infrastructural facilities in the degraded urban areas
with the highest housing and occupational
deprivation. The targeted measures to increase
employment, promote social integration, and the
adaptation of the housing supply are connected with
the strong need for effective transformation
initiatives, in line with the sustainable development
goals, [8].
In the Italian context, during the recent decades,
numerous government programs have been
promoted. These have been adopted with specific
laws and regulations establishing the subsidies
granted to local entities for the urban regeneration
interventions implementation. Among the first to be
developed, the urban redevelopment programs
(P.Ri.U.) - established by art. 2 of Law No.
179/1992, subsequently integrated and regulated by
the Ministerial Decree of 21 December 1994 and by
the subsequent provisions referred to in the Decrees
of 04 February 1995 and 21 June 1995 - have been
urban planning tools intended to promote,
coordinate and integrate initiatives and public-
private resources, to improve the urban quality and
the services and infrastructures supply in the
neighborhoods where they are absent or scarce, [9].
Furthermore, the Integrated Intervention Programs
(PRINT) - are introduced and defined in art. 16 of
Law No. 179/1992 – have contemplated not only the
recovery of urban areas in an overall decay state but
also the building and environmental redevelopment,
by focusing on collateral aspects (social, housing,
environmental, etc.) until such time neglected.
Listed among the urban planning implementation
plans of the General Regulatory Plan, the PRINT
has referred to areas - "wholly or partly built or to
be used also for new construction" - which require a
coordinated action of interventions and resources.
The Ministerial Decree of 08 October 1998–
subsequently modified and integrated by the Decree
of 28 May 1999 – has introduced the Urban
Requalification and Territorial Sustainable
Development Plans (PRUSST), which are a specific
form of the PRINT, at a larger scale. They are
multifunctional and negotiated urban planning tools,
capable of integrating i) different types of
intervention, by pursuing the urban, environmental,
and social redevelopment and ii) the public and
private subjects’ financial resources, for the
construction, adaptation, and completion of
infrastructures, [10], [11].
Established with Law No. 662/1996 (art. 2
paragraph 63 letter b), launched in 1998 with a first
program and then confirmed with a second program
in 2002, the District Contracts represent the most
significant strategy carried out by the Ministry of
Public Works for urban recovery. With reference to
the public housing settlements, the goal of the
program is to start transformation processes of the
areas neglected by the urban refurbishment projects
due to the lack of interest of real estate operators, by
combining the building and urban interventions and
targeted measures aimed at the increase in
employment and the reduction of social unrest, [12].
In the last years, the Italian intervention program
for urban redevelopment and the safety of the
metropolitan cities and provincial capitals suburbs
(introduced by the Stability Law for 2016 - art. 1,
paragraphs 974-978, of Law No. 208/2015) has
been aimed at carrying out urgent interventions for
the regeneration of degraded urban areas through
the promotion of projects to improve the quality of
urban decor, to maintain, to reuse and to re-
functionalize the public areas and the existing
building stock. To i) increase the territorial security
and the urban resilience capacity, ii) strengthen the
urban services also with reference to sustainable
mobility, iii) develop actions for social inclusion
and the creation of new models of metropolitan
welfare, the program also has intended to adapt the
infrastructures for social and cultural, educational
and didactic services, as well as cultural and
educational activities promoted by public and
private subjects.
With reference to small municipalities, the Law
of 6 October 2017, No. 158 named “Measures for
supporting and enhancing the small municipalities,
as well as provisions for the redevelopment and
recovery of the historic centers" has focused on the
promotion of the sustainable economic, social,
environmental and cultural development of these
municipalities, by favoring the protection and the
valorization of their natural, rural, historical-cultural
and architectural heritage and the adoption of
measures for the residents and the productive
activities located in the small municipalities, with
particular reference to the essential services system,
to avoid their depopulation and to stimulate the
tourist influx.
The attention paid to the existing building stock
has been confirmed by the allocation of resources
amounting to around 8.1 billion euros, for the
buildings and the territory safety, for the period
2021-2033, assigned by the Regions and by the
Ministry of the Interior to the municipalities
(starting from those with a population not exceeding
5,000 inhabitants), established by the 2019 Budget
Law (art. 1, paragraphs 134-148, of Law No.
145/2018). Furthermore, the Italian Law Decree No.
124/2019 has subsequently extended the use of the
resources given to the municipalities by the Regions
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.136
Francesco Tajani,
Pierluigi Morano, Felicia Di Liddo