Financial MODELS for the Effectiveness of Urban Regeneration
1Department of Architecture and Design,
"Sapienza" University of Rome,
Via Flaminia 359, 00196 Rome,
2Department of Civil, Environmental, Land, Building Engineering and Chemistry,
Polytechnic University of Bari,
Via Orabona 4, 70125, Bari,
Abstract: - With reference to the urban regeneration interventions issue, in the present research an innovative
model for the ex-ante financial verification of the projects is proposed. The model starts from the logic
underlying the Break-Even Analysis (BEA) and modifies some of its starting hypotheses that in specific
situations are inconsistent with the real market mechanisms. In this sense, in the paper, the explanation of the
proposed innovative model hypotheses is carried out and the comparison with those ordinarily used in the BEA
is developed. In particular, the linearity of total revenues and total costs, including in the classic version of the
BEA, is not considered among the assumptions of the innovative model, and new parameters are defined. The
proposed model can represent an evaluation tool to support the decision-making processes for the private and
public operators’ investment choices, able to rapidly analyze the financial feasibility of the initiatives to be
implemented on the territory. The outputs obtained from the application of the assessment model can guide the
determination and the selection of the interventions to be developed and, integrated with more detailed
evaluation analysis, can promote a successful cooperation between the public entities and the private investors
for effective city development.
Key-Words: - financial sustainability, urban regeneration, urban development policies, BEA, break-even
analysis, private investor, Public Administration.
Received: March 3, 2023. Revised: June 26, 2023. Accepted: July 3, 2023. Published: July 14, 2023.
1 Introduction
Urban regeneration mainly concerns three areas of
the cities, different in terms of building tissue, age,
and function: the historic centers, the abandoned
areas, and the suburbs. For the old town centers the
significant value of the historical heritage connected
to the importance of enhancing the local identity
determines the need to redevelop the existing
property asset, [1], [2]. For the disused public
spaces, mostly resulting from the processes of
relocation of industries which, with their surface
extension, have been transformed into "urban
voids", the urgency of functionally converting these
areas through the introduction of new and consistent
with the needs of the communities uses is
increasingly crucial, [3], [4], [5]. Finally, for the
peripheral areas, the development of interventions
aimed at bridging the existing fractures in socio-
economic terms is the focus of the urban
development policies, [6].
In this framework, the definition of initiatives for
the enhancement of the existing heritage (historic
centers), for the functional reconversion (abandoned
areas), and the redevelopment of the city portions
characterized by degraded buildings and public
spaces and with high unemployment levels, is
needed. The property assets and urban areas
recovery and redevelopment programs aim
primarily at guaranteeing quality and safety of
living both from the social and environmental points
of view, [7].
The purpose of the wide debate carried out by
political decision-makers, city designers, architects,
planners, and professionals from various
disciplinary sectors on the interventions to be
implemented on the territory concerns the increase,
with the participation of private investments, of the
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.136
Francesco Tajani,
Pierluigi Morano, Felicia Di Liddo
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
infrastructural facilities in the degraded urban areas
with the highest housing and occupational
deprivation. The targeted measures to increase
employment, promote social integration, and the
adaptation of the housing supply are connected with
the strong need for effective transformation
initiatives, in line with the sustainable development
goals, [8].
In the Italian context, during the recent decades,
numerous government programs have been
promoted. These have been adopted with specific
laws and regulations establishing the subsidies
granted to local entities for the urban regeneration
interventions implementation. Among the first to be
developed, the urban redevelopment programs
(P.Ri.U.) - established by art. 2 of Law No.
179/1992, subsequently integrated and regulated by
the Ministerial Decree of 21 December 1994 and by
the subsequent provisions referred to in the Decrees
of 04 February 1995 and 21 June 1995 - have been
urban planning tools intended to promote,
coordinate and integrate initiatives and public-
private resources, to improve the urban quality and
the services and infrastructures supply in the
neighborhoods where they are absent or scarce, [9].
Furthermore, the Integrated Intervention Programs
(PRINT) - are introduced and defined in art. 16 of
Law No. 179/1992 – have contemplated not only the
recovery of urban areas in an overall decay state but
also the building and environmental redevelopment,
by focusing on collateral aspects (social, housing,
environmental, etc.) until such time neglected.
Listed among the urban planning implementation
plans of the General Regulatory Plan, the PRINT
has referred to areas - "wholly or partly built or to
be used also for new construction" - which require a
coordinated action of interventions and resources.
