a comparative study are applied. The obtained results suggest
that the proposed methodology is very promising in the bank
credit risk prediction field and it could be applied to any other
CS dataset as well.
Credit scoring (CS) model have been developed by banks and
researchers to improve the process of assessing credit
worthiness during the credit evaluation process. In this
section, we will review some widely used techniques for
predictive credit scoring applied in detecting credit worthiness
borrowers in order to create a baseline for the selection of an
appropriate tool for developing a banking creditworthiness
prediction models, note that this study only reviews the most
commonly used techniques as it would be almost impossible
to look at all techniques applied in credit scoring. Typically,
the existing literature surveys on creditworthiness borrowers
prediction or credit scoring models shows that most of these
models are either statistical [6] or artificial intelligence (AI)
[7] based methods.
A credit scoring solution can be built using Metrological
statistics or statistical models, including; Multiple
Discriminant Analysis (MDA)[8], Logistic Regression (LR)
[8]-[9], Bayesian approach[10]-[11], Probit analysis[12],
Multiple regression and more others. These models have been
proven to be quite effective, however, for solving relatively
less complex problems in prediction credit risk fields. Some of
these techniques are widely applied for prediction and
diagnosis in the banking credit risk assessment literature,
notably; Multiple Discriminant Analysis and Logistic
Regression tools[13]. MDA instrument was initially applied
by[14] to analyze the financial distress, bankruptcy and
default risks. However, the use of this method has frequently
been criticized because of its assumption of the categorical
nature of credit data and the fact that the covariance matrices
of good and bad credit are unexpected to be equal [15], [16].
In parallel with the MDA approach, LR instrument is
becoming a common alternative for making credit-scoring
models. Fundamentally, it was emerged as the better technique
of choice in anticipating dichotomous outcomes. It has been
concluded as one of the most appropriate techniques in the
credit risk assessment literature. Authors in article [17]
stressed that logistic regression algorithms perform best
among all statistical credit risk assessment algorithms. In this
context, several studies has shown the effectiveness of the
logistic regression approach versus the LDA approach in
detection of credit worthiness borrowers. As this model is
widely used, a large number of its application have been
reported in literature[18].
Against lot of statistical methods and in order to improve
prediction performance for detection banking (CW)
borrowers, artificial intelligence and soft computing
techniques have emerged. In fact, overall the main AI method
for prediction (CW) are Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)
[19-20], Support Vector Machines (SVMs) [20]-[21], Fuzzy
Logic (Fuzzy) [21], Decision Tree(DT)[22], K-Nearest
Neighbor (K-NN)[23], Random Forests algorithms(RFs) [24],
Genetic Algorithm [25]-[26], and more others.
AI tools are computer-based techniques of which Artificial
Neural Network (ANN or NN) is the most common for
bankruptcy prediction simply because it have shown a greater
correctness of predictability than any others techniques in
(CW) models prediction or credit scoring models, due to its
associated memory characteristic and generalization
capability, flexibility, robustness, and higher classification
accuracy [27]. Many studies arbitrarily employed neural
networks algorithms for modelling credit risk compared to
others methods of (CW) prediction models [13], [28]. In their
study [29], compares Bayesian networks (NB) with Artificial
Neural Network (ANNs) algorithm based on back propagation
for predicting recovered value in a credit operation. They
finds that both the ANN and the NB models provide reliable
outcomes, but the ANN is more effective for predicting credit
risk with an average score of 82%. Further, Authors in article
[30], explore a new practical way based on the Neural
Networks that would help the banker to predict the non-
payment risk the companies asking for a loan. To evaluate the
performance of their technique, they compare it with those of
discriminant analysis, using a correlation test in a sample of
86 Tunisian companies and 15 financial ratios over the period
from 2005 to 2007. The results shows that the neural networks
techniques is more accurate in term of predictability. In the
same sphere of predicting CW , a research conducted in [31]
suggests an ensemble techniques bagging with neural network
for creditworthiness assessment. By using four measurement
criteria such as Accuracy, Specificity, Sensitivity and the
AUC of the ROC curve, the proposed model showed
promising results and outperforms other models for Bosnian
commercial bank dataset and feature selected datasets and also
for two real-world credit datasets German and Australian.
Authors demonstrate that the proposed model is empirically
proven to be suitable for further use in the assessment of the
creditworthiness of applicants.
In the same context, Lin et al [32] discussed in their work the
application of the classification function and artificial neural
networks such as (MLP) and (RBF) in identifying the risk
categories of the studied firms. The results showed that the
application of the artificial neural network and classification
function can effectively support the credit evaluation of
applicants. In their study, authors in [33] examined the credit
decision using logistic regression and neural network (RBF).
The results showed that the logistic regression model was
superior to the radial basis function (RBF) model in terms of
overall accuracy rate. However, the radial basis function was
better than the identification of likely defaulters. Recently, the
work of Yiping. G [34] present a credit risk assessment
algorithm based on BP neural network, and the simulation
results showed that, compared with the traditional LR
algorithm, the proposed model has higher classification
accuracy and can effectively reduce investors' risk.
2. Creditworthiness Banking Detection
Models: a Brief Review of Literature
2.1 Statistical Models for
Detection of Creditworthiness
2.2 Artificial Intelligence Models
for Detection of Creditworthiness
DOI: 10.37394/23201.2022.21.12
Zaynab Hjouji, Mohamed Mhamdi