usefulness of product A is determined not for an
individual entity, but for the entire community
interacting with another community. Similarly, for
product B received from another community, its
utility for the entire community receiving that
product must be determined.
4. In addition, the theory of evolution of economic
relations defines smaller stages of ER-associated
with the attribution of economic relations to four
basic forms: 1. Impact-Appropriation, 2. Exchange,
3. Distribution/Concentration, 4. Production.
It can be argued that the assignment of a given
economic relationship, for which rational behavior
is determined, to a specific element of these basic
forms will influence the determination of the
rational behavior of the subject participating in these
ERs. The specific form of ER (one of 16) plays a
decisive role in the distribution of the decision-
making process and in the choice of rational actions
of the actors involved.
5. Another aspect of the generalization of the
Theory of Games is the removal of the limitations of
the theory associated with the hypothesis introduced
by von Neumann about the role of money as a
universal "transferable numerical utility".
When studying the evolution of economic relations,
we consider money as performing only the
exchange function and, as noted in several works,
for example, [12], this function of money as a
means of exchanging goods and a means of
comparing the "utility" of goods loses its monopoly
and uniqueness as the property of global availability
of information and the property of global
availability of computing power for all participants
in economic relations are achieved.
Such global accessibility conditions mean the
availability of a complete report on current
commodity exchanges, taking into account all
regional and other circumstances.
Thus, the utility of the product in TRES must be
expressed not by means of money, but means of
pure numerical exchange rate of product A for any
other product B at any given region at any given
point of time.
6. The article presents the following new results:
- an approach to generalizing game theory is
proposed to expand the scope of its applicability
not only to economic relations based on
competition but also to economic relations based
on the cooperation of economic entities,
- an exhaustive classification of the forms of
economic relations covering the entire history
from the moment of the origin of economic
relations to the forms in the future, is proposed,
- the starting point of the development of
Economic Relations (human-human relations)
has been determined. Pre-economic Relations
(human-nature relations) present this starting
- the principle of transformation of the initial pre-
economic relations into economic relations of
increasingly developed forms is indicated,
- the article indicates for what systems of
economic relations the classical game theory is
applicable, and for what ones it should be
- the "utility" indicator of goods for the community
of economic entities has been introduced. This
measure is not based on the concept of money,
but is based on the coefficients of exchange of
some goods for others ones and on the
interdependence of the utility (for society) of
goods in the technological chain of production,
- the mathematical analysis of the introduced
utility measure has been carried out.
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DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.56
Ashikhmin Victor, Shabarov Vladimir