Proposal for a Directive on Internal Control in a Public Institution
1Universidad César Vallejo,
Carretera Pimentel Km. 3.5, Chiclayo, Lambayeque,
2School of Business and Economics and CEEAplA,
University of Azores 9500-321 Ponta Delgada,
3Faculty of Applied Sciences
WSB University, 41-300 Dabrowa Górnicza
4College of Business and Economics,
University of Johannesburg PO Box 524, Auckland Park
Abstract: - The main challenge of Internal Control is to give dynamism to Administrative Management to adapt
to modern needs. The research aimed to propose an Internal Control directive to strengthen administrative
management at the Lambayeque Regional Headquarters with a descriptive study. , non-experimental design,
quantitative research, using the survey information collection technique, validated by experts, applying to a
sample of 50 workers, the data were processed in the SPSS V27 software, obtaining results that showed that the
Regional Headquarters presents weaknesses in the five dimensions of Internal Control and the four of
administrative management, the result of 86%, was the highest score that the respondents favorably favored the
proposal for the Internal Control directive, followed by 78%. in favor of defining the roles of the officials and
servers involved, the corresponding responsibilities, among others, which will allow for better administrative
management, as well as the determination of the corresponding responsibilities in the event of non-compliance
and the induction or training that is required.
Key-Words: - Internal control, directive, administrative management, governmental control, implementation,
computer application.
Received: July 29, 2023. Revised: November 18, 2023. Accepted: December 21, 2023. Published: January 5, 2024.
1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Internal Control has been considered an accounting
tool to verify or examine in the world for decades.
Over the years, this has evolved, especially after
various financial scandals due to inefficient
management of the companies involved. There is
currently a broader understanding and the need for a
change of ideas, and the entities of the state,
following the policy of Modernization of the State,
have better administrative management that benefits
the citizenry.
Contextually, regarding subjects, [1] and [2],
reveal that Administrative Management leads the
actions aimed at achieving the objectives by
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.39
Lidia Tapia, Amado Fernandez, Gualter Couto,
Pedro Pimentel, Rui Alexandre Castanho
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
carrying out the actions in a fulfilled manner of
management. Moreover, as argued, [3], and concise
Internal Control is essential for an organization with
good performance, valuable and timely as a
guarantee and protection of your finances, [4]. Also,
denotes the mandatory strengthening of control,
which will make management optimally transparent,
through Internal Control, reliability and guarantee of
resources can be achieved spent, is under the
responsibility of the entity's owners, who in some or
many cases are unaware of its benefits, [5].
Likewise, indicates that it focused on verifying
information, primarily as an accounting tool,
evolving to be related to finance. However, China
expanded the scope of action to more areas,
including almost all organizational activities, [6],
also in a study in China, emphasizes that Internal
Control is essential in governance because it directs
resources and promotes responsibility and corporate
performance, [7], in Spain, [8] states: Internal
Control is privileged due to its presence in all the
administrative and financial acts of the organization,
which follows the steps of Administrative
Management, to verify if the current regulations that
govern it are complied with.
Also, at the global level, on fraudulent financial
reporting, the United States indicates that it focused
on the verification of information, originally an
accounting tool, evolving to relate to the financial;
however, China expanded the scope of action to
more areas, including almost all organizational
activities, also in a study in China, emphasizes, that
Internal Control is essential in governance because
it directs resources and drives accountability and
corporate performance, likewise in Spain, states that
Internal Control is privileged by its presence in all
administrative and financial acts of the organization,
which follows the steps of the Administrative
Management, to check if they comply with the
current rules that govern it.
On the other hand, in Latin America, Panama,
[9], raises that Internal Control is forged as a
science, as a tool for prevention and correction to
confront all fraud actions. Likewise, Ecuador, [10],
points out that control is vital for its technical
support in the development of processes consistent
with the provisions of government regulations, to
achieve the objective set for the good of the
community, and to have solid administrative
management since it allows the activities to be fluid.
In Peru, it was introduced in 2006 through Law
No. 28716; in 2016, the General Standards were
published, and in 2019 with directive No. 006-2019-
CG/INTEG, guidelines are given for mandatory use
for state organizations. Nevertheless, this reveals
that there is no progress in strengthening since the
entities have weak Internal Control in their
investment projects that need to be addressed and
carry out unlawful work. They also need to have
meritocratic operational capacity, [11]. Another
study, [12], considers that despite its mandatory
nature, only 3% of all institutions in the national
territory complied with carrying out the
implementation. On the other hand, emphasize that,
for the community, it is crucial to ensure that
Internal Control manages to optimize management
since it is inherent to every organization, [13].
Similarly, at the regional level, [14], reveals that
in the regional institution, the planning and
socialization of strategies must be improved to
achieve the objectives; for this purpose, it must
provide guidelines to achieve exemplary
implementation and improve its G.A. by reflecting
deficiencies in the implementation of Internal
2 Problem under Study
In this context, at the Lambayeque Regional
Headquarters, particularities have been found in the
implementation of Internal Control, which has been
reflected through the related service reports on the
evaluation or follow-up carried out by the
Institutional Control Body to the development of the
activities, where they make known about the
weaknesses, indicating that documents that do not
support have been attached, as well as
documentation that partially supports, not
complying with the percentage of maturity, which
does not comply with current regulations, this is
because The collaborators do not know the
procedures, they are not trained and the high
turnover of trusted officials and contracted
personnel, in addition to the fact that they hire
personnel for the location of services to develop said
activities, which do not fully comply, which does
not allow the adequate development of
administrative procedures. , due to the lack of
controls and supervision of the administrative
activities of the Organic Units, which are in charge
of the implementation of Internal Control, therefore,
makes it necessary to propose an internal directive
that regulates the actions to be carried out, as well as
the responsibilities for the actions of the officials or
servers in charge of the implementation, which will
allow having an Administrative Management
adjusted to current standards with agile and
understandable procedures and an improvement in
the actions of officials or servers of the entity.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.39
Lidia Tapia, Amado Fernandez, Gualter Couto,
Pedro Pimentel, Rui Alexandre Castanho
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
2.1 Objective of the Study
Then, we propose the general objective, that of
proposing an Internal Control directive to strengthen
Administrative Management at the Lambayeque
Regional Headquarters, through which it will
achieve its objectives and goals, making transparent
the administrative actions it develops, and through
the objectives specific, it is intended to: Diagnose
compliance with Internal Control, Diagnose the
problem in the administrative management of the
Lambayeque Regional Headquarters; Propose an
internal directive for its application at the
Lambayeque Regional Headquarters and validate
the internal directive through expert judgment.
