6 Years Occupational Strengthening Pensions Act (OSPA) in Germany:
Evidence from Current Employee Surveys
Department of Law and Social Science Faculty of Business and Economics,
Mendel University in Brno,
Zemědělská 1, 613 00 Brno,
aORCiD: 0000-0001-6166-6525
*Corresponding Author
Abstract: - The aim of this study is to examine the effects of the Occupational Strengthening Pensions Act
(OSPA), introduced more than six years ago, on the demand for occupational pension provision (OPP) from the
perspective of employees subject to social insurance contributions in Germany. The study incorporates
theoretical perspectives on the prevalence of OPP from existing studies at the level of individual households
and firms. Data were collected via an online questionnaire from 236 people in Germany who are subject to
social security contributions. After receiving the completed questionnaires, they were analyzed and evaluated
using IBM SPSS Statistics. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used to analyze the survey data.
In particular, correlation and regression analyses were carried out to test the proposed hypotheses. The results
of the study show a significant correlation between age, income, and the desire for information, as well as the
reasons for not having a workplace pension and for having a mandatory workplace pension. These results
provide valuable insights into the extent to which OPP is widespread in Germany. In addition, the study
provides recommendations on how to increase interest in and take-up of OPP. The results of this study provide
employers and policymakers with a basis for achieving the OSPA's goal of increasing the prevalence of OPP. It
also contributes to the existing literature on possible improvements to OPP and the question of introducing
compulsory OPP in Germany. The study also highlights the mediating role of leadership style in the
relationship between organizational culture and organizational performance.
Key-Words: - Occupational Strengthening Pensions Act (OSPA), Betriebsrentenstärkungsgesetz, Demand for
Occupational Pensions, Savings Behaviour, Employer Subsidy, Tax Savings Social Security
Savings, Company Size, Distribution Rate of Occupational Pensions.
Received: January 6, 2024. Revised: June 29, 2024. Accepted: July 21, 2024. Published: September 6, 2024.
1 Introduction
In 2001, the Retirement Savings Act introduced a
private, state-subsidized old-age provision in the
form of the Riester pension. The introduction of the
Retirement Income Act three years later aimed at
modifying the basic tax conditions of the statutory
pension insurance. In this context, the three-layer
model replaced the previous three-pillar model, [1].
Just two years later, the Act on the Adjustment of
the Standard Age Limit was passed to reflect
demographic developments and to strengthen the
basic financing of the statutory pension insurance,
[2]. The core of this law was the introduction of a
standard age limit of 67 years, which will be
implemented with a gradual increase from 65 years
to 67 years, [3].
Two years later, in 2014, the maternity pension
was introduced with the aim of improving the
recognition of child-raising periods and the pension
at 63 for those insured for many years, [4]. After
the adoption of the 2014 pension package, no
further significant pension reforms followed until
the German government passed the Occupational
Strengthening Pensions Act (OSPA)
(Betriebsrentenstärkungsgesetz - BRSG) in summer
2017, which came into force on 1 January 2018, [5],
reforming part of the second tier of the German
pension system.
Considering that OPP looks back on a history
of more than 150 years and was introduced before
statutory pension insurance, statutory regulation did
not take place until 19 December 1974, 104 years
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.145
Robert Piotr Dombek, Radek Jurčík
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
later, [6]. Initially, OPP consisted of four
implementation channels. By the mid-1990s,
almost every third employees in the private sector
had made provision for old age in the form of an
OPP. However, the demand for OPP stagnated in
the course of the 1990s. Good 28 years later, a legal
entitlement to OPP was established by the 2001
pension reform on 1 January 2002. From this point
on, every person in an employment relationship
was entitled to OPP. The aim of the mandatory
right to OPP was to counteract the stagnation in
OPP. However, the health reform of 2003, in which
it was decided through the Act on the
Modernization of Statutory Health Insurance, that
the full health and long-term care insurance
contribution must now be paid on OPP, made OPP
less attractive again from the perspective of
employees, [3]. As already mentioned, the OSPA
ultimately came into force on 01.01.2018. To
improve readability, the OSPA will no longer be
written out in full in the remainder of this research
paper. Instead, the abbreviation OSPA will be used.
A milestone was set with the introduction of the
OSPA. The OSPA pursues the political goal of
increasing the spread of OPP through greater
demand in order to secure the standard of living in
old age, [7]. The OSPA creates a special incentive
to take out OPP, e.g. through the mandatory
passing on of social insurance savings by the
employer, [1].
