Antecedent Factor Model of Entrepreneurial Orientation in Improving
Marketing Performance through Product Innovation and
Value Co-Creation
Department of Management,
Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University,
Jalan Raya Palka KM.3 Sidang Sari, Serang, Banten,
*Corresponding Author
Abstract - This research analyzes marketing performance improvement models through product innovation and
value co-creation toward food security during the covid-19 pandemic. The main problem is based on the low-
performance level of MSMEs of culinary products in Banten. The SEM method uses a SmartPLS v. 3.0
application software to conduct analysis. The population is MSMEs culinary business actors in the area of
Banten Province. The probability/random sampling technique will be applied with the cluster method, and the
number to be analyzed is 90 respondents. The results showed that marketing orientation directly and
significantly affects marketing performance. Furthermore, marketing orientation does not significantly impact
marketing performance through product innovation. It significantly influences marketing performance on the
alpha level of 10% through value co-creation and product innovation. Therefore, value co-creation has a crucial
role in the relationship among variables in this research.
Keywords: - Entrepreneurial Orientation, Marketing Performance, Product Innovation, and Value Co-Creation,
MSMEs sector
Received: January 23, 2023. Revised: June 3, 2023. Accepted: June 14, 2023. Published: June 23, 2023.
1 Introduction
The increase of the MSMEs sector, especially the
food industry, can increase a region's economy and
competition. MSMEs have weaknesses as a family-
owned businesses conducted using simple
technology due to limited access to capital, [1]. The
article [2] stated the best way to improve MSME
performance is by enhancing three main
dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation, namely
innovative, proactive, and brave for risk-taking.
The increased number in the food industry is
because the culinary business is considered
adequately promising. Furthermore, food is a daily
need, where the customers always consume and the
business in this food industry sector does not
require high investment in management, [3]. To
face competitiveness in this food industry sector,
the business owner should have uniqueness
compared to the competing products. Being
innovative is an attitude of an entrepreneur to get
involved in the trial process of creating services or
goods, [4].
An effort to innovate a product is believed to
enhance marketing effectiveness, [5]. The
marketing performance is marked by the profit, the
improvement of sales, the scope expansion, and the
increase in the number of customers. Currently, the
needs and desires of consumers for food products
are diverse. The company should be able to
improve its marketing performance in facing tight
competition in the food industry sector. As a result,
it is expected to fulfill the consumers' needs and
The problems encountered by MSMEs in
Banten, especially in the city and the regency of
Serang, the city of Cilegon, and the regency of
Pandeglang, are the low quality of human
resources, distribution, marketing, the ability of the
managerial and entrepreneurship, the limitation of
capital and financial access, processing technology
and product fair value.
The BPS (CSA, Central Statistics Agency) of
Banten found that the growth and the contribution
of culinary MSMEs to the GRDP (Gross Regional
Domestic Product) of the Province in every
Regency/City experienced a fluctuation.
Meanwhile, in 2014, 2015, and 2016, the
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.124
Lutfi Lutfi, Hayati Nupus
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
contribution number was 2.46%, 2.35%, and
2.39%. It remained stagnant in 2017 and declined
to 2.38% in 2018. The fluctuation and the
stagnation indicated that the business actors of
culinary MSMEs experienced a yearly increase,
which was not followed by their contribution to the
GRDP (Gross Regional Domestic Product). It was
also analyzed as the cause of the instability of the
marketing performance of each culinary MSMEs,
[6]. Furthermore, the study in [6] emphasized that
this phenomenon agrees with the market condition
that experiences changes and the dynamic affects
the customer's taste and preferences. It requires
innovation that can complement and develop a
product to keep life sustainability and the
company's profit. According to [7], product
innovation also can improve marketing
performance. The bigger the intensity of
competition, the more pronounced the connection
between product innovation and marketing
However, this research differs from the above,
where product innovation has not been able to
encourage marketing performance improvement.
The article in, [8] stated that effectiveness is not
much impacted by product placement, and
according to, [9] innovation has a positive effect
and improves marketing performance in the long
term. Therefore, researchers are interested in
placing sentrepreneurial orientation variables as
triggers to stimulate innovation and value co-
creation to improve marketing performance. Based
on this reason, this research is worth performing as
a development of an empirical model from the
previous results.