The Ministerial Decree of 08 October 1998–
subsequently modified and integrated by the Decree
of 28 May 1999 has introduced the Urban
Requalification and Territorial Sustainable
Development Plans (PRUSST), which are a specific
form of the PRINT, at a larger scale. They are
multifunctional and negotiated urban planning tools,
capable of integrating i) different types of
intervention, by pursuing the urban, environmental,
and social redevelopment and ii) the public and
private subjects’ financial resources, for the
construction, adaptation, and completion of
infrastructures, [10], [11].
Established with Law No. 662/1996 (art. 2
paragraph 63 letter b), launched in 1998 with a first
program and then confirmed with a second program
in 2002, the District Contracts represent the most
significant strategy carried out by the Ministry of
Public Works for urban recovery. With reference to
the public housing settlements, the goal of the
program is to start transformation processes of the
areas neglected by the urban refurbishment projects
due to the lack of interest of real estate operators, by
combining the building and urban interventions and
targeted measures aimed at the increase in
employment and the reduction of social unrest, [12].
In the last years, the Italian intervention program
for urban redevelopment and the safety of the
metropolitan cities and provincial capitals suburbs
(introduced by the Stability Law for 2016 - art. 1,
paragraphs 974-978, of Law No. 208/2015) has
been aimed at carrying out urgent interventions for
the regeneration of degraded urban areas through
the promotion of projects to improve the quality of
urban decor, to maintain, to reuse and to re-
functionalize the public areas and the existing
building stock. To i) increase the territorial security
and the urban resilience capacity, ii) strengthen the
urban services also with reference to sustainable
mobility, iii) develop actions for social inclusion
and the creation of new models of metropolitan
welfare, the program also has intended to adapt the
infrastructures for social and cultural, educational
and didactic services, as well as cultural and
educational activities promoted by public and
private subjects.
With reference to small municipalities, the Law
of 6 October 2017, No. 158 named “Measures for
supporting and enhancing the small municipalities,
as well as provisions for the redevelopment and
recovery of the historic centers" has focused on the
promotion of the sustainable economic, social,
environmental and cultural development of these
municipalities, by favoring the protection and the
valorization of their natural, rural, historical-cultural
and architectural heritage and the adoption of
measures for the residents and the productive
activities located in the small municipalities, with
particular reference to the essential services system,
to avoid their depopulation and to stimulate the
tourist influx.
The attention paid to the existing building stock
has been confirmed by the allocation of resources
amounting to around 8.1 billion euros, for the
buildings and the territory safety, for the period
2021-2033, assigned by the Regions and by the
Ministry of the Interior to the municipalities
(starting from those with a population not exceeding
5,000 inhabitants), established by the 2019 Budget
Law (art. 1, paragraphs 134-148, of Law No.
145/2018). Furthermore, the Italian Law Decree No.
124/2019 has subsequently extended the use of the
resources given to the municipalities by the Regions
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.136
Francesco Tajani,
Pierluigi Morano, Felicia Di Liddo
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
(equal to 3.2 billion euros) also to the transport and
road system sector, to reduce environmental
pollution and promote investments for the urban
regeneration, the energy conversion towards
renewable sources, the social infrastructures
development and the environmental remediation. In
addition, urban regeneration has played a central
role in the 2020 Budget Law (art. 1, paragraphs 42-
43, of Law No. 160/2019) through the allocation of
a total of 8.5 billion euros, for the period 2021-2034,
to the municipalities with a population over 15,000
inhabitants, which are not provincial capitals, and to
the provincial capitals or metropolitan city
headquarters, for the investments focused on the
reduction of the marginalization and social
degradation phenomena, as well as the improvement
of the urban, social and environmental tissue
quality, up to a maximum of 150 million euros for
the year 2021, 250 million euros for the year 2022,
550 million euros for each of the years 2023 and
2024 and 700 million euro for each of the years
from 2025 to 2034. Within the same Law (art. 1,
paragraphs 437-444, of Law No. 160/2019), the
National Innovative Program for the Quality of
Living (PINQuA) has been defined among the
investment lines financed with the National
Recovery and Resilience Plan, to reduce housing
deprivation, with particular reference to the suburbs,
in line with the sustainable goals, following the
urban model of the smart, inclusive and sustainable
cities, [13]. Finally, the 2022 Budget Law (art. 1,
paragraphs 534-542, of Law No. 234/2021) has
assigned to the municipalities with a population of
fewer than 15,000 inhabitants which, in associated
form, exceed 15,000 inhabitants, subsidies for
investments up to a maximum of 300 million euros
for the year 2022, in order to encourage the urban
regeneration projects aimed at reducing the
marginalization and social degradation phenomena.
