to a more nuanced understanding of how social
disclosures are perceived and valued across different
stakeholder groups.
Finally, incorporating contextual factors such as
national culture, regulatory environments, and
market conditions would enhance our understanding
of the multifaceted nature of social disclosures.
Comparative studies across diverse geographical
and regulatory landscapes could elucidate the
contextual variables that influence the efficacy of
CSR activities and their financial implications.
In conclusion, while this study has advanced the
understanding of CSR's role in financial
performance, it also highlights the need for
continued exploration into the complex interplay
between social responsibility and financial success.
The strategic incorporation of CSR remains a
promising avenue for organizations seeking to
achieve financial robustness while upholding ethical
standards and fostering stakeholder trust.
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DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.113
Loona Shaheen, Abdullah Zaytoun