2 Literature Review
There are numerous academic publications dealing
with pension reforms, [8], [9], [10]. In particular,
there is a large body of literature dealing with OPP
prior to the introduction of OPP. [11], discusses the
possible reasons for the low level of occupational
pensions in Germany. [12], analyses the newly
introduced German occupational pension system. It
establishes a link between the pension benefits of
the beneficiaries, the mortality rate of the pension
recipients and the development of the financial
markets. The study offers insights from the
perspective of a pension beneficiary and compares
the pension with other savings schemes. Their
findings suggest that occupational pension schemes
could be a useful complement to the first and third
pillars of the pension system and offer some
comparative advantages over traditional defined
benefit and defined contribution plans. [13],
provides a good overview of the prevalence of OPP
in the period 1984-1999 in its 2001 Company
pension schemes Report. The study examines the
position of such plans in the context of the overall
pension system and provides an outlook for the
future, particularly in light of the new legislation.
[14], looks at OPP after the introduction of the
OSPA. The report shows that after one year of the
OSPA, no meaningful interim results can be
reported. In their position paper, [15], analyse the
decisions of companies to offer occupational
pension schemes. Tax benefits and length of service
are cited as possible reasons for taking out an OPP,
[15]. [7], provides a clear illustration in his article
on OPP. In his work, the author provides a good
overview of the model-theoretical consideration of
OPP and summarises the results as part of a benefit
analysis, [7]. [16], analyses company pension
schemes in Germany and Austria. In addition to the
factor of company size, the structural factors that
influence the demand for company pension
schemes are also analysed.
This study shows that the market penetration of
OPP is stagnating among middle and upper-
management employees, while it has increased only
minimally among other employees.
The first section of the literature review briefly
presents the existing data sets on OPP at the
individual and household level and the second
section briefly presents the data sets on OPP at the
company level in Germany.
2.1 Data Sets on OPP at the Individual and
Household Level
Employer and Agency Survey (EAS)
The data come from, [17] and [18], own survey of
providers. The latest survey dates from 2019. The
survey of companies and providers of OPP analyses
in particular the dimensions of existing entitlements
and contribution amounts. It is broken down by
gender and type of OPP, [17], [18]. The question of
how many people have at least one OPP contract is
difficult to answer because the survey covers both
male and female members. For this reason, the
average number of contracts per capita is calculated
and the amount of pension entitlements is adjusted
by this factor. These data make it possible to
construct a time series that can provide additional
information on different developments in OPP.
Changes in the demand for OPP in the various
implementation channels can be well documented
and are therefore useful for a first analysis of the
effects of the OSPA, [17], [18].
Dissemination of Old-Age Provision
Among other things, the studies record the
contracts for which savings are currently being
made and the level of the individual's savings rate.
A special feature of this survey is that it records
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.145
Robert Piotr Dombek, Radek Jurčík
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
whether an information letter is available. If such
an information letter is available, respondents are
asked to indicate their total savings contributions.
In addition to personal contributions, employer
contributions are also recorded and respondents are
asked about pension entitlements and the actual
capital stock, [18]. Although many assets are not
recorded in detail, it is at least possible to get an
initial picture of how OPP is used. Another
important feature of these surveys is the clear
distinction between OPP for employees in the
private and public sectors.
Old Age Security in Germany
The study was first conducted in 1986 on behalf of
the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
It has been conducted every four years since 1995.
Independent samples are also surveyed repeatedly
in this study. At the beginning of the study, people
aged between 55 and 80 were interviewed, and
from 2019, people aged between 60 and 85 will
also be asked about their income in old age for the
first time, [19]. In contrast to the studies described
so far, the results of the studies on old-age
provision in Germany do not provide new insights
into future gaps in provision, but rather into the
current level of provision of the respondents in the
55-80 and 60-85 age cohorts. For respondents who
are still working, on the other hand, the focus is on
whether they will receive OPP benefits in
retirement. The study thus captures the
concentrated pension patterns that change over time,
Life Courses, Aging and Well-Being
The research project Life Course, Aging and Well-
Being uses the statistical matching approach with
SOEP and modified SAPA data, which allows for
further refinement of the matching. The project
compares the life courses of baby boomers with
those of older birth cohorts and analyses the effects
of less stable family relationships and changing
employment histories on the accumulation of
pension rights, [20].