The main urban planning operational tools in the
Italian context that are focused on the regeneration
and sustainable development of the territory require
the integration between actions for the built
environment redevelopment, the environmental
quality improvement, the employment promotion
and the social exclusion contrast. In this sense, the
active role of the cities is essential, by determining
the increasing need to involve public and private
subjects in the planning and implementation of
urban transformation programs, [14].
The urge for renewal processes, extended to the
historic centers and the suburbs and referring to all
the elements that are included in the urban tissue
(public and private spaces) is strongly linked to the
need of activating public-private partnership
mechanisms in the recovery initiatives, [15], [16]. In
fact, the use of adequate tools for assessing the
intervention feasibility for the parties (public and
private) involved is fundamental to implementing
effective urban projects. From the point of view of
the private investor, the convenience of participating
in the procedure is strictly associated with the initial
capacity to generate positive cash flows in the
shortest possible time, [17].
The definition of valid models for the ex-ante
assessment of the investments feasibility through the
public-private partnership constitutes a key step in
order to i) carry out a planning of the projects to be
implemented consistent with the available monetary
resources and funding and the outlined needs
framework, ii) develop successful urban
regeneration programs, avoiding bankruptcy
operations or interruptions of work in progress and
iii) monitor the initiatives profitability.
Borrowing the operative logic of the Break-Even
Analysis (BEA), in the present paper a non-linear
evaluation model is developed. It can be
implemented in the first design stages to “quickly
verify the financial feasibility of urban regeneration
projects, by overcoming the unrealistic - in specific
conditions - hypotheses of unit selling price and unit
variable cost stability (basic assumptions of the
classical version of the BEA). In this sense, the
proposed evaluation model represents an innovative
tool to be used in the decision-making processes: in
fact, it allows to include the reduction of the unit
variable cost and the unit selling price in
correspondence with the built gross floor area
increase, due to discount mechanisms that occur in
the real market. Therefore, the model tries to fill the
gap in the reference literature related to the
assessment methods based on the BEA, by proposing
a model that considers the real trends of the economic
parameters (costs and revenues).
2 Aim
The research is part of the outlined framework. With
reference to the logical approach of the BEA, a
model for the financial assessment of the
interventions is proposed. The model modifies some
starting hypotheses of the classic version of the
BEA to include, in the evaluation assumptions,
some more consistent with the real market
mechanisms. The study intends to explain the
proposed innovative model hypotheses, to compare
them with those ordinarily used in the BEA. In
situations in which the market supply is strictly
close to the local market demand (for example in
small urban centers where the number of existing
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.136
Francesco Tajani,
Pierluigi Morano, Felicia Di Liddo
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
properties is substantially equal to that of the
requested properties), or ii) in the cases of new
planning concerning a relevant number of buildings
and/or the possibility of re-functionalizing existing
large building complexes, the simplifying
assumptions of the linearity of total revenues and
total costs, including in the classic version of the
BEA, are inconsistent with the real market
phenomena. In these cases, the implementation of
the BEA could lead to wrong results and/or
inconsistency with the real trends of the economic
parameters (revenues and costs).
The aim of the research concerns the explanation of
the developed model to highlight its potential, for
inclusion among the support evaluation models of
the private and public operator’s investment
The methodology could constitute a useful tool i)
for private investors to rapidly verify the financial
feasibility of the initiatives to be implemented and
ii) for public entities to gain awareness of decision-
making processes that provide the involvement of
private subjects.
The paper is articulated according to the following
sections: in the next section, the main hypotheses of
the classic version of the BEA and those assumed
for the model developed in the present research are
highlighted. Then, the theoretical model aspects are
illustrated and the main steps that constitute the
logical procedure to be implemented are described.
In the final section, the conclusions are introduced,
and further insights of the research are listed.