2.2 Previous Studies
At the international level, the study developed in
Ecuador regarding compliance with and evaluation
of the Army's administrative control regulations,
[15], with a quantitative and qualitative approach,
applying a survey to managers in charge of organic
units, with a 100% representative sample with 69
questions linked to the importance of the COSO
components and their application, evidencing that
the control environment is insufficient, also
obtained deficient its risk assessment and control
follow-up and monitoring, measuring on a scale of 0
to 100, having a higher score the control
environment that reached 77.07% which is
considered adequate, then follows the monitoring
and supervision component which has obtained
39.83, being the lowest percentage. However, in the
same way, the other activities have qualified
insufficiently, obtaining finally in the five
components 56.65%, concluding that more is
needed for not reaching the minimum of 70%. This
shows that control activities are necessary to detect
weaknesses and mitigate or correct them, leading to
achieving the goals set.
For his part, [16], in Ecuador, in the research
Importance and evaluation of control in public
management, used qualitative methodology to
determine variables that allow the identification of
control mechanisms, with an interpretative
approach, documentary tracking and analysis of
regulations, concluding that control is vital for its
technical support in the development of processes
consistent with the provisions of government
regulations, to achieve the objective set for the good
of the community and to have a solid G.A. since it
allows the activities to be fluid. This infers the
existence of a need to implement the I.C. because it
is adequately
necessary for public entities to be technically
accompanied in their processes.
Likewise, [17], the research on the panorama of
the development of the C.I. in the institutions that
are of the public sector in Kosovo - Spain, used the
methodology of analysis of annual reports of the
operation of the finance system corresponding to the
period 2014-2017, for this, he made use of a
questionnaire, with five components and analyzed
the reports that correspond to the National Audit
Office, related to the progress or advances achieved
through guidelines and follow-up data of support in
improvement of management and guidelines or
standards of C.I. in the budgetary areas are after the
general legal framework. Likewise, it was referred
to the control environment, which has improved, but
it is necessary to improve principles; control
activities have seen relative improvements in the
components of information and communication; the
secret is that the availability of documents and
supervision are not applicable. The study confirms
the importance of this proposed internal control
directive, considering the need for more awareness
on the subject.
Similarly, [18], in the study on the efficient
norm of Internal Control in Serbia, in which a
literature review has been carried out, it has been
concluded that to have an internal control norm that
is optimal and strict, intermediate or manipulable
sanctions should be considered, this with the
purpose that in the function of the manipulation,
discouragement or demoralization could not occur,
which will allow the collaborators to have greater
well-being and a better attitude towards the
On the other hand, [19], in the study on the
impact of the C.I. on the efficiency of the
organizations in the district of Jaffna, has used the
methodology of data collection, sampling and the
respective analysis, in order to diagnose the
existence of a relationship between the C.I. and the
efficiency of the organizations, applying surveys by
positions in the areas of personnel, finance,
production, and others, with a total of 244
respondents, and then analyze the components,
obtaining the control environment, the highest
percentage with 12.46 % and the evaluation of risks
obtained a lower percentage of 12.10 %; likewise
the components of control activities with 3.15 %,
determining the Pearson correlation of 891, giving
the value of 0.891, being a significant level of 0.01,
concluding that the internal control is reasonable
achieving efficiency in the entities, being proven the
dimensions of control activities, communication,
control environment, risk assessment, and; also
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.39
Lidia Tapia, Amado Fernandez, Gualter Couto,
Pedro Pimentel, Rui Alexandre Castanho
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
procedures should be established to achieve
efficiency in the institutional activities. Therefore,
this makes us reflect on how internal control is used
in organizations and makes them more efficient.
Along these lines, in Panama, [20], in
developing his study on the impact of control on
financial accounting and auditing, has used a
quantitative, transversal, and descriptive
methodology, reviewed the I.C. component, for
which he collected data using interviews with
experts, as well as surveys, using 12 state
institutions as population and seven institutions as
sample, with six questions for which 63 surveys
were given, only 42 answered. The author applied
the Likert scale, which allowed him to affirm in his
conclusions that control positively impacts the
elements of Internal Control and becomes the
support of the element of information and
communication. So, this positively increases the
effectiveness of management, proving that it
impacts the component with a statistically
significant relationship between the variables.
Moreover, the described context affirms that the
phenomenon under study is transcendental to
develop the I. A efficiently.
On the other hand, at the national level, [21], in
their research in a UGEL of Ayacucho, the objective
was to determine the relationship between the I.Q.
and the hiring of less than 8UIT. The methodology
used is correlational of two variables, through a
quantitative approach and a cross-sectional
correlational research using a non-experimental
design. Its sample was made with 48 servers and
officials of the UGEL headquarters, using the
technique of surveys through a questionnaire,
instrument that was analyzed, obtaining the C.I. a
score of 1 and as for the hires that are less than
8UIT, there is a significant correlation score with a
level of 0.01 bilaterally and with Pearson's r with
value 0.565, concluding that there is a confidence of
99% which shows that the relationship of the C.I. is
significant in the hires less than 8UIT. It infers a
correlation between variables that adjusts to the
subject under study.
