A few cryptocurrencies have large market
capitalization and in terms of millions or even
billions, while they usually provide lower
transaction costs to individuals demonstrating an
efficient financial market characteristic that
indicates immediate liquidity, [3].
If we consider cryptocurrencies as a new class
of assets or as traditional currency, [4], we should
first see their statistical characteristics in the
distribution of the returns such as the skewness,
kurtosis, and heteroscedasticity. Many works on the
study of cryptocurrencies found recently are
common in financial assets and long-memory, [5].
Moreover, researches on cryptos further
demonstrate potential diversification in this
emerging market for institutional and retail
There are cryptocurrencies that evolvement is
relatively isolated from the others, [6], which may
offer diversification benefits for speculators and the
variety of cryptocurrencies is still uprising, thus the
cryptocurrency market has an increasing place in
diversification and portfolio composition, thus, the
research on the portfolio diversification of
cryptocurrencies has been increased. Today, you
may find more than two thousand different
cryptocurrencies, but do we trust all of them?
Speaking of optimization models, many other
portfolio optimization models, such as , as
a maximum potential loss of a portfolio in an
interval of time, have been proposed in the literature
after the Nobel prize H. Markowitz, [7], with his
first step in modern portfolio theory. Numerous
studies on a similar risk measure, the Conditional
Value at Risk , [8], demonstrate why it
is preferred to Value at Risk because the
later does not allow diversification. The most crucial
characteristics are that is a convex and
coherent risk measure demonstrated in the model
function, [9], a model that supports diversification.
All of these models rely on the estimated
expected return of the assets as an input, which
causes them to concentrate heavily on a restricted
set of assets and perform badly outside of the
sample, [10]. Additionally, these models generate
extremely high weights and demonstrate large
fluctuations over time. So, comparable to within a
Mean Variance portfolio, a major adjustment in the
input parameters can affect the portfolio's
composition significantly.
The Risk Parity approach's ability to avoid
requiring the estimation of expected returns is one
of its main advantages. The Risk Parity
methodologies divide the entire risk of the portfolio
into the risk contributions of each asset in the same
Using the Euler breakdown for the first order
homogeneous function, we will be able to apply the
Risk Parity technique to the Expected shortfall or
more common .
By observation, we know that the idea that the
returns are a normal multivariate distribution is less
credible due to the lack of reality. Other authors,
[11], use a Mixed Tempered stable distributed for
the source of risk in the Risk Parity models. An
alternative approach, called Equal Risk Bounding
(ERB), requires the solution of a nonconvex
quadratically constrained optimization problem. The
ERB approach, while starting from different
requirements, turns out to be firmly connected to the
RP approach, [12]. In this paper, we will treat
cryptocurrencies as usual stocks or bonds, with a
purpose of studying how the novices'
digital currency, which operates without a financial
system or government authorities, will behave in
these conditions. We first describe the selected
small crypto portfolio, justifying our selection on
these, to analyse the performance in a out of sample
period with the use of a rolling window. Another
important step is the analysis of riskiness, portfolio
turnover, and diversification.
2 Cryptocurrency Datasets and
Models Used
The cryptocurrency dataset selected, includes the
period from 1/1/2018 to 31/01/2021 with 1123
trading days in total (remember that you can trade
each day of the year 24/7). We chose this time span
because it does not included, the moment in which
Bitcoin reached its highest peak in November 2021,
avoiding the unusual distortion of the data.
We collect ten cryptocurrencies with a market
capitalization larger than half a billion. To avoid
any currency fluctuation, all the prices are in dollars
as they are listed on Yahoo Finance.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.57
Denis Veliu, Marin Aranitasi