3 The comparison between the BEA
Classical Version and the Innovative
Model Assumptions
The proposed model borrows the logical approach
of the BEA, [18], [19], [20]. The identification of
the number of goods/surfaces to be sold to break
even the initiative (to achieve the balance sheet) and
the determination of the time required to recover the
initially invested capital are two crucial factors
within the economic-financial evaluation of an
investment project. In general terms, the BEA and
consequently the developed model, aim to guide the
investment decisions towards the maximization of
the results through the efficiency and effectiveness
of policy implementation. With reference to the
construction sector, the break-even point identifies
the surfaces (the gross floor area GFA) to be built
and sold that allow obtaining the condition of
equality between costs and revenues (condition of
minimum financial feasibility for the investor), [21].
As widely analyzed by the microeconomic
literature, the total revenues (Rt) are the result of the
algebraic multiplication of the sold GFA quantity
(q) by the unit selling price (pu), whereas the total
variable costs (Cvt) are equal to the algebraic
multiplication of the built GFA quantities (q) for
unit variable costs (Cvu). The Eq.(1) and Eq.(2)
show the mentioned mathematical relationships.
   (1)
  (2)
It should be pointed out that the total costs (Ct) of
investment are equal to the sum of the Cvt and the
fixed costs, i.e. the expenditure items that are not
correlated (are independent of) to the build GFA
quantity, but are constant in correspondence of each
The GFA amount in correspondence with the break-
even point is obtained through Eq.(3):
  (3)
in which:
RtBE = revenues corresponding to breakeven
CfBE = fixed costs
CvBE = variable costs which correspond to the
By taking into account Eqs. (1) and (2) and by
replacing them in Eq.(3), the break-even algebraic
relation can be defined by the following Eq.(4):
  󰇛 󰇜(4)
and making explicit the equation for qBE:
 󰇛 󰇜(5)
The GFA to be built and sold capable of
balancing the sheet of the initiative (qBE) is a
variable depending on the ratio between the fixed
costs and the unitary contribution margin obtained
from the algebraic difference between the unit
selling price and the unit variable cost.
Consequently, if the built and sold GFA is larger
than the break-even surface (q > qBE), the initiative
will generate a profit; whereas, on the contrary, if
the sold GFA is lower than the GFA amount in
correspondence with the break-even point (q < qBE)
financial losses are expected. It is evident that the
break-even GFA depends on many factors: i) on the
fixed costs (the higher (or lower) fixed costs
correspond to the greater (or smaller) GFA
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.136
Francesco Tajani,
Pierluigi Morano, Felicia Di Liddo
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
quantities to reach the break-even point, ceteris
paribus. By reducing the fixed costs, a smaller GFA
quantity to achieve the break-even point will occur);
ii) on the unitary selling price (all other variables
being equal, if the selling price increases, the GFA
quantities that ensure the break-even decrease, since
the variable pu is the slope of the revenue curve and
obtaining a greater line slope as the price increases);
iii) on the unit variable cost (with the same selling
price and fixed costs, the GFA that corresponds to
the break-even decreases proportionally to the
reduction of the unit variable cost: since this (Cvu) is
the variable cost line slope, the lower the Cv
amount, the lower the slope of the variable cost
line). In general terms, the classical version of the
BEA and the model developed in this research
constitute tools to support the decision-making
processes for the instantaneous assessment of the
initiative's financial feasibility, by analyzing the
relationships between the costs, the GFA quantities,
and the revenues. Both analyses do not consider the
time variable among the factors to be evaluated, by
implementing an a-temporal assessment, in which
all costs and revenues are assumed to be attributed
to the same time, i.e. the evaluation time
(assumption 2) in Table 1). This hypothesis
determines the exclusion of the discounting
operations of the economic parameters (costs and
revenues) which are, instead, fundamental for the
dynamic analyzes (Cost-Revenue Analysis CRA
and Cost-Benefit Analysis CBA). Although it
represents a simplifying hypothesis, it is consistent
with the BEA's goal, i.e. to provide the order of
magnitude of the variables analyzed over a short
time horizon, for the rapid verification of the
financial feasibility of the initiative.
The assumption implies the simultaneous
implementation of the intervention and the
absorption of the related GFA quantities by the real
estate market, i.e. at the reference evaluation time,
[22]. With reference to this simplification, it should
be highlighted that, although the building operations
concern a period of time constituted by different
years, the instantaneous analysis allows not to
assume the temporal distribution of costs, the
forecast of sales correlated to the greater or lowest
market dynamism, the choice of the discount rate.
