understanding of the use of forensic accounting in
fraud detection. Focus on how this awareness can be
enhanced and applied more effectively in audit
practices. (2) Deepen the role of big data analysis
(BDA) in supporting forensic accounting activities.
Research can explore specific BDA techniques that
are most effective in detecting fraud indications and
identify barriers and opportunities that may arise in
its implementation. (3) Explore the impact of
implementing the Committee of Sponsoring
Organizations (COSO) model in preventing and
detecting fraud in other industry sectors. Focus on
different sectors to gain further insights into the
effectiveness of the COSO model outside the
banking sector, such as manufacturing or services
industries. (4) Build an integrated framework that
combines aspects of forensic accounting, big data
analysis, and the COSO model. Research can
evaluate how this integration can be applied by
internal and external auditors to enhance efficiency
in fraud detection.
This research is funded by Indonesian Ministry of
Education, Culture, Research and Technology,
Indonesian Directorate General of Higher
Education, Research and Technology.
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