All the available methods stand valid only
when the transmitter and receiver position are
accurately known beforehand. Thus, the
antennas have to be relatively stationary and the
positions have to found manually which could
consume considerable setup time and if at all by
any cause the antenna positions are changed, then
the system would have to be setup again. There fore
to conceptualize a portable MIMO Radar
system, an algorithm is vital which can elude the
setup time. We have come up with a new method
which estimates the antenna positions and target
positions at the same time. Here for example, if
we consider a MIMO radar setup where the
antennas are kept on a movable mount, then even
when the antennas change positions we do not have
to pause and obtain the coordinates of antennas, but
the algorithm estimates the target position with
respect to the first transmitter even when the
antennas are in motion.
In the proposed algorithm, Cartesian plane is
fixed and the transmitter and receiver positions
are initialized used TDOA and AOA
measurements. Once transmitter and receiver
locations are initialized, the target position is
localized to grids by solving ML estimation,
inspired from [16], then for precise estimation of
all unknown positions Davidon-Fletcher-Powell
(DFP) from [20] is used.
This paper also introduces a new algorithm to
estimate velocity. Here first FDOA is estimated
and then using FDOA as input a new algorithm,
inspired from methodology in [16] is used to
estimate velocity. The velocity domain is discretized
to grids and the grid with nearest velocity values are
found using sparsity aware ML estimator.
In this paper, to estimate FDOA, a new
approach using iterative use of Non-Uniform
DFT is presented. It first finds the nearest
frequency with
respect to the resolution of the
current iteration bandwidth and for next iteration,
the bandwidth of interest is reduced and kept
around the frequency obtained in the last iteration.
This is repeated untill the bandwidth of the iteration
matches the required precision.
The paper is arranged as, Section 2 describes
system model, describes various parameters of
MIMO radar used in estimators. Section 3
elaborates the new method. In Section 3.1 a new
algorithm for estimating FDOA from signal is
elaborated. Section 3.2 a new approach for
approximating the velocity of target from FDOA
is presented. Input to velocity estimator is antenna
and target locations along with target doppler
signature (FDOA). Section 3.3 is new procedure
to estimate target position along antenna positions.
Section 3.3.1 discuses initialization procedure and
Section 3.3.2 elab
orates methodologies adopted for
more accurate estimation of target as well
antenna positions. Section 4 contains the
Numerical simulations results for testing the
proposed methods. Section 5 concludes the
2 System Model
Let us consider a MIMO setup with M
transmitters and N receivers distributed over a 2-
D surface. The surface is divided into K
points for target localization. The positions of
transmitter and receiver are denoted b
], m=1,2,..,M and x
respectively. The position of a target is
denoted by x=[x, y] and its velocity v=[vx, vy]. This
is depicted in Fig.1
Fig.1 Schematic of MIMO Radar system Arrangement
It needs to be noted that, system considered is 2-D,
but can be extended to a 3-D localization.
Considering the wave propagation speed (that is,
speed of light) by c, the noisy TDOA and AOA
measurements due to LOS can be modeled as
respectively the measured
TDOA abd AOA which contains noise.
The target reflected path TDOA and AOA are
for m=1, 2, … ,M and
for n=1,2,…, N. TDOA and
AOA measurements are disturbed by independent
DOI: 10.37394/23204.2022.21.25