Its Applied in Bus Rapid Transit
1,2,Departamento Ciências do Mar (DCMAR)
Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)
Av. Almirante Saldanha da Gama, 89 – Santos/SP
3Departamento de Tecnologia da Arquitetura
Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (FAU)
Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
Rua Lago, 876 - Butantã, São Paulo/SP
Abstract: - The BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) is a public transport system of low implementation cost and allowing
to offer a quality service, although the BRT should not be seen only as an isolated mobility solution for the
areas it serves, butas an inductor axis of urban development capable of contributing to the consolidation of a
more fair and balanced city in social and environmental terms. To make one quality of services, BRT needs an
efficient automation system, this system called ITS (Intelligent Transportation System), that enables control
over the operation and maintenance of the BRT in order to prioritize service and thus bring greater quality in
public transport for the population. However, due to system complexity it is necessary to implement a system
that can be scalable and receive new features not only connected to the BRT as other systems that need to
exchange information. This paper presents architecture to meet the requirements and needs of BRT in Brazil.
Key-Words: - Architecture, BRT, ITS, Brazil, Mobility, Transportation
1 Introduction
The BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) is a mass
transportation system for passengers that deliver
fast, comfortable, safe and efficient urban mobility
through segregated infrastructure with overdrive
priority, fast and frequent operation, excellence
marketing and customer service.
The BRT system not only proposes a change in
the fleet or infrastructure of public transportation.
But rather a set of changes that together forms a new
concept in urban mobility. The implementation of
high-performance transit systems, efficient and
environmentally sustainable world consists of the
political agenda of urban and environmental
This system should be carried out permanent
replacement of individual traffic by an attractive
public transport, promoted security and protection
for its passengers, the CO² reduction and the
reduction of congestion.
For this, there is nothing more appropriate than
BRT solutions, achievable in the medium and long
term with moderate investment. The BRT concepts
are integrated homogeneously in urban structures, in
a timely manner as full or also stepwise solution.
Deployed pioneered in Curitiba, BRT is a
flexible concept that can be configured especially
for the market it serves and the physical
environment in which it operates. Currently the
system exists in more than 160 cities around the
world and has become one of the most viable and
efficient choices to qualify urban mobility in 38
countries on five continents.
The BRT system has also demonstrated the
potential to dramatically reduce CO2 emissions,
since for their correct deployment, optimization of
existing routes is performed. An example of its
impact on climate change is the operation of the
DOI: 10.37394/23204.2022.21.8
Cledson Akio Sakurai,
Caio Fernando Fontana, Antonio Gil Da Silva Andrade
E-ISSN: 2224-2864
Volume 21, 2022
Metrobús (Mexico City BRT), which, with the
opening of its fourth line in 2012, is reducing
110,000 tons of CO2 emitted per year, while that
improves mobility of 200 million passengers per
year. This BRT system was designed and
implemented to serve at least 800,000 passengers
per day.
The main characteristics of BRT are:
Dedicated corridors for the movement of
public transport;
Loading and unloading of vehicles on the
same level, making the process faster;
System of pre-charge;
High-capacity vehicles, modern and cleaner
Transfer between routes without incurring
Integration with other modes of transport;
Operational control center;
Prioritizing traffic signal;
Real-time information to the user;
Universal accessibility.
The Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is from one of the
engines cost more efficient for cities quickly
develop a public transport system that can expand a
complete network as well how to promote a speedy
service and excellent quality. Still in his early
application, the BRT concept offers the potential to
revolutionize the way of urban transport.
The BRT basically mimics the characteristics of
performance and comfort of modern systems
transport on rails, but at a fraction of cost. A BRT
system costs typically 4 to20 times less than a tram
system or of light rail transit (LRT) system and 10
to 100 times less than a metro system. [01]
Beyond the physical infrastructure, the BRT needs
to implement some
In addition to the physical infrastructure to the
full functionality of BRT is required to implement
automation systems that collaborate in the BRT
operation. Such automation systems are known as
ITS (Intelligent Transportation System). The ITS
are advanced applications that provide innovative
services relating to different modes of transport and
traffic management and enable various users to be
better informed and make safer, also the ITS permit
to have more coordinated and smarter transport
network in order to reduce congestions, have an
efficient use of infrastructure and so on. [02].
