A Combining Packaging Design and Culinary Technology to Enhance
Marketing of Peanut Ingredient Products by Community-based
Department of Mechanical Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta,
St. Colombo No.1, Special Region of Yogyakarta,
Abstract: - In product marketing, success often hinges on attention to detail, and minor aspects can have
significant impacts. Product marketing problems can be traced to minor aspects rarely explored by other
research. Aspects of packaging design and culinary technology are two independent variables that have strong
potential to influence the marketing of processed peanut products for community-based housewives in
Gunungkidul Regency, Indonesia. Surveys with a quantitative approach dominate the research method. The
respondents were housewives who were community members who owned a peanut processing business. The
research results show a strong relationship between packaging design and culinary technology in product
marketing. Partially, moderation of packaging design strengthens the relationship between culinary technology
and product marketing, and conversely, culinary technology weakens it when it becomes a moderating variable.
By paying attention to these and other seemingly minor aspects of product marketing, community-based
housewives can gain a competitive edge and increase their chances of success in the marketplace.
Key-Words: - Packaging Design, Culinary Technology, Marketing Strategic, Community-based Housewives,
Experimental Method, One-shot Case Study, Training Program.
Received: January 9, 2024. Revised: July 2, 2024. Accepted: July 25, 2024. Published: September 6, 2024.
1 Introduction
The trend in the creative culinary industry in
Indonesia is highly promising. Within the tourism
and creative economy sectors, the culinary subsector
boasts the highest percentage of businesses at
43.60%, followed by crafts at 18.68%, fashion at
18.08%, publishing at 4.04%, and entertainment and
recreation organization at 3.02%, [1]. According to
data from the Central Statistics Agency, the growth
rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the
creative economy industry is increasing by 5%
annually. In 2015, it stood at 355,505.50 billion
rupiahs, rising to 382,446.10 billion in 2016, and
further to 410,239.60 billion in 2017. Notably, the
workforce within the culinary sector has
experienced consistent growth over the years, with
figures reaching 8,651,740 in 2017, 9,076,096 in
2018, and 9,530,683 in 2019.
Indonesia has a wide variety of culinary delights
and a large market potential. Continuing to hone
your innovation skills in the culinary business will
help you survive and make it easier to achieve
maximum success, [2]. Indonesian culinary
management is under the Ministry of Tourism and
Creative Economy (Kemanparekraf). This ministry
has provided a positive perception of its focus on
developing innovation and entrepreneurial
networks, supporting research and development,
financial incentives, and exposure to creative
products internationally, organizing networking
events, and facilitating collaboration between
creative entrepreneurs, [3]. Developing at the
national and international levels and increasing the
competitiveness of the creative economy at the
regional level also needs to be done, namely by
involving MSME actors and activists in the strategic
formulation of creative economy development, [4].
MSMEs are growing rapidly, especially in the
culinary sector, because culinary is a promising and
profitable business in which food is a basic human
need, [5]. Besides that, culinary tourism has a
positive and significant influence on the number of
tourists, where culinary tourism is one of the targets
of tourists, [6]. However, 96.01% of culinary
products are only marketed within the district/city,
only 3.97% outside the district/city, and 0.02%
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.146
Sutopo, Virda Hersy Lutviana Saputri,
Beni Tri Sasongko, Bayu Rahmat Setiadi,
Tri Adi Prasetya, Chrisna Tri Harjanto
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
abroad, [1]. Culinary growth is starting to spread to
the household sector. Many parents sell all kinds of
culinary delights for their daily needs.
Sporadic, less organized culinary fields make it
difficult to get the characteristics of a particular
culinary delight. The tendency is that developed
culinary products can only last for a short time due
to a lack of innovation, product quality, and
marketing strategies. Food quality is the most
influential factor in creating tourists' culinary
experiences, [7]. So, general strategies that might be
applied are market penetration, product
development, and market development, [8]. Apart
from that, it is also necessary to maintain a typical
food menu. Culinary MSMEs generally have a main
menu, an icon of a region, [9]. Thus, culinary
growth shows a wiser direction. Local wisdom
grows through communities in each village. This
community accommodates the talents and skills of
its members in honing their culinary abilities.
