Construction and analysis of models of increasing reliability
for modular encryption algorithm
Institute of Information and Computational Technologies
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
125 Pushkin str., Almaty, 050010
Abstract: - This paper describes the development of a model of symmetric block encryption algorithm using
nonpositional polynomial notation systems. Computer model this algorithm was created and its properties were
investigated. In order to increase the cryptostrength of the algorithm simple substitution and gamming cipher
modes were used, methods of the application of these modes are shown. As a continuation of this work, a
computer model for managing keys in the encryption algorithm is being developed.
Key-Words: - encryption, nonpositional polynomial notations, encryption model, software implementation
1 Introduction
In order to improve the strength of the encryption
algorithm based on nonpositional polynomial
notations (NPNs, hereinafter referred to as “the
encryption algorithm”), for encryption of data with
different structure proposed a modification of the
algorithm using gamming cipher and substitution
table [1-3]. As components of the modified
encryption algorithm these procedures solve the
following tasks.
First, a processing message could have a
structure with some patterns, for example, large
blocks of consecutive zeros or ones. To solve such
problems, the gamming procedure is included, in
which to generate a key gamma sequence the
pseudo-random sequence generation (PRSG)
algorithm is used. The intermediate results in this
PRSG algorithm are not stored. Therefore, there is
no need to store the gamma sequence of the same
length as the plaintext, as it is sufficient to maintain
the input data (the seed) of the generator [4].
Reliability of the gamming procedure based on the
fact that the use of statistical safe keys ensures a
good ciphertext for any plaintext.
Claude Shannon proved that under certain
properties of a gamma this encryption method is
completely resistant [5]. In other words, the
ciphertext does not contain any information about
the plaintext. In the proposed model, the application
of the gamming removes any patterns encountered
in plain text.
Second, the cipher may be sensitive to a linear
cryptanalysis, as the encryption algorithm uses the
multiplication operation. In practice, these problems
are solved by using the substitution table.
2 Creation of the model of the
encryption algorithm based on NPNs
In accordance with the known principles of
Shannon [6], symmetric cryptographic algorithms
use nonlinear operations for mixing and linear
transformations for dispersion. Multiple consistent
use of mixing and dispersion allows to achieve a
high level of cryptographic strength. Nodes of
nonlinear replacement in modern symmetrical
primitives are usually realized in the form of
substitution tables or the S-boxes. Most of the
modern block algorithms (Rijndael, Camellia, DES,
etc.) use a single linear operation (addition modulo
2) to introduce round keys and combine inter-round
values. S-boxes are an element that determine the
non-linearity of ciphering transformation and the
level of its resistance to cryptanalytic attacks.
Given the properties of nonlinear substitution
nodes, the required number of rounds of block
ciphers is calculated ensuring resistance to known
types of cryptographic analysis. Thus, the resistance
of most modern cryptographic symmetric primitives
is largely dependent on the properties of S-boxes
selected. Based on the foregoing, it is proposed to
apply non-linear substitution nodes implemented as
DOI: 10.37394/23204.2022.21.7
R. Biyashev, N. Kapalova,
S. Nyssanbayeva, A. Haumen