2 Problem Formulation
The ITS needed to meet the BRT is complex
because the BRT is composed of several elements
spread over a city, among them are: Stations, Shared
Vias, Restricted roads, buses, besides the
maintenance crews and operation.
The elements that need to exchange information
with each other are usually not the same
manufacturer, therefore there is a clear need to
integrate these systems and propose solutions to
facilitate the implementation of any element within
the ITS for the BRT.
The general principles relating to the ITS system
are as follows:
1) Improvement in the population's quality of
life by providing regular public transport
service, reliable and secure, allowing the
sustainable mobility and accessibility for
carrying out activities that modern life
2) Efficiency in service delivery through
integrated transport network rationality
operating system, giving priority to
collective means;
3) Cost reduction in shifts in public
4) Provide mobility to people with disabilities
or mobility restrictions;
5) Prioritize under road aspect, the use of the
collective mode of transport and the
integration of its different modes;
6) Improve the management of the services of
the Public Mass Transportation System;
7) Provide efficient, integrated and shared
solutions to public transportation in the
surrounding areas;
8) Integrated management of road systems,
transport and transit;
9) Improving quality and reducing cost of
travel for the user of public transport
10) Deployment of operational control systems,
registration, ticketing and information to the
11) Rationalization of passenger public
transportation system will be achieved
through physical, operational and fare
integration, should be established from the
set of procedures, technologies and
infrastructure that constitutes the ITS;
12) Implement efficient system of information
to the user in order to allow the
understanding of the system and their
rational use, with priority given to people
with disabilities or reduced mobility;
13) Implement control and operational
monitoring through the Intelligent Transport
System - ITS;
DOI: 10.37394/23204.2022.21.8
Cledson Akio Sakurai,
Caio Fernando Fontana, Antonio Gil Da Silva Andrade
E-ISSN: 2224-2864
Volume 21, 2022
14) Prioritize the movement of collective on the
car, with the control system deployment and
traffic signal coordination and exclusive
tracks and priority to public transport;
15) Adequate supporting infrastructure, with
universal accessibility, the operation of
public transport;
16) Establish alternatives integration to reduce
the cost and travel time for larger numbers
of users;
17) Adjust the time intervals between vehicles,
adapting capacity to demand;
18) Deployment of Intelligent Transport
19) The terminal network must have
information system for the user, including
accessible to persons with disabilities or
reduced mobility, through information
panels and variable message, maps, sound
and written messages. With the participation
of public officials to answer questions and
provide information on the BRT conditions;
20) Network terminals must have operational
control structure of vehicles operating in the
system, aimed at improving the mobility of
people and vehicles.
3 Problem Solution
This item present a solution for ITS architecture
to solve the problems identified. This article present
an overview of possible architecture for ITS.
3.1 About ITS
The ITS system consists of a technology matrix
intended for operation and management of urban
mobility. It consists of sets of information systems,
communication, control, monitoring, sensing,
acting, among others. It aims to provide greater
operational efficiency to transport and transit
operations services as well as provide comfort and
safety for users of BRT services.
3.2 Areas of ITS
The ITS deployment strategy should define the
situation to be reached by reference to the best
practices in the world. Such assessment could be
carried out considering the eight areas of ITS to
follow the BRT:
Information for Users: services designed to
support users' decisions before and during
their displacement.
Traffic management: services required for
the management of traffic flows on the
Demand management: services needed to
reduce congestion on the roads and in urban
Advanced service to the driver: automated
systems to improve vehicle performance
and driver and make driving safer.
Financial transactions electronically:
Services that provide automated fare
Fleet management: support service
necessary to the management of collective
public passenger transport service fleet.