One of the tourist and culinary destinations in
Indonesia is Yogyakarta. One of the areas often
visited to enjoy holiday moments is Gunungkidul
Regency. This district has unique community is the
Prosperous Family Empowerment Group (PKK) in
Pacarejo Village. This community has a culinary
product pioneered by Universitas Negeri
Yogyakarta (UNY): processed peanuts. PKK
Pacarejo is a group empowering prosperous families
that, together with the University, contributes to the
economic growth of the Pacarejo Village
community by developing one of the superior local
food products, Kacang Umpet, a peanut-covered
spring roll skin. Peanuts, as one of the regional
agricultural products, are processed into peanuts
with various sweet and spicy flavors. Kacang Umpet
produced by PKK Pacarejo and UNY is starting to
be known and in demand by the local market.
This pioneering peanut product is produced on a
home scale using simple production equipment but
does not reduce the taste that represents a regional
culinary icon. The current state of processing
technology is still manual, the quality and packaging
design do not yet reflect the uniqueness of the
product, there are complaints from customers due to
the uncertain production schedule, and consumers
are limited to local areas; these are obstacles that are
still often faced by PKK Pacarejo MSMEs. Of
course, if we take the explanation above, the essence
of PKK's business activities is packaging design and
product marketing.
Product packaging design is very important to
attract consumers and create an impression on
consumers to buy because of its appearance. This
packaging design functions as a powerful marketing
tool. The product packaging design must reflect the
identity and type of culinary offered and be easy for
consumers to read and understand, [10]. PPK
Pacarejo processed peanut products must have a
product identity with characteristics and information
to attract consumer attention. The packaging design
must also contain important information such as
expiration date, ingredient composition, and
nutritional information and be visible. The
attractiveness of the appearance of the product
packaging is an important factor in selling the
product and can be a determining factor in consumer
purchasing decisions, [11].
Product marketing is important when introducing
PKK Pacarejo processed products to consumers.
Product marketing can increase product sales
because it provides motivation and information to
buyers about the product, [12]. So far, we still use
conventional marketing techniques through word of
mouth and family relations. So, it needs to be
upgraded using digital-based marketing. Through
social media, PKK Pacarejo can carry out
promotions/marketing and disseminate information
related to hide-and-seek peanut products to potential
consumers effectively and efficiently. With social
media, producers can continue to improve the
sustainability of product marketing that can be
enjoyed by potential consumers wherever they are,
This research will likely reveal the ideal
marketing implementation of processed peanut
products, supported by packaging design and
culinary technology. This research has a proposed
hypothesis as follows:
H1 There is a joint positive and significant
influence between packaging design and
culinary technology and the marketing of
processed peanut products belonging to the
PKK community.
H2 Partially, there is a strong relationship between
packaging design and product marketing, as
well as culinary technology, as moderation, and
vice versa.
H3 There were changes in self-perception before
and after being given training on packaging
design, culinary technology, and product
H4 There are differences in the quality of
packaging design, culinary technology, and
product marketing before and after the training
is given.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.146
Sutopo, Virda Hersy Lutviana Saputri,
Beni Tri Sasongko, Bayu Rahmat Setiadi,
Tri Adi Prasetya, Chrisna Tri Harjanto
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
2 Research Method
The research type is double-quantitative, with a
survey approach to detect multiple causal
relationships and an experimental approach as part
of the training implementation. The survey method
was used to obtain an overview of the causal
relationship between packaging design variables
(X1), culinary technology (X2), and marketing of
processed peanut products (Y). However, to find out
partially, both packaging design and culinary
technology variables can be used in moderation as
proof of testing.
The experimental method was used to see to
what extent training in packaging design, culinary
technology, and product marketing made a
difference and improved results. The experimental
design used is a one-shot case study. This research
design involves a group of participants studied on
one occasion after experiencing an event, treatment,
or intervention, [14]. The research location is in the
PKK Group in Pacarejo Village, Gunungkidul
Regency, Indonesia. The number of respondents
was 30, with the overall gender being housewives.
