taxation socialization become internalized through
awareness, eventually prompting compliance
behavior and bringing Social Norms Theory into the
tax compliance framework.
This theoretical contribution will be a literature
source for future studies, identifying multifaceted
mechanisms that outline the relationship between
taxpayers and societal prospects of tax compliance.
Tax is a legitimate responsibility imposed on people
and entities to pay to the government, which is then
used for public service and infrastructure
development, [10]. Taxation is one of the most
important sources of public revenue for many
countries. In Malaysia, for example, taxes accounted
for 66.7% of national revenue in 2008, [11]. Tax
receipts make up 78% of revenue in Indonesia, [12].
Tax knowledge (TK), is the most significant
obligation that taxpayers should have because they
can't perform all their tax obligations, including tax
payments and tax reporting, [13]. "Tax knowledge" is
defined by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as "the
taxpayer's awareness or sensitivity to tax legislation",
[14]. According to [15], knowledge is information
that someone knows or realizes. Tax knowledge, in
general, refers to an understanding of the most
important tax policies implemented in a certain
jurisdiction, [16]. According to [17], a lack of tax
knowledge might lead to noncompliance by
Taxpayer awareness (TA), according to [18], is a
state in which taxpayers are aware of, comprehend,
and freely apply tax regulations, because taxes are a
source of state financing. Taxpayer awareness is
necessary to enhance tax compliance, [19]. When
there is a tax system in place to collect tax income,
such as the Self-Assessment System, taxpayer
knowledge is a critical instrument for tax
compliance, [20], [21].
Tax Compliance (TC) can be defined as
taxpayers’ comprehension of all taxation rules and
procedures, and how well they can perform the tax
filing procedure efficiently, [22], [23]. Taxpayers who
comply with appropriate tax rules and regulations
meet their tax obligations and exercise their tax
rights, [24]. [25], states that the taxpayer meets all
conditions by paying all taxes on time and filing all
tax returns by the due date. Various factors influence
taxpayer compliance, according to [23], [26],
including state economic taxation, service to citizens,
tax audit, and tax rate. Non-compliant taxpayers are
those who are unable to comply with their duties due
to a lack of awareness of the tax rules [4], [7]. [27],
observed that taxpayers’ behavior has been impacted
by their understanding of taxes.
Tax socialization (TS) is a method of teaching
the general public, particularly taxpayers, about all
aspects of taxation, particularly legislation and
processes, through appropriate ways, [17]. Tax
socialization can assist people to see the value of
having to pay taxes as some kind of nationwide
participation in the gathering of funds for
government funding and progress, [28], [29]. Either
way, society can carry out socialization activities
efficiently which should be generally accepted by the
people themselves, [27]. In a related study, research
was conducted by [30] on the impact of tax
understanding, and tax socialization with regard to
tax sanctions as a moderating variable. The data was
analyzed using multiple linear regression, and the
study discovered that tax socialization and tax
awareness had a favorable and relevant impact on tax
compliance. The study's findings also revealed that
taxpayer knowledge has a positive impact on
compliance behavior.
[11], [22], [28], [31], research on the topic
‘impact of public awareness, taxation socialization,
penalty fees, and financial irregularities on
compliance behavior, using excellent service as a
mediator variable’. The study's purpose is to discover
how service quality influences the relationship
between taxpayer knowledge, socialized taxation,
additional taxes, regulatory expenses, and tax
compliance. The data was examined using multiple
regression analysis. The study discovered that there
was a full mediating role between tax awareness, tax
penalties, compliance cost, and taxpayer compliance,
[32]. Service quality, on the other hand, has no
association with tax socialization or taxpayer
[10], [33], performed another study on "the
impact of taxpayer knowledge and taxation
socialization on taxpayer compliance; the relevance
of taxpayer awareness in the emerging Indonesian
economy." His study sought to examine the impact of
taxpayer knowledge and taxation socialization on
taxpayer compliance, as mediated by tax awareness.
The data was examined using regression and path
analysis. The study's findings demonstrate that
taxpayer knowledge and taxation socialization have a
significant impact on taxpayer compliance and
awareness. Taxpayer knowledge also helps to
moderate the effects of taxation socialization on
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.99
Smart Asomaning Sarpong, Michael Yeboah,
Kofi Mintah Oware, Benjamin Adjei Danquah