Therefore, the BEA techniques and the proposed
model constitute tools capable of providing initial
indications about the financial feasibility of the
initiative, to be explored with a greater quantity of
information and more precise data through
techniques that expressly require the amounts (costs
and revenues) timing. Among the common
hypotheses between the classical version of the
BEA and the developed approach, i) the one
according to which the overall urban transformation
intervention costs can always be organized into
fixed components and variable components
(assumption 1) in Table 1) of the and ii) that for
which all the data that contribute to defining the
reference framework of the evaluation are known
with certainty and will not change, should be
pointed out (assumption 3) in Table 1).
The two hypotheses of the classical version of
the BEA (assumptions 4) and 5) in Table 1), which
are modified in the innovative model according to
the real market trends, are reported below.
Assumption 4) concerns the linearity of the total
costs, which are determined by the sum of the Cf
(constant regardless of the built and sold GFA
quantity) and of the Cv (equal to the multiplication
of the Cvu for the built and sold GFA quantity). In
this sense, the Cv depends on the built quantity, as
the unit variable cost (Cvu) is constant, and,
therefore, can be graphically represented by a
straight line. The graph in Figure 1 shows the three
cost linear curves (Cf, Cv, and Ct).
Fig. 1: The assumption of the classical version of
the BEA: the cost linear curves (Cv and Ct)
Assumption 5) regards the linearity of total
revenues, deriving from the invariance of the unit
selling price. In this hypothesis, Rt depends
exclusively on the produced and sold GFA quantity,
since the unit selling price of each quantity is
constant. The graph in Figure 2 shows the Rt
straight line with the inclination on the x- axis equal
to pu.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.136
Francesco Tajani,
Pierluigi Morano, Felicia Di Liddo
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
Fig. 2: The assumption of the classical version of
the BEA: the Rt straight line
With reference to the evaluation model defined
in this study, assumptions 4) and 5) are not
introduced as they are inconsistent with the real
empirical phenomena in situations in which the
market supply exceeds the demand (i.e. in small
urban centers, which the number of properties
required by the local market is approximately equal
to that offered for sale, or in the case of new
planning of large building interventions or the re-
functionalization of abandoned existing complexes.
In the mentioned cases, both the variable unit cost
and the unit selling price are not constant for each
built GFA: discount mechanisms can be introduced.
These mechanisms are associated with i) the
reduction of the unit variable cost in correspondence
with an increase of the built surface and, at the same
time, ii) the decrease in the unit selling price (which
represents the unit revenue) by increasing the GFA.
In the outlined contexts, discount policies are
included, by determining lower pu in
correspondence with increasingly higher sold GFA
quantities. By considering the construction cost and
the expected profit margin, using the mark-up
method, the sum of the average production cost and
an additional value (mark-up) allows the
determination of the minimum pu amount to be
applied on the reference market.
The greater the sold GFA quantity, the higher the
alignment of the unit selling price with this
threshold. Consequently, a greater pu occurs in
correspondence with smaller GFA quantities for
which the amount of total revenue "mostly" derives
from the selling price. Conversely, for high-sold
GFA, the seller is willing to reduce the pu as the
amount of total revenue is associated with the larger
sold quantity.
The microeconomic theory describes this
phenomenon as a second-type price discrimination,
i.e. a business strategy carried out by the investors
(firm, company, etc.) that can offer discounts on the
unit selling prices if the consumers buy larger
quantities. Thus, the discriminating factor is the
purchased quantity, based on which the discounts
and/or the unit selling price of the good/service are
determined and the self-selection of buyers is
carried out, [23]. The seller fails to select the buyers
in the different market segments according to their
characteristics and, therefore, is unable to determine
the price to apply to each of them. The Buyers with
a higher sensitivity to price changes will tend to
purchase a greater quantity of the good to enjoy the
discount on the unit price, whereas those that are
less susceptible to price variations will continue to
buy a few good units.
The same logic underlies the hypothesis of the
proposed model related to the non-linear trend of the
total costs. According to the economic theory of
production, the variable costs, directly dependent on
the production level, include the cost of production
factors that vary with the output quantity, such as
raw materials and working hours, whereas the fixed
costs are independent of the built quantity.