The reason for using this location and subject is to
evaluate unique products from processed peanuts
through a training program that researchers have
The data collection technique uses a
questionnaire. The questionnaire is used to
distribute self-perception questionnaires regarding
packaging design, culinary technology, and
marketing of processed peanut products. Instrument
development begins with the preparation of research
indicators. Indicators for each variable can be seen
in Table 1.
Table 1. Pacarejo Village PKK Community Profile
Design of Packaging
Packaging design
Packaging quality
Packaging innovation
Packaging production
Culinary Technology
Achievement of understanding
the material
Technology demonstration
Organization of training time
Complete training facilities
Training product results
Product marketing
Product Quality
Sales price
Point of sale
Data analysis techniques use descriptive and
inferential statistics. Descriptive is used to get the
mean, total score, and standard deviation to see the
normal distribution of variables, histograms, and
other descriptive information. Inferential is used to
bring the significance value closer to the final result
of hypothesis testing.
3 Results
3.1 Community Profile
PKK mothers with diverse educational backgrounds,
occupations, and ages dominated the profile of the
research respondents. To show an overview of the
profile of the PKK community that develops
processed nuts (Table 2).
Table 2. Pacarejo Village PKK Community Profile
20 – 35
36 – 55
Education Background
Bean Processing Experience
Based on the community profile data in Table 2,
it can be seen that the distribution of members in the
community is very distributive, as seen from the
even distribution of the ages involved. It can also be
seen that the trend for younger members (20-35
years) to receive higher education is far greater than
that of other ages. However, those of a productive
age still need experience making processed nuts an
economically valuable snack. The job map is also
spread evenly, dominated by jobs such as
housewives and entrepreneurs.
The instruments that 30 research respondents
filled in were then described in detail through the
respondents' self-perceptions. This perception refers
to research variables, namely profiles related to
personal quality in packaging design, use of culinary
technology, and marketing of processed peanut
products. The following is a description of each
research variable profile.
3.1.1 Profile of Packaging Design
Fundamental descriptive statistical analysis must be
known to see an initial picture of the PKK
community's self-perception of its packaging design.
This self-perception is an effort to encourage quality
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.146
Sutopo, Virda Hersy Lutviana Saputri,
Beni Tri Sasongko, Bayu Rahmat Setiadi,
Tri Adi Prasetya, Chrisna Tri Harjanto
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
achievements in the ability of the PKK community
to design packaging by referring to the distribution
of the researcher's questionnaire. These results can
be visualized through the histogram in Figure 1.
Fig. 1: Community self-perception of packaging
Based on the results of the breakdown of each
packaging design indicator (Figure 1), it can be seen
that packaging design according to the community
can increase maximum attractiveness. Even though
there are still extraordinary opinions, it is necessary
to maximize the packaging design to strengthen the
product's appearance. The average perception value
is 84.13%, which is included in the excellent
category. These results show the relevance of the
PKK community's essential ability to design
processed peanut packaging, which shows
satisfactory results. If we look at the distribution of
standard deviations, consistency, and harmony are
found in the attractiveness indicator, while a
relatively broad distribution of perceptions based on
the standard deviation is in the packaging design
indicator. These results indicate that a tight range
indicates harmonious commitment, while a sporadic
range needs to be evaluated to unify one's
perspective on packaging design.
3.1.2 Profile of Culinary Technology
Culinary technology based on the PKK community's
self-perception can be identified as a quality
achievement found in these variables. As supported
by relevant metrics, each indicator's
accomplishments have been depicted through
histogram visualizations in Figure 2.