Survey of Health Ageing and Retirement in Europe
The survey of health ageing and retirement in
Europe panel study, led by the Munich Centre for
the Economics of Ageing (MEA), covers a
population of people aged 50 and over. The study
surveys people from 26 European countries,
Switzerland and Israel on issues related to
retirement planning. A special feature of this study
is that it documents the payout phases of OPP and
individual OPP. The study is also able to record the
dynamics, the type of payout, and the year in which
the pension was first drawn. In addition, people
who are not currently receiving a pension are asked
about any future entitlement to an OPP, the length
of time they have been saving, the average amount
saved, and the possible future amount of the OPP,
[21], [22], [23].
Savings and Retirement Provision in Germany
The saving and retirement planning in Germany"
study, also conducted by the MEA, surveys a
broader section of the population. This study was
first conducted in 2001 as part of a preliminary
survey, then in 2003/04, annually from 2005 to
2011, and most recently in 2013. The aim of this
panel study was to document dynamic changes in
savings behavior over time. The explicit
questionnaire differed slightly from survey to
survey. The number of contracts, the monthly
savings contributions, and the current balance were
asked in almost all surveys. In the case of spouses,
no distinction was made as to who made the
contributions. The 2007 survey also asked whether
the answers were taken from current documents or
whether they were only estimates. In theory, these
surveys could also be used to make statements
about the composition of savings contributions to
OPP. In other words, what proportion of the total
contribution was made by the employee, and what
proportion was made by the employer, [24].
Socio-Economic Panel
This survey was first carried out in 1984. The
German Socio-Economic Panel currently surveys
around 30,000 people from around 22,000
households each year. So far, about 22,000
households have been asked about their behavior
with regard to OPP. The surveys of the last two
years focused in particular on the acquired OPP
rights and the type of financing, [19]. A regular
survey on the status of OPP can also help to
increase the learning curve and ensure that
respondents provide more detailed information.
Private Households and their Finances
The panel study "Private Households and their
Finances", provides an additional database on the
financial structure of households with at least one
adult household member aged 18 or over. The
second and third surveys were conducted in 2014
and 2017 respectively and collected information on
household assets, the number of OPP contracts, and
other information on contributions and expected
pensions or lump-sum payments. Respondents are
also asked about the evolution of the replacement
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.145
Robert Piotr Dombek, Radek Jurčík
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
rate of old-age pensions in relation to their net
income, [25], [26].
2.2 Data Sets on OPP at the Company Level
Structure of Earnings Survey
[27] and [28], is also responsible for the structure
of the earnings survey. It was first conducted in
1951 and has been conducted regularly every four
years since 2002. The special feature of this survey
is its accuracy due to the availability of information
on OPP from the pay slips of the respondents. The
survey covers a sample of about 60,000 companies
and about one million documented employment
relationships, although it focuses only on deferred
compensation, [28].
The literature review identified further 36
smaller studies by insurers or associations on the
prevalence of OPP in companies of different sizes
and in different sectors. Employees, on the other
hand, were surveyed 15 times, mainly on pension
provision in general. In general, OPP providers
were surveyed five times. In some cases, similar
target groups were found to be surveyed. The
employer surveys vary according to the size of the
enterprise. Overall, the surveys can be divided into
seven employer and six employee surveys,
although the number and order of enterprise sizes
3 Methodology
The literature review shows that even before the
introduction of the OSPA, many studies had
confirmed the need for OPP. Employee surveys
were conducted to validate and, where necessary,
supplement these findings. A questionnaire was
developed and pre-tested. A pre-test is always
necessary for written surveys and is intended to
provide information on the comprehensibility of the
questionnaire and the meaning of the cover letter or
similar elements, [29]. Participants were selected
using a random selection procedure. When
completing the questionnaire, the participants had
to pay attention to several criteria such as
comprehensibility, clarity, acceptability of the
questions, and graphic design. This was
communicated to them in advance. Minor changes
were made to the questionnaire as a result of the
pre-test. The data was collected via an online
survey in the DATAtab portal and took place from
21 January 2024 to 22 February 2024. The target
group for the survey was employees subject to
social security contributions from various
employment sectors in Germany. Membership of
the target group was ensured by the socio-
demographic survey. At the beginning of the survey,
participants were informed about data protection
regulations. The second category asked about
communication, the third about the existence of an
OPP, the fourth about the reasons for or against an
OPP and additional benefits, the fifth about the
financing of the OPP, the sixth about improvement
measures, and the final seventh categoryabout
socio-demographic characteristics. Participants
were interviewed in German and the results were
then translated into English. Outside of the
categories, there was a final open-ended question in
which respondents could express their opinions in
1-3 keywords. Contact with respondents was made
through personal networks, LinkedIn, Instagram,
contacting people in self-organized associations,
and Survey Circle. Once the completed
questionnaires were received, they were analyzed
and evaluated using IBM SPSS Statistics. In
particular, correlation and regression analyses were
carried out. The use of quantitative methods was
possible because the surveys were standardized. It
did not seem possible to generalize the results as
the number of respondents was relatively small
compared to the number of employees in Germany.
