companies in each country made social
responsibility reports, while by 1993 only 12% did.
Although all companies know about social
responsibility (CSR) in Peru, only a few practice it.
In a study by ESAN University, 100% of Peruvian
companies know about CSR. However, a small
percentage (15%) recognizes that it must be
implemented, and only 5% effectively apply it, [7].
For his part, this situation requires the central
government's participation to face the country's
environmental, social, and economic problems [8].
Of the above, recent studies indicate that CSR is not
only aimed at improving environmental and social
sustainability but also positively impacts corporate
development, for example, [1], [7], [8], [9], and,
[10], argue that CSR influences the Positioning of
banks, brand value, corporate image, sustainable
socio-economic development, and microfinance
development, respectively.
However, the term "positioning,” is defined as
the place a product or service brand occupies in the
consumer's mind, [11]. Also, the authors argue that a
more recent definition of Positioning is the way to
differentiate in the sense of your prospective
customer. It refers to companies’ actions to occupy a
place in the consumer’s mind, [11], [12]. For his
part, [12], argue that Positioning is a component of
great value for companies, as this strategy generates
competitive advantages. Therefore, it must always
be present in business management. Likewise, [13],
affirm that Positioning is based mainly on marketing
and will depend on the investment aimed at it so that
a company can excel and become the preferred
market. Positioning should be focused on covering a
specific niche market, [8], which is why several
types allow differentiating a company from its
competitors, among which the following can be
mentioned: according to attributes, according to
competition, by use, and by lifestyle. On the other
hand, [14], argues that there are three basic
principles to understanding the phenomenon of
Positioning. If a company needs to carry out this
strategy, it needs to take into account the following
aspects: a) Identity, which consists of making an
internal diagnosis to know how the company is; b)
Communication, which refers to what the company
intends to convey, aimed primarily at customers and
even competitors; and c) Perceived Image, which
refers to how consumers perceive the company,
being outside the scope and corporate control. Also,
[8], affirms that the positioning process consists of
three stages, which are: a) Analytical Positioning,
where the current Positioning of the entity must be
fixed, for which the mission, vision, culture, and
corporate objectives must be analyzed internally,
and the Image perceived by target consumers
should be analyzed externally; b) Strategic
Positioning, where based on the results obtained
from analytical Positioning, objectives, and
strategies must be defined to implement such
Positioning. That is, the actual Image to transmit or
the ideal you want to reach is launched; and c)
Positioning Control, which involves measuring
communication efficiency through Identity and
perceived Image in the target consumer. Finally,
[15], argues that Positioning encompasses four
very relevant dimensions, which are: a)
Differentiation, which is the degree of
differentiation that a brand has with its competitors
in the market; b) Relevance, which will depend on
brand differentiation, and this influences the level
of sales that the company will have in the target
market; c) Esteem towards the brand, which
represents the desire that the customer presents
regarding a brand in the market; and d) Brand
knowledge, which is when the brand is part of the
customer's knowledge and is strengthened in the
Different authors have analyzed the
relationship between CSR and Positioning. [16],
concluded that customers perceive CSR activities
as a significant element in dealing with banks. In
addition, [17], clients perceive CSR in dimensions
such as social and economic concerning their
collaboration with the regional community;
however, they still need a significant change in the
environmental dimension. Meanwhile, [18],
showed that it would not always be positive when
analyzing the financial return of CSR programs;
however, they help in the cooperative’s position.
When banks have social responsibility programs
that affect the attitude of consumers, [19], they
consider that the bank is reliable, thus increasing
the likelihood that the consumer will refer it to
others. In addition, [20], it found that CSR
significantly influences the bank’s competitiveness
by 72%. [21], Showed a significant relationship
between business management and CSR with a
correlation coefficient of Spearman's Rho of
0.5313, while the significance level was 0.029,
indicating a positive relationship between the study
variables. There is a significant influence of CSR
on the Positioning of Tecna's banks; similarly, in
each of the dimensions of the variable "Corporate
Social Responsibility" concerning the variable
"Positioning”, [8]. [22], Found that corporate social
responsibility influences the institutional Image
perceived by customers (p = 0.010); the economic
balance does not affect the institutional Image
perceived by customers (p = 0.209); the social
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.223
Alexander Melendez, Harold Angulo