because air, clouds, fog, ice, and rain are
some of the most important sources of absorption of
radiofrequency waves, [1], [2]. These phenomena
take place in the troposphere, which is the lowest
layer of the Earth’s atmosphere, where a lot of
clouds are found and almost all weather occurs
within this layer. Rain absorption is the most
important kind of atmospheric phenomenon that is
necessary to consider because the presence of high
precipitation can reduce the power of the carrier
significantly, [3], [4], [5], [6].
In this paper, a calculation procedure and
software for atmospheric impairments in satellite
links is presented. This software was designed using
the MVC (Model View and Controller) software
architecture which uses three different layers to
separate the code from each other. This architecture
is very useful in web applications because it is
compatible with large-size web applications,
supports Asynchronous Method Invocation (AMI),
is easily modifiable, and has easy planning and
Atmospheric attenuation is one of the largest
additional losses in digital satellite communications
where rain attenuation is normally the main problem
because the link could fail, [7], [8], [9], [10], [11].
In the software presented here, the rain attenuation
model is especially detailed and some windows and
forms were designed and built for its computation.
The required parameters for the calculation are the
slant ranges, the elevation angles, and the position
of the earth stations; for both up-link and down-link
All the calculations are based on International
Telecommunications Union (ITU) technical
documents, especially in the radio-communication
group recommendations (ITU-R or ITU
Radiocommunication Sector) which is the United
Nations (UN) specialized agency created for
Communication Technologies, [6], [12], [13], [14],
[15], [16].
DOI: 10.37394/23204.2023.22.17
Josue Castro-Martinez, Mario Reyes-Ayala,
Edgar Alejandro Andrade-Gonzalez,
Sandra Chavez-Sanchez, Hilario Terres-Peña,
Gerardo Salgado Guzman
E-ISSN: 2224-2864
Volume 22, 2023
The computational tool was implemented in
Microsoft Visual Studio which supports multi-
language support and it has coding tools.
The structure of the paper is divided into five
sections: the first section is the introduction to the
paper, section two is dedicated to explaining the
architecture of the computational tool, section three
is related to describing the atmospheric losses
(gaseous and rain attenuation), in section four the
main results of the paper are presented with an
example; and, finally the conclusions of the article
are presented in section five.
2 Software Architecture
As it was mentioned before the software
architecture was planned to use the MVC approach.
Figure 1 shows the Model View and Controller
where the user interface, data, and logic are
separated. The goal of this idea is to obtain
flexibility in the computational tool.
The view is the block that gives interaction with
the user. The user interface of the software allows
the values of the parameters involved in the
atmospheric attenuation calculation where some
forms are employed, and data is validated. Besides,
the results of the software are friendly illustrated in
some windows (label 6).
Fig. 1: Model, View, and Controller Layout.
The controller is the block dedicated to
processing the accessed data (label 1) and it has to
calculate the atmospheric losses. Additionally, this
stage takes logical decisions and manages the errors
that could occur during the computation process.
The controller sends and receives information to and
from the model (labels 2 and 4). The controller also
processes and sends the data to the view (label 5).
The model is the block that has the following
tasks: storage and manipulation of the data. In this
part of the architecture, a lot of information is
obtained in the software running.
The software was designed with the sequence
that is shown in Figure 2, where the view is in the
first and last stages, the controller processes and
calculates a lot of information and, the model is in
the stage where data are loaded and saved for other
The left column is related to the user interface,
where the selection of the earth stations (origin and
destination) and geostationary satellites takes place.
The database of the satellites and earth/ground
stations can be updated by the user.
Fig. 2: Diagram sequence of the computational tool.
3 Atmospheric Losses in Satellite
The software uses the layout shown in Figure 3,
where we have one satellite in the space segment
and two stations in the user or ground segment
(origin and destination), [1], [2], [3].
In this work, the control segment is not mentioned
because this part of the satellite system is not
involved in the communication link. As illustrated
in Figure 3, there are two links (up-link and down-
link) the software calculates the atmospheric
attenuation for both, [11], [17].
DOI: 10.37394/23204.2023.22.17
Josue Castro-Martinez, Mario Reyes-Ayala,
Edgar Alejandro Andrade-Gonzalez,
Sandra Chavez-Sanchez, Hilario Terres-Peña,
Gerardo Salgado Guzman
E-ISSN: 2224-2864
Volume 22, 2023
Fig. 3: Uplink and downlink in a satellite system.
3.1 Gaseous Absorption
The gaseous absorption is calculated using an
empirical procedure described in the ITU-R P.676
recommendation and is determined by the following
equations, where
is the lineal frequency
of the carrier, Hz.
After this calculation, a logarithmic
representation is obtained using the following
equations, where D is the slant range of the link (up-
link or down-link).
Finally, the gaseous absorption is obtained using
the equation (11).
3.2 Rain Attenuation
In the calculation of rain attenuation is necessary to
complete the following steps: (a). Selection of the
Precipitation Region, (b). Determination of the
rainfall rate, (c). Calculation of the geometric
distance of the rain, (d) Correction to the distance,
(e). Determination of the regression coefficients,
and (f). Calculation of the rain attenuation, [12],
[13], [14], [15], [16].
Taking into consideration the ITU-R
recommendations, the software uses a modified
worldwide map of the regions with different typical
precipitation rates, that is shown to the user in a
window, see Figure 4.