In the same area, [22], the study in Lima at
Provias Nacional on the C.I. and its incidence in the
G.A. had the objective of demonstrating the
incidence of the C.I. in the G.A., using the
quantitative approach of explanatory level, primary
research, with a sample of 120 servers, using
surveys, obtaining a measure of 923 in the KMO
test with a significance of,000 and Bartlett of 935
with a scope of, 000, which indicates the existence
of low-level influence of the dependent variable in
28.8%, concluding that the processes, as well as the
controls, will allow having an excellent institutional
operation, with officials who lead responsibly, with
values and who provide good levels of confidence.
In addition, it will allow the development of the
collaborators' capacities to obtain improved or
efficient management. Contextually, it leads to
determining the importance of the I.Q. to improve
public management effectively.
Also, [23], the study on the validity of the C.I.
and the Management Skills, developed in state
institutions of Cusco, used descriptive methodology
and inductive method, making use of the technique
for the collection, as well as the analysis of the
documents, concluding that the five components of
the C.I. are efficient when related to the strategies or
management maneuvers in public institutions. Thus,
this allows us to point out that the study
phenomenon is feasible through a proposal.
Then, at the local level, [24], in his research
developed in the Lambayeque Region on C.I. for an
effective G.A., used basic research, through a
quantitative approach with a descriptive-propositive
design, using primary research, through a
quantitative approach with a descriptive-propositive
design, applying a questionnaire to 50 civil servants
working in administrative offices, the results of
which were compared and determined that 90% of
respondents have a low level of knowledge and 6%
know the subject, the relevance with a level of
reliability of the variables of C.I. of 0.901 and G.A.
with 0.988, which highlights the importance of the
entity having mechanisms to monitor compliance -
which allows us to conclude that the C.I. is very
important at the Regional Headquarters to identify
risk areas.
Similarly, [25], in the study on the importance
of the C.I. linked to public works management,
using the quantitative, propositional, and non-
experimental method developed in an institution of
Lambayeque, proposing a model for works
management, used a sample of 20 workers,
including officials, managers, and servers, applying
a questionnaire; obtaining a score of 60%;
concluding that it is intended to achieve the
effectiveness of the C.I. in the management of
works, which will be concretized through a proposal
that favors and manages carefully, reaching
transparency and efficiency in the G.A.. Thereby,
this study has focused on a proposal, that is, the
proposal of the study.
On the other hand, [26], the study of the C.I. on
the effectiveness of hiring at the Regional
Headquarters made use of the quantitative approach,
as well as the descriptive design, an essential type
study, resorting to the survey technique, collecting
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.39
Lidia Tapia, Amado Fernandez, Gualter Couto,
Pedro Pimentel, Rui Alexandre Castanho
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
information through a questionnaire, using 33
workers as a sample, which obtained a 79% of low
knowledge of the C.I. This gives us light on how the
activities of the C.I. are developed in the Regional
Headquarters, being necessary to propose an
internal directive.
3 Materials and Methods
The work is concerned with the descriptive,
purposeful level, non-experimental design; it has a
quantitative approach, using the survey as a
technique, collecting information through the
instrument consisting of a questionnaire, using the
Likert scale, and using intentional or trial sampling.
The researcher, through the non-probabilistic
sampling technique, addressed several 50 workers
who carry out their activities in the organic
units/areas that are responsible for identifying,
remediating risks, and supervising the prioritized
products that have been registered in the computer
application for the Implementation of Internal
Control, for the application the regional institution
using a document authorized its application and
before the informed consent document, without
mediating coercion, with their free participation, the
questionnaire as mentioned above was socialized to
the workers who made up the sample, indicating the
benefits and importance of the study in the regional
The study was descriptive-propositive and had a
quantitative approach to data collection for the
variables. To obtain results, the survey technique
was used, collecting information through the
questionnaire instrument written with the Likert
method, with 32 questions, 20 related to the Internal
Control variable and 12 to the Administrative
Management variable, with three response options:
good/always, 2) Regular/sometimes and 3)
Bad/Never, its processing was done making use of
SPSS version 27 and the interview instrument was
directed to experts in governmental control,
personnel of the Institutional Control Organ of the
mentioned entity, whose processing was done
through Atlas Ti, which generated the results.
It should be noted that the questionnaire
mentioned above was written with 32 questions, 20
related to the Internal Control dependent variable
and 12 to the Administrative Management
independent variable, with alternatives to measure
on the Likert Scale, validated by three experts,
information that after it was collected, the data was
processed in Excel, as well as the SPSS V27
software, which is a tool to obtain tables or graphs
of complex information and which is commonly
used in research, from where tables were obtained in
which the numerical data obtained, the variable, the
dimensions, the frequency, the percentage, among
other data, have been recorded.
Therefore, from the results, the comparison of
the reality of the variables, both independent and
dependent on the study carried out at the regional
institution, was carried out, which was evidenced in
the related service reports prepared by the Control
Body was taken into account. Institutional of the
entity above, in which it was reflected that during
the implementation, in the computer application,
they do not attach documents that fully support,
documentation that partially supports is attached,
the degree of maturity is not met, among other
activities that they develop, consequently, the
subsistence of deficiencies in control was identified,
which does not allow full compliance with the
activities to comply with current regulations, so it is
necessary regulation for internal use of the entity
under study.
It should be explained that the reliability of the
instruments corresponds to the use of Cronbach's
Alpha, in which it has been entered and calculated
to measure its reliability, to initially have security in
the results obtained in the pilot test with a sample of
25 people, documents that were reviewed and
evaluate by three experts, who determined their
effectiveness, relevance, and relevance, reliability
obtained 0.881 in the independent variable of
Internal Control and 0.793 in the dependent variable
of Administrative Management.
