High Gradient Magnetic Fields Generated in Events on the 230 kV
Electric Power Transmission Infrastructure:
Human Exposure Analysis and Risk
2Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica,
Universidad Nacional de Colombia SEDE Bogotá,
Abstract: - This work presents a process for analyzing human exposure to high-gradient magnetic fields based
on protection models for patients undergoing magnetic resonance examinations developed by the International
Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). A series of events presented in the electrical
energy transmission infrastructure is taken, with typical currents and front times, a case of extreme failure is
added, and results are presented. Subsequently, with a classic lightning signal, compliance with the exposure to
this type of field in the right-of-way strip of a transmission line is verified and validated in the event of a
hypothetical atmospheric discharge impact event. Finally, a simulation is implemented with space discretization
techniques, establishing the signal resulting from the magnetic field generated as a function of time. The
exposure is evaluated using the presented model. Only in one of the analysis cases was it found that the
perception threshold is exceeded at distances less than 0.6 cm, virtually a situation in which the worker has
contact with the down conductor. With the results obtained and the cases analyzed, it is concluded that failures
of this type do not generate significant exposure to high-gradient magnetic fields and do not exceed the
determined perception thresholds.
Key-Words: - Magnetic Field, Transmission Line, Fault Current, Lightning, High Voltage, Substation.
Received: April 28, 2024. Revised: September 9, 2024. Accepted: October 8, 2024. Published: November 13, 2024.
1 Introduction
The electric power transmission infrastructure
fulfills a strategic function for our society, carrying
electric power from generation centers to
consumption centers. This network is frequently
exposed to incidents in the operation of Substations
(SE) and Transmission Lines (LT) caused by
atmospheric discharges or transient voltage and/or
current events, which originate the emission of
electromagnetic fields of high amplitude and high
gradient. These phenomena have been the subject of
analysis and research that have allowed
theestablishment of strategies to characterize risk
exposure, generating a knowledge base on the
possible effects.
The exposure estimation methodologies that
have provided the best results are those established
within the recommendations and safety guidelines
for magnetic resonance examinations. The
characterization of the risk of being affected by this
type of field is an essential element for the safe
operation and maintenance of the transmission
infrastructure, but also for the general population in
their areas of influence. With the growing concern
and the evolution in the knowledge of the
communities concerning the typical interactions of
electromagnetic fields emitted by LT and SE with
human health, concern has been generated regarding
the exposure to high gradient fields in the vicinity of
the easement strips, especially due to observations
of atmospheric discharges that impact the
infrastructure and failure modes that generate
visually perceptible disruptions in isolation.
High gradient fields associated with industrial
frequency are generally very limited by the designs
and protection systems, so they do not present levels
that can be perceived as dangerous. On the other
hand, the fields that originated in atmospheric
discharges are the highest gradient fields and those
that have been the subject of the most in-depth
analysis. Some investigations have reported that
those phenomena that present characteristics of very
DOI: 10.37394/23201.2024.23.22
Fabian Ricardo Rojas, Gerardo Guerra, Sergio Rivera
E-ISSN: 2224-266X
Volume 23, 2024
short front and tail times apparently would not have
a harmful effect because they are much faster than
the Chronaxie of tissue excitation. However, some
research has also reported that slow atmospheric
discharges with longer times of up to 200 μs could
generate a nerve stimulation effect. In addition, the
electric and magnetic fields generated by
overvoltages/overcurrents caused by events have
front times that can be in the order of milliseconds,
so they could be in the spectrum of nerve
stimulation impulses and could have characteristics
comparable to the limit determined for muscle
stimulation. The possible effects associated with the
magnetic field are of particular interest, which
typically has no controls to mitigate the possible
risk; on the other hand, the electric field has a
specific control implemented through fixed or
temporary grounding.