The colors of the map indicate typical rainfall
rates depending on the location of an earth or
ground station. The location of the earth station is
specified by its longitude and latitude angular
coordinates. The software has a database with earth
stations around the world.
Table 1 shows the typical regions in columns
(capital letters from A to Q) and typical average
availability percentages of the link yearly.
Fig. 4: Rain Precipitation Regions.
Analysis based on similar information illustrated
in Table 1 has been obtained and published by
researcher’s groups along the time, [7], [8], [9],
Table 1. Rainfall rate regions
DOI: 10.37394/23204.2023.22.17
Josue Castro-Martinez, Mario Reyes-Ayala,
Edgar Alejandro Andrade-Gonzalez,
Sandra Chavez-Sanchez, Hilario Terres-Peña,
Gerardo Salgado Guzman
E-ISSN: 2224-2864
Volume 22, 2023
The geometric distance is obtained in ideal
conditions that are plotted in Figure 5, where
0 is
the geometric distance, km;
g is the ground
distance, km;
0 is the height of zero degree level,
g is the height above the sea level, km; and, b
is the elevation angle, degree.
Fig. 5: Geometric path of the rain.
The regression coefficients that are normally in
the logarithmic model obtained by experimental
measurements are estimated in Table 2.
Table 2. Regression coefficients.
Rp <=30
Rp <=30
The regression coefficients, the rainfall average
rate Rp, and geometric distance are used in the
equation (12), where [Lr] is the rain attenuation, dB;
a and b are the regression coefficients; and L0 is the
geometric distance. This equation can be employed
in an average rainfall rate of less than 6.2 mm/hr.
In satellite links where the average rainfall is
severe (higher than 6.2 mm/hr), the rain attenuation
can be computed using the equation (13). In this
procedure, the geometric distance of the link is
4 Results
In this, the main results of the software are
presented using an example.
The link involves piles of earth stations
located in Buenos Aires, Argentina (36.3ºS,
60°W) and La Paz, Bolivia (16.2°S, 68.1ºW).
The geostationary satellite is the SATMEX-5
(116.8ºW) see Figure 6.
Fig. 6: Form for the selection of the Earth and space
Figure 7 shows the elevation angle calculation.
The software uses the inner product of the position
vectors of the stations and assumes a spherical Earth
to calculate geometric considerations. The elevation
angles corresponding to uplink and downlink are
35.62º and 50.28°.
Fig. 7: Calculation of the geometric path of the rain.
DOI: 10.37394/23204.2023.22.17
Josue Castro-Martinez, Mario Reyes-Ayala,
Edgar Alejandro Andrade-Gonzalez,
Sandra Chavez-Sanchez, Hilario Terres-Peña,
Gerardo Salgado Guzman
E-ISSN: 2224-2864
Volume 22, 2023
Fig. 8: Selection of the precipitation region using
the location of the earth stations.
The regions selected are illustrated in Figure 8,
where Buenos Aires is in a P Region and La Paz is
in an N region. The results obtained with this
information are plotted in the left section, below the
region selection.
Finally, the results of the atmospheric losses are
summarized in Figure 8 and Figure 9. The
attenuation results are 8.498 dB and 2.524 dB
(uplink and downlink respectively).
Fig. 9: Summary of the link.
4 Conclusion
In this paper, a computational tool for the
calculation of atmospheric losses in satellite
communications was presented. The losses
generated by gaseous absorption and rainfall are
computed with an algorithm that is based mainly on
the recommendations.
The architecture of the software has a Model,
View, and Controller structure because this
approach has several advantages for the separation
of the source code.
The Microsoft Visual platform was employed to
build the tool which gives a standard application
that can be used in a lot of computers. Because of
these features the computational tool can be used in
both undergraduate courses and research work in
space and digital direct broadcasting satellite
communications and Personal Communications
Systems (PCS) by satellite, where the link is usually
limited by the down-link budget.
The software is currently updated to improve the
Earth's and satellite databases and the user interface.
In addition to this, the model employed in the
computational tool is also updated with recent
works based on empirical considerations, theoretical
advances, and experimental results, [18], [19], [20],
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DOI: 10.37394/23204.2023.22.17
Josue Castro-Martinez, Mario Reyes-Ayala,
Edgar Alejandro Andrade-Gonzalez,
Sandra Chavez-Sanchez, Hilario Terres-Peña,
Gerardo Salgado Guzman
E-ISSN: 2224-2864
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
- Josue Castro Martínez: Formal analysis,
investigation, methodology, writing original
- Mario Reyes-Ayala: Conceptualization,
investigation formal analysis, writing, review and
- Edgar Alejandro Andrade-Gonzalez: Project
administration, resources, review, validation
- Sandra Chavez-Sanchez: Visualization, review
- Hilario Terres-Peña: Supervision, validation,
- Gerardo Salgado Guzman: Validation, review
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
This work was supported by the research project
EL002-18 at the Metropolitan Autonomous
University in Mexico City.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare
that are relevant to the content of this article.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/23204.2023.22.17
Josue Castro-Martinez, Mario Reyes-Ayala,
Edgar Alejandro Andrade-Gonzalez,
Sandra Chavez-Sanchez, Hilario Terres-Peña,
Gerardo Salgado Guzman
E-ISSN: 2224-2864
Volume 22, 2023