It should be observed that the classical version of
the BEA does not consider the scale economies'
mechanisms which attest to the inverse relationship
between the variable cost’s reduction and the
increase in the good quantity in a specific
production interval. In particular, as the built good
quantity increases, the unit cost will tend to decrease
due to the saturation of the fixed production factor,
as discount dynamics are established between the
building initiative promoter and the supplier of raw
materials. In economic terms, the existing functional
relationship between the increase in the production
scale of a specific good and the decrease of the unit
variable cost is included in the scale economies
notion. The inverse proportionality between the unit
cost of production and the size of the finished goods
takes into account the prices of the input production
factors. Therefore, a reduction in the price of the
inputs occurs when the purchased inputs quantity
increases as the scale of production grows, [24].
With reference to the competitive construction
market and the subjects involved in the GFA
realization processes - building initiative developer
and raw material suppliers - if the supplier “decides”
to increase the unit price of the materials (input
production factors) to be introduced in the building
process, the real estate entrepreneur should incur
higher production costs and, thus, would choose to
buy the materials from another seller, rather than
grow the final selling prices. Although it is
immediate and reasonable to associate the trend of
the production cost with the GFA selling price,
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.136
Francesco Tajani,
Pierluigi Morano, Felicia Di Liddo
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
alternative mechanisms could be activated to not
weigh on the final prices. The existing correlations
between the prices of the production factors and the
quantity of the purchased factors and between the
quantity of built GFA and the unit variable cost are
interconnected and the logic underlying these
mechanisms concerns the discount dynamics that
are established between the subjects involved in
these operations (purchase of raw materials,
realization of GFA and sale of GFA).
By taking into account these considerations, the
total cost, i.e. the sum of the Cf and Cv, is not
characterized by a linear trend, due to the non-linear
trend of the Cv because the Cvu is not constant but
decreasing. In this sense, the correlation between the
increase in the production amount and the decrease
in the unit production cost, given by the ratio
between the total cost and the produced quantity,
takes into account any policies to reduce the average
production costs associated with bulk purchases
and/or negotiations dynamics with the raw material
suppliers. This mechanism allows for to reduction of
the unit production cost and to use of the obtained
savings to increase profits or to compete on price.
In practical situations, it is unusual to detect a
perfectly linear relationship between the cost
amount and the production volumes, as a more
dynamic behavior is opposed to this static
representation of the cost curves. In theoretical
terms, the pecuniary economies of scale are those
from which the firm benefits when it manages to
pay lower costs for the production of the input in
correspondence with the increase of the production
quantity, i.e. of the growth of the factors to be used
in the production processes (raw materials,
transport, distribution of outputs, etc.). On the other
hand, the real economies of scale are associated
with the reductions in the quantity of inputs to be
used, as the output levels of a specific firm rise.
With reference to an urban transformation
intervention, in Table 1 the hypotheses of the model
aimed at verifying the financial feasibility of an
investment are summarized and the main differences
in the assumptions with respect to the
microeconomics theory between the classical
version of the BEA are highlighted.
Table 1. Comparison in terms of the assumptions
with respect to the microeconomics theory between
the classical version of the BEA and the developed
version of
1) The overall costs of the
urban transformation
intervention can always be
organized into fixed
components and variable
2) The costs and the
revenues of the
transformation intervention
occur at the same time - the
analysis is static as it does
not consider the "time"
3) All the data that
contribute to defining the
evaluation reference
framework are known with
certainty and will not
4) The variable cost curve
(Cv) and the total cost
curve (Ct = Cf + Cv, with
Cf equal to the fixed costs)
are linear, as the unit
variable cost (Cvu) is
constant and Cv = Cvu · q
(with q equal to the amount
of built and sold GFA)
5) The total revenue curve
(Rt) is linear and the unit
selling price (pu) is
constant (Rt = pu · q)
4 Model
Starting from the mathematical relationship used in
the classical version of the BEA which expresses the
equality between Ct and Rt to identify the quantity
of GFA to be built and sold to break even the
initiative (to achieve the balance sheet), the
economic parameters to be introduced in the
innovative model are defined.
