The Impact of Economic, Environmental and Social Variables in the
Consumption of Green Energy. A Comparative Approach of the Balkan
Department of Finance,
University of Tirana,
Abstract: - Governments and businesses in many countries are orienting their strategies in accordance with
meeting the sustainable development goals (SDGs), due to current global development. In a dynamic
environment and competitive markets, this strategy orientation is seen as a way to succeed and ensure long-
term sustainability. In this context, renewable energy has gained a lot of attention and interest. The promotion
and use of renewable energy depend crucially on government policies. Different incentives such as subsidies,
tax incentives, renewable energy targets, and regulations that encourage or require the use of renewables can
significantly boost their adoption. Renewable energy technologies, such as solar panels, wind turbines, and
energy storage systems, have advanced and have made their use a more attractive option for consumers and
businesses because of their accessibility, affordability, and efficiency. This study aims to present and give a
comparative overview of renewable energy investments in the Balkan Countries with a focus on green energy.
Green energy is a sub-category of renewable energy that refers only to two sources: sun and wind. Even though
green energy is part of renewable energy, it might have specific characteristics that are interesting to be known.
The objective of this study is to analyze the relationship of the main factors that impact the consumption of
green energy in Albania compared to four EU countries. Following the previous research conducted and after
identifying the main factors that impact the consumption of green energy, a panel data regression model is used
to analyze how these factors are related to the consumption of green energy in 5 countries: Albania (non-EU
country), Croatia, Bulgaria, Greece, Slovenia (EU countries). The study results found that the electricity price
and education index positively impact the consumption of green energy, while CO2 emissions negatively
impact it.
Key-Words: - Renewable energy, Green energy, SDGs, Regulatory framework, Environment protection,
Energy markets.
Received: March 15, 2023. Revised: January 19, 2024. Accepted: February 11, 2024. Published: March 8, 2024.
1 Introduction
Energy is one of the most debated issues in recent
decades. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate
Change have determined a set of requirements for
countries to ensure environmental protection. First
of all, the use of green energy sources aims to
protect the environment as a result of reducing the
emission of carbon dioxide. The Paris Agreement
has defined the target of reducing 3.5% every year
of the carbon dioxide released during energy
production until 2050, to achieve this objective, [1].
Moreover, the Paris Agreement emphasizes the
importance of financing investment projects in the
area of climate change and energy production
plants. Such investments require a lot of funds, that
often, are impossible to be financed and afforded by
governments and private investors only. In this
context and considering the importance of this
sector, international donors and development banks
play a major role in financing projects, [2]. The
main donor in terms of funding and the key
stakeholder in terms of policy dialogue is the
European Union. During the last decade, more than
€185 million in grants have been provided by the
EU to support energy efficiency and renewable
energy, actually attracting about €850 million in
loans, [3].
In a macroeconomic context, the above
objective is not only environmental but also has an
impact on the economic and social development of
countries. Thus, changes in the energy sector are
expected to increase gross domestic production by
2.5% and employment by 0.2% until 2050 globally,
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.63
Brunilda Neli, Dorina Koçi
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
Balkan countries have started to adopt new
technologies and to use sustainable sources of
energy which aim to achieve the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs). SDG 7 “Affordable
and Clean Energy” defines specific targets and
indicators for countries to achieve by 2030
regarding the energy sector: a) Ensure universal
access to affordable, reliable, and modern energy
services, b) Increase substantially the share of
renewable energy in the global energy mix, c)
Double the global rate of improvement in energy
efficiency, d) Enhance international cooperation to
facilitate access to clean energy research and
technology, including renewable energy, energy
efficiency and advanced and cleaner fossil-fuel
technology, and promote investment in energy
infrastructure and clean energy technology, e)
Expand infrastructure and upgrade technology for
supplying modern and sustainable energy services
for all in developing countries, in particular least
developed countries, small island developing States,
and land-locked developing countries, by their
respective programs of support.