This research aims to acknowledge and analyze
the direct impact of entrepreneurial orientation in
improving marketing performance and the indirect
variable through value co-creation and product
innovation in enhancing the effectiveness of
MSMEs in the sector of local culinary specialties in
Subsequently, it is expected to benefit
academics in enriching their knowledge to develop
product innovation, value co-creation, and
entrepreneurial orientation to participate in the
intense business competition. The government also
needs to notify the MSMEs industry and provide
society entrepreneurship training. There is
fluctuating volatility in the performance of culinary
products of the MSMEs, especially in four regions
of the regency and the described research gap. This
study is concerned with the different methods to
build an empirical model in explaining the
improvement of the performance of MSMEs
through product innovation and value co-creation.
2 Theoretical Review
2.1 Entrepreneurial Orientation
The entrepreneurial approach strives to be first in
product innovation in the market, which requires
taking risks and being aggressive to beat the
competition. In the view of [10], as cited in [11],
entrepreneurship will show the standard of a certain
behavior, which is reflected in the strategic
philosophy of effective management practice. The
Corporate Entrepreneurship model found by [12]
stated that five dimensions of corporate
entrepreneurship influence the company's
performance, namely freedom, innovation, courage
for risk-taking, proactive, and aggressiveness to
compete. This model shows that the aspect of a
company will influence the link between
entrepreneurial orientation and performance.
2.2 Product Innovation
Innovation can bear meaning as an implementation
of new concepts for goods, procedures, or other
parts of a business operation. The process of
commercializing ideas into variables is the focus of
innovation. Meanwhile, innovation is derived into
new goods, manufacturing processes, exploitation
of supply sources, markets, and business
management approaches [13]. According to [14],
product innovation can be derived into line
expansion and relatively and completely new
products. As reported in [15], it is related to a
desire to act creatively and differently to solve
problems and meet ends. This solution is gained
from a new process or product and service. Risk-
taking is the willingness to accept setbacks
following a decision. In contrast, being proactive is
related to implementing a new service needed to
anticipate opportunity.
2.3 Value Co-Creation
According to [16], the creation process involving
suppliers and consumers generates propositions by
determining the value of products and services
consumed. The superior value proposition relative
to the client objectives should generate co-creation
and benefit opportunities. As a result of controlling
value generation creation and exchange, a business
is able to achieve maximum revenue and profit.
Furthermore, [17] stated that the value creation
process could be understood through social
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.124
Lutfi Lutfi, Hayati Nupus
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
structure and system expressed through norms,
values, and ethical standards. This is guided by the
acceptance of an interaction or relationship, which
implies the exchange and cross-value creation
process. Value co-creation occurs during the
interaction process between the company and the
customers [18,19]. The actors and the receivers
conduct this activity in a mutually integrated
network with the means of a takeover source for a
win-win solution [20, 18,19]. According to the
study of [21], customers' engagement in product
support activities improved by the belief to gain
benefits in attracting value co-creation activity.
Furthermore, the authors in [22] stated that
customers are active players in value co-creation,
and further study is needed to identify important
factors behind the development of behavior
towards value co-creation.
2.4 Marketing Performance
Performance reflects the success rate of an effort
performed by an individual, a group, an
organization, or a company. It was described by,
[23] as the result of the actions taken by the owner
or manager in operating the business.
Furthermore, the authors in, [24] defined
performance as a success measurement in
achieving the company's goal. According to, [25]
the concept can indeed reflect a variety of
functional management in the company. It can also
be reflected on human resources, production,
marketing, and financial performance. As stated in,
[26] performance is the most important component
in achieving the desired goal. Its integrated parts
are financial, operational, and employee
2.5 Development of Hypotheses
Previous research showed that value co-creation
and product innovation directly and positively
impact company performance. This research has
antecedent variables, where exogenous
entrepreneurial orientation functions as the main
supporter of product innovation and marketing
performance, as shown in the following figure.
