cost sensitivities of manufacturing enterprises. The
absolute sensitivity value of the market development
level is above 0.7, which is the highest among the 7
items, indicating that the cost of manufacturing
enterprises is greatly influenced by market
development level factors and has a strong
sensitivity to changes in the market development
level. The absolute sensitivity value of the
development environment of the supporting service
industry is 0.130, which is the smallest of the seven,
indicating that the cost of manufacturing enterprises
is less affected by changes in the development
environment of the supporting service industry.
5 Conclusion
The cost estimation of manufacturing enterprises
can provide a decision-making reference for the
production planning of manufacturing enterprises.
Based on big data analysis, the research proposes a
cost estimation method for manufacturing
enterprises using BPNN. Firstly, the construction of
the big data analysis architecture is completed based
on the Lambda architecture, and then the data
association analysis is carried out through the
clustering algorithm, and the cost is estimated using
the optimal weight and threshold, and finally, the
effectiveness of the research method is tested. The
experimental results show that in the training loss
value test, the loss value of the research method
reaches the lowest interval after 61 iterations and the
lowest reaches 0.12; in the estimation accuracy test,
the research method in the verification set reaches
240 iterations. The estimation accuracy is 83.2%; in
the calculation time test, the calculation time of the
research method is 69 s when the data size in the
small-scale data set is 100 Mb; in the analysis of
processor occupation, the maximum processor
occupation of the research method is 400 s. The
ratio is 55%; the maximum difference between the
cost estimation results of the nine target parts and
the actual value by the research method is only 19
yuan. The results show that the research method has
better computational efficiency and accuracy of
results when estimating the cost of manufacturing
enterprises, and the burden on the hardware is
smaller. In the future, research methods can be
applied to manufacturing enterprises with intelligent
data collection equipment. The data collection
equipment monitors and collects data on the
production line, calculates and analyzes the
collected production data through research methods,
and obtains corresponding analysis results.
Enterprise management personnel refer to the
analysis results to adjust the production plan of the
enterprise and make decisions on the development
direction of the enterprise. However, research
methods are more focused on designing for
mechanical manufacturing enterprises, and data
from mechanical manufacturing enterprises is also
used for application analysis. Currently, it is
uncertain how effective the application will be in
areas where there are few intelligent data collection
devices in the light textile industry and handicrafts
industry. In the future, application analysis will be
conducted for manufacturing categories with
relatively small amounts of intelligent data
collection to enrich experimental results and
optimize research methods.
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