4 Data
The data was analyzed in terms of correlation,
regression, and interaction using 236 data sets. The
empirical examination of the data sets received and
found to be valid was divided into three sections:
correlation analysis, the chi-square independence
test the t-test for mean differences in independent
samples, and the descriptive statistics.
Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
The rank correlation analyses the undirected linear
relationship between two variables. Undirected
means that there is no dependent or independent
variable. Therefore, no causal statements can be
made. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient is
based on Pearson's product-moment correlation
coefficient r. However, this requires an interval
scale level of the correlated variables. Spearman's
rank correlation coefficient avoids this problem by
using the ranks of the cases in relation to these
variables instead of the values of the variables.
Therefore, the correlating variables in Spearman's
rank correlation coefficient only need to be
ordinally scaled, [30].
For the observations of the characteristic, the
ranks must first be assigned for each component,
[31]. If two or more observations have the same
characteristic, a so-called tie exists. The mean value
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.145
Robert Piotr Dombek, Radek Jurčík
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
of the ranks to be assigned is then taken as the rank
of the individual observations, [32]. Spearman's
rank correlation coefficient compares the respective
ranks. As no distances are defined due to the
ordinal scale level, Spearman's rank correlation
coefficient is based only on the difference in the
ranks. If there are no ties, the rank correlation
coefficient is defined as, [32]:
The range of values for the correlations (R) is
between minus one and plus one, with two identical
rankings. In the case of positive correlations, high
values of one variable are associated with high
values of the second variable. Conversely, in the
case of positive correlations, low values of one
variable are associated with low values of the
second variable. In this case, the high values of one
variable are associated with the low values of the
other variable. Statements about the direction of the
correlation can therefore be derived from the sign
of the correlations, [30].
The following applies to hypothesis tests:
Hypothesis 0 is rejected if p < (smaller) 0,05 and
therefore hypothesis 1 is assumed.
Hypothesis 0 will be retained, if p > or = 0,05.
Effect sizes are calculated in order to assess the
significance of a result. Spearman's correlation
coefficient is a measure of the effect size.
Categorization can be used to determine the extent
of the correlation found, [33].
|R| = 0.1 corresponds to a weak effect
|R| = 0.30 corresponds to a medium effect
|R| = 0.5 corresponds to a strong effect
5 Results
5.1 Descriptive Analysis
A total of 236 datasets were generated. The datasets
were completed by 90 women, 145 men, and one
person of mixed origin. The 30-39 age group was
the largest age group in the survey with 43.2% (102
records), followed by the 18-29 age group with
24.2% (57 records) and the 40-49 age group with
20.3% (48 records). The 50-59 age group was
represented by 7.6% (18 records). The group aged
60 and over was the least represented. Their share
was 4.7% (11 records). Of the respondents, 49.6%
were single (117 records), 42.4% married (100
records), 5.5% divorced (13 records), 1.3% in a
consensual union (3 records), 0.8% separated and
0.4% widowed (1 record). Just over half of the
respondents (50.8%, 120 records) did not have an
academic degree. 44.8% (105 records) had an
academic degree and 4.7% (11 records) had no
qualifications. Just under a third, 31.4% (74 records)
of the respondents had a gross monthly income of
more than 5001 euro. Just over a fifth, 19.1% (45
records), said they had a gross monthly income of
between 1000 and 2000 euro. 14.4% (34 records)
had a gross monthly income between 4001 and
5000 Euros, 13.1% (31 records) between 3001 and
4000 Euros and 11% (26 records) between 2001
and 3000 Euros. A further 11% (26 records) did not
report their gross monthly income. 76.7% (181
records) of the respondents were employed full-
time and 23.3% (55 records) were employed part-
time at the time of the survey. Of the respondents,
51.7% (122 records) worked in an
organizationorganization with more than 250
employees at the time of the survey. 21.6% (51
records) worked in an organization with 0-49
employees and 20.8% (40 records) in an
organization with 50-249 employees. 5.9% (14
records) said they did not know how many people
were employed in the organization. Small
enterprises have up to 49 employees, medium-sized
enterprises have 50-249 employees and large
enterprises have more than 249 employees, [31].