Fig. 1: Research Conceptual Framework
Source: Developed for this research
2.6 Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation on
Marketing Performance
According to the authors of [27], combining an
entrepreneurial mindset, the capacity to foresee
environment dynamics, and access to finance
resources significantly impact marketing
effectiveness. Furthermore, the authors in [28]
showed that entrepreneurial orientation contributes
to the high achievement of marketing performance.
Moreover the study in [29] reported that the
entrepreneurial approach positively influences firm
performance. According to, [30] orientation has a
positive impact on marketing performance, which
has a favorable correlation with marketing
orientation as stated by, [31]. Hypothesis 1 was
obtained from the description above as:
Hypothesis 1: The performance of marketing
improves with entrepreneurial inclination.
2.7 Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation on
Product Innovation
According to, [32], products can be categorized
into three dimensions, namely for the customers,
company, and unique new products. Innovation is a
condition attached to an entrepreneurial domain,
hence a company's ability to successfully introduce
a new product should be considered. The main
focus, particularly for MSMEs, is on adapting to
change perceptions through entrepreneurship and
the success of product innovation.
Hypothesis 2 was obtained from the description
above as:
Hypothesis 2: The higher the entrepreneurial
orientation, the better the product innovation.
2.8 Effect of Product Innovation on
Marketing Performance
According to, [33], there is a strong correlation
between new product development and successful
advertising. Similarly, [34], and, [35], stated that
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.124
Lutfi Lutfi, Hayati Nupus
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
the relationship between product innovation and
marketing performance is crucial.
Hypothesis 3 was obtained from the description
above as:
Hypothesis 3: The higher the level of product
innovation, the higher the marketing performance.
2.9 Effect of Product Innovation on Value
According to [36], value co-creation is based on the
company's and consumers' viewpoints, and both
parties provide resources through design co-
mechanism, co-development, or co-distribution.
Research performed by, [37], [38], [39] found that
product innovation is an instrument for value
creation. Hypothesis 4 was obtained from the
description above as:
Hypothesis 4: The more product innovation, the
greater the co-creation value.
2.10 Effect of Value Co-Creation on
Marketing Performance
According to [40], value co-creation can
influence producer performance and service
providers, and also mediates the association
between relational competence and marketing
performance. Furthermore, the authors in [41]
concluded that the Co-creation of value is a
coalition of various economic players with the
capability of reconfiguration and integration to
generate mutual value. The research findings of
[42], [43], [44] showed a positive and significant
effect on the emphasis of strategy towards
company performance.
Hypothesis 5 was obtained from the description
above as:
Hypothesis 5: The higher the value of co-creation,
the higher the marketing performance.
3 Methodology
This study examines the link between
entrepreneurial orientation as the independent
variable, product innovation and value co-creation
as the intervening factors, and marketing
performance as the dependent variable. This
research's characteristic is causality, which seeks an
explanation in the form of a cause-effect
relationship among several concepts or variables,
3.1 Population and Samples
The population is culinary MSMEs actors in the
Province of Banten region, and random sampling
was conducted using cluster. The number of the
prospectively analyzed samples is 90 respondents.
3.2 Data Analysis Techniques
Data analysis is conducted with Structural Equation
Model (SEM) using PLS (Partial Least Square),
and it includes the outer model test as a
measurement for the validity and reliability. The
inner model serves as a measurement used for
feasibility test, and the hypothesis test with the
prediction model.
4 Data Analysis
The first analysis is an instrument test by observing
the outer model to assess the instrument's validity
and reliability. According to the data analysis
output, a result is gained, as seen below. According
to the output shown in Figure 2, the result of each
construct had a good validity convergence because
there is no loading factor of each variable below
0.5. All loading factor values have been above 0.5,
and model has been feasible for further analysis.
Furthermore, the validity convergence test can also
be seen from the Average Variance Extracted
(AVE) value. To meet a good validity convergence,
the AVE value should be > 0.5. As for the data
analysis output result, the validity test can be seen
below after observing the AVE value on each
construct. The output results in Table 1 show that
the AVE of each variable is adequately high. Since
the values are above 0.5, the convergent validity of
each construct has exceeded the requirements.