Based on the results of identifying each indicator
in culinary technology (Figure 2), the overall
average self-perception of culinary technology with
a score of 84.80 is included in the excellent
category. These results indicate that the
technological needs in processed peanut culinary
delights managed by the PKK community have
shown high results. In terms of indicators, the effect
of providing training for the transfer of culinary
technology gives the highest score in the culinary
technology variable. At the same time, the
technology demonstration and organization of
training time still need to be improved. The
distribution of instrument entries can also be seen
from the standard deviation resulting from each
research indicator. A consistent distribution was
found in the processed peanut production training
indicator. These results indicate that the community
needs training needs based on self-perception.
Fig. 2: Community self-perception of culinary
3.1.3 Profile of Marketing of Processed Peanut
The marketing profile of processed peanut products
in the PKK community can be determined by
distributing questionnaires with predetermined
research indicators. The marketing of these products
is a self-image of the community's condition
regarding the marketing strategy and
implementation of processed peanut products.
Descriptively, the tabulated results of the product
marketing questionnaire data are presented visually
in the histogram shown in Figure 3.
Fig. 3: Community self-perception of product
Based on the tabulation in Figure 3, the overall
average for product marketing is an average score of
82,00 83,33 84,00 83,33
Average on
83,33 82,67 82,67 84,67
Achievement of
the material
Organization of
training time
product results
Average in
78,67 77,33
Product quality
Sales Price
Point of Sale
Average on
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.146
Sutopo, Virda Hersy Lutviana Saputri,
Beni Tri Sasongko, Bayu Rahmat Setiadi,
Tri Adi Prasetya, Chrisna Tri Harjanto
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
77.33. This score is still good with somewhat
complicated dynamics because the community's
pattern of selling products still uses displays, less
massive online marketing, and products that are
only just becoming known to the public. The lowest
score for the research indicator lies in product
promotion efforts, while the highest score is product
quality. This result is quite contrasting because the
community's quality production capabilities still
need to align with the ability to promote products.
Observing the distribution of standard deviations
depicted in the histogram, it becomes evident that
the emphasis on producing high-quality products
outweighs the consistency among research
respondents regarding the marketing of processed
peanut products.
3.2 Hypothesis Prerequisite Test
The prerequisite hypothesis test determines the
researcher's assumptions to ensure statistical tools
can be used to infer and describe. This hypothesis
prerequisite test is necessary for quantitative
research so that the sample data used can be
prepared for the next significance stage. The tests
carried out were data normality tests, linearity tests,
and multicollinearity tests. To test data normality
using Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk
analysis with a minimum threshold of 0.5. The
results of the calculation analysis using SPSS are
summarized in Table 3.
Table 3. Data Normality Test Results
Design of
Based on the data normality test, as stated in
Table 3, the statistical tools that can be used are
parametric statistics, where the data produced is
above a significance value of 0.05. Both tests using
Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk agreed that
the data collected supported the next stage, namely
testing parametric statistical requirements to support
the following analysis.
Steps to achieve linearity in the relationship
between causal variables can be done by conducting
linearity test analysis. This test is a prerequisite
assumption in multiple regression analysis. The
linearity test is also supported by multicollinearity
to ensure no relationship between the independent
variables. The results of the linearity test analysis
can be presented in Table 4.
Table 4. Linearity Test for Each Research Variable
Deviation from Linearity
X1 – Y
X2 – Y
The results of the linearity test in Table 4 explain
that the basic assumption of the relationship
between causal variables as a whole meets the
requirements of the initial linear test. These two
causal relationships are proven by deviation values
from linearity above 0.05. With these values, test
the prerequisites for the first and second
To establish a strong relationship among
independent variables, validating it through a
multicollinearity test is essential. Test results using
SPSS produced a tolerance value of 0.669 and a VIF
of 1.495. If it is said that there is no strong
relationship between the independent variables, then
the resulting value with a tolerance below 1 and a
VIF value in the range 1-10 concludes that there is
no strong relationship with the independent variable.
All initial assumption tests to strengthen the
research hypothesis have been conducted with
appropriate results. The criteria formulated as
conditions for fulfilling the hypothesis have been
fulfilled. It means that further analysis to prove all
hypotheses can be carried out in systematic and
measurable stages.
