speed for a given size of the wind farm. Furthermore,
a 30 m x 40 m solar field in Khordha district can
generate 1.2 MWh/day with an average solar radiation
of 5.26 kWh/m²/day, capable of meeting the energy
demand of 100 households. In the investigation of
seven different Integrated Renewable Energy System
(IRES) scenarios, it is determined that the IRES
combining PV, wind, and biogas achieves a Levelized
Cost of Electricity (LCOE) of 14.46 Rs/kWh without
subsidies or policy interventions. The feasibility
analysis, considering policy interventions and carbon
abatement costs, results in a reduced LCOE of 8.6
Rs/kWh, establishing it as a sustainable option for the
study region. The application of Social Group
Optimization (SGO) is proven to be a fast, efficient,
and reliable method for solving the optimization
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DOI: 10.37394/23201.2024.23.11
Madhab Chandra Das, Pritam Patel,
Sarat Chandra Swain, Binay Kumar Nayak