2 General Aspects of Exposure to
Electric (CM) and Magnetic (CM)
The World Health Organization (WHO), in its role
as the guiding and coordinating authority for health
action in the United Nations system, plays a leading
role in world health matters. With this focus, it
commissioned the ICNIRP to prepare a set of
recommendations and guidelines for the protection
of people from non-ionizing radiation. As a result of
this Commission’s work, the conclusions on the
scientific evidence related to the effects of NIR on
health were published in 1998, which became a
reference document for governmental, public, and
private institutions responsible for the population’s
health, as well as for researchers in the field and the
general public. These recommendations have been
periodically updated and validated in documents
published by ICNIRP from 1998 to the present, [1],
[2]. Due to the diverse characteristics of the
exposure, the impossibility of fully determining the
causal effect, and the complexity associated with
calculating the induced parameters, two types of
values are considered for limiting EMF exposure.
The exposure values associated with the basic
restrictions are based on health effects that have
been precisely established, and their values are
given in induced physical quantities, making them
difficult to measure in practice. To ensure protection
against such effects, the corresponding values
should never be exceeded, [3], [4], [5], [6].
The exposure values associated with the
reference levels are obtained from the basic
restrictions, using mathematical models that relate
the induced variables to more easily measurable
physical parameters. In addition, they take into
account the factors that can modify the exposure, in
order to provide a direct comparison parameter.
They are calculated for the condition of maximum
coupling of the field with the exposed individual,
frequency dependence, and dosimetric uncertainties,
thus providing maximum protection, [4], [6]. If the
measured values are higher than the reference
levels, it does not necessarily imply that the basic
constraints are being exceeded, but further analysis
is essential to assess compliance with the basic
constraints, [4], [5], [6].
ICNIRP recommendations are widely known for
exposures to constant frequency fields or those
whose spectral content can be decomposed into a
reasonable number of components and specific
constraints applied to each frequency, and then total
weighting applied. High gradient fields with shapes
far from sinusoidal and frequencies not
characterizable with classical transforms must have
different considerations for compliance verification
in the framework of their exposure safety. Some
models of lightning signals that can give rise to
these fields can be found in [7].
Specifically for high gradient fields, ICNIRP
has recommended three models for the evaluation of
exposure to pulsed or complex signals, which can be
consulted in detail in [2], [5], [6].
The first consists of converting the signal,
generally rectangular, to an equivalent sinusoidal
signal by adjusting the frequency of the resulting
wave with the width of the original pulse. This
method has weaknesses in complex waveforms
since it ignores the signals superimposed on the
equivalent main frequency, [5].
A second method consists of the spectral
decomposition in frequency of the original signal
and the unitary comparison of each of the
amplitudes of the frequencies of the resulting
spectrum, in relation to the limits determined for
each frequency, weighting an overall exposure that
adds one by one each exposure component. This
method yields good results in periodic signals with
several coherent cycles, however, it presents
important weaknesses in non-periodic signals due to
the convergence problem associated with the signal
sampling and the low-frequency components
resulting from using time-frequency transforms in
truncated signals, [2], [5]. Filtering solutions have
been proposed, however, for high gradient pulsed
signals or narrow band sinusoidal bursts, they can
artificially hide or reduce the exposure associated
DOI: 10.37394/23201.2024.23.22
Fabian Ricardo Rojas, Gerardo Guerra, Sergio Rivera
E-ISSN: 2224-266X
Volume 23, 2024
with peak values that exceed the RMS values
typically present in this type of signal, [2], [5].
A third approach is based on evaluating the
exposure using dB/dt peak weighting of the signal
and then calculating the induced current density
using a constant of proportionality of the electrical
conductivity of the tissue and the effective radius of
the current loop, [8], [9]. This approach seeks to
better approximate the characteristics of the
waveforms and the nature of the biological
interactions, [5], [6]. This approach presents
weaknesses in the evaluation of high gradient fields
because the proportionality constants for the
calculation of induced current are theoretically
derived from calculations for induced currents in the
head originating in sinusoidal signals, which makes
them overly conservative for high gradient fields,
[2], [8].
The exposure and compliance estimation
models used in the present work have been reviewed
and published previously and present a good result
for the characterization of the magnetic field with
this type of characteristics, [2], [10], [11]. This one
has remarkable advantages in its accuracy because
they are derived from exposure thresholds in
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) examinations
[9], therefore, the way of development is based
much more extensively on clinical trials and real
exposure, measuring physical variables on cohorts
of patients and volunteers, with this approach the
biological constants are more accurate and the
thresholds much more adjusted to the real measured
exposure, without neglecting the precautionary
principle, [10]. Moreover, because of the type of
signal used in this type of examination, broader
similarities with pulsed high-gradient signals are
observed, [11].