New sources of energy production have been
the focus of many scholars and researchers,
especially in the last decade when there is increased
attention on environmental protection and
compliance with SDGs towards a sustainable energy
sector. The vast literature is related to renewable
sources of energy, which include sun, wind, water,
earth heat, and plants. Green energy is a smaller
category of renewables which refers only to two
sources: sun and wind. The availability of renewable
energy resources, such as sunlight, wind, and
hydropower, in a particular region can influence the
use of green energy. Areas with abundant renewable
resources are more likely to invest in these
technologies. There is a lack of theoretical and
empirical evidence related solely to green energy.
Even though green energy is part of renewable
energy, it might have specific characteristics that are
interesting to know. Therefore, we will bring in this
section an overview of studies related both to
renewable and green energy and then we will derive
our specific study oriented towards green energy.
The paper is organized as follows. The first
section provides a brief review of previous research
and findings regarding the factors that influence the
usage and impact the consumption of renewable and
green sources of energy. Second, a general overview
of the regulatory framework and investments in
green energy in the Balkan Countries is presented in
comparison with each other. In section three, a short
description of the methodology used in this study is
given, explaining the sampling, measures, and data
analysis. The findings, discussions, implications,
and limitations conclude the study.
2 Literature Review
Nowadays the use of green energy sources
represents a competitive advantage for businesses.
Corporate Sustainability Goals can be regarded as a
factor that influences the use of green energy. Many
businesses and corporations are setting
sustainability goals and commitments to reduce their
carbon footprint. This often involves procuring a
significant portion of their energy from renewable
sources. Nevertheless, small and medium
enterprises face more difficulties because
investments in such systems need the mobilization
of large amounts of capital and are highly dependent
on R & D expenditure, [5]. The study of [6], found
that the cost of solar panel systems and the pressure
of competitors negatively affected SMEs to invest in
this type of green energy. Financing is a key
constraint towards the use of solar panels and both
governments and financial system institutions
should do more regarding green financing, [7].
Access to financing options and investment in
renewable energy projects can facilitate their
development and deployment.
The factors that have an impact on renewable
energy consumption are generally categorized into
three groups: economic, environmental, and social
factors. The influence of such factors on renewable
energy demand is sometimes controversial in
literature. From the cost-effective perspective, the
cost of green energy technologies has been
decreasing over time, making them increasingly
competitive with fossil fuels. Dependence on fossil
fuels, which are subject to price fluctuations and
geopolitical tensions, can be a motivation to shift
towards green energy sources that are more reliable
and domestically available. As green energy
becomes more cost-effective, businesses and
consumers are more likely to adopt it.
GDP is one of the main economic indicators
which boost the use of renewable energy both in the
short and long run, [8]. Most of the studies in
developed and developing countries have found a
positive impact of GDP in consumption of
renewable energy, [9]. At the same time, it is
identified that also renewable energy contributes to
the improvement of the economic condition of
countries, thus having a vice-versa effect, [10].
Other economic factors such as labour force, the
gross capital formation have been identified to have
a negative relationship with renewable energy, [9],
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.63
Brunilda Neli, Dorina Koçi
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
Environmental factors have also been identified
as drivers for renewable energy consumption.
Growing awareness of environmental issues, such as
climate change and air pollution, has led to an
increased interest in green energy sources. People
are more inclined to support and use renewable
energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and
minimize their ecological footprint.
CO2 emissions are the most used indicator to
represent this group of indicators. In most studies it
is identified a negative relationship between this
factor and the demand for renewable energy, [5],
[8], [12]. Other studies differentiate the impact of
CO2 emissions between developing and developed
countries. The negative correlation is found for
developing countries, while in developed countries
the influence is positive, [13].
International agreements and commitments can
influence a country's energy policies and
commitment to transitioning to renewable energy
sources. The Paris Agreement marked a significant
impact on policies related to environmental issues
thus affecting the energy sector. [14], concluded that
the energy consumption structure was the main
indicator influencing the demand for renewable
energy before the agreement. Meanwhile, FDIs and
trade openness became important in increasing the
demand for renewables after the Paris Agreement.
