Analysis of the Influence of PV Integration on an Unbalanced Grid
Voltage Deviation
Department of Electrical Engineering,
Tshwane University of Technology, eMalahleni,
Abstract: - With the increasing utilization of renewable energy sources (RES) to mitigate climate pollution
from fossil fuel-based energy production, it is imperative to investigate the influence of integrated Photovoltaic
(PV) generation on distribution grid voltage levels and power losses. Voltage stability in dispersed systems
with high PV penetration is a major challenge due to solar power dynamic generation. Voltage stability is an
important parameter for measuring the level of penetration of PV systems on distribution grids in terms of load
capacity. As a result, this study provides analytical voltage stability, which is achieved using a 4.16 kV voltage
level on a modified IEEE 13 bus radial distribution system. The network was modeled, simulated, and analyzed
based on a snapshot power flow solution. Four simulation scenarios were tested for PV penetration levels on
the grid. The collected outcomes demonstrated that the system voltage profile and losses remained within the
voltage limit established by international standards with PV penetration. As a result, PV penetration levels
greater than 40% of the loading capacity resulted in voltage increases that exceeded the prescribed limits,
reverse power flow, and an increase in grid power loss.
Key-Words: - PV generation, losses, PV placement, low-voltage grid, deviation, modeling, InCond MPPT
algorithm, dynamic gravity search algorithm, voltage drop, reverse power flow.
Received: April 11, 2024. Revised: August 17, 2024. Accepted: September 17, 2024. Published: October 24, 2024.
1 Introduction
The low-voltage distribution system has undergone
an immense rise in the integration of renewable
energy sources (RES), driven by global demand for
sustainable and clean energy alternatives. Solar
photovoltaic (PV) and wind power generation
systems are two of the most common RES
technologies, as shown in Figure 1, [1]. PV system
penetration into the distribution grid is increasing
year after year, particularly in densely populated
urban regions, where consumers are driven to
environmentally benign energy options and lower
installation costs. However, as the number of PV
generators connected to the distribution network
grows, maintaining voltage levels within acceptable
limits becomes more difficult due to the grid's
original architecture, which failed to account for
bidirectional power flows. This is because these PV
generators are dependent on fluctuating weather
conditions, [2]. It can be integrated into both
transmission and distribution networks, including
medium- medium and small-scale small-distributed
generation systems, [3], [4]. Large-scale Large PV
generators, typically three-phase and ranging from
an output of 1 to 10 MW, are connected to the
power grid through interconnection via connection
transformers connected in parallel. These systems
are either directly integrated directly into the
transmission network or connected to dedicated
special distribution substation feeders equipped
with voltage and overcurrent protection. Medium-
scale Medium-sized PV units, systems with
capacities outputs between 10 and 1000 kW and are
usually installed in commercial buildings. With the
exception of the transformer's rated power, larger
units with hundreds of kW are configured similarly
to large PV systems, [5], [6]. The 10 kW maximum
output small photovoltaic generator is integrated
into the home of the energy consumer and is
typically single-phase. The most popular type
requires no connection transformer at this
installation level, [7]. The power grid's PV system
penetration was found to be highest in the
distribution system, [8]. Small-scale generating and
industrial customers will continue to integrate PV
into the grid system as a result of government
incentives and falling PV panel costs, as PV
penetration is believed to provide technical and
environmental benefits, [9], [10]. However, high
PV penetration levels may have an impact on the
distribution system, resulting in voltage unbalance,
voltage rise, and reverse power flow, all of which
DOI: 10.37394/23201.2024.23.15
A. Abayomi, Agha F. Nnachi
E-ISSN: 2224-266X
Volume 23, 2024
contribute to higher power loss [11], [12]. This
negative impact has an effect on grid operation and
control since the low-voltage distribution system is
not designed to accept external power sources such
as PV devices.
Fig. 1: Public use of renewable energy worldwide,
As PV integration on the distribution network
increases, the technical influence needs to be
examined and determined. This study investigates
the impact of PV system integration on a
distribution network using an adapted IEEE 13 bus
test system with domestic and industrial feeders
and real-time time series analysis of solar
irradiance data, [13], [14]. The integration level is
adjusted to adequately reflect the effects of PV
integrated into the distribution network.