3 High Gradient Magnetic Field
Assessment Exposure Model
Initial evaluation models can be found in [2] and
[8], but in the search for a complementary
methodology, it is found that the lightning current
signal and its associated magnetic field gradient
have some similarities with the signals used
medically for MRI. Taking advantage of this
similarity, it is proposed to use the methodology to
assess the safety of patients against the magnetic
field emissions used in this type of examination and
associate it to the signal of interest. Accordingly, we
take as a reference what is proposed in [9], where an
evaluation of the average perception threshold is
proposed from the following expression:
 󰇡
󰇢󰇟󰇠 (1)
Where is the effective stimulus duration in
[ms]. The effective stimulus duration is the duration
of the monotonically increasing or decreasing
gradient period [9].
It is been established in [9] that the cardiac
stimulation threshold is well above the intolerable
stimulation threshold for high gradient signals.
Furthermore, the lowest percentile for intolerable
stimulation is 20% above the average threshold for
peripheral nerve stimulation. In that sense, the
interest now is to establish whether the nervous
stimulation threshold and the intolerable stimulation
threshold are exceeded with an exposure such as the
one studied.
For this objective, we analyze the academic and
scientific references taken by ICNIRP [9] for the
issuance of its recommendations within the
framework of patient protection during MRI
examinations. The basic equation of magnetic field
gradient stimulation is presented in [10] and is
defined as: 
 󰇡
󰇢󰇟󰇠 (2)
Where b is the Rheobase, the asymptotic dB/dt
for long-duration pulses, c is the Chronaxie, the
pulse duration at which the dB/dt is twice the
Rheobase and d is the pulse duration [10].
The population average has a perception
threshold with values of b=14.91 [T/s] and c=365
[µs] [10]. Significant contractions in the thoracic
skeletal muscles were observed for magnetic field
gradients approximately 50% higher than those
associated with the perception threshold [10]. A
dB/dt intensity of approximately twice the
perception threshold was found to be intolerable
[10]. Using these factors, the graphs of gradient
intensity and effective stimulus duration are
constructed, for the three thresholds of interest:
perception threshold, muscular stimulation
threshold, and intolerable stimulation threshold.
4 Failure and Exposure Analysis for
As stated in previous sections, this work is
motivated by analyzing two events that occurred in
the electrical power transmission infrastructure in
Colombia and Brazil, respectively. Both events
occurred during asset operation and maintenance
activities. In the first case, power equipment
maintenance activities were performed on a 230 kV
DOI: 10.37394/23201.2024.23.22
Fabian Ricardo Rojas, Gerardo Guerra, Sergio Rivera
E-ISSN: 2224-266X
Volume 23, 2024
line bay (BL). The associated transmission line (LT)
has a double circuit, so BL1 was being worked on
while BL2 remained in service. Physically, both line
bays are arranged next to each other within the
physical topology of a substation with a double
busbar configuration with an interconnector. The
conditions of the work to be performed required the
opening and grounding of the LT at both ends of the
line. During the execution of the activities, a ground
current discharge occurred through the temporary
grounding arrangements provided to protect the
work area of the intervened BL. This condition
forced the temporary suspension of the activity and
the taking of additional actions to preserve the
safety of the work teams participating in the
maintenance. Following the Root Cause Analysis
(RCA), it was established that a contact occurred
between one of the phases of the in-service circuit
and one of the phases of the maintenance circuit at a
specific point on the LT. This situation gave rise to
the incident and originated in atypical wind
conditions in a geographical area within the LT
The second case also occurred during the
maintenance of electrical equipment for substations
on a 230 kV BL. The LT has a double circuit, so
BL1 was disconnected while BL2 remained in
service. Physically, both line bays are arranged side
by side within the physical topology of a substation
with a double bus configuration. The conditions of
the work to be carried out required the opening and
grounding of the LT at both ends of the line. During
the execution of the activities, tests had to be carried
out on the grounding switch. Due to loss of
situational awareness and deviations in the
execution of the maintenance procedure, the
grounding switch of the energized bay (BL2) was
closed, which generated a free ground fault that was
evacuated by the solid ground connection of the
disconnector. After the event, the activity was
temporarily suspended, and actions were taken
according to the security incident procedure,
evaluating the contingency and taking action to
regain situational awareness and ensure operating
conditions. A Root Cause Analysis (RCA) was
subsequently developed.