66.5% (157 records) of respondents gave their own
assessment of the future of OPP. 5% said they
thought the future was good. For further
information, Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, Table 4,
Table 5, Table 6 and Table 7 of the descriptive
statistics follow in the remainder of this chapter.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.145
Robert Piotr Dombek, Radek Jurčík
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
Table 1. Gender participants
Cumulative Percent
Table 2. Age cohort participants
Valid Percent
Cumulative Percent
Table 3. Marital status of participants
Valid Percent
Cumulative Percent
Registered life partnership
Living separately
Table 4. Academic degree participants
Valid Percent
Cumulative Percent
Not specified
Table 5. Gross income cohort participants
Valid Percent
Cumulative Percent
1000 - 2000 €
2001 - €3000
3001 - 4000 €
4001 - 5000 €
More than €5001
Table 6. Type om employement participants
Valid Percent
Cumulative Percent
Full time
Table 7. Employees by Company Size
Valid Percent
Cumulative Percent
Over 250
I don't know
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.145
Robert Piotr Dombek, Radek Jurčík
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
5.2 Inferential Statistical Analysis
Hypothesis testing was used to draw inferences
about the population from the sample data and to
test whether certain assumptions about the
population were correct.
Hypothesis 0 = "Age" and " How would you prefer
to be adequately informed about company pension
schemes? Already during onboarding" have no
statistically significant correlation.
Hypothesis 1 = "Age" and " How would you prefer
to be adequately informed about company pension
schemes? Already during onboarding" have a
statistically significant correlation.
The SPSS output is shown in the following Table 8.
Table 8. Correlation between age and desire for
information on OPP
The table shows the correlation between "Age"
and "How would you prefer to be adequately
informed about company pension schemes?
Already during onboarding" -0,201amounts. The p-
value is 0,017. Therefore, hypothesis 0 is rejected
and hypothesis 1 is accepted.
Conclusion: "Age" and "How would you prefer to
be adequately informed about company pension
schemes? Already during onboarding" have a
statistically significant, negative correlation.
According to, [33], this is a weak effect (R=-0,201,
p=0,017, n=140).
Refer to the hypotheses formulated:
Hypothesis 0= "Age" and "In your opinion, what
are the reasons against taking out a company
pension scheme? I don't trust the state" have no
statistically significant correlation.
Hypothesis 1= "Age" and "What reasons do you
think speak against taking out a company pension
scheme? I have no trust in the state" have a
statistically significant correlation.
The SPSS output is shown in Table 9.
Table 9. Correlation between age and trust in the
The table shows that the correlation between
"Age" and "In your opinion, what reasons speak
against taking out a company pension plan? I don't
trust the state" is 0,199. The p-value is 0,038.
Therefore, hypothesis 0 is rejected and hypothesis 1
is accepted.
Conclusion: "Age" and " In your opinion, what
reasons speak against taking out a company
pension plan? I don't trust the state" have a
statistically significant, positive correlation.
According to, [33], this is a weak effect (R=0,199,
p=0,038, n=109).
Refer to the hypotheses formulated:
Hypothesis 0= "Monthly gross income" and " In
your opinion, what reasons speak against taking out
a company pension plan? I don't have any money
available“ have no statistically significant
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.145
Robert Piotr Dombek, Radek Jurčík
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
Hypothesis 1= "Monthly gross income" and "In
your opinion, what reasons speak against taking out
a company pension plan? I don't have any money
available“ have a statistically significant correlation.
The SPSS output is shown in Table 10.
Table 10. Correlation between monthly gross
income and no money for OPP
The table shows that the correlation between
"monthly gross income " and " In your opinion,
what reasons speak against taking out a company
pension plan? I don't have any money available " is
-0,549. The p-value is 0,000. Therefore, hypothesis
0 is rejected and hypothesis 1 is accepted.
Conclusion: "Gross monthly income" and " In your
opinion, what are the reasons against taking out a
company pension scheme? I have no money
available" have a statistically significant, negative
correlation (R= -0,549, p=0,000, n=99). According
to, [33], this is a strong effect.