These parameters take into account the
mentioned hypotheses and, in particular, allow the
non-linearity of costs and revenues to be included in
the analysis. The need to build the "real" trend of Rt
and Ct is associated with the variability of the pu and
Cvu connected to the discount policies and scale
economies which could occur in cases in which the
market supply is close to market demand. In these
situations, the analysis of the volatility of the
reference market to changes in the market
conditions (supply and demand) should be carried
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.136
Francesco Tajani,
Pierluigi Morano, Felicia Di Liddo
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
out to determine a variation rate (r) capable of
summarizing the market dynamism. Furthermore,
with reference to the existing market supply, it is
necessary to introduce the limit quantity of GFA
(ql), i.e. the area able to satisfy the current demand
for new real estate units, beyond which a surplus of
supply that can be absorbed by the local market at
lower unit prices compared to the current unit
market values for similar properties, is generated.
On the basis of these remarks, the pu trend is
built by using the function reported below - Eq.(6) -,
which takes into account the unit market value of
the new units to be built in consideration of the
current supply conditions (
), [25], and the
differential between the GFA quantities generated
by the investment and the limited ones given the
conditions of saturation of the current market
demand 󰇛 
The unit variable cost trend is built by including
i) the expense item that is independent of the unit
selling price (Cv'u), i.e. the construction cost, the
technical and general expenses, the urbanization
costs, the financial charges, and ii) the cost item
correlated to the selling price that represents the unit
profit expected by the ordinary investor who carries
out the intervention, set equal to a a , with a
defined as the expected ordinarily profit margin, in
percentage terms, on the unit selling price. Thus, the
unit variable cost is the sum of the two components
as expressed in Eq.(7).
By recalling the relationship Rt = Ct for
identifying the break-even point with Rt = pu q and
Ct = Cf + Cv and by replacing the economic
parameters included in the mathematical expression,
with the variables related to the variation rate (r),
the margin of ordinarily profit (a), the unit market
value of the new units to be realized (󰇜
, the limit
quantity of GFA (ql) and the unit variable cost
related to the expense items independent from the
unit selling price (Cv'u) the Eq.(8) is obtained:
󰇜 (8)
A protocol of phases to be implemented for the
determination of the GFA to be built capable of
ensuring the condition of minimum financial
convenience for the investor is provided below. The
quantification of the economic parameters included
in the defined mathematical expression in relation to
the specific characteristics of the investment, its
typology, and size, the geographical context in
which it is located, and the conditions of the
reference market segment, should be carried out.
Starting from an analysis of the project solution
whose financial feasibility has to be evaluated,
phase 1 provides for the clarification of the
hypothesis according to which the initiative is
promoted by a private entrepreneur, after verifying
the financial feasibility of the investment, using the
proposed assessment model.
Phase 2 concerns the collection of urban
planning, physical, regulatory, and market
information for the area in which the investment is
located. Phase 3 aims to define, with reference to
the average market situations, the financial balance
sheet of the operation for the private investor: this
scenario constitutes the ordinary situation that could
occur in that specific market and time, by
considering the general validity of the conditions of
the investors involved in these initiatives. In this
sense, the scenario could vary with respect to the
specificities of the subject involved, by taking into
account not the ordinariness of the existing
situations but the specific characteristics of the
subject (i.e. the relationships with the suppliers, the
agreements with banks, his specializations, the
internal cooperation network, etc.).
The different level of specificity that
characterizes the different scenarios that could be
outlined is connected to the subject who carries out
the evaluation: if the analysis is developed from the
point of view of the public subject, the judgment
expressed will be based on the theory of
ordinariness and aims to support the Public
Administration in the formulation of the request to
the private subject (if the market conditions allow it)
after the verification of the minimum financial
convenience for the investor. The analysis, on the
other hand, developed by the private part that
promotes the initiative determines a “specifically
valid” output, commensurate with the specificities
of this subject.
In phase 3, the cost and revenue items are
quantified, in the following phase 4, to reorganize
the monetary positive (revenues) and negative
(costs) amounts into fixed and variable components.
In particular, for the equation term related to the
Rt ( 
), i) the unit selling prices 󰇛
are determined by consulting the databases of the
Observatory on the Real Estate Market of the
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.136
Francesco Tajani,
Pierluigi Morano, Felicia Di Liddo
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
Revenue Agency, validated and possibly adjusted
through a direct survey carried out among the local
market operators, ii) the quantity of limit GFA (ql),
through an analysis of the reference market, to
verify the maximum quantity of admissible floor
area according to the prescriptions set by the
existing urban planning tools and the ratio between
the number of existing buildings (current supply)
and the demographic trend (current and expected
demand), iii) the variation rate (r) taking into
account the average of the revaluation/devaluation
rates of the half-yearly quotations published by the
Observatory on the Real Estate Market of the
Revenue Agency for the analyzed urban area and
the intended use, [26].