3.3 The Influence of Packaging Design and
Culinary Technology on the Marketing
of Processed Peanut Products
3.3.1 The Causal Relationship between
Packaging Design and Culinary
Technology with Product Marketing
The challenge of obtaining confirmatory research
results based on developing research hypotheses can
be proven through simple correlation analysis. The
causal relationship between packaging design (X1)
with product marketing (Y) and culinary technology
(X2) with product marketing (Y) requires an
appropriate analytical description so that the PKK
community can get an idea to strengthen the results
of the processed bean products they have produced.
Carrying capacity in this analysis refers to a simple
correlation technique analyzed using SPSS. The
processed results are listed in Table 5.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.146
Sutopo, Virda Hersy Lutviana Saputri,
Beni Tri Sasongko, Bayu Rahmat Setiadi,
Tri Adi Prasetya, Chrisna Tri Harjanto
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
Table 5. Simple Correlation Analysis
Based on the analysis resulting from this simple
correlation, it can be seen that the relationship
established between packaging design and product
marketing is included in the relatively strong
category, where the determination value is 26.93%.
This positive contribution indicates that product
packaging design has a reasonably high contribution
to accelerating product marketing, although other
internal and external supporting factors can be
predictors. Determination is also considered in the
relationship between culinary technology and
product marketing, which contributes 33.87%,
higher than packaging design. These results show
that technology transfer in culinary arts is essential
for improving product quality, which impacts
quality in product marketing. Other predictors
outside the research domain can also contribute to
this percentage. However, the results developed in
Table 4 are significant at error levels of 0.01 and
0.05, so the confidence level is very high.
3.3.2 Joint Correlation to Product Marketing
The two independent variables, namely packaging
design and culinary technology, can be combined
into one in a causal relationship to product
marketing. The results of this analysis can be a
reference for the PKK Community to anticipate it
based on the value of relationships and determinants
together—results from correlational analysis of
packaging design and culinary technology with the
marketing of processed peanut products. The results
of this analysis are summarized in Table 6.
Table 6. Multiple Correlation Analysis
The results of the multiple correlation analysis
in Table 6 explain that the resulting correlation
value is 0.624 in the relatively strong category.
Apart from that, the determinant value of the two
independent and dependent variables together is
0.389, with a conversion percentage of 38.9% as an
essential factor influencing product marketing
quality. Other predictors can contribute to the
remaining percentage.
In the context of product marketing, joint
correlation can be crucial in understanding how
different factors interact and influence each other,
ultimately affecting marketing outcomes.
Understanding the joint correlation between various
factors in product marketing enables marketers to
make data-driven decisions, optimize resource
allocation, and ultimately enhance the effectiveness
of their marketing efforts.
3.3.3 Prediction and Regression Formulation
The forecasting of the relationship between
packaging design and culinary technology with the
marketing of processed peanut products can be
predicted through regression analysis. The results of
the linearity prerequisite assumption test proved that
the data collected had a linear hypothesis. This
challenge not only encourages the PKK community
to become more active but also emphasizes the
importance of variable quality and the fact that its
relationships can be regulated according to the
expected conditions.
The results of regression analysis using SPSS
produce a unique prediction formulation, namely
Y=1,953+0,240X1+0,399X2. Packaging design and
culinary technology variables are supported in
monitoring developments in product marketing
quality. This equation has been identified at a
significance value of 0.557 with a significance
threshold above 0.05.
3.4 Product Marketing Conditions Moderate
Packaging Design and Culinary
Understanding how much other variables on the
dependent variable moderate the independent
variable requires partial analysis. The partial
analysis will take into account the marketing
conditions of PKK community products with a
moderate comparison of packaging design and
culinary technology.
3.4.1 Partial Analysis of Marketing of Processed
Nut Products with Moderation in
Packaging Design
The first partial analysis was carried out with
packaging design as a moderation in the influence of
culinary technology on product marketing.