Taking the described incidents as a reference,
and in the search for more and more exhaustive
analyses to guarantee the safety of the electrical
industry personnel, and in general of any person
close to high voltage infrastructures, the evaluation
of the exposure to high gradient magnetic fields
originated by the fault currents of different fault
events is proposed. This evaluation is relevant and
totally necessary to complement the widely
documented analyses (in the electrical industry
literature) on exposure to industrial frequency
electric fields or faults, which have specific control
measures, such as the adequate design of grounding
systems with the respective control and monitoring
of step and contact voltages, and which are required
in the technical regulations and standards applicable
to the power transmission sector in Colombia and
the world. On the other hand, exposure to high-
gradient magnetic fields is an aspect that has not
been extensively characterized and documented. In
the framework of the precautionary principle, it is
necessary to carry out analyses such as those
Figure 1 presents a schematic context of
exposure to a high gradient magnetic field caused by
a fault current flowing through the conductor of a
temporary grounding equipment (TGE) while a
worker performs activities on adjacent equipment at
a short distance. This model assimilates to the
operating condition of the first event described. The
fault current, generated by the contact between the
phases of circuit 1 and circuit 2 in the LT trace,
flows through the conductor of the de-energized
circuit to the SE. Due to the working conditions, the
surge arresters are disconnected from their down
conductors, and a (TGE) is connected between the
temple and the grounding system connection of the
SE, in the lattice at the base of the equipment. Under
this operating scenario, the fault current flows
directly to the ground through the (TGE) causing a
high-gradient magnetic field in the area near the
conductor. This current generates a magnetic field
of similar waveform, which materializes the
exposure of workers in the vicinity of the down
conductor. This context is the one chosen for the
following calculations and estimations, since it
presents a higher exposure than the one generated in
event two, due to the fact that in the latter the
distance to the energized bay is wider because no
work was being carried out there.
Thus, as indicated in the previous paragraphs
and taking into account what was established in [8],
[9] and [11], a high-gradient magnetic field could
result in an induced current with acute harmful
effects on the human body. Therefore, it would be
plausible that a gradient of a fault current in the
Transmission System can generate a field gradient
that generates some interaction. Then, the fault
current gradient will be calculated to analyze
whether any overshot of perception thresholds,
muscle stimulation, or intolerable stimulation is
To calculate the current gradient, an
approximation of the upward ramp of the signal is
DOI: 10.37394/23201.2024.23.22
Fabian Ricardo Rojas, Gerardo Guerra, Sergio Rivera
E-ISSN: 2224-266X
Volume 23, 2024
made, taking into account the condition of its
monotonic increase to an almost linear
characteristic. This approximation represents an
error of less than 10% in signals up to twice as fast
as a lightning current, in accordance with what is
established in [2], so this approximation will not
generate a marked uncertainty in the results.
With the current gradient, we now turn to
Ampère's law, which allows us to calculate the
magnetic field (B) caused by a time-varying current
(I). It is necessary to take into account that this
approach has some limitations associated with the
finite length of the conductor that clears the fault
current, the effect of field reflections generated by
the equipment and supports adjacent to the
grounding conductor, and the contributions of the
fault currents that circulate through the earth.
Assuming these conditions, the typical expression is
used to calculate the magnetic field generated by an
infinite streamline, and expressing it in terms of its
time derivative, we obtain:
 
With d representing the distance in meters to the
infinite current line, B is the magnetic field, I am the
current, and μ_0 It is the vacuum permeability.
Once the expression that relates the derivative
of current with the derivative of the magnetic field
is established, four fault events of the 230 kV
transmission system cleared by the relay-switch
assembly are selected to calculate the exposure they
could generate under conditions like those
Figure 2 presents the oscillographs of the
currents of the three phases of four selected events.
From left to right the faults are presented in phase
C, phase A, phase B, and phase B, respectively.
With a descending order of the signals for the
phases, top A, middle B, and bottom C.