Social acceptance and cultural attitudes towards
green energy can affect its adoption. Community
support and collaboration can be crucial in
implementing renewable energy projects. Public
awareness and support for green energy play a vital
role in its adoption. As consumers become more
conscious of their energy choices, they may demand
cleaner energy sources from utility providers.
Moreover, the energy sector has a significant social
impact since it directly affects the well-being of
families and businesses, but there are also social
factors that contribute to the renewable energy
demand. Renewable energy is positively affected by
the improvement of the education index and
negatively affected by the life expectancy index, [8].
In summary, the use of green energy is
influenced by a complex interplay of environmental,
economic, technological, regulatory, and social
factors. As these factors continue to evolve, the
adoption of green energy is likely to increase,
helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and
promote a more sustainable energy future.
2.1 Regulatory Framework and Investments
in Green Energy in Balkan Countries
Investment levels and priorities in green energy can
vary among Balkan countries based on their
available renewable resources, regulatory
frameworks, and economic conditions. Each Balkan
country has its unique regulatory approach and
support mechanisms for green energy development.
We analyzed different reports conducted through the
years by International Organizations and
Stakeholders, [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], to conduct
the following comparative approach between
Balkan Countries based on main indicators of
regulatory framework development and investments
support mechanisms.
Greece stands as a leading advocate for energy
development in its region. Investors find this
country very attractive due to stability in the
regulatory environment. The country has effectively
deployed support mechanisms such as feed-in
tariffs, auctions, and a renewable energy certificate
system. Greece’s commitment to expanding wind
and solar energy installations has yielded
investments while ambitious targets have been set to
increase the share of renewables in its energy mix.
Croatia has developed an incentive system for
Renewable Energy Sources through a new act on
this source in 2016. Croatia's government has
adopted a new Energy Strategy in 2020 until 2030,
that includes a wide range of energy policy
initiatives that will improve energy security,
increase energy efficiency, lower dependence on
fossil fuels, increase local production, and increase
renewable resources. Croatia aims to become a
sustainable and energy-independent country by
counting on its abundant renewable energy sources.
In Slovenia, the legal framework for the
promotion and use of renewable energy sources is
regulated by Renewable Energy Act. This
legislation has set rules regarding grid connection
for green energy to efficiently integrate green
energy into the current electricity grid. Slovenia
Government has provided some support through
different incentives such as feed-in tariffs and other
financial incentives to promote the development of
renewable energy projects and to attract more
investors in solar energy infrastructure. Considering
the geographical position of Slovenia, the
government has made efforts to utilize the potential
that the country has for wind energy, mainly in
mountainous and coastal areas. There has been an
increase in solar photovoltaic installations, including
investments from both residents and businesses that
have benefited from government incentives and
feed-in tariffs. The support and access to EU
funding programs that support renewable energy
projects have played a very important role for
Slovenia in financing green energy initiatives. The
engagement of the country in international
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.63
Brunilda Neli, Dorina Koçi
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
partnerships and collaborations has advanced its
green energy goals. This includes participation in
regional energy projects and cooperation with
neighboring countries.
Bulgaria has made efforts to advance the
utilization of energy sources. The government has
implemented support mechanisms like feed-in
tariffs and a quota system for electricity production
from renewables. Over the years Bulgaria has
successfully attracted investments in both wind and
solar energy projects.
Romania has been highly engaged in driving
energies specifically focusing on wind and solar
power sources. There is a well-established
regulatory framework for renewable energy.
Romania has put in place a support program that
relies on certificates and has conducted auctions for
scale renewable projects. This approach has led to
investments in the country’s energy sector.