Public Transportation Management:
includes services necessary to optimize the
public transportation of passengers in terms
of convenience and performance.
occurrences of Service: services needed to
meet the occurrences of accidents and other
3.3 ITS Architecture
A key point in the ITS system design is the
definition of its architecture, and this definition
should be made throughout the systemic design
process. At the present stage we consider two
reference architectures:
ITS Architecture proposed by ISO 14813;
American ITS Architecture (Nitsa).
3.3.1 ITS Architecture: ISO 14813
The ITS technical committee of the International
Organization for Standardization ISO / TC204)
proposed by ISO 14813 standard a reference
architecture for ITS. A key feature of the
architecture is the ISO reference model and a set of
services to the user. Figure 1 below shows a basic
representation of the core ISO ITS reference
Fig.1: ITS services hierarchy of definitions for ITS
DOI: 10.37394/23204.2022.21.8
Cledson Akio Sakurai,
Caio Fernando Fontana, Antonio Gil Da Silva Andrade
E-ISSN: 2224-2864
Volume 21, 2022
reference Architecture [03]
3.3.2 ITS Architecture: ISO 14813
The US was the first country to develop a
national ITS architecture, in the early 1990. The
architecture itself consists of a collection of user
services (33 services divided into eight domains),
each accompanied by a set of requirements a logical
architecture and physical architecture, which serves
to guide the development of standards. Figure 2
illustrates the logical architecture of the ITS system
at various levels of detail, showing the configuration
of services without going into details about its
operation. The logical architecture illustrates logical
processes (shown as circles) entities (rectangles)
data flows (arrows) and data storage (logical data
files, represented by a name between parallel lines).
3.4 Proposed Architecture
Based on ITS architectures presented on item 3.3,
this article propose an possible architecture using
SOA (Service Oriented Architecture).
Fig.2: ITS Architecture [04]
The SOA involves the deconstruction of an
application in common offices reusable, which can
be used by other internal applications the
organization or external, independently of the
applications and computing platforms adopted the
company and its partners. With this approach,
companies can assemble again and again these
services based on open standards in order to extend
and improve collaboration between existing
applications, create new possibilities and stimulate
creativity at every point in the value chain. The
service-oriented approach simplifies
communications among IT systems, to the extent
that it makes no difference that particular "service"
resides in own computers or in their external
partners. In essence, SOA delivers the IT systems
owners of its verticality and its rigidity, adapting
them, so user needs. An SOA approach applied to
systems integration requires an elaborate project
jointly between business and technology. Among
the main benefits of this approach, the most obvious
is that it gives more flexibility to the business, but
one should also highlight that promotes the
construction of new capacity in less time and at
lower cost. Moreover, as the services are separated
from the applications used to deliver them,
companies can extend the life of existing
applications and integrate more easily various types
of applications and platforms. SOA provides a
standards-based structure, in which every participant
is inserted in the process can connect to each other
regardless of a specific solution, personalized and
point to point. Increasing the level of
communication, connectivity and flexibility
between existing systems, SOA unlocks the power
of print services and streamline the system.
The components will be installed in the field,
data center and operational control center (OCC).
The field will be installed sensors and actuators to
be responsible for data collection and due role as
business rules that are in various applications of
ITS, in addition to information boards and sound
The data center will be installed servers and
equipment responsible for carrying out the backup.
The CCO will be workstations installed for the ITS
actors, especially the public transport activities
To interconnect all components will be installed
routers and data networks that allow them to do
proper communication and transparently and with
The architecture planned for the BRT ITS is
shown in Figure 3 and consists of four applications:
Operational Management, Billing Electronics,
Information System of User and Prevention &
To ensure interoperability between the ITS
systems, legacy systems, AVL, Sensors and
Actuators considers the implementation of an
integration bus developed with open system, this
way you can ensure system growth according to the
operational needs of the municipality, as well to
reduce dependence on suppliers, as this
configuration allows the use of sensors, actuators,
systems, AVLS from various manufacturers, and the
only requirement is that they meet open
communication protocols.