Schematically two vertical lines and two vertical
arrows in blue and yellow are used to highlight the
beginning of the smoothed current ramp and the end
of the smoothed current ramp. Which are used to
calculate the amplitude and the monotonic rise time,
in the faulted phase that has the highest current
amplitude, and which is where the sharpest gradient
Table 1 record the current and monotonic time
parameters of each fault for the calculation of
current derivatives. To have an even more
conservative evaluation, the inclusion of an assumed
critical event with the most drastic fault conditions
is determined, a current of 40 kA with a time of 8.3
ms (valley-peak time of the industrial frequency),
this event seeks a calculation under the worst fault
conditions. It is at the limit of supportability of some
of the equipment installed in the 230 kV substations.
Figure 3 (Appendix) presents the results of
calculating the magnetic field derivatives in a
homogeneous monotonic time for all the faults, in
contrast to the thresholds of perception, muscular
stimulation, and intolerable stimulation. The
distance scale on the x-axis is in cm and allows
observation that from 0.75 cm, none of the faults
would generate an overshoot of any of the
thresholds. The 40 kA critical fault can exceed the
perception threshold only at distances of less than
0.6 cm from the source; an overrun of the muscle
stimulation threshold occurs at a distance of 1 mm,
i.e., virtually when the worker is in contact with the
conductive element through which the fault current
flows. This situation is extremely remote, and if it
were to materialize, the risks associated with the
electric field or its thermal effects would be of
greater concern.
Fig. 1: Schematic model of fault current flow
through grounding equipment while working on
adjacent equipment
The analysis is performed with the ramp of the
highest current gradient; the analysis with
successive ramps in the framework of the signal
damping yields lower results than those presented.
According to the results obtained in events where
the exposed worker is more than 0.75 cm from the
current source, no effect would be expected.
5 Proposed Analysis: Lightning
Signal Model
Works such as the one presented in [8] and [11]
have shown possible acute effects at distances less
than 30 cm from cables carrying lightning fault
currents. Based on these analyses, a calculation of
possible exposures to high gradient fields in the
Fault Current
Temporary grounding
Surge arrester
DOI: 10.37394/23201.2024.23.22
Fabian Ricardo Rojas, Gerardo Guerra, Sergio Rivera
E-ISSN: 2224-266X
Volume 23, 2024
easement strips in certain cases of lightning strikes
on TL infrastructure is proposed.
Table 1. Fault currents and times for calculating
current gradients
Event Class
Event 1
230 kV
Event 2
230 kV
Event 3
230 kV
Event 4
230 kV
critical event
For this purpose, a typical lightning signal is
selected, and an analysis similar to the one
presented for SE is performed.
A typical time domain lightning signal is
proposed for the analysis, as suggested in [7], and is
presented in equation 4.
󰇜 (4)
Where i is the current signal, I am the peak
current in [kA], k is the correction factor for the
peak current, t time in [µs], the front time
constant, and decay time constant
The peak current parameters and characteristic
times of the lightning signal are established as a
reference to what was stated in [7] to determine
probabilistic magnitudes of the parameters 95%,
50%, 5%, and <1%the Table 2 presents the
parameters of the selected signals, and
Fig. 4 (Appendix) shows the resulting signals in
the time domain.
Table 2. Lightning signal parameters
5.1 Event Analysis for a Lightning Strike on
an LT
The analysis for TL is based on the assumption of a
lightning strike on the power cable or guard with
peak current values between 24 and 200 kA,
assuming that at that exact moment, there is a
worker in the easement strip. Under typical
conditions the current flows in both directions away
from the point of impact, with amplitudes and
wavefronts determined by the impedances of the
cable, towers, grounding, and their interactions.
These reduce the gradients and maximum
amplitudes of each of the wavefronts. To perform
conservative calculations, the assumption is made
that all the lightning current flows in a single
direction, and attenuations of the medium and
impedances are discarded. Thus, the maximum
amplitude and maximum gradient scenario is
obtained, which is desirable in this type of exposure
calculation. The Fig. shows the impact scenario and
the signals used for the proposed calculation.