Refer to the hypotheses formulated:
Hypothesis 0= "Monthly gross income" and " In
your opinion, what reasons speak against taking out
a company pension plan? My employer doesn't
offer this“ have no statistically significant
Hypothesis 1= "Monthly gross income" and " In
your opinion, what reasons speak against taking out
a company pension plan? My employer doesn't
offer this“ have a statistically significant correlation.
The SPSS output is shown in the Table 11.
Table 11. Correlation between monthly gross
income and offered by the employer
The table shows that the correlation between
"monthly gross income " and " In your opinion,
what reasons speak against taking out a company
pension plan? My employer doesn't offer this" is -
0,205. The p-value is 0,042. Therefore, hypothesis
0 is rejected and hypothesis 1 is accepted.
Conclusion: "Monthly gross income" and "In your
opinion, what reasons speak against taking out a
company pension plan? My employer doesn't offer
this" have a statistically significant and negative
correlation (R= -0,205, p=0,042, n=99). According
to, [33], this is a weak effect.
Refer to the hypotheses formulated:
Hypothesis 0= "Monthly gross income" and " In
your opinion, what reasons speak against taking out
a company pension plan? I haven't dealt with the
topic yet“ have no statistically significant
Hypothesis 1= "Monthly gross income" and " In
your opinion, what reasons speak against taking out
a company pension plan? I haven't dealt with the
topic yet“ have a statistically significant correlation.
The SPSS output is shown in Table 12.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.145
Robert Piotr Dombek, Radek Jurčík
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
Table 12. Correlation between monthly gross
income and dealt with the topic OPP
The table shows that the correlation between
"monthly gross income " and " In your opinion,
what reasons speak against taking out a company
pension plan? I haven't dealt with the topic yet " is -
0,395. The p-value is 0,000. Therefore, hypothesis
0 is rejected and hypothesis 1 is accepted.
Conclusion: "Gross monthly income" and " In your
opinion, what reasons speak against taking out a
company pension scheme? I haven't dealt with the
topic yet" have a statistically significant, negative
correlation (R= -0,395, p=0,000, n=99). According
to, [33], this is a medium effect.
Refer to the hypotheses formulated:
Hypothesis 0 = "Monthly gross income" and " Do
you think mandatory company pension schemes
make sense? I think a mandatory company pension
scheme makes sense.“ have no statistically
significant correlation.
Hypothesis 1 = "Monthly gross income" and "Do
you think mandatory company pension schemes
make sense? I think a mandatory company pension
scheme makes sense.“ have a statistically
significant correlation.
The SPSS output is shown in Table 13.
Table 13. Correlation between compulsory
company pension scheme and income
The table shows that the correlation between
"monthly gross income " and "Do you think
mandatory pension schemes make sense? I think a
mandatory company pension scheme makes sense"
is -0,047. The p-value is 0,498. Therefore,
hypothesis 0 is not rejected, but retained.
Conclusion: "Gross monthly income" and " Do
you think a mandatory company pension scheme
makes sense? I think a mandatory company pension
scheme makes sense." have no statistically
significant correlation (R=-0,047, p=0,498, n=210).
The Levene test has proven that it can be assumed
that variance homogeneity exists, that the
significance is 0,981 and therefore > 0,05.
Therefore, the hypotheses 0 and 1 for the t-test for
equality of means were formulated in the further
Hypothesis 0: There is no significant mean
difference between the female and male
respondents when answering the item: "How
satisfied are you with your company pension plan?
Hypothesis 1: There is a significant mean
difference between the female and male
respondents when answering the item: "How
satisfied are you with your company pension plan?
This p-value is p= 0,244 and therefore > 0,05.
Hypothesis 0 is therefore not rejected but retained.
There is therefore no significant mean difference
between the female and male respondents when
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.145
Robert Piotr Dombek, Radek Jurčík
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
answering the item: "How satisfied are you with
your company pension plan?".
The SPSS output is shown in Table 14.
Table 14. Independent samples test for differences
in satisfaction with company pension schemes
between the sexes
6 Discussion
The empirical analysis of the employee surveys
showed that people aged between 18 and 40 in
particular wanted to be informed about the
company pension scheme during the induction
process. The proportion of the over-40s stated that
they did not want to be informed about the
company pension scheme during the induction
process. There is a statistically significant negative
correlation between age and how respondents
would prefer to be informed about the company
pension scheme. According to, [33], this is a weak
effect (R= -0,201, p=0,017, n=140).