2 Description of Modelled System
Figure 2 depicts the layout of a 10 kW PV system
simulated for this study, including all electrical
power components and the DC-DC boost converter,
which increases the PV voltage at maximum power
from 273 Vdc to 500 Vdc. The Incremental
Conductance (InCond) MPPT algorithm improves
duty cycle switching performance. The MPPT is
designed to automatically alter the duty cycle to
create the voltage required to track maximum
Fig. 2: The basic configuration of the modeled
A three-phase three-level voltage source
inverter (VSI) is connected to the DC-DC
converter, which converts the connection voltage of
500 Vdc to 250 Vac. It maintains the system's
power factor (PF) at unity. The VSI control system
has two feedback loops: an inner loop controls grid
currents Id and Iq (active and reactive components),
while an outer loop regulates DC link voltage to
±250V. Equations (1) and (2) explain the voltage
equations of a grid-tied inverter in the synchronous
reference frame, with L as the filter inductance and
R as the filter resistance, [15].
where: Vq and Vd are the voltage output of the
inverter, Iq and Id are the inverter currents, is
the angular frequency of the grid, and eq and ed
are the grid voltages.
When solar radiation decreases due to cloud
movement, the power generated by the PV system
follows the Figure 3(a) pattern. In a 10 kW PV
system, solar radiation drops from 1000 W/m2 to
152 W/m2 at 36°C ambient temperature within 20
seconds of cloud shadow, which reduces the system
output from 1700 watts to 139 watts, [16]. Figure
3(b) shows an increase in power after cloud
movement, [17]. Most PV systems installed in
residential areas operate at a power factor of unity
for maximum active power generation; Therefore,
in terms of active power, an increase in the PV
power capacity corresponds to a decrease in load,
Fig. 3(a): Solar irradiation impact on PV power
DOI: 10.37394/23201.2024.23.15
A. Abayomi, Agha F. Nnachi
E-ISSN: 2224-266X
Volume 23, 2024
Fig. 3(b): Solar irradiation impact on PV power rise
As solar radiation intensifies, as shown in
Figure 3(b), the voltage rises because of the
integration of PV systems into the network, which
reduces line current and voltage drops along the
distribution lines. For significant PV penetration in
an unbalanced distribution network, this effect must
be thoroughly analyzed. Such impacts may require
distribution system operators (DSOs) to implement
protective measures to mitigate voltage surges
caused by large spikes. While these scenarios are
all possible within a distribution network, this study
focuses specifically on the widespread adoption of
PV systems and the associated challenge of voltage
increases they induce.
Grid-integrated PV was simulated using the
IEEE 13 bus distribution network. A schematic
system diagram can be seen in Figure 4. Buses 632,
633, 634, 671, 692, and 675 are examples of three-
phase overhead lines; 645, 646, and 684 are
examples of two-phase buses; and 611 and 652 are
examples of single-phase buses. With 2.102 MVar
and 3.466 MW of distribution loads between
industrial and domestic electric power consumers,
the distribution system is fairly loaded for a 4.16
kV bus. Along with distributed loads connected in
star and delta configurations with constant current
and impedance, the network is made up of
overhead wires, parallel capacitors, and a grounded
delta-star transformer. In line with most modern
distribution systems, buses 633 and 634 are linked
to a 4point 16 kV/480 V step-down transformer.
[19], [20] All buses have a voltage of 4.16 kV, with
the exception of bus 634, which has 480 V.
Fig. 4: Schematic of the adapted system
The magnitude of the loads dictated the
location of load categories to the busbars, with each
bus assigned a certain load category (i.e. residential
or commercial). The distribution network's
electrical restrictions were analyzed using power
flow results, which took into consideration the
current across the lines while keeping the voltage
within the permitted range (0.95-1.05 p.u), [21].