Following the good convergent validity
criteria, other tests are by discriminant test aiming
to observe how the concept can differentiate the
measurement result. The destined construct value
should be bigger than the other construct loading.
The output result of the validity test by observing
the discriminant value at each construct can be seen
below. According to data processing results in
Table 2, the loading value of other constructs does
not exist. Therefore, the research model meets the
discriminant validity standards.
After performing a validity test, the next stage
is to perform a reliability analysis to prove the
consistency, and instrument accuracy in measuring
variables. Reliability variables in PLS can also be
measured by observing Cronbach's alpha and
composite reliability values at > 0,6 and > 0,70.
The output in Table 1 can be observed in the
menu, since the construct reliability of each
variable is adequately high and beyond the
requirements. It is seen from composite variable
value > 0,70, and Cronbach's alpha is > 0,6, above
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.124
Lutfi Lutfi, Hayati Nupus
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
the required. Therefore, it can be concluded that all
data analysis instruments are declared reliable and
have met the reliability test.
Subsequently, the model inner test can be
observed from a determination coefficient value
(R-square) that shows the contribution of
exogenous variables endogenous value. This model
can then be assessed by observing R-square at each
endogenous latent variable. In this research, there
are three variables influenced by the exogenous,
namely product innovation, value co-creation, and
marketing performance as seen below.
According to Table 3, the R-square value of the
product innovation, marketing performance, and
co-creation variables are 0.694, 0.811, and 0.747,
respectively. The above assessment proves that this
research model has met the requirements and the
goodness of fit to be used for further analysis
because every dependent variable has an R-square
value bigger than 0,1. Furthermore, the output
shows that the contribution of marketing
orientation, value co-creation, and product
innovation variables towards value change
variation of marketing performance is 81,1%. The
remaining 18,9% is affected by other external
The next stage is testing hypotheses to figure
out the impact of independent variables on
dependent partially in a structural or regression
model. The result of the hypothesis assessment can
be seen in Table 4.
According to the above output, entrepreneurial
orientation positively impacts marketing
performance. This is shown by the parameter
coefficient of 0.537, the T-statistic value of 2.155,
bigger than the T-table 5% (1.96) alpha, and the P-
value is 0.034, smaller than 0.05. Therefore,
hypothesis 1 (H1) is accepted: entrepreneurial
orientation positively and significantly affects
marketing performance.
Entrepreneurial orientation positively impacts
product innovation, shown by the parameter
coefficient of 0.833. Based on the data processing
(path coefficient), the T-statistic value for the
impact of business orientation on innovative
products obtained 24.541, bigger than the T-table
of 5% (1.96) alpha, whose P-value is 0.000, smaller
than 0.05. Therefore, hypothesis 2 (H2) is accepted:
Product innovation is positively and significantly
affected by an entrepreneurial orientation.
Subsequently, product innovation has a
negative impact on marketing performance, shown
by the parameter coefficient of -0.165, T-statistic
value of 1.666, smaller than the T-table of 5%
(1.96) alpha, whose P-value is 0.099, bigger than
0.05. Therefore, hypothesis 3 (H3) is rejected,
product innovation has a negative but insignificant
impact on marketing performance.
Product innovation influences value co-
creation positively, as shown by the parameter
coefficient of 0.864, T-statistic value of 33.619,
bigger than the T-table of 5% (1.96) alpha, whose
P-value is 0.000, smaller than 0.05. Therefore,
hypothesis 4 (H4) is accepted, Product innovation
positively and substantially impacts value co-
The effect of value co-creation on marketing
performance is positive, shown by the parameter
coefficient of 0.521, T-statistic value of 2.041,
bigger than the T-table of 5% (1.96) alpha, whose
P-value is 0.044, smaller than 0.05. Therefore,
hypothesis 5 (H5) is accepted, Co-creation of value
has a good and significant impact on marketing
Mediation tests are performed to determine
when product innovation and value co-creation
variables play a role as intervening variables in
affecting the relationship between entrepreneurial
orientation on marketing performance.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.124
Lutfi Lutfi, Hayati Nupus
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
Fig. 2: Loading Factor Value of Empirical Measurement Model
Source: Developed for this research
Table 1. Average Variance Extracted (AVE) of Measurement Model
Source: Developed for this research
Table 2. Discriminant Validity Value of Measurement Model
Source: Developed for this research
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.124
Lutfi Lutfi, Hayati Nupus
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
Table 3. R-Square Value of Measurement Model
Source: Developed for this research
Table 4. Path Coefficients Value of Measurement Model
Source: Developed for this research
Table 5. Indirect Effect Value of Measurement Model
Source: Developed for this research
According to the data processing result, as seen
in Table 5, four relationships indirectly affect the
variables in this model.