Fig. (Appendix) shows the results for a fast
front time with different amplitudes, in contrast to
the thresholds for perception, muscle stimulation,
and intolerable stimulation for that gradient time. It
can be seen that only with the 200-kA signal at a
distance of 50 cm the perception threshold is
exceeded, which demonstrates that even in a
scenario of very high and remotely probable current,
any worker in the easement strip would not have
effects associated with exposure to high gradient
magnetic fields.
5.2 Discretization Space Simulation
Although the analytical results clearly show that
there is no evident effect on the exposure of the
analyzed cases, to finalize this study, a simulation is
implemented using spatial discretization techniques
software with a lightning-type signal, which was the
one that showed higher derivatives and higher
exposure incidence in the previous calculations.
The software used is CST Studio Suite, which
implements the Finite Integration Technique (FIT)
and the Transmission Line Method (TLM), which
allows properly simulating of the return channel and
its associated fields, as well as the coupling effects.
This software has a presence of several decades in
the market of physical and electromagnetic
simulations, is widely validated, and is used by
multiple engineering companies worldwide. This
software allows simulation directly in the time
domain, improving some of the results of other
software that uses frequency domain techniques and
use back transforms to adjust the results in time,
The spatial domain is 20m x 20m x 20m, with
PML (Perfectly Matched Layer) boundaries that
generate a boundary condition with no absorptions
or reflections in the signals. A concrete block of
10m x 10m x 5m is included, and a downspout of
radius 0.02m and 5.2m high penetrates the block 0.2
DOI: 10.37394/23201.2024.23.22
Fabian Ricardo Rojas, Gerardo Guerra, Sergio Rivera
E-ISSN: 2224-266X
Volume 23, 2024
m, as shown in Fig. (Appendix), left side. The
excitation signal is a classical double ramp signal
with an amplitude of 200 kA, as shown in Figure 7
(Appendix) on the right side. The simulation occurs
in the time domain between 0 and 100 µs.
Fig. and Figure 8 (Appendix) presents the
simulation results; on the left, the magnetic field
distribution around the down conductor, a field
concentration is observed in the vicinity of the
excitation source. On the right, the magnetic field
signal is in [A/m]. The results show that for the
maximum gradient interval, the thresholds of
perception, muscle stimulation, or intolerable
stimulation are not exceeded. There is a significant
deviation in the simulation results Vs. the analytical
calculation because the exposure calculated in
previous sections has maximum coupling factors
and is markedly conservative; in addition, they are
made with an infinitely long conductor
approximation, [13]. On the other hand, the
simulations are theoretically more accurate and
consider the presence of the concrete block.
Additional simulations with the presence of a
support structure or additional equipment to show
the field distortion would be desirable. However, the
software used is in a student test license and has
extensive restrictions for meshing, which prevented
the realization of more complex simulations. The
student version allows a maximum of 100,000 mesh
cells. According to the determined simulation space
the maximum simulation accuracy is for a
discretization of  m³.
Nevertheless, the results obtained clearly show
that the levels of exposure to high gradient magnetic
field are marginal for the models analyzed.
6 Conclusion
Verification and validation of the exposure of high
gradient magnetic fields originating from fault
currents are necessary because, under certain
conditions, it has the possibility of exceeding the
perception, muscle stimulation, or intolerable
stimulation thresholds. One of the best methods that
has been documented is the use of assessment
methodologies for patient safety during MRI
Results obtained from theoretical analysis and
computational simulations show mismatches due to
the approximate characteristics of the theoretical
equations since their models do not take into
account environmental elements, such as the ground
or adjacent elements. However, analytical models
are a valuable tool for initial verifications, with
great ease of application and usable results.
Analysis developed for power system failures
with peak currents of up to 40 kA and front times of
8.3 ms show that the perception threshold is only
exceeded at distances less than 0.6 cm from the
source. The stimulation threshold is only exceeded
in very remote conditions in which the worker is
virtually touching the downspout conductor; in this
scenario, risks associated with the electric field or
thermal stress may be more acute.
Results obtained from the analysis with a rapid
atmospheric discharge of 200 kA amplitude show
that none of the thresholds of interest are exceeded
in the easement strip. Exceeding the perception
threshold only occurs 50 cm from the conductor, a
scenario only possible for a worker who is passing
by the transmission line conductor just at the
moment when the lightning strike occurs.