With reference to the member of the equation
relating to the Ct ( 
󰇜, i) the fixed costs of the intervention (Cf) are
estimated, by analyzing the expense items
characterized by a constant monetary amount, ii) the
unit variable cost (Cv'u) is assessed by considering
the expenses related to the quantities of built and
sold GFA, which vary proportionally to the floor
area quantity changes, iii) the ordinary profit margin
(a) expected by the entrepreneur, in percentage
terms on the unit revenues, by assuming the average
profit rate that, in the reference market, an investor
ordinarily aims to obtain, based on the overall
technical and financial risk incurred by the
Phase 5 provides for the determination of the
GFA quantity to be built and sold to achieve the
balance sheet of the operation for the private
investor, to verify the condition of minimum
financial feasibility, by assuming the
aforementioned economic parameters.
Phase 6 concerns the sensitivity analysis aimed
at identifying the "critical" variables of the model,
i.e. those whose variations significantly influence
the results of the financial plan.
Figure 3 shows a summary diagram of the phases
in which the proposed methodology is articulated.
Fig. 3: Phases of the proposed model
5 Conclusion
The involvement of private investors in urban
territory development initiatives is currently
essential, due to the significant attention to
sustainable redevelopment interventions and the
scarce public spending capacity, [27]. The current
framework of the contributions to local entities for
the urban regeneration projects implementation as
opposed to the limited managerial skills of public
governments. In this sense, the private investors
provide their business ability to define and start
effective and complex territorial operations. The
need to develop investments capable of generating
relevant social, environmental, financial, and
economic positive effects, is always increasing. This
is strictly associated with the crucial role played by
the ex-ante assessments for the verification of the
feasibility of the intervention that allows to
preliminarily determine the financial convenience to
invest. The evaluation disciplines cover all the
feasibility fields (technical, socio-economic,
financial, administrative, environmental, etc.) and,
in different terms, aim to support the decision-
making processes for the start of successful
interventions on the territory. With reference to the
financial context, the BEA constitutes an evaluation
tool to guide the decisions of private and public
entities involved in urban transformation
investment, mainly applied for the rapid verification
of the financial feasibility of an intervention to be
carried out. Starting from the operative logic of the
BEA, the updated version of this methodology has
been developed in the present research, by taking
into account the real market mechanisms related to
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.136
Francesco Tajani,
Pierluigi Morano, Felicia Di Liddo
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
discount policies and economies of scale. In this
sense, the proposed methodological approach
introduces the non-linear trends of the economic
parameters (costs and revenues), by neglecting the
linear ones included among the simplifying
assumptions of the classical version of the BEA.
The reduction of the unit variable cost and the unit
selling prices in correspondence with the built GFA
quantity allows us to effectively replicate the
empirical market phenomena and to obtain more
consistent results in terms of financial feasibility
verification. The developed methodology could be
used in the first phases of urban intervention
planning to orient the choice processes according to
real market dynamics.
The main novelty of the evaluation model
developed in the present research compared to the
classical version of the BEA concerns the
introduction of the real trend of the economic
parameters (revenues and costs). The proposed
model allows us to overcome the “strict” starting
hypothesis about costs and revenues that cannot
actually occur, by taking into account conditions
more consistent with the real market phenomena. In
fact, by considering the reduction of the unit
variable cost and the unit selling price in
correspondence with the built GFA increase, the
innovative model is able to provide more valid
outputs in terms of the financial feasibility of the
intervention compared to the classical version of the
BEA. In line with the current need for models for
the assessment of the project solutions to define a
priority list of effective interventions to be
implemented on the territory, the model constitutes
a significant support tool for the decision-making
processes related to territorial redevelopment
Future developments of the research will concern
the implementation of the methodology with
reference to specific case studies to test the validity
of the developed approach. In this sense, it can be
applied to define the GFA quantity to be built and
sold that ensures the condition of minimum
financial feasibility for the investor in line with the
trend of the unit selling prices and with that of unit
variable costs detected in the reference local market.
Therefore, the evaluation model proposed in this
research may be included among the ex-ante
evaluation techniques aimed at preliminarily
assessing the feasibility of the investment to orient
the definition of valid and effective territorial
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DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.136
Francesco Tajani,
Pierluigi Morano, Felicia Di Liddo
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023