The iterative equation was used in the power flow
analysis to compute the network's power losses,
voltage, voltage angles, and active and reactive
3 Test System Analysis Approach
Equations (1) through (5) were used to select and
design a polycrystalline PV module that would
satisfy the needs of the various scenarios in this
study. The effects of PV penetration on an
unbalanced distribution network were investigated
using a MATLAB/Simulink model of an adapted
IEEE-13 bus test system. The model file was
updated with the network parameters, and the
system's baseline results were contrasted with
varying PV penetration levels. Grid-integrated PV
penetration levels of thirty, forty, and fifty percent
of the total load were subsequently put into practice
after first creating and testing the model base
scenario without PV [22]. Next, the effects of
various penetration levels were looked at. The
voltage curve and power losses are examined using
the snapshot power flow analysis method [23],
DOI: 10.37394/23201.2024.23.15
A. Abayomi, Agha F. Nnachi
E-ISSN: 2224-266X
Volume 23, 2024
3.1 PV Module Model
A single diode circuit was utilized to evaluate the
parameters of a single PV cell and compute the
output current in Equation (3) [25], [26].
where; Iph = photocurrent, Id = diode current, that is
proportionate to the saturation current.
Equations (4) and (5) show that a PV cell's
output current is proportional to temperature and
solar irradiance.
iSCph G
Where: Iph = photocurrent; ISC = short-circuit
current; Ki = temperature co-efficient of the cell ISC;
T = change in cell temperature (K); G = irradiance
(kW/m2); GO = nominal irradiance (kW/m2).
The impact of temperature on the saturation
current (Io) of the PV cell is expressed in equation
(5) [27], [28].
II 11
The current-voltage characteristic (I-V) can
then be described quantitatively, as illustrated in
Equation (6).
Oph I
where: Iph = photocurrent; I0 = reverse saturation
current of the diode; q = electron charge; A = diode
ideality constant, K = Boltzmann constant, and Id =
Shockley diode current, [1].
Equation (7) represents the real version of a
solar module modified to accommodate the
serial/parallel configuration of the PV modules,
[29], [30].
Oph R
where: I = load current; Iph = photocurrent; I0 =
saturation current; V = output voltage; Rs = series
resistance; Rsh = shunt resistance Vt = thermal
3.2 PV Location Scenario
For the best tuning of the D-STATCOM PI
controller, the dynamic gravity search algorithm
(DGSA) is used, which is based on mass
interactions and Newton's laws and ensures errors
in a finite time span due to its fast convergence
functions. Performance is determined by
considering the location of the masses that
constitute the population in this algorithm. The four
characteristics of a mass are its location, its inertial
mass, its active mass due to gravity, and its passive
mass. Although the mass's position implied a
solution, its gravity and inertial masses were related
to the fitness function. Gravity forces all of these
particles to move toward each other according to
Newton's laws. This effect causes heavier masses,
which correspond to good solutions, to move
slower than lighter masses, which correspond to
bad solutions. After the recorded iteration, the
global solution and overall fitness of the problem
are determined by the optimal fitness and position
of the corresponding agent in the search space. The
exploitation step of the algorithm in the system is
modeled and shown in Figure 4.
The system was simulated with a single PV
array of the required size to provide different
penetration levels after obtaining a realistic load
profile, [31]. As shown in Figure 5, the PV system
was installed on bus 611 to assess its effect on the
Fig. 5: Illustration of the model in one line
3.3 The Penetration Level of the PV
The maximum output of the PV system divided by
the maximum grid consumption - i.e. the total
installed loads - defines the PV penetration in this
study. In other words, twenty percent of PV
integration results in 28 kW power generation at
DOI: 10.37394/23201.2024.23.15
A. Abayomi, Agha F. Nnachi
E-ISSN: 2224-266X
Volume 23, 2024
STC when the maximum grid intake on Phase A of
Bus 632 is 150 kW, [32], [33]. The system is
believed to produce the most solar energy possible.
𝑆𝑃𝑉 𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛(%)
=𝐴𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑦 𝑚𝑎𝑥. 𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟
𝐺𝑟𝑖𝑑 𝑚𝑎𝑥. 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
A simple iterative power flow analysis was run
on each distribution system unit to ascertain the
voltage profile, angle, real and imaginary power,
and power losses of the test system.
