Study’s result suggests that because the markets did
not respond favorably to bank mergers &
acquisitions, the acquired banks underperformed as a
result of the mergers. Because most banks saw
declines in their market value, it may be inferred
from the data that, with the exception of a few
institutions in the banking industry, the occurrence of
merger & acquisitions did not bring future
advantages to all banks in the sector. The results also
suggest that internal management did not make
choices throughout the M&A process efficiently.
Finally, the findings indicate that few institutions
benefit from M&As, raising the possibility that there
may be some potential benefits to M&As in the
banking sector. As a result, companies might choose
M&As following.
According to the survey, banks may also
concentrate on alternatives to mergers and
acquisitions in order to acquire skilled labor, improve
technology, grow their market share, reduce bad
loans, expand their client base, etc. These goals will
subsequently raise the bank's worth. In order to help
merging banks that are losing money, the
government may also develop comprehensive
regulations about technology advancement, minimum
capital requirements, capital adequacy ratios, legal
framework fast track processing, and moral
persuasion about the banking industry. The effective
modification of these policies could enhance the
performance of the acquired banks. The study was
restricted to looking at M&As in the Indian banking
industry. Additionally, research focusing on different
economic sectors would be more beneficial for
determining how mergers and acquisitions affect
stock returns.
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