Processed data refers to questionnaires that all
respondents have filled in. The results of the
comparative analysis are tabulated in Table 7.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.146
Sutopo, Virda Hersy Lutviana Saputri,
Beni Tri Sasongko, Bayu Rahmat Setiadi,
Tri Adi Prasetya, Chrisna Tri Harjanto
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
Table 7. Partial Analysis of Packaging Design
Table 7 shows that there is a moderating
variable, namely packaging design, which
strengthens the relationship between culinary
technology and product marketing. The simple
correlation value proves this result before
moderation, which is 0.582, and after moderation, it
becomes 0.406. Even though the packaging design
is strong enough to support the quality of product
marketing, the PKK community needs to consider
this moderation variable. This result is proven valid
because the 2-tailed moderation significance value
is 0.029 below 0.05.
3.4.2 Partial Analysis of Product Marketing
Moderated by Culinary Technology
The second partial analysis is the use of culinary
technology as a moderation that influences product
marketing. Data refers to the questionnaire data
source used in data collection. The results of the
comparative analysis are tabulated in Table 8.
Table 8. Partial Analysis of Culinary Technology
Table 8 shows that the moderating variable,
namely culinary technology, has a quite weakening
influence in partially linking packaging design with
product marketing. The correlation results were
compared, wherein the initial correlation without
moderation, the correlation value was 0.582, and
after moderation, it became 0.276. In terms of
significance, the partial value of culinary technology
moderation indicates that moderation diminishes the
relationship. However, its significance cannot be
analytically proven due to the obtained score being
0.147, which is above the threshold of 0.05.
Partial analysis of product marketing moderated
by culinary technology involves examining the
relationship between marketing strategies for food
products and the influence of advancements or
trends in culinary technology. By conducting a
partial analysis of product marketing moderated by
culinary technology, marketers can better
understand how to adapt their strategies to capitalize
on emerging trends, meet consumer demands, and
maintain a competitive edge in the food industry.
3.5 Effectiveness of Training on the Quality
of Packaging Design, Culinary
Technology and Product Marketing
This research also tested differences in the quality of
packaging design, culinary technology, and product
marketing both before and after training was
provided. This step was taken as an effort to
evaluate whether providing training provided visible
changes in performance based on the perceptions of
the PKK community. Before the training was
carried out, respondents were given a pretest and at
the end of the training topic session, respondents
were given a posttest. Analysis used a t-test with
paired samples on 30 training participants. Table 9
below provides the correlation score for the variance
between paired samples, indicating the extent of
correlation between these paired samples.
Table 9. Paired Samples Correlation for All
Research Variables
Variables Correlation
Pair 1
X1_before & X1_after
Pair 2
X2_before & X2_after
Pair 3
Y1_before & Y2_after
Based on Table 9 above, it can be seen that the
overall relationship before and after the three
operational variables used all have a strong
correlation. Although there is still a fairly strong
correlation, namely culinary technology, this result
could be influenced by modern culinary technology.
Most of the training participants have experience in
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.146
Sutopo, Virda Hersy Lutviana Saputri,
Beni Tri Sasongko, Bayu Rahmat Setiadi,
Tri Adi Prasetya, Chrisna Tri Harjanto
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
food processing. Table 10 presents the results of the
paired samples t-test analysis and their significance,
illustrating the assessment of differences before and
after training on the three main variables identified.
Table 10. Paired Sample T-test for Training
Based on the results of the analysis in Table 10,
it can be concluded that training can improve the
performance of the PKK community. Effectiveness
can be seen in the variables of packaging design,
culinary technology, and product marketing, all of
which have a significance value of 0.000. It means
that there are significant differences as a trigger for
increasing the performance of training participants.
The supporting capacity for improving this quality
is due to the existence of main and supporting
training facilities, expert human resources, high
motivation from training participants, as well as the
completeness of interactive teaching materials.
4 Discussions
This research was conducted to determine the
influence of packaging design and culinary
technology on the marketing of processed peanut
products. Several important factors that influence
the quality of product marketing are packaging
design and culinary technology. Attractive, high-
quality, and innovative packaging can increase the
attractiveness of the product and encourage
consumers to buy. Competent culinary technology
can improve product quality, thereby making
consumers more confident in buying the product.