4 Results
4.1 Results of the Questionnaire Applied to
Civil Servants and Public Servants
Using the SPSS version 27 for the processing of the
statistics program and its corresponding processing,
the tables were generated with information obtained
through the questionnaire that was applied to 50
employees of the Regional Headquarters under
study. They were part of the organization's
population under study they were limited to
appointed officials/servants and indeterminate
contracts characterized by responsibility and/or
dependent on the organic units that prioritize and/or
develop prioritized products, assess risks, and
remediation measures. Same as under the Likert
method, it was written with 32 questions, 20 related
to the Internal Control dependent variable and 12 to
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.39
Lidia Tapia, Amado Fernandez, Gualter Couto,
Pedro Pimentel, Rui Alexandre Castanho
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
Administrative Management independent variable,
having three response options: 1) good/always, 2)
Regular/ sometimes and 3) Bad/Never, with which
the dependent and independent variables were
compared (Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, Table 4, Table
5, Table 6, Table 7, Table 8 and Table 9).
Table 1. Internal Control – Control Environment
Results of the control environment dimension,
variable dependent on Internal Control, for the first
item, 86% perceive as regular at times that activities
are carried out promoting cordiality and integration
with the area's servers. 52% consider workers' of
their functions. responsibility, respect, and
commitment to their work as good. 60% find the
tasks tending to implement Internal Control as bad
or never, and 64% perceive as bad that the Regional
Headquarters encourages their workers to adequate
From the results in Table 1, we can point out
that they are not very favorable because they are
mostly leaning towards the average and the bad.
Table 2. Internal Control – Risk Assessment
From Table 2, we observe the performance in
the Risk Assessment dimension. In the first item,
74% perceive the reliability of the information
provided by the entity during the development of the
action to implement Internal Control as bad. 54%
consider identifying risks bad/never, affecting the
administrative actions of implementing control. 86%
find the need for an internal directive as good to
comply with the execution of activities to
implement Internal Control. Furthermore, 78%
perceive it as good that the internal management
lists the roles of both the officials and the servers
who will implement Internal Control.
In Table 2, the results are in favor of the need
for a control directive, in which the roles of the
officers and employees are indicated.
The activities
are carried out
encouraging the
work to be
carried out
cordially and
integration with
the servers of
the area.
respect, and
commitment in
their work.
The personnel
that work in the
carry out
tending to
Internal Control.
The Regional
encourages its
workers for the
development of
their functions.
There is
reliability in the
provided by the
institution to
Internal Control.
It considers that
identification is
made about
the risks that
affect the
It considers that
an internal
directive is
necessary to
comply with the
activities to
Internal Control.
Do you think
that the internal
directive should
contain the roles
of the officials
and servers that
will perform in
of Internal
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.39
Lidia Tapia, Amado Fernandez, Gualter Couto,
Pedro Pimentel, Rui Alexandre Castanho
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
Table 3. Internal Control - Control Activity
From this table, it can be seen that in the
Control Activity dimension, 74% perceive
knowledge about the Internal Control tool or
mechanism as regular for the first item. 56%
consider the development of actions to implement
Internal Control activities as bad. On the other hand,
68% find the supervision of the workers of the
activities for Internal Control within their work area
could be better. Moreover, 54% perceive the
existence of a procedure to measure workers'
performance as bad or never.
From Table 3, it can be seen that the majority of
the ratings obtained were deficient or poor.
Table 4. Internal Control - Information and
Communication Dimension
Here, we observe the results on the Information
and Communication dimension for the first item,
where of the participants, 50% perceive it as good,
and the other 50% consider that the information is
stored in computer systems and processed according
to management documents. 68% consider it bad that
the entity informs its staff about changes it makes in
its organization. 56% find having information
channels, such as a website or institutional email, is
regular. Furthermore, 66% perceive as bad the
existence of an information channel that allows the
collaborator to have timely information for the
development of their functions.
Table 4 has results that range from fair to poor.
knowledge of
the Internal
Control tool.
activities have
in your work
The Internal
carried out in
the area of
their work are
In the entity,
there is some
procedure to
measure the
of the
The information
is stored in
systems and
processed in
accordance with
the provisions of
the management
The entity
informs its staff
about changes it
makes in its
It has
channels, such
as a website or
At the Regional
there is an
channel that
allows the
worker to have
information for
the development
of their
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.39
Lidia Tapia, Amado Fernandez, Gualter Couto,
Pedro Pimentel, Rui Alexandre Castanho
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
Table 5. Internal Control - Supervision and
Monitoring Dimension
The previous table shows results related to the
Supervision and Monitoring dimension; for the first
item, 82% perceive the supervisory action as
bad/never to those in charge of Internal Control
activities. 72% consider it bad that the entity carries
out supervision activities to determine non-
compliance with the goals or objectives set. 46%
find that the entity considers the OCI's observations,
made through related services, as never before.
Also, 52% perceive that the Regional Headquarters
needs more controls to evaluate the achievements.
In Table 5, the results are poor, as they are
mostly biased towards the bad.
Table 6. Administrative Management – Planning
From the Table 6, results related to the
dimension of Planning - Administrative
Management are observed; for the first item, 76%
perceive it as bad or that there needs to be more
straightforward information about the vision, as well
as the mission of the entity. 52% consider the
planning carried out by the entity as bad, focusing
its activities on something other than solid control.
Besides, 54% perceive as never before that from
their job position, they have participated in the
planning tasks carried out by the entity.
Table 6 shows bad or negative results.
It is estimated
that the
supervision of
those in charge
of Internal
activities has
been carried
The entity
carries out
activities to
with the goals
or objectives
It considers
that the entity
takes into
account the
by the OCI,
made to the
At the
there are
controls to
evaluate the
It has clear
about the
vision and
mission of
It considers
that the
carries out
a plan
focusing its
activities to
In his job
position, he
in the
planning of
the entity.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.39
Lidia Tapia, Amado Fernandez, Gualter Couto,
Pedro Pimentel, Rui Alexandre Castanho
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
Table 7. Administrative Management - Organization
From this table, we can see results linked to the
Organization dimension - Administrative
Management variable; for the first item, 44%
perceive it as bad - they do not fully know the
functions within their competence. 66% consider it
bad/never that the entity has current management
documents and guidelines that allow it to develop at
work. Moreover, 78% perceive that they have never
belonged to or participated in Internal Control
implementation activities.