Serbia has introduced regulations to promote
renewable energy, supervised by the Energy Agency
of the Republic of Serbia. Serbia has focused on
hydropower and wind energy investments. Feed-in
tariffs and incentives were used to attract
investments, with grid infrastructure development
being a priority.
North Macedonia is actively pursuing measures
to promote energy about European Union
integration. The government has introduced enticing
incentives like feed-in tariffs and other schemes
aimed at attracting investments into energy projects.
The country’s objective is to elevate the proportion
of renewables, within its energy consumption.
Albania has expressed its keenness to promote
energy with a focus on hydropower. To encourage
investments in energy projects the country has put in
place feed-in tariffs as incentives. The regulatory
framework for renewables is continuous due to
different challenges observed in this regard such as
grid infrastructure and permitting processes The
government aims to boost the proportion of energy
in the overall energy mix of the nation. In this
context, best practices may be followed by other
Balkan countries that have more experience to
accelerate the transition to greener and more
sustainable energy in the future.
3 Methodology
The analysis of factors influencing green energy
consumption in the Balkans is carried out by using a
panel data regression model, which is used in
similar studies, [5], [8]. We have tested for fixed /
random effects and the final regression is based on
the results of the Hausman test which determines
which test is more appropriate. The analysis is
carried out in E-views 12.
Data was retrieved from different databases:
World Bank, UNSD, Eurostat, and INSTAT for the
period 2010 2019 on an annual basis. The aim of
the study is to analyze the drivers of green energy in
Balkan countries. The final panel data refers to five
countries: Albania (non-EU country), Croatia,
Bulgaria, Greece, and Slovenia (EU countries). The
other countries have not been involved in the study
because they have started to use green energy
sources in a few years and such a short period is not
sufficient for econometric analysis.
Although a large set of indicators has been
considered at the first stage of analysis (GDP,
private financing, inflation, energy productivity,
etc), after performing the required testing
procedures and eliminating the problems of
autocorrelation, we have included in the final model
the following variables:
Dependent variable: The green energy ratio is the
dependent variable, which is measured as the share
of sources such as sun and wind in the final energy
consumption. Most previous research has a broader
focus, using all renewable energy sources as the
dependent variable, which refers to all sources
steaming from the earth's ecosystem, such as
biomass, hydropower, marine, geothermal, wind,
and solar energy. As mentioned in the previous
sections, hydropower is the main source of energy
in Balkan countries, thus the existing studies' results
are dominated by this energy source and do not refer
solely to green energy. Therefore, this study brings a
valuable and new contribution to the related field.
The explanatory variables are selected based on
literature results and taking into consideration the
characteristics of the countries in the study. These
variables are grouped into three categories:
Economic variables: In this category, foreign direct
investment and electricity prices are included. FDIs
refer to the net inflows of capital from other
countries towards countries involved in the study
based on annual data from the World Bank
database. FDIs play a crucial role in the economic
development of Balkan countries and are an
important source of funding in the energy sector. It
is expected to have a positive relationship between
this indicator and the demand for green energy.
The price of electricity refers to the average price a
medium-size household pays in a year. The higher
the price of electricity from traditional sources of
energy, the higher the expected demand for green
energy. Therefore, a positive expected impact of this
indicator on the dependent variable.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.63
Brunilda Neli, Dorina Koçi
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
Table 1. Variables of the study
Type of variable
Variable name
Dependent variable
Green energy
Share of green energy in final energy
consumption (%)
Independent variables
Economic variables
Foreign Direct
Net inflow of Foreign Direct Investment
Price of electricity
Electricity prices by type of user - medium-
sized households
CO2 emissions
CO2 emissions (kg per PPP $ of GDP)
Social variables
Education Index
Education index - component of the Human
Development Index
Source: Authors considerations based on literature
Environmental variables: In this category, CO2
emissions are considered to express the impact on
green energy consumption. This indicator is
expressed in kg per PPP $ of GDP. Based on the
literature, the impact of CO2 emissions on green
energy consumption is controversial.