Test of Mediation 1 is the entrepreneurial
orientation effect on marketing performance
through product innovation, which does not
mediate entrepreneurial orientation's effect. This
can be shown by the T-statistic result of 1.644,
smaller than the T-table of 5% (1.96) alpha, whose
P-value is 0.104, bigger than 0.05. Test of
Mediation 2 is product innovation's effect on
marketing performance through value co-creation.
The result is value co-creation mediates product
innovation's effect on marketing performance. This
can be shown by the T-statistic result of 2.002,
smaller than the T-table of 5% (1.96) alpha, whose
P-value is 0.048, smaller than 0.05. Test of
Mediation 3 is the entrepreneurial orientation effect
on marketing performance through product
innovation and value co-creation. These variables
mediate entrepreneurial orientation's effect on
marketing performance with an alpha rate of 10%.
This can be shown by the T-statistic result of 1.937,
smaller than the T-table of 5% (1.96) alpha but
bigger than 10% (1,74) alpha, whose P-value is
0.057 bigger than 0.05 but smaller than 0.1 for the
10% alpha. Test of Mediation 4 is entrepreneurial
orientation effect on value co-creation through
product innovation. The result is that product
innovation mediates the entrepreneurial orientation
on value co-creation. This can be shown by the T-
statistic result of 15.166, bigger than the T-table of
5% (1.96) alpha, whose P-value is 0.000 smaller
than 0.05.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.124
Lutfi Lutfi, Hayati Nupus
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
5 Result and Discussion
5.1 Result of Hypothesis Assessment
5.1.1 Hypothesis 1:
Entrepreneurial Orientation Effect on
Marketing Performance
Data analysis shows that the entrepreneurial
approach favors and significantly influences
marketing performance. It implies that the
entrepreneurial orientation of the Banten culinary
specialties MSMEs increases with the marketing
performance. This result is under the hypothesis
proposed and supports the previous research
performed by [15], stating that entrepreneurial
orientation positively influences marketing
performance. Based on the answer to the open
question in the variable, improving marketing
performance can be conducted by always keeping
the tendency to act autonomously, having a desire
for innovation, and taking risks.
5.1.2 Hypothesis 2:
Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation on
Product Innovation
The result of data processing shows that
entrepreneurial orientation has a positive and
significant effect on product innovation. It indicates
that the entrepreneurial orientation of the Banten
culinary specialties MSMEs increases with the
product innovation. This result is under the
hypothesis proposed and supports the previous
research performed by [32], affirming that
entrepreneurial orientation is engaged in improving
product innovation. Based on the answer to the
open question, improving product innovation can
be conducted by always keeping the tendency to act
autonomously, having a desire for innovation, and
taking risks.
5.1.3 Hypothesis 3:
Effect of Product Innovation on Marketing
The data analysis indicates that product innovation
has a negative but negligible effect on marketing
performance. Specifically for Banten culinary
specialties MSMEs, the design, product variation,
and quality did not affect the marketing
performance. This can happen because the actors
do not have specialties from their region's culture,
taste, or market area. Consequently, there is no
frontal competition, and there is the existence of a
"business lot" and decrease in quality.
This result contradicts the hypothesis proposed
and is also against the previous research performed
by [5], [33], [34], [35], [46], showing that product
innovation has a positive and significant effect on
marketing performance. However, it supported the
previous research of [8], stating that product
innovation does not have a significant effect on
marketing performance, as well as the research of
[9] asserting that the variable has a positive effect
in the long term.