Table 7 shows the negative results, which are
not at all favorable for administrative management.
Table 8. Administrative Management -
Management Dimension
From the previous table, we observe results that
are associated with the dimension of Management-
Variable G.A. For the first item, 50% perceive as
bad that the managers of the organic units of the
Regional Headquarters carry out or demand
compliance with the regulatory framework that the
rules. 86% consider it bad/never that the managers
who lead the organic units in which they work carry
out the supervisory task. Also, 52% perceive
communication in daily management as bad/never
Table 8 shows the negative results obtained in
the study.
He considers
that he fully
knows the
functions that
fall within his
The entity has
documents and
guidelines that
allow it to
develop at
You belong to
or are part of
the Internal
Do you think
that the
managers who
lead the
organic units
of the Regional
carry out and
with the
framework that
governs them?
Do you think
that the
managers who
lead the
organic units at
where you
work carry out
the supervisory
Do you
consider that
in daily
management is
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.39
Lidia Tapia, Amado Fernandez, Gualter Couto,
Pedro Pimentel, Rui Alexandre Castanho
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
Table 9. Administrative Management - Control
From the answers obtained, the results
associated with the Control dimension -
Administrative Management variable, of which 60%
corresponding to the first item, perceive as
never/bad that the controls are carried out within
Administrative Management at Headquarters.
Regional. Likewise, 50% consider the controls or
supervision of the activities carried out by the
workers as bad/never. Likewise, 64% perceive as
bad/never that the General Management constantly
supervises the entity's processes.
Table 9 also shows negative results in
administrative management.
5 Results of the Interview Guide
The instrument consisted of a semi-structured
interview, for its application was selected to persons
knowledgeable about the subject under study, who
are linked to the Comptroller General of the
Republic but have held or are holding a managerial
position in the OCI of the Regional Headquarters
under study, For this purpose, a video recording was
made with each person interviewed. The whole
procedure of starting, recording, and verification of
the recording lasted approximately 30 to 40 minutes.
Subsequently, a transcription was made in Word
format and added as a document to Atlas ti. Once
the data was organized, the analysis was made, as
well as the interpretation of the answers to the
interview questions, which were framed by the
questions, using Atlas ti, the coding of the interview
text was made, each one with a meaning, as shown:
Fig. 1: Coding of the interview guide [27].
The Figure 1 represents the coding phase
conducted during the interviews of governmental
control experts.
Figure 1 has allowed us to organize and
systematize the data collected through the
The codes have been elaborated due to the
interviewees' manifestation and the questions in the
interview. For this purpose, we started with
dimensions for the analysis that is linked to the
phenomenon under study, making the study of the
categories defined through coding and obtaining a
network, as shown below:
Do you think
that the
carried out in
of the
are effective?
There are
controls or
over the
carried out by
The General
has constant
over the
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.39
Lidia Tapia, Amado Fernandez, Gualter Couto,
Pedro Pimentel, Rui Alexandre Castanho
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
Fig. 2: Network on the application of the interview
guide, [27].
The Figure 2 interprets the answers obtained
from the analysis of the interviews, in which
strengthening with a directive is associated with the
other answers.
Figure 2 shows the categorization of the data
through the codification into categories, to be finally
The codes have been organized through Atlas ti,
in relation to each question asked to the
interviewees, obtaining the codes for each question,
obtaining the most relevant and repetitive codes:
Low level of implementation;
High Turnover;
Commitment and Responsibilities;
Improvement of administrative management;
The entity's own task;
Will and importance;
Unit or area in charge;
Benefited population;
Strengthening with a directive;
Unit or area in charge.
From the analysis of the information gathered
during the interviews conducted, the professionals
interviewed responded freely and with a high degree
of knowledge of the subject related to implementing
internal control in a Regional Headquarters under
study, the same professionals who have been
involved in the supervision of the aforementioned
implementation, who have identified and agreed that
there is a low implementation in the Headquarters
under study; that there is no commitment and
responsibility, that there is no will of their own, that
they do not consider that it is a task or responsibility
of the entity, that internal control is not understood
as an action to be carried out within the entity and
that they consider that it is an activity that is the
responsibility of the Comptroller General of the
Republic and not of the entity itself, that it is good
and that it is necessary to strengthen it through a
directive and that what is sought is the improvement
of the Administrative Management.
Likewise, they have also pointed out factors that
do not allow for accurate implementation, such as
high staff turnover, lack of or insufficient employee
training, and lack or scarcity of commitment and
6 Discussion
Immediately after capturing the results achieved,
proceeding to the pertinent discussion is
appropriate. Thus, bearing in mind the reviewed
literature on research and studies, it is necessary to
mention that the general objective has focused on
proposing an Internal Control directive that
strengthens Administrative Management in a
Regional Headquarters under study.
Likewise, it was possible to determine the
subsistence of the relationship of internal control -
independent variable, with administrative
management - dependent variable, which correlates
0.881 and 0.793, respectively, which allows us to
point out that the lower the internal control, the less
administrative management, therefore, with the
purpose of its verification, a questionnaire was used
for its socialization among 50 workers (officials and
servers), who through their answers have given us
insights regarding internal control and
administrative management, as well as the need to
have an internal directive, in addition to this, an
interview was applied to officials who work for the
auditing entity, who have experience in
Governmental Control, and who were at the time or
are in charge of the evaluations or follow-ups of the
implementation of the ICS, who made revelations
about the implementation of the I.C. in the Regional
Headquarters under study. They agreed that there is
low implementation, there is a lack of commitment
and responsibility, there is no will, and they believe
that it is an activity that should be carried out by the
auditing entity and not by the institution itself, being
conclusive and agreeing with the results obtained in
the tables, that an internal control directive is
excellent and necessary to improve the G.A.