4 Simulation Result
This section discusses the results of various
simulation scenarios. Table 1 contains the basic
power flow results for the voltage curve and the
total active and reactive power with losses, without
PV integration into the grid. Normally, the voltage
level in the distribution system decreases relative to
the main bus of the system due to a voltage drop in
the network. Figure 6 shows the voltage diagram
for the system without PV integration; The voltage
level remains within an acceptable range (0.95 pu
to 1.05 pu). The lowest voltage on the network is
reported to be 0.9701 on bus 611, and a significant
voltage drop is observed on the buses further
downstream. Figure 7 provides a detailed
examination of the various scenarios in phase A of
the network.
Table 1. Base Case power flow results
The minimal voltage rises between thirty and
forty percent penetration depth, from 0.9599 pu to
0.9793 pu, with a maximal voltage peak of 1.0499
pu, which is under the permitted voltage limit. At
fifty percent integration, the voltage rises above the
limit, increasing from 1.0499 pu to 1.07621 pu,
because power consumer loads are sensitive to
voltage swings, this breach may cause damage to
them. The grid current also shifts, resulting in a
reverse flow of electricity.
Fig. 6: Voltage magnitude of the base scenario
Fig. 7: Different integration scenarios profile on
Phase A
Figure 7, Figure 8 and Figure 9 depict the
system voltage fluctuation based on a comparative
analysis of the results obtained at different PV
integration depth on bus 611 in the network.
There was a noticeable voltage drop on the
busbar of the grid source prior to the PV generator
being installed. The PV system's installation has
improved all bus voltages and raised the minimal
voltage magnitude from 0.9607 pu to 1.0108
mitigating the trend in Phase A.
On the C phase, the maximum voltage
magnitude on bus 632 exceeded the 1.05 pu limit at
the fifty percent integration level, indicating that
the system voltage stability cannot be maintained at
the permissible limit above the forty percent
integration level.
DOI: 10.37394/23201.2024.23.15
A. Abayomi, Agha F. Nnachi
E-ISSN: 2224-266X
Volume 23, 2024
Table 2. Overview of System Analysis Findings
Table 2 shows that system losses were
drastically reduced with PV integration compared
to the results without system integration. Power
losses decreased significantly at thirty percent and
forty percent PV integration depth, but began to
increase at fifty percent penetration, indicating that
the grid's PV penetration is limited to fifty percent
penetration. This leads to a reverse power flow,
which increases power losses in the network.
Fig. 8: Different integration scenarios profile on
Phase B
Fig. 9: Different integration scenarios profile on
Phase C
5 Conclusion
The influence of integrating PV systems on low
voltage distribution systems voltage magnitude and
losses in an imbalanced distribution system was
studied utilizing an adapted 13 bus test system with
a nominal voltage of 4.16 kV/480 V. Four
simulated scenarios were considered: the base case
study and three different integration levels of the
PV system on the grid. The system model and
simulation results depict that the PV connection
reduces voltage dips on the test system's buses,
improves the network voltage profile, and
significantly reduces system power losses
comparatively to the results obtained without the
PV. The highest voltage was determined to be
1.0559 p.u in the base case, which improved to
1.0472 p.u with grid-integrated PV. Similarly, with
forty percent PV integration, power losses improve
from 315.73 kVar to 278.98 kVar. It has been noted
that a forty percent PV integration depth is most
acceptable for maintaining a reasonable voltage
level and reducing reverse power flow, as a higher
integration of the solar system increases power
losses on the grid. To avoid power losses, the level
of PV integration on the distribution grid should
not be too high.
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DOI: 10.37394/23201.2024.23.15
A. Abayomi, Agha F. Nnachi
E-ISSN: 2224-266X
Volume 23, 2024
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DOI: 10.37394/23201.2024.23.15
A. Abayomi, Agha F. Nnachi
E-ISSN: 2224-266X
Volume 23, 2024