This research interprets product innovation on
marketing performance from several existing
indicators. Design, product variants, and quality do
not directly affect marketing performance
positively and significantly. As a result, the actors
of Banten culinary specialties MSMEs feel that
product innovation does not automatically improve
marketing performance. This is confirmed by the
respondent's answers to the open questions, where
several elements in the above product innovation
indicator do not affect the improvement of their
marketing performance.
5.1.4 Hypothesis 4:
Effect of Product Innovation on Value Co-
The result of hypothesis testing shows that product
innovation has a positive and significant effect on
value co-creation. It means that increased the
product innovation can significantly improve value
This is under the previously proposed
hypothesis, and it supports the previous research
performed by [47], [48], [38], confirming that the
product innovation increases with value co-
creation. This is based on the answer to the open
question, where in the product innovation variable,
improving value co-creation can be performed by
keeping productive relationships with the
customers, engaging in development, and keeping
the attachment between the consumers and the
5.1.5 Hypothesis 5:
Effect of Value Co-creation on Marketing
The result of hypothesis testing shows that value
co-creation has a positive and significant effect on
marketing performance. It means that increased
value co-creation can improve the marketing
This is under the proposed hypothesis and
supports the previous research performed by [38],
[44], stating that value creation ability affects
marketing performance in a company.
This result is also confirmed based on the
answer to the open question, where value co-
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.124
Lutfi Lutfi, Hayati Nupus
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
creation can improve marketing performance,
through a productive relationship between the
producers and the consumers.
5.2 Result of Mediation Assessment
Mediation 1 is the entrepreneurial orientation effect
on marketing performance through product
innovation. It means the product innovation factor
is not a mediator for improving marketing
performance. However, performance can be
directly improved by entrepreneurial orientation
without this variable. Mediation 2 is product
innovation's effect on marketing performance
through value co-creation. It means that the factor
can become a mediator for improving marketing
performance using partial mediation. This is
because product innovation cannot directly
improve performance in the absence of value co-
Mediation 3 is the entrepreneurial orientation
effect on marketing performance through product
innovation and value co-creation. The result is that
the variables mediate the effect of entrepreneurial
orientation. It means that the factors can become
mediators for the improvement of performance.
Therefore, marketing performance can be directly
improved by entrepreneurial orientation without
product innovation and value co-creation
Mediation 4 is the entrepreneurial orientation effect
on value co-creation through product innovation.
The result is product innovation mediates
entrepreneurial orientation effect on value co-
creation. It means the product innovation factor can
become a mediator for the improvement of value
6 Conclusion
According to the data analysis, it can be concluded
that hypotheses 1, 2, 4, and 5 are accepted, while
hypothesis 3 is rejected. According to the result and
mediation assessment, the actors of Banten culinary
specialty MSMEs should keep improving their
entrepreneurial orientation to improve marketing
performance without performing product
innovation or value co-creation. This is because
without these variables, entrepreneurial orientation
can directly improve marketing performance. The
improvement of marketing performance through
product innovation cannot be directly performed
without value co-creation. Consequently, value co-
creation is by keeping a productive relationship
with the customers, involving in development, and
keeping the correlation between consumers and
producers to improve the marketing performance of
the actors. The results show that the placement of
product innovation variables cannot mediate
entrepreneurial orientation on the marketing
performance of MSMEs culinary products. For
future research, the placement of intervening
variables that can mediate the relationship might
need to be developed to boost marketing
performance. The possibility of moderation
variable placement that can potentially strengthen
the entrepreneurial orientation variable effect on
performance should also be considered to improve
marketing productivity for the MSMEs actors of
Banten's specialty culinary.
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DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.124
Lutfi Lutfi, Hayati Nupus
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
- Lutfi Lutfi carried out the introduction, data
analysis, and conclusion.
- Hayati Nupus was responsible for the theoretical
review and methodology.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Indonesia
has provided grant for this paper with grant
number: 201/UN43/KPT.PT.01.02/2021
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.124
Lutfi Lutfi, Hayati Nupus
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023