From what was found according to the results
obtained, we recognize that the C.I., through an
internal directive, can influence the G.A. of a
regional public entity. The results coincide with
what was indicated, by, [16], who concluded that
the use of guidelines or standards of internal control
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.39
Lidia Tapia, Amado Fernandez, Gualter Couto,
Pedro Pimentel, Rui Alexandre Castanho
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
in the areas they are after the legal, framework as is
the present case, since there are general regulations
that apply to state institutions, and a guideline or
directive for internal use is that it will help to
improve the activities of the areas in charge of the
implementation of Internal Control.
Concerning the general objective of proposing
an I.C. directive to strengthen the G.A. at the
Lambayeque Regional Headquarters, it has been
possible to establish that there is a connection
between the I.C. and the G.A. since the latter is the
one that develops the activities to strengthen internal
control, which is in line with what has been
emphasized by the following, [14] in their research
carried out at the institution above on I.C. for
effective A.M., revealing that it is essential for the
institution to have internal control mechanisms to
monitor compliance. Also, it is consistent with
proposing the internal control directive, a
mechanism or procedure to promote institutional
conditions or techniques to achieve the
implementation of the ICS.
Moving forward on this topic, from the results
obtained from Internal Control, in the control
environment dimension, it was shown that the work
is not carried out in a cordial environment, obtaining
86%, which infers that it is not adequate, and as far
as the responsibility of the workers, 52% leaned
towards the good, that is, they have an excellent
concept of what it implies to commit to the entity.
However, this is consistent with the percentage
obtained from 60% who lean towards the bad /
never that they are involved with the activities for
the implementation of the control; added to this,
64% of respondents indicate that badly / never the
entity encourages its workers to improve, which are
factors that demonstrate weakness in the dimension
of the work environment control, which is consistent
with what was found by, in the study carried out in
Ecuador, regarding the evaluation and compliance
with the regulations, reveals that they have shown
that the control environment is insufficient,
concluding that the control environment is not
adequate internal control for not reaching the
minimum of 70, [15].
Regarding the risk assessment dimension,
results were observed with 74% of those surveyed
considering the information provided by the
administrative management to implement internal
control at the Headquarters under study as bad/never
reliable. This is supported by the conclusions of the
related service reports of the Institutional Control
Body; Likewise, 54% consider that risk
identification is bad; that is, the risks involved in the
implementation of Internal Control activities are not
identified promptly, which is supported by a
majority of 86% who consider that an Internal
Control directive It is good to implement it, as 78%
are inclined to specify the roles of those involved in
implementation activities in the directive, this leads
us to deduce that although there is a deficient risk
assessment dimension. On the other hand, it allows
us to deduce that a large percentage looks favorably
on the need for an internal directive for the proper
implementation of internal control, as well as
consigning the roles of the officials/servants who
are involved in the implementation of internal
control by not having reliable information, nor a
suitable identification of risks.
Along the same lines, the results obtained by,
[18] in the study on the impact of internal control on
the efficiency of the organizations of the district of
Jaffna, in which he concluded that internal control
helps achieve efficiency in the entities, being
verified the risk assessment activities, and
procedures must be established to achieve efficiency
in institutional activities. This is similar to the study
because it agrees that guidelines or guidelines must
be established to achieve internal control.
In the control activity of the Internal Control
variable, there is a perception of 74% that they
considered knowledge of the benefits of internal
control to be regular, contradicting the activities
carried out in their area for the implementation of
Internal Control, since 56% consider it bad/it is
never implemented, as well as 68% of those
surveyed believe that the activities are not
supervised, and 54% of the sample value as scarce
or never having a procedure or document that allows
them to measure the degree of performance of their
activities that they carry out, all this shows us that
they only try to comply with the deliverables on
dates established in the regulations, which implies
little diligence in the development of activities that
they carry out in Administrative Management to
implement or achieve Control Internal.
What has been indicated is consistent with the
study by Melgarejo in his research carried out in
Provias Nacional on Internal Control and its
incidence in Administrative Management, who
concluded that the processes and controls would
allow an excellent institutional functioning with
officials who lead responsibly, with values and that
provide good levels of trust. In addition, it will
enable the development of the collaborators'
capacities to obtain improved or efficient
management, [21]. This makes us the reason that
when there is timely control, the activities will also
be developed adequately - with opportunity in the
implementation of the control and with the
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.39
Lidia Tapia, Amado Fernandez, Gualter Couto,
Pedro Pimentel, Rui Alexandre Castanho
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
collaboration of officials who properly develop their
supervision work, the servers will develop their
activities properly, which is in tune with the
proposed guidelines through an internal directive.
In the same way, regarding the dimension of
information and communication, of the results, the
population surveyed in relation to the storage of
information, 52% value as regular/sometimes,
which indicates that the information is not stored
correctly; 68% favor the bad information about the
changes that are made, which does not allow
collaborators to have immediate information; 56%
ponder that the information through the web page is
regular, since there are no institutional emails and
66% leaned their response on the bad thing of not
having timely information for their activities that
they carry out in the development of the
Administrative Management, which shows us the
existence of weaknesses in the information and
communication dimension, this is due to the fact
that although the computer systems exist, however
the documentation is not adequately processed, it is
not communicated adequately, it is not related to the
unit of the single file, which causes the information
to be biased and the communication is not as
expected, affecting the attention to the citizen and
the implementation activities.
This aspect is similar to what has been stated,
[24] in the study of the I.C. from the perspective of
the COSO approach, in which it is concluded that
the enhancement of the internal control system is
vital as a starting point to guide the components to
be improved, being necessary to invest in this tool to
achieve and obtain results permanently. This
approach coincides with the proposal to improve
communication by applying the proposed internal
control directive of the G.A. at the Regional
Headquarters since we have a weakened component
that does not allow us to implement the I.C.