DOI: 10.37394/23204.2022.21.8
Cledson Akio Sakurai,
Caio Fernando Fontana, Antonio Gil Da Silva Andrade
E-ISSN: 2224-2864
Volume 21, 2022
Fig.3: ITS Architecture for BRT using SOA
ITS components will not be in the same location
so the communication channel must have adequate
response time, and meet the necessary requirements
regarding the stability and availability. The
proposed architecture solution meets the operational
requirements presented in item 3.2 of this document
and allows it to receive new features as needed by
the BRT operation and maintenance services.
The following are ITS features sets applicable to
the BRT system
3.4.1 Operational Management System (SGO)
The SGO allows the operation and maintenance
of the BRT corridor to ensure quality in service,
bringing resources to the monitoring, corrective
maintenance, preventive maintenance, monitoring,
control and security. The system also has possibility
to store and process historical data to allow those
responsible for TP can take the most appropriate
decision for each situation.
The SGO is composed of one or more servers,
application and database features that can deliver
the proposals for the system. The solution proposed
by the ITS project, the application will have the
following features:
Planning: Functionality which allows you to
plan the operation of the BRT (lines, routes,
service offerings, economic and financial
analysis) in accordance with the historical
use and forecasting, and may include
characteristics of the weekdays, holidays,
events, among others. The system allows
you to model scenarios, evaluating
alternatives, structuring actions, establishing
routines and procedures with a view to
meeting the mobility aspirations of society;
Service Quality: Monitoring aspects related
to standards of care, such as: accessibility,
comfort levels, service levels of integration,
maximum waiting times, quality indicators /
performance and levels of prevention;
Planning Monitoring: Based on the
planning, the system performs monitoring in
the hallway, checking the supply and
demand, such as amount and allocation line
for vehicles, often traveling time, itineraries,
timesheet (timetable) and allocation of
human resources (driver, marketing agent);
Supervision, Inspection and Operational
Control: Real-time monitoring parameters
and events in the hallway (TP System) in
order to adapt the operation to set standards
and carry out the necessary maintenance.
This module also performs the monitoring
of the use in the corridor and can identify
and generate alerts for unauthorized
vehicles to use the corridor;
Measurement: Functionality related to the
acquisition of information from the TP
system by AVL and sensors available via
the stations.
Services Management: This feature made
the fleet tracking according to plan, as well
as quality in providing services and if
necessary to generate indicators for the
redesign in real time to ensure continuity of
3.4.2 Electronics Charging
The electronic charging system aims to manage
the flow of credits.Tthis flow includes activities
from the generation, distribution, validation, use,
storage (ticketing) and compensation (clearing). The
features are involved in the system:
Generation and Distribution of electronic
claims: The system performs generating lots
of credits that are used by the users for the
payment of fares on public transport. The
credits will be tracking mechanism to
ensure the safety and cloning is not
possible, must comply with the principles of
Authentication, Authorization and Audit;
Validation, Use, Storage and Compensation:
This module Electronic Billing System
checks the validity and the amount of
electronic credit available should also
include permission. This feature is
important for the credit control by holders
of benefits users, requiring the use of some
form of identification. Use counts the
number of passengers in each terminal,
identifying whether it is paying or not, in
addition to the group to which each user
DOI: 10.37394/23204.2022.21.8
Cledson Akio Sakurai,
Caio Fernando Fontana, Antonio Gil Da Silva Andrade
E-ISSN: 2224-2864
Volume 21, 2022
belongs, for example: normal, old, student,
etc. The compensation function generates
the result of the collection and distribution
for each service making up the public
transport system;
Integration with other storage systems: The
system integrates the unified system of the
Municipality and / or other storage systems
that may exist, such as: integration with
other modes of transportation, etc.
3.4.3 System Information to User
This application is responsible for
communicating with users of the transport system,
whether they are responsible for operating and
maintaining or travelers who are actual users of
BRT services, information is generated from the
available data in the operational management and
prevention system & safety. System features are:
Planning: helps the user in planning the
form of travel to allow a choice of the most
efficient and fast itinerary, plus the cost of
the trip. The tool will be available through
Internet-connected devices.