In this way, this paper stood out for its analysis
of human exposure to high-gradient magnetic fields
originating from events on the 230 kV electric
power transmission infrastructure. It presents a
range of scenarios, including typical events and
extreme failures, and verifies compliance with
exposure thresholds. Additionally, the inclusion of a
lightning signal model added depth to the analysis,
showing the potential impact of atmospheric
discharges on exposure levels. Thus, this paper
provided valuable insights into a critical aspect of
electrical infrastructure safety, shedding light on
potential risks and offering a basis for further
research and safety measures.
Declaration of Generative AI and AI-assisted
Technologies in the Writing Process
During the preparation of this work the authors used
CLAUDE in order to study the state of the art and
the missing development in order to give a new
approach our proposal. After using this tool/service,
the authors reviewed and edited the content as
needed and take full responsibility for the content of
the publication.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
Conceptualization G.G., F.R., S.R.; methodology,
software, validation, formal analysis G.G., F.R.,
S.R.; investigation, G.G., F.R.; writingoriginal
draft preparation, G.G., F.R.; writingreview and
editing, G.G., F.R., S.R. The authors have read and
agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
No funding was received for conducting this study.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/23201.2024.23.22
Fabian Ricardo Rojas, Gerardo Guerra, Sergio Rivera
E-ISSN: 2224-266X
Volume 23, 2024
Fig. 2: Fault oscillographs. Failure 1 Phase C, failure 2 Phase A, failure 3 Phase B, failure 4 Phase B. Phases A,
B, and C are assigned downstream. Monotonic time and gradient calculated in the middle of the indicator's blue
and yellow cursors
Fig. 3: Results of the calculation of the magnetic field derivatives in a homogeneous monotonic time for all
faults, in contrast to the thresholds of perception, muscular stimulation, and intolerable stimulation
Fig. 4: Lightning signals in the time domain
Failure-event 1 Failure-event 2 Failure-event 3 Failure-event 4
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
dB/dt intensity[kT/s]
Perception and stimulation thresholds Vs dB/dt - rise time=8.3 ms
dB/dt_1.89kA_t=8.3ms dB/dt_2.65kA_t=8.3ms dB/dt_4.38kA_t=8.3ms
dB/dt_10.7kA_t=8.3ms dB/dt_40A_t=8.3ms Threshold_perception
Threshold_Muscle Stimulation Threshold_Intolerable Stimulation
020 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
I_Peak [kA]
Lightning currents - front signal
ip(24 kA) i(45.3 kA) i(85 kA) i(200 kA)
DOI: 10.37394/23201.2024.23.22
Fabian Ricardo Rojas, Gerardo Guerra, Sergio Rivera
E-ISSN: 2224-266X
Volume 23, 2024
Fig. 5: On the left diagram is the lightning strike and field emission in the strip. The right fronts of ray signals
were determined for the calculations
Fig. 6: Results of the magnetic field derivatives for fast front time and their comparison with the thresholds of
perception, stimulation, and intolerable stimulation
Fig. 7: Left simulation model with concrete block and down conductor. Right model excitation function
Easement strip
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
I_Peak [kA]
Lightning currents - front signal
ip(24 kA) i(45.3 kA) i(85 kA) i(200 kA)
0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
dB/dt intensity[kT/s]
Perception and stimulation thresholds Vs dB/dt - rise time=0.32 µs
dB/dt_24kA_t=0.32µs dB/dt_45.3kA_t=0.32µs dB/dt_85kA_t=0.32µs
dB/dt_200kA_t=0.32µs Threshold_perception Threshold_Muscle Stimulation
Threshold_Intolerable Stimulation
DOI: 10.37394/23201.2024.23.22
Fabian Ricardo Rojas, Gerardo Guerra, Sergio Rivera
E-ISSN: 2224-266X
Volume 23, 2024
Fig.8: Simulation results, left magnetic field distribution in space. Right absolute magnetic field signal in [A/m]
at test point 14 cm from the down conductor
DOI: 10.37394/23201.2024.23.22
Fabian Ricardo Rojas, Gerardo Guerra, Sergio Rivera
E-ISSN: 2224-266X
Volume 23, 2024