Once they closed the Internal Control with the
Supervision and Monitoring dimension, which
obtained 82% and 72%, respectively, concerning
supervision activities, as well as activities to
implement Internal Control and the determination of
non-compliance with the goals proposals. In the
same way, 46% consider that corrections are not
made to the observations made by the OCI,
followed by 52% who consider that the Regional
institution does not have controls to evaluate the
achievements they have obtained, so this dimension
presents weaknesses by not having an unfavorable
percentage. In this same sense, [17], conclude that
the use of guidelines or norms in the areas is after
the general legal framework. So, this leads us to
understand that officials do not carry out constant
review, supervision, control, or surveillance of the
activities carried out by the servers in charge of the
activities, which is one reason why the
implementation of internal control and the body are
not achieved inspector in his work in his related
service reports reflects these weaknesses.
Finally, the Internal Control with the dimension
of Supervision and Monitoring has obtained 82%
and 72%, respectively, about the supervision
activities, as well as the work of implementing the
I.C., and the determination of non-compliance with
the proposed goals. Similarly, 46% consider that no
corrections are made to the observations made by
the OCI, followed by 52% who consider that the
regional institution does not have controls to
evaluate the achievements they have obtained.
Hence, this dimension shows weaknesses by not
having a favorable percentage. In the same sense, it
concludes that guidelines or norms are used in the
areas after the general legal framework. Thereby,
this leads us to understand that officials do not carry
out review, supervision, control, or constant
monitoring of the activities carried out by the
employees in charge of the activities, which is one
of the reasons why the implementation of the I.Q. is
not achieved and the OCI in its supervisory work in
its service reports related to these weaknesses.
About Administrative Management - dimension
of planning, 76% have inadequate knowledge about
the mission, as well as the vision of their entity;
52% evaluate that it is bad because they do not
focus the development of their activities towards
control, and 54% have been inclined towards how
bad the entity's planning is carried out, by not
focusing their activities on implementing adequate
control, which It makes us infer that administrative
management in its planning dimension presents
weaknesses that do not allow compliance with the
regulatory framework, so it is necessary to establish
the guidelines or procedures through a directive.
This result is aligned with what Piscoya &
Montenegro, in their research, carried out at the
same regional institution, on internal control for an
effective administrative management, they have
determined they have a low level of knowledge and
highlight the importance of the entity having
mechanisms to monitor compliance, [13]. Which
allows us to reason about the existing weakness in
the planning of activities aimed at the
implementation of Internal Control.
Regarding the Organization dimension of the
administrative management variable, 44% of the
population indicated that they do not know their
functions. Regardless, that same group favors 66%
of the fact that the entity does not have current
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.39
Lidia Tapia, Amado Fernandez, Gualter Couto,
Pedro Pimentel, Rui Alexandre Castanho
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
management documents or guidelines that help them
carry out their tasks as collaborators. The majority,
78% of respondents, indicate that it could be better /
they have never belonged or are part of the internal
control team, which frames a new weakness of
administrative management. This goes contrary to
what Estrada points out in the study on the
efficiency of the internal control and the
Management Strategies developed in public entities
of Cusco, in which it concludes that the five
components of the internal control It is efficient as it
are related to management strategies or maneuvers
in public institutions, [21], contradicting the results
obtained in that the Headquarters under study
present weaknesses, however, what is intended is
that with the proposal of the internal control,
directive achieves that the administrative
management improves the strategies to relate to
Internal Control, which enables us to indicate that
the existence of guidelines is necessary for the
deployment of activities of the collaborators, which
would allow improved administrative management
and aimed at the efficiency to implement internal
In the same way, from the Management
dimension of the results, it is found that 50% lean
towards the bad/managers never demand
compliance with the regulations; 86% of those
surveyed evaluated their response on how
inadequate the supervision on the part of the
headquarters is when they do not comply with the
work above and 52% consider that there is no good
communication on a day-to-day basis, which is a
deficiency of the administrative management that
will not allow it to fully comply with the activities
deployed by the Internal Control System through the
organic units, which is a weakness of the
management dimension -Administrative
Management, by not allowing the path to improving
it to be enabled and achieve effectiveness or
efficiency, whose beneficiary will be the citizenry.
This result aligns with, point out. The study on
efficient rules of internal control concludes that, in
order to have strict and optimal regulations,
intermediate sanctions or those that can be
manipulated must be taken into account in order not
to cause discouragement or demoralization, [16],
which will allow employees to have greater well-
being and a better attitude towards activities.
Likewise, from the Management dimension, the
results show that 50% of the respondents leaned
towards the bad/never the managers make demands
for compliance with the regulations; 86% of those
surveyed evaluated their response on how
inadequate the supervision by the managers is when
they do not comply with the work above and 52%
consider that there is no good communication daily,
which is a deficiency of the administrative
management that will not allow it to fully comply
with activities to implement the Internal Control
System through the organic units, which is a
weakness of the management dimension -
Administrative Management, by not allowing the
way to improve it and achieve effectiveness or
efficiency, whose beneficiary will be the citizenship.
This result is in line with what is pointed out by the
study on efficient internal control standards, in
which it concludes that, in order to have strict and
optimal standards, intermediate sanctions or
sanctions that can be manipulated should be taken
into account, with the purpose of not producing
discouragement or demoralization, which will allow
the collaborators to have greater well-being and a
better attitude towards the activities.
Finally, in the control dimension, it is found that
60% valued the controls carried out in
Administrative Management as bad/never effective;
50% responded as bad/never that there is any timely
supervision of the activities of the collaborators,
which would allow these activities to have a degree
of efficiency and 64% favored the lack of diligence
of the Regional General Management - maximum
authority administration in developing supervision
activities, which makes us perceive that the lack of
control is the rule, understanding the reasons why
the administrative management is not enough to
improve because they do not diligently fulfill the
functions and activities of the administrative system,
which It allows to argue that it is a weakness of the
control dimension, demonstrating that the lack of
supervision means that the collaborators do not
assume the development of activities responsibly
and that there are weak controls in the mentioned
dimension. Contextually, the lack of supervision is
related to, [25], who argues that Internal Control is
all the procedures or guidelines that managers put
into operation to ensure that the operations of the
institution are protected and all other activities are
carried out in an orderly manner and accordance
with current regulations.
