the financial resources between the disbursements.
Such reallocation is performed without the need for
additional financial resources for covering the
disbursements. Thus, the disbursements indirectly
influence the business return in its increase. An
optimization problem was defined, in which formal
relations are based on the portfolio theory. The
problem applies new optimization criteria for the
selection of a unique solution to the portfolio
problem. It is aimed at minimizing the sum of the
average value of the total payments as their potential
risk. This risk indicates a relationship for an increase
or decrease in a mutually applied payment. Through
the defined problem, the reallocation of payments
between the different categories of payments is
evaluated numerically. The problem is defined and
solved with real data from the accounting
documentation of the animal breeding activity with
the production of milk and milk products. Empirical
comparisons between the results of the defined
problem and the real records of livestock activities
give preference to the derived model. A promising
trend and improvement of this quantitative
expression can be found by integrating both payment
tasks and livestock production. In this way, payments
can be closely linked to production volumes and
financial flows.
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Todor Stoilov, Krasimira Stoilova