Travel: It helps the traveler who needs
additional information during the course of
the trip. They are usually dynamic
information related to travel time, estimated
time of the next connection, among others
that allows travelers to reschedule the trip if
necessary. The information will be available
through Internet-connected devices;
Information to the traveler: At terminals and
stations will be available panels with respect
to each location information such as: arrival
of the next vehicle, estimated time, service
suspension of a given line;
Information on the vehicle: This module
provides for AVL information regarding the
next season, scheduled to arrive, traffic
conditions, weather conditions, among
others. Inside the vehicles should be
available to a panel presentation of
Post-trip information: This information
about the history of travel, as well as data
for the SAC (of Customer Service);
Information to responsible: Those
responsible for operation and maintenance
will receive information necessary for the
performance of its activities. The
information will be made available over the
Internet or local network and network as the
needs of each user.
3.4.3 User Systems Prevention and Safety
The prevention and security system to the
traveler / passenger / driver, both in the aspect of
preventing the actions of third parties (security), and
to guard against operational risks (safety). The
planned features are:
Monitoring of vehicles (internal),
surrounding the vehicle (external) of the
tracks, stations and terminals: This
monitoring is done through images and
sensors present in the stations, terminals,
stops, ticket offices, ordinances, decks,
pathways and patios TP parking of vehicles.
Routes in the cameras are designed to verify
the existence of elements that might
jeopardize the vehicle, driver and
passengers in the travel route, as obstacles
and action of criminals. Prevent also against
the track invasion by unauthorized vehicles
and pedestrians;
Control agglomeration / overcrowding:
monitors the number of travelers and
passengers present in the stations and
vehicles, in order to determine the level of
occupation in order to avoid overcrowding
and discomfort. May use an imaging
monitoring system to meet the goal, as well
as turnstiles and automatic access doors to
limit the flow of passengers. In panic
situations, the turnstiles at entrances / exits
should provide a mechanism to facilitate the
evacuation (free passage);
Integration with public security and
emergency systems: It consists in sharing
information, voice and image with the
security and emergency forces in order to
prevent and treat critical situations, risks to
users and damage to the TP system, caused
by offenders and criminals, vandals,
weather conditions or accidents.
3.4.3 Integration BUS
Services responsible for the coordination of
transport and traffic systems, to improve the
services offered is considered:
Integration between modes: Enables
coordination between agents operating in
different ways services (intermodal service
provider). Aims to provide convenience at
the point of transfer, as well as improving
the operation of the TP;
DOI: 10.37394/23204.2022.21.8
Cledson Akio Sakurai,
Caio Fernando Fontana, Antonio Gil Da Silva Andrade
E-ISSN: 2224-2864
Volume 21, 2022
Integration traffic light: Search privilege the
movement of vehicles through PT priority at
traffic lights.
3.4.3 Data Communication Network
Data communication networks, voice and images
consist of two systems: the primary and secondary
communication systems perform communication
between the various systems and subsystems.
They should enable the transmission and
reception of messages in voice formats, data and
images in a bidirectional manner, with integrity
checking of all incoming and outgoing data as well
as the ability to: IP number of the setting,
implementing QoS mechanisms (quality of service),
emulation private networks, network status
management in real time implementation of
verification mechanisms and validation of
communication and data traffic packages.
The primary communication system should
allow the use of at least two concurrent or additional
communication technologies, for example: GSM /
GPRS / EDGE and digital trunking or GSM / GPRS
/ EDGE, and WiMAX or WiMAX and WCDMA
(3G) to ensure service availability.
To the fullest extent of the BRT corridor will be
built an operating fiber optic network connecting the
equipment on the road, responsible for
communication with the vehicles in operation.
The network must also be both redundant fiber
optics segment spread via like in wireless
communication with vehicles in operation, stations
and garages. The wireless part can be done through
a network "Wi-Fi" and have a minimally GPRS
communication (or 3G) with fixed IP and contracted
service level guarantees through a telephone
operator and data as a contingency.
Operational data network should be extended to
the garage responsible for the maintenance of
vehicles and orders for the line.
