the receivers in a hierarchical structure ensures scalability
and enhance performance. They also showed that the
protocols using the receiver-initiated class cannot
guarantee the reliability in an environment with limited
caches. Another comparative analysis of sender-initiated
and receiver-initiated classes was presented by Maihöfer
and Rothermel [7]. Their analysis showed that the
protocols of the receiver-initiated class achieve better
scalability but those of the sender-initiated class ensures
reduced latencies. On the other hand, the efficiency of
bandwidth has been subject of several analytical studies.
The analysis of generic reliable multicast protocols was
made by Kasera et al [4] and has shown that local recovery
approaches provide a significant performance of
bandwidth and delay consumption. In [6], Maihöfer
presented an analytical evaluation of the bandwidth of
generic reliable multicast protocols and has shown that
hierarchical approaches provide not only high throughput
but also consume less bandwidth. This work was extended
by comparing the class receiver-initiated and the
combination of classes the sender-initiated and receiver-
initiated by Derdouri et al [2]. The study focused on the
bandwidth consumption and the throughput and showed
that the combination of the classes is more scalable and
consumes less bandwidth than receiver-initiated class
especially when the network is unreliable.
In this paper we extend this comparison to the
recovery latency considering an unreliable backbone where
the data packets losses often occurs within this
unlike the previous analysis made on the reliable
that considers the backbone as being reliable.
WMN is a dynamic self-organized, self-configured
and self-maintained, multi hoped packet network. It
consists of number of nodes that are connected through
wireless media and arranged in a mesh topology. These
nodes can automatically link and leave the network at
anytime.WMN provides services at anywhere and anytime
even if no fixed infrastructure exists at that place. The
nodes in WMN can be act as a both router and a host,
but generally it is categories as a two types of nodes: Mesh
clients (MCs) and Mesh routers (MRs). MRs are fixed and
build the backbone infrastructure of the network where
MCs are usually mobile and roam among these MRs. These
MRs are gateway to internet where MCs can connect to the
MRs and other MCs also. The fixed backbone
infrastructure of network provides multi- hopping access
services to the internet for MCs. The route for packet
communication is selected by using certain routing
protocols. Mesh solutions have many advantages over
traditional wireless networks such as low costs, easy to
maintain, large scale deployment, robustness and greater
coverage area .
Fig. 1. Example of a mesh network
The network model used for the evaluation of reliable
multicast protocols consists on constructing a multicast tree
through a wireless mesh network. The root of this tree
represents the bridge that connects the Mesh network to the
Internet; the leaves of this tree are the Mesh Clients. The
intermediate nodes of the tree represent the Mesh Routers
that are located at different levels to the source. In the
context of wireless mesh networks, all routers in the
multicast tree are considered of being active and can
perform customized treatments on packets passing through
them (data packets or acknowledgment (NAKs and
The first active service supported by active routers is
the data packets cache for a fixed period to ensure recovery
of lost data packets locally. The second active service
supported by the active routers is the aggregation and
suppression of identical NAKs and ACKs. The third active
service consists in the subcast functionality, where repair
packets are sent only to the affected receivers avoiding the
problem of receptors exposure. The fourth active service is
the dynamic election of a replier providing a local loss
recovery and ensuring a load balanced on the subgroup. To
assess the impact of the combination of the two classes, it
is considered that the two protocols AMRHy and DyRAM
benefit of all active services.
For the delay analysis, we consider a network model
with multi-level multicast tree. A source diffuses data
packets through the tree to R receivers distributed
according to the topology N=R/B, the receptors are divided
into subgroups of B receptors (R1, R2, …, RB) connected
to the source through an active router As, wireless link that
connects the source to the active router is called source-
link. Similarly, the wireless link connecting the active
router At to each of the receivers is called tail-link (see
Figure 2). The wireless links connecting the active routers
between them are the backbone links. We consider that the
source links, terminals and those of a Backbone
respectively have a loss probability Pl.. Therefore, the
probability of end to end perceived by a receiver is P =
1 − (1 − Pl)h where h is the depth of multicast tree. Unlike
the analysis made on reliable multicast, we assume that the
backbone is not reliable and that data packets can be lost in
the Backbone. We suppose initially, that the NAKs (ACKs)
3. Environment and Network Model
3.1 Environment
3.2 Network Model
DOI: 10.37394/23204.2023.22.9
Asma Benmohammed, Merniz Salah