In this research, attractive packaging design can
maximize attractiveness. Where when the product is
displayed to consumers on the shelf, along with
other similar products, only the packaging is
accessible to consumers. So, a packaging design that
is unique and has certain characteristics will easily
attract the attention of consumers, [15]. Premium
packaging design has a strong and positive impact
on brand equity and consumer choice of brand
through perceived quality (i.e., cognitive response),
[16]. Packaging design can arouse customer
curiosity under certain conditions. The influence of
packaging design creativity differs significantly in a
retail context and an advertising context, so
packaging designers must be able to understand how
creativity influences customer decision-making,
Apart from that, culinary technology also plays
an important role in the marketing process of a
product. The application of technology in the food
industry recommends saving large amounts of
capital by maximizing resource utilization and
reducing human errors, thereby improving the
quality of the food, [18]. Culinary tourism is seen as
a relevant and significant factor in facilitating
interactions between destination communities and
their stakeholders. It is a meaningful element that,
when communicated and technologically enhanced,
will strengthen the perception and brand image of a
destination, [19].
Based on the research results, it was found that
product design and technology have a significant
influence on the quality of product marketing. The
results of this research are consistent with previous
research, which states that packaging design and
culinary technology have a significant influence on
product marketing, [20], [21].
This research also has limitations. This research
was conducted on MSMEs on a small scale, so the
results of this research may need to be more
generalizable to a wider population. Apart from that,
this research only tested two variables, namely
packaging design and culinary technology. Other
factors may also influence the marketing of
processed peanut products.
The results of this research have important
implications for MSMEs producing processed
peanut products. MSMEs need to pay attention to
packaging design and culinary technology to
improve the marketing of their products so they can
continue to grow. MSMEs can use attractive, high-
quality, and innovative packaging designs to
increase product branding, consumer interest, and
purchase intentions. Packaging must be able to
attract consumer attention.
MSMEs also need to use culinary technology to
improve the texture and taste of processed peanut
products. Culinary technology can be used to make
delicious and crunchy processed peanut products.
Attention to packaging design and culinary
technology can improve product marketing and
increase sales.
5 Conclusion
The causal relationship between packaging design
variables (X1), culinary technology (X2), and
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.146
Sutopo, Virda Hersy Lutviana Saputri,
Beni Tri Sasongko, Bayu Rahmat Setiadi,
Tri Adi Prasetya, Chrisna Tri Harjanto
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
marketing of processed peanut products (Y) has
been studied and proven in Pacarejo’s community-
based housewives. The research results show that
there is a strong relationship between packaging
design and culinary technology in product
marketing. Partially, moderation of packaging
design strengthens the relationship between culinary
technology and product marketing, and conversely,
culinary technology weakens it when it becomes a
moderating variable.
Based on the results of research that has been
carried out, several challenges need to be considered
for further research. Future research can broaden the
scope to include additional control variables beyond
those examined in this study, encompassing both
intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The limitation of this
research is that it is limited to researching the
influence of packaging design factors and culinary
technology on product marketing. Despite its
limitations, research has emerged as a new frontier
in vocational education within the realm of applied
economics, facilitating scientific engagement that
increasingly addresses the need for revitalizing
micro-business methodologies at the PKK
community level. Hence, future research needs to
add more diverse variables that can support and
influence the achievement of massive product
marketing in the community.
Researchers would like to thank Universitas Negeri
Yogyakarta for funding this research through DIPA
BLU Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta funding No:
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
The authors equally contributed in the present
research, at all stages from the formulation of the
problem to the final findings and solution.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
DIPA BLU Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta funding
No: 2.12/UN34/IV/2023
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
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(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.146
Sutopo, Virda Hersy Lutviana Saputri,
Beni Tri Sasongko, Bayu Rahmat Setiadi,
Tri Adi Prasetya, Chrisna Tri Harjanto
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024