Social variables: The social impact is expressed
through the education index, which is one of the
components of the Human Development Index
published every year by the United Nations
Development Programme. The index takes values
from 0 to 1, where higher values mean better
performance of countries in education.
Table 1 summarizes the variables of the study.
Considering these explanatory variables, green
energy determinants can be expressed:
Where β0 is the intercept and is the error term.
The econometric analysis is carried out in E-views
12. First some descriptive statistics and the
correlation matrix of the variables included in the
study are given. Then, the results of the least square
for panel data regression analysis are presented,
following these tests:
- Breusch Pagan statistics in Lagrange Multiplier
Test for Random Effect to check the null hypothesis
that the panel least square (PLS) is appropriate and
there is no cross-section or time effect.
- Hausman test to determine the appropriate model
between fixed and random effects.
- Residual statistics to test the appropriateness of the
3.1 Analysis of the Results
The summary of the descriptive statistics is given in
Table 2. As mentioned in the previous sections,
green energy comprises a small share of the energy
market share in Balkan countries. For the analyzed
period, it amounts to only 0.8% of the final energy
consumption on average. It has an increasing trend
in all reported countries but remains at low levels.
This variable has the highest standard deviation
because of significant differences among countries.
The highest value is 8.8% of final energy
consumption and it refers to Greece, which has the
best indicators in green energy consumption.
Table 2. Descriptive statistics
St. Dev.
Source: Authors calculations in E-views 12
Table 3. Correlation matrix
Source: Authors calculations in E-views 12
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.63
Brunilda Neli, Dorina Koçi
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
Table 4. Estimation of PLS, FE, and RE models
Panel Least Square (PLS)
Fixed effects (FE)
Random effects (RE)
Adjusted R2
Prob (F-stat)
* p < 5%, Source: Authors calculations in E-views 12
Foreign direct investments have fluctuations
among countries. On average for the past 10 years,
the highest amount of foreign capital has been
granted to Greece and the lowest level to Slovenia.
Regarding the price of electricity, the average value
is 0.1274 euro/kwh. The highest price for the period
is 0.1767 euro/kwh. In almost all countries, there is
an increasing trend for the period.
Emissions of CO2 fluctuate in a decreasing
trend between 0.4289 to 0.1214 kg per PPP of GDP
with an average of 0.2212 kg per PPP, which is
higher than the standard for fossil CO2 emissions.
Referring to the social indicator, the average
education index is 0.8139, with variations between
0.68 and 0.92.
Based on the correlation matrix coefficients
(Table 3), all variables are positively correlated to
green energy, even though the correlation is not
very strong (values below 0.5). The strongest
positive relation of green energy is identified with
the electricity price and FDI. In addition, there is no
indication for autocorrelation, because also the
coefficients among other variables are not very high.
The panel data least square has been employed
to test the statistical impact of the independent
variables on the dependent variable. At a 95%
significance level, only FDI and PE influence the
demand for green energy. But, based on the Breusch
Pagan statistics in the Lagrange Multiplier Test for
Random Effect, we rejected the null hypothesis that
the panel least square (PLS) is appropriate (P-value
less than 5%) and concluded that we should check
for fixed or random effects. Below we have
summarized the results of the panel least squares,
fixed effect, and random effect tests.
As can be seen in Table 4, the three models are
statistically significant, and the regression results
are different in each model. To check which model
is more appropriate, the one with fixed effects or
random effects, we have used the Hausman test. The
null hypothesis is that the random effects model is
preferred. This hypothesis is rejected because the p-
value resulted less than 5%, thus the fixed effects
model is more suitable, and we can explain the
demand for green energy based on the coefficients
of this model. The R2 of the model is 58.98% which
is acceptable in cases where we use macroeconomic
So, for a p-value = 0.05, the factors that
influence green energy consumption are the price of
electricity, the CO2 emissions, and the education
index. The foreign direct investments are not
statistically significant. The impact of electricity
price and education index is positive while the
relationship between CO2 emissions and green
energy is negative.