The network must also be integrated with traffic
control systems or area traffic management systems,
integrating traffic signal controllers, VMS (variable
message panels), CCTV systems and detection and
surveillance, telemetry, etc., with the CCO.
3.4.3 Cameras System
The entire line of BRT and its stations and
terminals should be monitored by a fixed camera
system and the vehicles must have built-in cameras
showing the entire length of the vehicle and a
camera facing outside the vehicle showing the
driver's vision.
Some fixed cameras should also be able to be
moved from the CCO moving in one hundred and
eighty degrees (or 360 degrees, depending on the
function) and approaching the desirable object, and
minimally two internal cameras per station wagon
and two outer cameras, in each direction of the line.
Fixed cameras should be spread on supports visually
cover the whole 100% BRT line.
The system should offer the possibility and show
all or certain images captured in real time or
retrieved from a recording on an image bank and be
digitally available in real time to the CCO and
integrated with traffic control systems and CCTV
systems city traffic covered by the system,
especially in BRT's area of influence.
These cameras are used by centers to help
observe the surface transportation system. CCTV
devices can be used by centers:
Check for a reported traffic congestion.
Determine that assistance may be required
for the incident.
Monitor the progress of incidents,
construction and special events.
Determine when the residual incident
congestion is eliminated.
Provide visual images to the public on the
state of the track.
Determine what types of emergency
services need to be dispatched.
3.4.3 AVL
The AVL is a device embedded in the BRT
vehicle that aims to track the level of use and
performance of each vehicle and the way they are
operated. Collects information necessary for the
rationalization of equipment, provision of design,
safety and comfort of operation. Examples: State
monitoring (safety device, opening / closing doors)
and as continuous variables (position, velocity,
acceleration, occupation and motor functions /
The AVL integrates with door station equipment
where there, so that they can open at the right time
in order to prevent accidents and to increase the
commercial speed and the operational flow.
The planned features are:
Identification of the instant geographical
location of bus.
Capture and transmission of information on
Monitoring the vehicle on the ground.
Telemetry vehicle.
Operating data record.
DOI: 10.37394/23204.2022.21.8
Cledson Akio Sakurai,
Caio Fernando Fontana, Antonio Gil Da Silva Andrade
E-ISSN: 2224-2864
Volume 21, 2022
Communication with the driver and
Communication with the central operation
and supervision and emergency services
(Police, Civil Defense, Municipal Guard,
Fire Department, etc.).
Control communications system and
information for the driver and user.
Generation operating alarms and operation
of embedded devices and systems.
Embedded surveillance.
Remote intervention on the vehicle and
embedded devices.
Management and processing of data
generated by the equipment transmission
and / or recording images.
Data or audio when alarms are triggered.
Multimedia monitors.
External displays.
Automatic counting of passengers on doors
or turnstiles.
Various sensors;
Onboard computers.
3.4.3 Sensors and Actuators
Associated infrastructure (stations, terminals and
tracks), the sensors perform the collection of
information for assessing the level of congestion
and occupation. Examples: the terminals and on the
decks - users / travelers count; the roads - counting
and identification of vehicles, speed measurement,
light forward and improper occupation.
4 Conclusion
The architecture presented is a proposal for the
implementation of ITS in a BRT, the important
point of the architecture is to enable the introduction
of new services and applications as needed, this
enables the architecture to start with only one
system and some sensors and it starts to grow
according to the need of maintenance and operating
staff. Based on service-oriented architecture can
sending or receiving external information systems of
other bodies within the municipality or external
The architecture is being detailed and the city of
Sao Jose dos Campos is considering implementing it
in its structure and in the BRT project that is under
5 Acknowledge
We appreciate the support of Prefeitura de São José
dos Campos - SP - Brazil which enabled this
research. The survey results are being applied in city
hall of specific projects in infrastructure, traffic and
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DOI: 10.37394/23204.2022.21.8
Cledson Akio Sakurai,
Caio Fernando Fontana, Antonio Gil Da Silva Andrade
E-ISSN: 2224-2864
Volume 21, 2022