The instrument, consisting of a semi-structured
interview that was applied to officials with expertise
in Governmental Control, was transcribed into
Word format and then inserted as an interview
transcription document through the Atlas ti software
through which the analysis, arrangement, and
understanding of the information of the instrument
was performed, results were obtained with relevant
information provided by the interviewees,
proceeding to perform the respective coding.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.39
Lidia Tapia, Amado Fernandez, Gualter Couto,
Pedro Pimentel, Rui Alexandre Castanho
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
From the coding, positions were established in
which the experts have an impact when giving their
answers from the point of view of Governmental
Control and which have been evidenced through the
coding network obtained, which are recurrent in the
interviewees, such as the low level of
implementation in which the administrative
management incurs, the high rotation of officials
who, being temporarily maintained, generate the
delay of the activities, the lack of training, the lack
of commitment and responsibilities of those
involved in the implementation tasks, as well as the
lack of improvement of the administrative
management, which is not considered an entity's
own task and instead it is believed that the activity is
the responsibility of the Administrative
Management, lack of commitment and
responsibilities of those involved in the
implementation tasks, as well as the lack of
improvement of the administrative management,
which is not considered a task of the entity and
somewhat it is believed that the activity corresponds
to the CGR, lack of will and importance and they
agree that it is necessary to strengthen it with a
directive, that there should be a unit or area in
charge, that these tasks achieve a benefited
This result is in line with the authors, [10], who
argue that control is essential for its technical
support in the processes by governmental standards,
that the use of guidelines or norms of I.C. in the
budgetary areas are after the general legal
framework, and, in order to have an optimal and
strict internal control regulation, intermediate or
manipulable sanctions should be considered,
without reaching demoralization, allowing
employees to have greater well-being and a better
attitude towards the activities, [16].
Also, along the same lines, [20], concluded that
the processes and controls would allow for good
institutional functioning, with officials who lead
responsibly, with values, and who provide good
levels of trust. In addition, the entity needs to have
mechanisms in place to monitor its compliance and
to ensure that the I.C. is made effective in
management, which will be achieved through a
proposal that favors and manages carefully, leading
to transparency and efficiency in the G.A., [22], and
finally, [23], in the institution mentioned above
under study, the result was 79% of low knowledge
of the I.C.
Contextually, this has shown us that there is a
negative view of the actions being taken by the
administrative management to implement internal
control, which has weaknesses, thus reinforcing the
proposal consisting of the internal control directive,
in which the roles of officials and employees who
perform the prioritization of products for the
implementation of Internal Control are included so
that they can be identified, as well as the induction
or training for officials or employees who are
incorporated to execute all the activities they
develop to implement the C.I. at the Regional
Headquarters, because taking into account the
existing high rotation, most of them arrive to work
without knowledge of these activities, which would
avoid the delay in the presentation of deliverables
and, in addition, the delay in the implementation of
Internal Control.
7 Conclusion
The proposal of an internal control directive that
will strengthen the A.M. in the regional institution is
in harmony with the results obtained from the
application of instruments, which allude to 86% and
78%, which is a high percentage of acceptance,
which is about the percentages of bad/never of the
dimensions of the variables. Therefore, the
mentioned proposal will effectively strengthen the
Administrative Management of the Regional
Headquarters of Lambayeque.
A proposal for an internal control directive has
been drafted, which will promote a more efficient,
transparent, and effective administrative
management by developing its activities more
appropriately, which must be applied by the
employees and collaborators involved.
A diagnosis has been made of compliance with
the I.C. at Headquarters, which has shown that it is
not adequately implemented since the general
internal control standards do not carry out the
A diagnosis has been made of the problems
existing in the G.A. of the Regional Headquarters,
noting that the procedures are being carried out
which present weaknesses that have been noted and
communicated in the control service reports. So, a
proposal for an internal control directive has been
prepared, which includes the following structure:
objective, purpose, scope, legal basis, general
provisions, specific provisions, and complementary
provisions, which is feasible for its implementation.
The Office of Organization and Information
Technology (OFOTI) is responsible for issuing the
corresponding technical report. Then, following a
favorable legal report, the Regional Government
will proceed with its approval using a Regional
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.39
Lidia Tapia, Amado Fernandez, Gualter Couto,
Pedro Pimentel, Rui Alexandre Castanho
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024
The proposed internal control directive was
validated by three experts who reviewed it and ruled
on its relevance.
This paper is financed by Portuguese national funds
through FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a
Tecnologia, I.P., project number UIDB/00685/2020.
Moreover, the project is funded under the program
of the Minister of Science and Higher Education
titled “Regional Initiative of Excellence” in 2019-
2022, project number 018/RID/2018/19, the amount
of funding PLN 10 788 423,16”.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
- Lidia Margot Tapia Cachay: contributed at all
stages, from problem formulation to conclusions.
- Amado Fernandez: contributed with advice during
the development of the research stages.
- Gualter Couto y Pedro Pimentel: revising the
manuscript critically for important intellectual
- Rui Alexandre Castanho: Approval of the version
of the manuscript to be published.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
This paper is financed by Portuguese national funds
through FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a
Tecnologia, I.P., project number UIDB/00685/2020.
Moreover, the project is funded under the program
of the Minister of Science and Higher Education
titled “Regional Initiative of Excellence” in 2019-
2022, project number 018/RID/2018/19, the amount
of funding PLN 10 788 423,16”.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2024.21.39
Lidia Tapia, Amado Fernandez, Gualter Couto,
Pedro Pimentel, Rui Alexandre Castanho
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 21, 2024