4 Conclusion and Discussion
In recent years, Balkan countries have undertaken
measures and policies towards the shift from
traditional energy sources to renewable ones.
However, the results are still not very positive,
especially compared to Western Europe countries.
According to data from the International Energy
Agency (IEA) and UN Statistics Division (UNSD),
Albania still focuses on providing energy from
hydro sources, which in 2019 accounted for 25.9%
of total energy consumption. Whereas, referring to
green energy sources, they constituted only 0.8% of
the total energy consumed, [20]. This level is similar
to the performance of the energy sector in Serbia
and Slovenia in 2019. In Croatia and Bulgaria, the
use of green energy was less than 3% of total energy
consumption. Countries with the lowest percentage
of green energy in the Balkans are Bosnia
Herzegovina and Kosovo (0.3% and 0.5%
respectively). The use of green energy in these
countries is significantly below the average of the
countries of Western Europe (4.3%) or Southern
Europe (5%). Only Greece had a higher use of green
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.63
Brunilda Neli, Dorina Koçi
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
energy reaching 8.8% of total consumption in 2019,
Considering the low level of green energy
consumption, it is of high importance to understand
the driving forces of this energy source to design the
proper policies to boost its demand. Regarding
electricity prices, Balkan countries are characterized
by higher prices and inefficiencies compared to
Western Europe. Generally, an increase in energy
produced by sun and wind reduces electricity prices,
[22], [23], but the reverse impact is not always
known. In our study, an increase in electricity prices
results in a higher share of green energy. This is
expected because electricity prices refer mainly to
other sources of energy and an increase in such
prices will motivate customers to shift towards
green energy. Foreign direct investments are
positively linked with green energy, but this
relationship is not statistically significant.
An expected result refers also to the positive
relationship between the education index and the
consumption of green energy. Education plays a
significant role in economic development and
directly impacts well-being. A high education index
means a high human development stage. The
average value for the countries we have included in
our study is above the world average (0.7). In the
context of our study, education positively affects
green energy consumption because an improvement
in education level means a better quality of life and
improved well-being of people. Moreover, the more
educated the customers, the easier it will be for them
to accept new technologies. According to [6], the
ease of using solar panel systems is one of the
factors that strongly impacts the acceptance of such
systems by small and medium enterprises.
The increase in CO2 emissions decreases the
consumption of green energy. As emphasized in the
theoretical background, the CO2 impact is
controversial. The negative relationship may result
because of the main sources that cause CO2
emissions. In Albania, Croatia, and Slovenia the
fossil CO2 emissions are coming mostly from
transport, while in Greece and Bulgaria from the
power industry, [24]. Since these sectors are very
crucial in the economies of all countries and will
continue to produce CO2, this may discourage
investments in green energy. This result is in line
with conclusions from [8], [12], [25], [26].
4.1 Limitations of the Study and Directions
for Future Research
Future research is needed in the field of green
energy to enrich both theoretical and practical
frameworks. This study takes into consideration
secondary data on macroeconomic variables that
have a significant impact on green energy demand.
A valuable contribution could be to analyze the
sector from the investor or business perspective by
using primary data. This could lead to more
appropriate results and suggestions for intervention
consequently. Moreover, the analysis can be
extended to the remaining countries in the Balkans
and for a longer period, so it may be replicated to
see also if other factors serve as driving forces of
green energy consumption. The economic situation
is changing rapidly, taking into consideration the
increase in inflation, the war in Ukraine, etc., so it is
important to analyze other variable impacts in the
This research is supported by the National Agency
for Scientific Research and Innovation in Albania
through national research and development program
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
The authors equally contributed to the present
research, at all stages from the formulation of the
problem to the final findings and solution.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
This study was conducted with the financial support
of the National Agency for Scientific Research and
Innovation (NASRI) in Albania.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.63
Brunilda Neli, Dorina Koçi
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024