It was also shown that the variable's age and
reasons for not having an OPP, such as not trusting
the state, have a statistically significant positive
correlation. The 20-40 age group was the most
likely to cite mistrust of the state as a reason.
According to, [33], this is a weak effect (R=0,199,
p=0,038, n=109).
Statistical significance was also found between
the variables of gross monthly income and the
reasons for not having an OPP. A large number of
respondents with a gross monthly income of more
than €5,001 stated that this was not due to their
financial means. Respondents in the income group
between €1,000 and €2,000 gross per month were
more likely to cite financial resources as the reason.
There is a statistically significant negative
correlation between gross monthly income and
available monthly resources (R=-0,549, p=0,000,
n=99). According to, [33], this is a strong effect.
A further empirical examination of the
variables of gross monthly income and the reasons
for not having a company pension, in this case, the
employer not offering a company pension, has
shown that the correlations between the two
variables examined are statistically significant and
have a negative correlation (R=-0,205, p=0,042,
n=99). According to, [33], this is a weak effect.
The fact that the variables of gross monthly
income and the reasons why respondents have not
yet addressed the issue of OPP, and therefore do not
yet have a contract, could be empirically proven.
These variables have a statistically significant
negative correlation (R= -0,395, p=0,000, n=99).
According to [33], this is a medium effect.
The correlations between gross monthly
income and the existence of a mandatory OPP are
not statistically significant (R=-0,047, p=0,498,
n=210), which was also empirically proven.
The t-test for mean differences for independent
samples showed that men and women are
approximately equally satisfied with their company
pension scheme. There is therefore no significant
mean difference between the female and male
Participants in the employee surveys were
selected by the study director according to their
employment status to ensure that the sample of
participants reflected the population of all
employees in the Federal Republic of Germany on
22 February 2024. The sample was representative
and the results can be and generalized to the whole
7 Conclusion
In summary, the data situation on OPP in Germany
is very heterogeneous. For further reforms of OPP
in Germany, existing data gaps should therefore
first be closed by including additional variables in
existing data sets. In addition, the data situation
should be improved by providing administrative
data from employers and contributors and linking
them with survey data. Finally, researchers should
be given easier access to existing data sources. In
this way, the determinants of supply and demand
for OPP can be estimated and possible social policy
measures can be identified in good time. As the
demand for OPP has stagnated in recent years, it is
necessary to examine whether and to what extent
the law on strengthening OPP will promote the
further spread of OPP. In addition, given the
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.145
Robert Piotr Dombek, Radek Jurčík
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
constantly changing economic environment, it is
necessary to analyze what other factors might be
responsible for the stagnation of the penetration
rate and how these might be remedied or
compensated for by changes.
The authors also recommend that the OSPA
conduct a gendered analysis of the impact on
demand for OPP, as the inclusion of gender in
research and statistics is important to ensure a fair
and diverse perspective. It is important to note that
gender includes not only binary categories such as
female and male, but also other gender identities.
Gender-specific indicators, such as type of
employment and/or marital status, are necessary to
identify gender-specific trends and needs. An
analysis of the datasets analyzed in this article
would follow the recommendation that
questionnaires should be designed in a gender-
sensitive way. This differentiation would have the
advantage that the gender analyses could be used to
develop and evaluate gender-equitable policies.
The results of this article have shown that OPP
is an issue that sometimes causes uncertainty
among employees. In Germany, OPPs have a
number of weaknesses and are not keeping pace
with labor market developments and demographic
change. This could become an increasing problem
as the level of benefits in the state pension system
falls. The question therefore arises as to how OPP
can fill these gaps. In view of these facts, it is
advisable to analyze international pension systems
in order to gain initial insights for a better design of
the German occupational pension system for the
future. For the purposes of this study, countries
should be selected that face similar future problems,
have statutory pension systems similar to
Germany's, and whose demographic trends are
The aim of this study was to determine the
impact of the OSPA on the demand for OPP. To
this end, employee surveys were conducted. It was
shown that respondents want to be informed about
the possibilities of a company pension scheme as
early as the induction phase. It was also shown that
the respondents did not trust the company pension
scheme because they did not trust the state.
Financial reasons and the reluctance of the
employer to offer a company pension are also
reasons why some of the respondents do not have a
company pension contract.
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DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.145
Robert Piotr Dombek, Radek Jurčík
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024